RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVI, NO. 1. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 24,1943. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 WAAC Caravan Show Commissioned Ensign Auchincloss To Highlands Pastor More Dogs Sentj For Perskie Charges Jury Cany Appeal To Seeks Chaplaincy Coast Guard Duty The Monmouth County Society for To Come To Red Bank the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals On Surrogate Contest The White House In U.S. Army shipped two dogs recently to the Coast Guard dog trtdnlng center at Carries On Fight Philadelphia to be trained fo* sen- Traveling Group Here Next Gets Ecclesiastical try duty with -the armed forceB. It Is a great satisfaction to all the Hal&ey Polhemus, Foreman Of Body, Against Consolidation Endorsement From members of the society to know that Week to Recruit New Members animals which come into the hands To Consider Alleged Violations Of Ration Boards jMethodist Commission of the society can be of such Inval- The WAAO caravan will be In Red* uable service to their country. Bank Wednesday night of next Wtek Protests of residents served by the Rev. Leon Martorano, pastor of The April term grand jury, organ- 6t the Red Bank Catholio high So far the county organization has ized two months late, was sworn In school, and the memjwrj "will go In- Audit Received Howell township and Colt's Neck Highlands Methodist churchj-hoa re- sent 25 dogo to be trained and the Gpy. Edison To 1 ration boards against an order of ceived ecclesiastical endorsement for at Freehold Tuesday morning wltli to a song and dance' to get recruits officers are very proud of the canine Supreme Court Justice Joseph B. This Is just one In many stops to be the Trenton OPA office consolidat- an army chaplain from the Methodist service flag which hangs with dig- By Boro Council ing the boards at Freehold have Commission on Chaplains In Wash- Perskie of Atlantic City charging It made by the caravan, which has nity from the Eatontown shelter. Be Here Tuesday specifically concerning allegations been traveling all over the country been rejected by the New York reg- ington, D. C. He has passed his ional OPA office and an appeal has physical examination taken at Fort made by Republicans and Democrats in the drive for 00,000 new recruits At Sea Bright alike of criminal violations of the before July 1. been taken to the White House and Hancock and' is awaiting orders from Executive to be Guest OPA Administrator Prentiss M. the U. S. Army Service Commission I Child Care Center election laws In last fall's contest for More than 35 girls, Including sing' Clarence Stevens Brown by Representative James C. in New York to report to Harvard Of Service Clubs surrogate. era, composers, dancers, musicians Auchincloss of Rumson, the latter university at Cambridge, Massachu- Halaey D. Polhemus, 12U Sunset and commedlennca, as well as 'a Named Member of announced today, setts, for a chaplain's training course. For Vail Homes avenue, Asbury Park, a director and group of WAAC's, who will demon- The congressman said he had tak- Under the auspices of the Red ofBcer of tho Jersey Central Power strate work being done by the corpi Board of Health en the appeal In behalf of the two Bank Lions club, Governor Charles and Light company, was named fore- tt army posts, will take part In th communities because "no' consider- Will be Opened A. Edison will be the guest speaker man of the panel by Justice Perakle. ahow, The work of the borough collector John C. Rohroy, Jr., Bon of Mr. at a joint dinner meeting of the Justice Ferskle excused from service and Mrs. John C, Rohroy of Shrews- ation was given to the fact that it Tho show has been termed b> of Sea Bright, Edmund W. Cllne, will bo necessary/ for most of tho In a Few Days Lions and Rotary clubs of Red Bank four of those called for duty and de- was praised highly by Joseph Sea- bury township, received his commis- and the Fair Haven Lions Tuesday nied excuses to four or five others. WAAO officers as a feminine "Tbl« sion oa an ensign, last week at Co- people affected by this change to is tho Army," and such songs a man of Perth Amboy, borough audi- travel some 15 miles to discuss ra- night at 7 o'clock at the Molly Pitch- The charge was in many respects tor, In submitting the annual audit lumbia university, and will leave John W. Flock, chairman of the er hotel. The ladles ot the members "Payday Is a Heyday," "K. P. Blues, Monday1 morning for Seattle, Wash- tioning problems with their board." housing authority of Long Branch, a review of testimony brought out "We're All In It," and "Bars on he at the meeting of the mayor and He also declared the viewpoint of of the clubs will be special guests, as since June 1 by J. Victor Carton of council last Thursday night. Ho al- ington. announced that the Alfred Vail will the mayors of the neighboring Shoulders" are expected. to glv the people affected by the change homes, under management of tho Asbury Park, counsel for E. Donnld some good competition to Irving so commended the governing body The young man, who b known In had been misrepresented to Wash- municipalities. Sterner, Republican, who lost the Berlin's famous songs. for Its. economical administration ot golfing circles .as "Billy," graduated ington by the Trenton OPA office. loca.1 authority, have completed plans election by 14 votes, In circuit coUrt from Red Bank Catholic high school to open a child care center in the Mayor Charles R. English, a past The caravan left New York clt> borough affairs. Representative Auchincloss made president of the Red Bank Lions, proceedings having as their purpose and from Georgetown university publlo a letter sent to Henry N. next few days. nullification of the result In Long last Wednesday for a six-weeks' tour Six members of the Sea Bright Girl last January. He enlisted in the U. will extend the formal cordial wel- Scout troop gave short talks before Nilefl, chief of the field organization A five-room dwelling has been set Branch's third ward, third district, traveling In Jeeps and staff cars. S. Naval Reserves Just a year ago aside for the nursery, which will bo come of the borough to the governor "While1 on tour the WAACS will not the council In order to qualify for branch of the OPA in Washington; and short talks will be given by on the ground of fraud. Lee F. Wash- today and was able to complete his In reply to a letter from Mr. Niles open dafty from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., ington, special assistant attorney only have to display histrionic tal treqp community badges. They were senior year at Georgetown, ents, make speeches and answel Anna May Boyer, Joan Fellu, Elea- advising the congressman that tho except Sundays. The project is on general named to handle the criminal questions about their organisation, nor OUne, • Norma Forsman, Eliza- protest had been rejected by the a co-operative basis, the authority investigation, has been a dally ob- but also will have to be prepared a beth Mlnaldl and Barbara Thomas. New York office after tho> appear- furnishing the facilities, and the ten- server of the circuit court action and, . a moment's notice to assume tht Permission was granted to the Sea Atlantic Board ance of a committee of Colt's Neck ants meeting the costs of operation. lt would appear, has kept Justice rales of auto mcphaqlcs. If anything Bright First Aid squad to hold a tag area residents before Ralph Raugh- The cost per week for a child, Includ- Perskie advised of the developments. happens to their ten vehicles, the day during the week of July *. ley, New York liaison officer, which ing a hot meal at noon and two Mr. Washington conferred with the , "army's daughters" will have to Acting Mayor Sol J. Nelmark ap- Ordered To Join waa arranged by the congressman. "snack" periods will be $5 per week. grand jury briefly after Its organiza- make their own repairs. The committee comprised' Morton The children will be supervised by tion and charge. Before going bo- pointed Clarence Stevens as a mem- Newhall, Theodore B. Lewis and V. ber of the, board of health to fill the an experienced child care director. fore it he said It was- his plan- to- Lt. Margaret L. Clarke, WAAO re- With Middletown J. Johnston. They appealed for re- Acting as a committee are Mrs. C. cruiting officer In this district, said vacancy caused by the death of Hen- have tho jury. meet once a week, tention of the Colt's Neck board, CV Barker, of the Shrewsbury town- probably Thursday, during the sum- . • yesterday, "The Important purpose ry R. White. arguing the transfer to Freehold of the ihow, aside from entertain- The balance due the school board Bayshore Officials, ship board of health; Mrs. Leonard mer- to consider testimony he will would work a hardship, especially REV. LEON MARTORANO. ' Compton and Mrs. Melvln Morris, produce before it. If Indictments ment Is to Invite the co-operation o' for the fiscal year, J2.072.60, was during the gasoline crisis. th> residents of this community tc paid. Clubs Protest Against residents of Alfred Vail homes; Wil- are found It is Mr. Washington's pur- In addition to the appearance of With tho completion of this con- liam H.
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