A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences" Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 05 March 2021 Version 1.35 Title word cross-reference + [Cla07a]. = = [Nic13]. $19.95 [Tur18]. $25 [Oka03]. $27.95 [Har13a]. 3 [Bra11b]. $39.95 [DiM18]. $40.00 [Ayl18]. $45.00 [Ren15]. $58.99 [Tor13]. 1 [Fis15]. -dimensions [Bra11b]. -I [Ste08]. -no [Ste08]. 0 [Dea10, Oka03, Ren15, Tor13, Whi04]. 0-14-017309-9 [Whi04]. 0-19-508820-4 [Sar98]. 0-19-508821-2 [Sar98]. 0-226-20791-9 [Dea10]. 0-226-90134-3 [Oka03]. 0-262-01167-0 [Aga01]. 0-521-49544-X [Gur98]. 0-7619-5425-2 [Mur01]. 0-7619-5426-0 [Mur01]. 0-7914-1260-1 [Wil98]. 1 2 1 [Alt07, Cob15]. 17.99 [Mur01]. 1840s [BL07]. 1859-1914 [Coh17]. 1875-1944 [FM07]. 1876 [FS15]. 19.95 [Sar98]. 1920s [Erl09]. 1930s [OG14]. 1940s [Tur20]. 1950s [L¨ow12, Mor14, Qui05, Iid20]. 1960s [Hag01, Kel11b, Qui05, SD14]. 1970s [Fay12]. 1980s [Ser11, WL08, Wyl10]. 1990s [WL08, Wyl10]. 19th [Gis20]. 1The [Hag01]. 2 [Alt08b, DiM18, Hal18, Qui04, TB16]. 2-7071-3607-7 [Qui04]. 2005 [Sha14]. 2006 [Ano07a]. 2009 [Ano09a]. 2019 [Ano19a, Ano19b, Ano19i]. 2020 [Ano20a, Ano20b, Ano20c, Ano20j, Ano20k]. 20th [BP15, Gis20, Sko11]. 20th-century [BP15]. 21st [Ode14]. 3 [Gut18, Oka03, Tay15]. 31.95 [Aga01]. 33C [Wil03]. 33C/2 [Wil03]. 34-2 [Ano03a]. 5 [Ano13a, Ayl18]. 7 [Qui04, Tur18]. 8 [Har13a]. 9 [Dea10, Whi04]. 978 [Ayl18, Cob15, DiM18, Gut18, Hal18, Har13a, Ren15, Tay15, Tor13, Tur18]. 978-0-00-822631-2 [Hal18]. 978-0-19-870459-1 [Cob15]. 978-0-226-10849-0 [Ren15]. 978-0-262-02737-3 [Tay15]. 978-0-262-53328-7 [Tur18]. 978-0-674-97696-2 [DiM18]. 978-0-87140-413-8 [Har13a]. 978-1-4214-0479-0 [Tor13]. 978-1-4214-2074-5 [Ayl18]. 978-1-84792-381-3 [Gut18]. A. [Smi13, vW16]. abc [CBV11]. Aberdeen [Ols11]. Abhorreas [Sto12]. abhorrent [Lew20]. abnormal [All01]. abortion [Dav99, Ell14]. abounds [Vai15]. Abrams [Wal13]. absences [Meb14]. abstraction [Tee18]. abstraction-by-aggregation [Tee18]. Academic [GS11a, RPLBMA20]. acceleration [Sch14b]. acceptance [Tha98a]. according [vL37]. account [Bon13, Rei12, Sch13a, Ver14]. accounts [dC09b]. Achieving [Ams04]. acids [Hal11]. acquire [Leo13]. across [Bor16, Bra07]. Act [FS15]. action [Gro10]. acts [Dac12]. Adamite [Sno01]. adaptability [BP15]. Adaptation [Ber20, Cre07, Dep11, Bar15, Oka03, Wal00, Sha08]. adapters [Lea19]. Adaptive [Bak05, Kap13, Pei15, Pol15, RB13, SC12]. adds [Mor16b]. adept [Edd08]. ADHD [Haw10]. administration [Fio19]. Admiralty [vW13]. ado [Har18]. Adolf [Gau05a]. Adrian [Whi04]. Adriano [CC02]. advantageousness [Bro09b]. advent [Lan02]. adventure [Hun06]. advice [Juk19, Lou03]. advocate [Fel09]. aesthetic [Fio11]. aesthetics [Pan12]. affairs [Dix02]. affecting [LaB14]. affinities [Tur20]. Africa [Pri12]. African [Bri16]. After [Sol20, Bae12, Ban14, BdC14, Ber14b, Cre14, Hod11, 3 Lin16, Lip14, Tab16, vH14]. Afterword [Rhe16, Ove08]. AG [Gau05a]. Against [Amu00, Gam20, Gro11, Men17, Nor07, Pol15]. Age [MT17, BD19, Man15]. Age-Table [MT17]. Agency [Mil19, Bar12]. agent [Pat20, vdB02]. aggregation [Tee18]. Aging [MP11]. Agricultural [Ber14b, Cas03, Cur17, GSM19, Rou19]. agriculture [Cla07a, Dut18, Fra07, Wil07a]. agro [vdHP14]. agro-industrialism [vdHP14]. agrobiodiversity [Dut18]. AIC [MSM16]. aid [Fin08, Lew02]. Air [Mil20]. Albany [Wil98]. Albert [She12a]. Alberto [San00]. Albumasare [Smo10]. alchemy [Pri13, Roo13, Roo13]. Aldolphe [Ari07]. Alex [Mor19]. Alexander [Det99]. Alfred [FK07, Mit14]. alienation [Hor08]. alienists [Fin08]. Alimentary [Pen12]. alive [For16, KS16, vR16]. Allergy [Jac03a, Jac03b, Jam10, Mit03, Par03, Tan03]. allosterism [ADF17]. allow [G¨ut13]. almost [Ric12]. alone [Gre20b, Sta13]. alternative [BA05, Cle07, Kid13]. alternatives [KR13]. Although [Whi04]. Altruism [Sch16b, CC16, GS16b, Ram16b, Sti16]. Altruistic [Bir19a]. altruists [Wal08]. Am [McL07, Ste08]. ambiguities [Bow14]. ambiguity [Pod17]. ambiguous [Slo06]. America [Gur98, Smi13, Abr12, Cow09, Dav14b, Fab10, Gau02a, Gol96, Her11, Hey15, Kro03, Mit03, Qui04, Rus17, VR20]. American [Ams04, Bor05, Bow17, Cai02, Cre02, End09, Fay12, Rou19]. Am´erique [Qui04, Gau02a]. among [Dar05, Har13a, Ken20, Tay09]. Amphioxus [Low16]. Analogies [Alt08a, She99]. Analogy [Gol13, Hol19, Gil04, Pat20, Ste02b]. Analysing [Hut12]. analysis [KHDW03, Lem17, Mau16b, Mer14, Nic14, Ste11b, Tay09]. analyzed [Soc20]. analyzing [RP16]. anaphylactic [Kro99]. anaphylaxis [L¨ow03, Tan03]. anarchism [Cle08]. Anarchy [Cla06]. anatomical [Kno15, Mae12, Van00]. Anatomy [Kel11b, Cun02, Cun03, Hun06, Kno15]. Ancestor [Rie13]. ancestry [Gan14]. anchor [Ken20]. Ancient [Jon18]. Anderson [Aga01, Kle18]. Andrew [Ayl18]. angels [Sno01]. Animal [Lem17, Wil02a, Wil03, Bak18, Cla98, Fel09, GSM19, GCT17, GS11b, Hal20, Kir08, LH10, Mat17, Pen20, She10, The14, Tho16, Wil07b, vdB18, Pol07]. Animals [FS15, Bak18, LH10, Lil04a, She10]. animats [Man04]. Annie [Ger04b]. Annotated [Tur18]. Announcement [Ano04b, Ano14a, Ano15a, Ano03a]. answer [Bru13, Hea20]. answers [Ree06]. antebellum [Rou19]. Anthony [Pei15]. anthrax [Cas05]. anthropological [McM20]. anthropology [Bac15, Coh06, KL15, SD14, VR20, Zim01, dC14]. anti [Far06, FK07, FS15, Han14, Kra14]. anti-evolution [Kra14]. anti-mechanism [Han14]. anti-rational [Far06]. anti-vaccination [FK07]. anti-vivisectionism [FS15]. Antibodies [BC01]. Anticipatory [Mor19]. Anticoagulant [LaB14]. antivivisection [Fel09]. ants [Cla98, Har13a]. Anya [Gre20a, Plu20]. ape [Far06, Tho06]. ape-language [Far06]. apes [Etk08]. apparent [Sme13]. appearance [Sch03a]. appetite [Olb00, Wil12a]. Applying [Sha16, Edm13]. appointment [vW13]. apportionment [ER15]. appraisal [Bou17]. Appreciation [Ing99]. 4 approach [BE18, Gra13, Hou05, P^as14, Roo13, Wim13, YT10]. approaches [All01, FD19, Gil05, Gri13, YH17]. appropriating [Swa05]. Appropriation [Cas05]. appropriations [Don20]. Approximations [Row11]. April [Ano20a]. arbitrariness [Lea19]. archaeological [Lym19]. archetypal [Rie13]. Archipelago [Fic14]. architecture [Bau08, Qui16, Top07]. archival [Sha16]. archive [Mox18]. Archives [Lin16, AGS16, GS16a, Per16, dC16]. Arctic [SS15a]. Arend [The14]. Argentina [Pod17]. Argument [Hym12, Bar13b, Gli00, Gro11]. arguments [Bus20, De 08a, FK07, Pol15]. Aristotelian [Mau00]. Aristotle [Dep08, Gre01]. ark [Wei00]. Army [Juz09]. ars [Roc11]. art [Bru11, De 16]. artefact [Lew00]. Articulating [Wim13]. artifact [Hol13, HP13]. artifacts [BS13]. Artificial [Ric08, Ben07, Bra07, DPS13, Ste02b, Wil07b, Wil06]. artist [Ger04d]. Aryan [Hoc15]. Aschheim [OG14]. Asexual [Bab20]. Asia [Kit20]. Asian [Bre02, Chi09, Jia17]. ask [Gra19]. assault [Rus14]. assembling [KCN16]. Assessing [Hun13, SM06]. assessment [Pol15]. association [Sap94, Sar98, She12a]. Astbury [Cob15, Hal11, Hal14b]. Aster [Gro11]. asthma [Kei03]. astrological [Hay10, Sch10a]. Astrology [Bro10, Azz10, Bou10, Bur10, Car10a, Kas10, Rut10, Smo10]. astronomical [Lou16]. asylum [Hac10]. atherosclerosis [Par16]. Atlantic [Whi14]. Atomic [Iid20]. atomism [Nic10]. atoms [Iid20]. ATP [Web02]. attachment [Mon16]. attempt [Fio11]. attraction [Rut10]. attributions [SLR12]. August [Ano19a, Ano20b]. Augustin [Dro01]. Augustin-Pyramus [Dro01]. australe [R´81, R´77, LoT03]. Austrian [Cha07]. Austro [Top07]. authentic [Ree06]. Author [Ano02a, Ano05a, Ger20a, Nel20, Ano04a, Bau20, Plu20, Set20, Ste20]. Authority [Ell08, Mae12, Wex08]. Authors [Ano01a, WSP20]. authorship [mKC10]. Autism [Fel17, Pan19, Ver14]. autoimmunity [Par03]. autonomous [San14b]. Autonomy [Ash03, Top07]. autoprint [GvA19]. Auzoux [Ols11]. Avery [Cre08, Hal16]. Aviation [Mil20]. avocet [Dav11]. Axes [Bra11a]. axiology [De 19]. B [Fal13, Pri14, Smi13, HS17]. Babel [Wim13]. bacilli [Tul07]. back [Don15]. backward [Esp18]. Bacteria [Sha07, Swe15, Tha98a, Tha98b]. bacterial [Cre07, Lyo07, Ned03]. Bacteriological [Wor07]. bacteriology [GF09, Sha07, Sta13]. bacteriophage [San10]. bacteriophages [San14a]. bad [McM04]. Bahia [Mon18]. balance [Hod11, Ish17]. Balancing [Dac12, De 16]. Balfour [Bel05, Bla04]. Baltimore [Ayl18, Tor13, MP11]. Bank [Tab16]. banking [CWJ06, Ers18]. banks [Per16]. Barbara [Nas99]. Barr [Mil06]. barrier [MH14]. barriers [CA16]. based [AR20, Mat17, Sch16b]. Basic [KL13]. Basis [Joh01]. battle [Whi04]. Baum [Edi20, Kit20, Pol20, Bau20]. Baumgarten [Pan12]. Bayle [Eas11]. BCG [Bon05]. be [Bec15, Bud16, Can17, Dea10, FD19, For16, Gre15a, Kro15, McG16, Mor12, Oka03, Ram16b, Sti16]. Beagle [vW13]. bear [Dom06]. Beating [Bil17]. beautiful [Col14]. beauty [Der20, Efs12]. 5 became [Bon19]. bed [L¨ow04a]. Beecher [Low16]. been [Sag17, Ste08]. beer [Bud14]. bees [Cla98, Dav04]. before [Bac15, Cun02, Cun03, Jon18]. beginning [GS20]. beginnings [BM16]. behavior [Bec13, Dri09, Pen20, Sch16b, Sme13, Gir20, Nel20, Sul20]. behavioral [Dri09]. behaviors [Sul20]. behaviour [Hal20, MM20, OB12]. Behavioural [Bol12]. Behind [Nor07]. being [Erl09, McG16, Wel21, Wel26, Wel31, Wel56, WPW71, W+76]. beings [Mil20]. Belgium [PM11]. belief [Dix02, Rat02]. Belt [Lin02]. Bence [Ste10a]. benefits [Sch13a]. Berlin [vH00]. Best [MM20, Cre08, Dri09, Gli00]. Better [Gau05a, Kei03, Lan08]. Between [GSM19, Rob13, Tho16, Wil07a, dC14, Ata12, Bud14, De 19, Gel13, GvA19, L¨ow04a, Mat16, Mor11b, MZ00, NM17, OMW10, Pie20, PM11, RPLBMA20, Soc20, Ste02b, Too03, VR20, Wol14]. Beyond [BV16,
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