TTIE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: FEBKITATtY 27, 191 G. 8 John Morrill, who handled the Hoetona In BEST BASE BALL MANAGERS 13 with skill, was a splendid leader. He took a team of ordinary players that year and developed a base ball machine that Omaha's Dates OIVIVMA. Famoni Team Handleri of the Pat swept all before It. At the outset Poeton THE BEE'S Pecallcd. fans were In the dumps, hut aa the season rail List of Oamea In Which progressed and Morrill's men continued to the Bonrke Tamlly will Take climb the ladder Modern Athens went wild Far Snrtag the Coming FUylng aeon MEN WHO COULD RUN A TEAM with dellptit and John Morrill could have of the Western league. OF"DIRECTORY hsd the sacred codfish In, the state house AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES for the asking. Frank Bancroft, now tlie A noon, DITt. AT 'Wrlaht, elee, Hanlon Con.' business mnnaitrr of tha Cincinnati Reds, April aa IOME. ItWOiD, wss the nominal manager Wichita lake?, nnil Mrdnw, (Inrkf, of the Providence April S3 Wichita JACKCON R. R. KIM D ' lirays when they carried off first honors In April 94 Wichita ALL, (kanrr, Jrnilnti and April S9 Detroif-Elccir- 1M. but Iladbnurn got the most credit April aa Wlohita ic Pioneer Implement Co. 2026 Farnam St. Mark Compared. beottiiKe of his phenomenal pitching, Denver April 97 Denver Council Bluffs, Ibwi. W. .11. Wstklns was the manager of the April 98 April Denver champion letrolts In 1887. but much of 99 Denver passenger . .81.100 Rase b.rll managers in '.esgues IiIii and . , Roadster, I cyl., I L31I5K April 30. Topeka . nd flttle are about to experience the usual the real credit belonged to the great play- May 1 Touring Car, 4 cyl., 6 passenger .81.30 Delivery IVagons Topeka Touring Car, cyl., 7 passenger , .98.000 trial and tribulation. Thousand of fans ers under him. Including Brouthers, Rich- tia.7 topeka Reliance Trucks May a CLDSGAS POWER CO. 1018 SI all over the I'nlted fltates are to ardson. Rowe, White, Hanlon, Oetxeln, May Topeka St. hrnan Thompson, Bt. Joseph Celt Automobile Co., 2203 Fsrnan praise or condemn them, an the rae may Bennett. Ganxel, Baldwin, Con- May Bt. Joseph In many managers are way, Shindle and Twltchell. This team May 7 be. While Instances May at. Joseph n Detroit Cleotrlo to blame for poor work of their was a wonder wl'.h the bat and actually Bt. Jostph and rot the May 10 . Topeka ' TANKS PUMPS players on the diamond. It la customary hammered Its wav to the front. May 11 . Topeka M. PINKERTON, on to genre them In the hour of defeat or laud James Mutrle. who managed the cham- May la . Topeka J. a Li cis m May . J them to the skies when a championship pion ClHtits In 1S8S and 1W, was is Topeka another May 14 . St. Joseph 682 Brandla Building.. has been won. Plaers often make the man- figurehead, so to speak, for Buck Ewlng. May 15 8t. Joseph 2209 ager a success or vice versa, yet It la gen- the captain, was the real man behind the May 18 . Bt. Joseph Farnmt May 17 . erally the rule that the men who win or gun. Murtle was capable enough de- 8t. Joseph COOLED AUTO Goit Automobile Go. and May 18 . Denver AIRcar solves the problem. Call r"'Straat The that delivery lose games rarely or censure 1 receive credit veloped the old Metropolitans, who won the May . Denver CHASE up for demonstration. which belongs to them. Really first class American association pennant In Wt. but May 90 . Denver Th 6 COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILB CO. May 91 . managers are. scarce. It Is hard to find a lie was Inclined to enjoy life rather than Denver 801 South Tenth Street. Douglas 8784. May aa . Wlohta PflXTOll-MITCHEL- leader directing the play either In U3 THE tam work hard and as he had an easy boss in May . Wionta L CO. b Uniform or on the bench who U consistently John B. Day he let Ewlng hold the reins. May 94 . Wlobta Wallace Autcmobils Co. year In year out. May 93 . Wlctata auccesKful and Mutrle was a great boome for the club, Doug. 7231 -A-2- Q1I In Mar 98 . Bloux City 2310 Harney, Gtroot. won the pennant . When the Giants however, and wherever ne went he at- May 97 . Biouz City 24th Kear Ftrnam Street. 1904 and 1906. John McOraw waa hailed as tracted attention with h!s war try, "We May 98 Sioux City VaV MOTOR CAR the beat manager In the business. He was May 99 Sioux City are the people!" But when Ewlng and the May ao Inter-Siat- MIDLAND MAGON clearly entitled to the praise because of Dss Moines e, Cars nn other stars deserted him for the Brother May 80 Des displayed In whipping New May 31 Moines Ullffrnm 9 On the skill the hood cause In 1890 and he was compelled to Des Moinea Headquarters $1,750; DeTample ijwLjasiniF CROS. & ASH LET, 1102 Firan St. York team Into winning form. Hut It la a June 1 Des MoIbss WlLi nllllllldll U uUi get Out more he. dis- 0. good and hustle for talent Jane Blonx City SS53; Kiicmoblle, fact that. McOraw had the fortune to covered to his Jane $753.. ball dismay that he had lost his Bloux City 2025 Farnam Straat. PE&RLEGS get the assistance of such famous grip. Jane 4. Stonx City players aa Mathewson, Rresnalian, Devlin, Jane 5. Bloux Cty A MARVEL OF WORKMANSHIP men on About this time the Boston club (lined Jane a. .Lincoln Fs.MIL GUY FARNAM ST. Ponllrt and others who outclassed -- L. SMITH, 2207 a quiet, mild mannered fellow named Jane 7. Lincoln T. G. KGRTHWALL CO. rival teams. McOraw Is atlll a first class S. Frank O. Selee to manage the Hub Jeam. Jane Lincoln RUSH RUNABOUT manager, but he hasn't been able to win a Jane . Lincoln 814 Jon Selee . ei St. I a H pennant five years, so meanwhile had managed several small teams Jane 10 .Des Molnea REO. FORD. PREMIER. for that Jane 11 . won In turn around Boston before he took hold of the Des Moines tha managerial crown has been June 13 . Des Moines Lf3 ATLANTIC AUTOMOBILE CO., V by at tha Chicago Cubs and Omaba club, with which he won the West- Jane 13 Dea Frank Chance 14 M.olna Atlantic and Council Bluffs, Iowa Fred Clarke of the champion Pirates, with ern league pennant. When Boston got him June Lincoln rar3faFniAPPERSD!,SAlESA(iE,iClf tha fans shook their heads In doubt, but It June '18 Lincoln Hugh Jennings of tha Detroit Tigers shar- Jane 18 Lincoln ing the honors. did not take Selee long to show that he Jane 17 Lincoln Farnam Ct. was June IB . It la freely admitted that these managers made of the right stuff. He took Kid Topeka f li. It. KIMBALL Nichols, the noted pitcher, and Herman Jane 19 .Topeka s,nn'ArTJ: possess sterling quality In developing and Jane 90 .Topeka Thomas, Hudson, old will Long, the sensational sh6rtstop, to Boston Jane. 91 . Srrj handling ball players, but timers Topeka t0t Parnsm Strssl they no greater skill than when he left Omaha, and with the addition Jnne 8.9 . 8t. Joseph II, Automobile Co. Pierce, Rapid, Insist that have Jnn Q3 . E.Fredrickson In days of Bennett, Ganzel, Clarkson, Tucker, .Bt. Joseph Chalmers-Detro- it that of numerous team leadera Jttne 94 . Bt. Joseph Electric Garage by. Qulnn, Nash, Lowe, Brodie, Stlvetta, 98 . 2044-46-4- 8 FARNAM STREET cone Jane. Bt. Joseph DEMISE EARKALOW, Proprietor When professional base ball first began Duffy, McCarthy and others he won pen- Jnne 96 . Wlohita iAI.EE. ELECTRIC , June 87 . 7 Wright was nants in 1891, 1892 and 1893. Then he got Wlohita Stoddard-Dayto- n, 2218 Farnam Street. to be business Harry the Jane 88 . Wlohita tar manager. He had charge of the old hold of Iewl&, Bergen Collins, Tenney, Jane ae . Wlohita Waverly, Lexington, Itostons. who won the national champlort-Bhi- p Chick Stan!. Klobcdanx. Hamilton and Jane 30 ..... Denver leright Automobile Co. July 1 1814-1- In ita class without a peer. 1KT2. 1873, 1S74. 1875, 1877 1878. others and proceeded to capture two more Denver 6 Farnam. In and juiy a . Denver Wright played himself when the first three pennants In 1SV7 and 1898. When his con- Juir a . Denver ALLAOAY C. F. LOUE, State Agent, pennants were won, covering center field tract with the Boston club expired several July 4 A. M Lincoln ' 1808 years JOiy 4 jr. ML . .Lincoln Overland, Pope Farnam St. In fine style and swinging a mighty bat. later, Selee took .hold of tha Cubs July 5 Llnooln actually Jniy a . Under his management In the Hub were and laid the groundwork for the Lincoln Henry H. Van Brunt Hartford IV KITE STEAMER O. Spalding, team soon famous, July 7 such diamond experts as A. that maile Chance for July a Dea Moines Council Bluffs. Iowa. MeVey, Roas George Wright, Selee was the discoverer or rtither devel- Des Moinee Cal Brnea, Jtuy a Des Moines Electric DRUMM0ND Andy Leonard, Jim White, Jim O'Rourke, oper of Kling,' Chance, Tinker, Evera, Jul in Des Moines 2024 Famii SL Jack Manning and others, and the, team Ruhlbach and other Chicago players who July 11 Bloux City Mood's Joly 13 playtd Invlnolble up to organiza- have been factors In winning of Bloux City ball the the three July 13 Bloux City .'MURPHY DID IT" Aui WIS Weed's Electric tion of the National, league In 1876, when championships.
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