MHI Copyl A R D E P A R T M E N T T E C H N I C A L M A N U A 1 MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL WAR DEPARTMENT • 12 JULY 1944 WAR DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL MANUAL T M 12-427 Tkis manual together with TM 12-426 (when publislted) supersedes AR 6/5-26', 15 September 7.9-4:', including C 1, 30 January 1943 and C 2, 22 April 1943; Memorandum WG15-29-43, 11 March 1943; Memorandum W615-40-43, II April 1943; Memorandum W615-45-43, 13 May 1943; Memorandum W615-60-43, 17 July 1943; Memorandum W615-63-43, "24 August 1943; Memorandum W615-65-43, 26 August 1943; W615-44,22 March 1944; AC letter 201.6 (18 Oct 43) OC-A-KZ-MB-A, 1 November 1943; section I, Circular No. 43, War Department, 1943; and paragraph 3, Circular No. 141, War Department, 1944. MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL WA R DEPARTMENT 12 JULY 1944 United States Government Printing Office Wellington: 1944 TM 12-427 Cl TECHNICAL MANUAL MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL CHANGES 1 WAR DEPARTMENT No. 1 I WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 12 April 1945 TM12-427,12 July 1944, is changed as follows: SECTION I. INTRODUCTION TO MILL Page 11, under 5a, General. Change "821 TARY OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICA Quartermaster Supply Technician" to read "821 TION OF ENLISTED PERSONNEL Supply Noncommissioned Officer." 1. Insert page 2A containing changes to section I. Page 12, under 6c, Airplane Maintenance and Re 2. Delete paragraph 5, Determination of Soldier's pair. Add in proper numerical order "995 Rotary Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). (See page Wing Mechanic (Helicopter)." 2A for revision.) Page 12, under 6g, Special Equipment Repair. 3. Delete paragraph 6, Recording MOS on Sol Delete "593 Link Trainer Mechanic." Change "969 dier's Qualification Card, W. D., A. G. O. Form No. Link Celestial Navigation Trainer Mechanic" to read 20. (See page 2A for revision.) "969 Synthetic Trainer Mechanic (Designated 4. Page 6, last line, paragraph 14c(2), delete Type)." "potential". Page 13, under 60, Salvage and Repair. Delete "044 Canvas Cover Repairman." Change "924 SECTION n. FUNCTIONAL GROUPING Bomb Salvage Technician" to read "924 Bomb Dis OF MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPE posal Technician." CIALTIES Page 14, under 9g, Training (including mainte 1. Delete, add. or change codes and titles under nance) . Delete "658 Link Trainer Instructor" and the various groupings as indicated below (the follow "691 Flexible Gunnery Trainer Operator-Mechanic." Change "970 Link Celestial Navigation Trainer ing changes should be accomplished by writing in changes using margins or other available space) : Operator" to read "970 Synthetic Trainer Operator- Page 9, under la, Light and Heavy Weapons (in Instructor (Designated Type)." cluding organizational maintenance). Change "812 Page 14, under 9h, Miscellaneous. Change "719 Heavy Weapons NCO" to read "812 Heavy Weapons Oxygen and Acetylene Plant Operator" to read "719 Crewman." Add in proper numerical order "9745 Gas Generating Plant Operator." Cavalry Trooper." Page 15, under lOe, Special Services. Change Page 9, under Ib, Field and Coast Artillery (in "274 Writer, Military Subjects" to read "274 Infor cluding organizational maintenance). Change "572 mation Specialist (Designated Subject)." Seacoast Gun Data Computer" to read "572 Seacoast SECTION IH. NUMERICAL LIST OF MILI- Gun Data Computer (Designated Type)." Add in proper numerical order "596 Rocket Crewman." TARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTIES Change "645 Fire Control Instrument Operator, Field 1. Delete the following codes and titles (it is Artillery" to read "645 Fire Direction Center Oper suggested that changes in this section be made in ator." Change "845 Gun Crewman, Heavy Ar the following manner: Line out deleted code and tillery" to read "845 Gun Crewman, Heavy Artillery title and write in suggested substitute code or (Multiple Load)." Add in proper numerical order codes, for example 044" CANY AS COVER "873 Gun Crewman, Heavy Artillery (Single PAIB.MAJ4 Use 609): Load)." Deleted Suggested substitute Page 10, under le, Air Crew. Delete "2867 code Deleted title code or codes Radar Observer-Mechanic, Bombardment." 044 CANVAS COVER REPAIRMAN_____ 609 593 LINK TRAINER MECHANIC_______ 969 Page 10, under 26, Intelligence and Operations. 658 LINK TRAINER INSTRUCTOR_____ 970 Change "768 Control Center Technician" to read 691 FLEXIBLE GUNNERY TRAINER OPER ATOR-MECHANIC___-_____— 969, 970 "768 Intercept Control Technician." Add in proper 2857 RADAR OBSERVER-MECHANIC BOM numerical order "561 Aircraft Approach Controller, BARDMENT_______________ Obsolete GCA" and "890 Photo-Interpreter." 2. Change titles to read as indicated below (it is Page 10, under 36, Telephone and Telegraph. suggested that changes be made by writing or Add in proper numerical order "646 Telephone and pasting in the new title as space permits) : Telegraph Equipment Repairman." 274 INFORMATION SPECIALIST (Designated Page 10, under 3c, Radio and Radar Operation. Field). 572 SEA COAST GUN DATA COMPUTER (Desig- Add in proper numerical order "3766 Radio Oper nated Type). " ' ator, Marine." 645 FIRE DIRECTION CENTER OPERATOR. AGO174A—Apr. 637401°—45- TM 12^.27 12 Apr 45 C 1 719 GAS GENERATING PLANT OPERATOR. teletype equipment at the minimum speed per minute 763 INTERCEPT CONTROL TECHNICIAN. of 30 clear text words (five strokes per word) over 812 HEAVY WEAPONS CREWMAN. 821 SUPPLY NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER. a test period of 5 minutes." 845 GUN CREWMAN, HEAVY ARTILLERY Page 52, WRITER, MILITARY SUBJECTS (MULTIPLE LOAD). (274), title changed to "INFORMATION SPE 924 BOMB DISPOSAL TECHNICIAN. CIALIST (Designated Field) (274)" and specifi 969 SYNTHETIC TRAINER MECHANIC (Desig nated Type). cation revised. (Insert page 52A.) 970 SYNTHETIC TRAINER OPERATOR-IN Page 55, INVESTIGATOR (301). Delete alter STRUCTOR (Designated Type). nate title "Fingerprinter." Delete last sentence ol 3. Insert page 20A, Supplemental Numerical List paragraph 2, "May obtain and classify prints." of Military Occupational Specialties. Page 57, SHOP MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (341), add alternate titles "Plant Maintenance Me SECTION IV. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MILI chanic" and "Millwright" TARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTIES Page 57, MASTER MECHANIC (342), delete alternate title "Millwright." 1. Change titles and specifications as indicated Page 66, SAFETY INSPECTOR (486), add alter below (the following revisions should be accom nate title "Ground Safety Technician (AAF)." plished by writing in changes using margins or other Page 68, RADAR CREWMAN (DESIGNATED available space) : SET) (514), change alternate title "Portable Power Page 21, AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC (014), Generator, Operator" to read "Portable Power Gen (SECOND ECHELON) last paragraph, line 2, erator Operator, Radar." change to read "and coordination of motor mainte Page 72, CONTROL TOWER OPERATOR (552), nance or motor transport activities." end of paragraph 3, add "Must be qualified in the Page 24, CANVAS COVER REPAIRMAN (044), use of blinker light equipment and the system of change to "LEATHER AND CANVAS WORKER codes used with such equipment in control tower (609)." operations." (Insert page 72A.) Page 25, CLERK, GENERAL (055). Add in Page 73, ELECTRICIAN HARBOR DEFENSE alphabetical sequence alternate title "Fingerprinter." (571), under Suggested Substitutes, change "572 End of paragraph 2, add "May take fingerprints." Seacoast Gun Data Computer" to read "572 Sea- Page 28, PHYSICAL THERAPY TECHNICIAN coast Gun Data Computer (Designated Type)." (072), specification revised. (Insert page 28A.) . Page 74, SEACOAST GUN DATA COMPUTER Page 29, ENGINEMAN, OPERATING (081), (572), title changed to "SEACOAST GUN DATA paragraph 1, line 2, change "used for generating COMPUTER (Designated Type) (572)" and speci power." to read "to provide motive power for air fication revised. (Insert page 74A.) compressors, pumps, power driven decontaminating Page 77, LINK TRAINER MECHANIC (593), units and similar power driven units." change to "SYNTHETIC TRAINER MECHANIC Page 31, CENTRAL OFFICE REPAIRMAN (Designated Type) (969)." (095), change alternate title "Telephone and Tele Page 77, ANTIAIRCRAFT ARTILLERY AUTO graph Equipment Repairman (AAF)" to read MATIC WEAPONS CREWMAN (601), specifica "Telephone and Telegraph Equipment Mechanic tion revised. (Insert page 76A.) (AAF)." Page 78, GUN CREWMAN, COAST ARTIL Page 46, SURVEYOR (227). Paragraph 1, first LERY (608). Paragraph 1, lines 1 and 2 delete line, change "Supervises a survey party engaged in "of major caliber." Under Suggested Substi determining data" to read "Sets up and operates tutes, change "845 Gun Crewman, Heavy Artillery" surveying instruments to determine data." End of to read "845 Gun Crewman, Heavy Artillery paragraph 3, add "May supervise survey party." (Multiple Load)." Add in proper numerical order Page 46, SURVEY'AND INSTRUMENT MAN "864 Gun Crewman, Medium Artillery" and "873 (223). Paragraph 1, line 4, after "drainage," in Gun Crewman, Heavy Artillery (Single Load)." \ sert "mine field." Paragraph 3, line 2, delete "BC Page 79, LEATHER AND CANVAS WORKER Scope." Under Suggested Substitute, change "645 (609), add alternate title "Canvas Cover Re Fire Control Instrument Operator, FA" to read "645 pairman." Fire Direction Center Operator." Page 79, ANTITANK GUN CREWMAN (610), Page 47, TELETYPE OPERATOR (237). change first sentence of paragraph 2 to read "As Change second sentence of paragraph 2, to read: crew member may drive vehicle on which gun is "May operate equipment using perforated tape for mounted or by which gun is towed." transmission and
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