Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 268.21 (2) The extent and proportion to will down-select one or more projects which the private sector contributes fi- to complete additional environmental nancially to the project. studies, investment grade revenue fore- NOTE TO § 268.17: FRA recognizes that appli- casts, and other studies and analyses cants for preconstruction planning assist- necessary prior to initiation of con- ance may not have detailed information with struction. Final design and engineering respect to each of these criteria, and that work will also be initiated for the the purpose of the preconstruction planning down-selected project(s). To be down- assistance is to develop much of this infor- mation with respect to a particular Maglev selected a project must appear to meet project. The preconstruction planning appli- the project eligibility standards con- cation requirements of this part 268 are de- tained in § 268.11 (b), rate highly in the signed to elicit whatever information an ap- project selection criteria specified in plicant may have pertaining to these cri- § 268.17, be judged by FRA to have a teria. good chance of being constructed with § 268.19 Evaluation of applications for the Federal funds authorized for this preconstruction planning assist- program, and be successfully operated ance. by a public/private partnership. The FRA will evaluate the applica- (b) Only one project will be selected tions for their completeness and re- in Phase IV of the Maglev Deployment sponsiveness to the requirements listed Program and be eligible for any Fed- in § 268.15. In addition, applicants are eral construction funds that Congress advised that the Maglev Deployment chooses to make available. That one Program contains a number of project project must meet each and every eligibility standards (minimum thresh- project eligibility standard contained old standards) and project evaluation in § 268.11 (b). If more than one project criteria that will guide the FRA’s re- down-selected in Phase III and funded view of the project descriptions pro- through Phase IV meets all of these duced under the Planning Grants. The standards, then FRA will evaluate and FRA’s implementation of these stand- compare the eligible projects according ards and criteria appears in § 268.11 and § 268.17, respectively. Although subject to the set of project selection criteria to revision, the information in § 268.11 contained in § 268.17. and § 268.17 should assist the States in (c) In reviewing competing projects completing their applications in the under the project eligibility standards competition for planning grants, since and project selection criteria, the FRA the project descriptions will need to re- will exercise particular vigilance re- spond to the standards and criteria. In garding the following elements of the evaluating the applications for plan- preconstruction planning process, al- ning grants, FRA will consider how though not to the exclusion of others: consistent the applicant’s project is to (1) The credibility of the demand and the standards and criteria, and the ap- revenue forecasts, cost estimates, and plication’s likelihood of leading to a benefit/cost comparisons; and project that meets all the standards (2) The credibility of the financial and criteria. plan. § 268.21 Down-selection of one or more (d) FRA intends to make periodic re- Maglev projects for further study views of the processes and products of and selection of one project for grant recipients. Such reviews may in- final design, engineering, and con- clude, at the FRA’s option, reviews at struction funding. key milestones in the preparation of (a) Upon completion of Phase III of project descriptions. the Maglev Deployment Program, FRA 733 VerDate 0ct<31>2002 08:18 Nov 29, 2002 Jkt 197203 PO 00000 Frm 00733 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197203T.XXX 197203T VerDate 0ct<31>2002 08:18 Nov 29, 2002 Jkt 197203 PO 00000 Frm 00734 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197203T.XXX 197203T CHAPTER III—FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EDITORIAL NOTE: For nomenclature changes to chapter III see 59 FR 60323, Nov. 23, 1994, and 60 FR 38742, July 28, 1995. SUBCHAPTER A—GENERAL REGULATIONS Part Page 301 [Reserved] 325 Compliance with interstate motor carrier noise emission standards ............................................... 737 SUBCHAPTER B—FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY REGULATIONS 350 Commercial motor carrier safety assistance pro- gram ..................................................................... 748 355 Compatibility of State laws and regulations affect- ing interstate motor carrier operations ............... 761 356 Motor carrier routing regulations ........................... 764 360 Fees for motor carrier registration and insurance .. 766 365 Rules governing applications for operating author- ity ........................................................................ 769 366 Designation of process agent ................................... 781 367 Standards for registration with States ................... 781 368 Application for a certificate of registration to op- erate in municipalities in the United States on the United States-Mexico international border or within the commercial zones of such municipali- ties ....................................................................... 786 370 Principles and practices for the investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage ......................................... 788 371 Brokers of property ................................................. 791 372 Exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas 792 373 Receipts and bills .................................................... 805 374 Passenger carrier regulations ................................. 807 375 Transportation of household goods in interstate or foreign commerce ................................................. 814 735 VerDate Dec<13>2002 08:59 Dec 31, 2002 Jkt 197203 PO 00000 Frm 00735 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197203T.XXX 197203T 49 CFR Ch. III (10–1–02 Edition) Part Page 376 Lease and interchange of vehicles ........................... 826 377 Payment of transportation charges ........................ 833 378 Procedures governing the processing, investiga- tion, and disposition of overcharge, duplicate payment, or overcollection claims ....................... 837 379 Preservation of records ........................................... 840 381 Waivers, exemptions, and pilot programs ............... 844 382 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing 851 383 Commercial driver’s license standards; require- ments and penalties ............................................. 870 384 State compliance with commercial driver’s license program ................................................................ 902 385 Safety fitness procedures ........................................ 911 386 Rules of practice for motor carrier, broker, freight forwarder, and hazardous materials proceedings 933 387 Minimum levels of financial responsibility for motor carriers ...................................................... 956 388 Cooperative agreements with States ...................... 979 389 Rulemaking procedures—Federal motor carrier safety regulations ................................................ 980 390 Federal motor carrier safety regulations; general .. 983 391 Qualifications of drivers .......................................... 995 392 Driving of commercial motor vehicles .................... 1024 393 Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation 1032 394 [Reserved] 395 Hours of service of drivers ....................................... 1126 396 Inspection, repair, and maintenance ....................... 1137 397 Transportation of hazardous materials; driving and parking rules ........................................................ 1142 398 Transportation of migrant workers ........................ 1160 399 Employee safety and health standards .................... 1166 APPENDIX A TO SUBCHAPTER B [RESERVED] APPENDIX B TO SUBCHAPTER B—SPECIAL AGENTS .................. 1169 APPENDIXES C–E TO SUBCHAPTER B[RESERVED] APPENDIX F TO SUBCHAPTER B—COMMERCIAL ZONES .............. 1170 APPENDIX G TO SUBCHAPTER B—MINIMUM PERIODIC INSPEC- TION STANDARDS ................................................................. 1188 736 VerDate Dec<13>2002 08:59 Dec 31, 2002 Jkt 197203 PO 00000 Frm 00736 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Y:\SGML\197203T.XXX 197203T SUBCHAPTER A—GENERAL REGULATIONS PART 301 [RESERVED] 325.79 Application of correction factors. Subpart G—Exhaust Systems and Tires PART 325—COMPLIANCE WITH INTERSTATE MOTOR CARRIER 325.91 Exhaust systems. NOISE EMISSION STANDARDS 325.93 Tires. AUTHORITY: 42 U.S.C. 4917; 49 U.S.C. 301; 49 Subpart A—General Provisions CFR 1.73. SOURCE: 40 FR 42437, Sept. 12, 1975, unless Sec. otherwise noted. 325.1 Scope of the rules in this part. 325.3 Effective date. EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to 325.5 Definitions. part 325 appear at 66 FR 49869, Oct. 1, 2001. 325.7 Allowable noise levels. 325.9 Measurement tolerances. Subpart A—General Provisions Subpart B—Administrative Provisions § 325.1 Scope of the rules in this part. 325.11 Issuance, amendment, and revocation (a) The rules in this part prescribe of the rules in this part. procedures for inspection, surveillance, 325.13 Inspection and examination of motor and measurement of motor vehicles vehicles. and motor vehicle equipment operated Subpart C—Instrumentation by motor carriers to determine wheth- er those
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