110 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 160, Pt. 1 January 7, 2014 CONGRATULATIONS TO SHINER OLC), Bronze Star (1st OLC), Meritorious ciation of Intercollegiate Athletics Football HIGH SCHOOL COMANCHE Service Medal (Silver OLC), Army Com- Champions, the Grand View University Vi- MARCHING BAND mendation Medal (3rd OLC), Army Achieve- kings. ment Medal (4th OLC), and many other Grand View University is one of eighty-five HON. BLAKE FARENTHOLD awards; and as Command Sergeant Major football programs across the country that com- pete in the NAIA. Each year, the best teams OF TEXAS Riling’s career winds down, he will be remem- in the association qualify for the post-season IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bered for many of his attributes—strength of character, steadfast courage and superior and playoffs to determine a national champion. Tuesday, January 7, 2014 compassionate leadership. He will also be re- Only six years after establishing a football pro- Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise membered and admired for being a ‘‘Soldier’s gram, the Grand View University Vikings have today to honor the Shiner High School March- Soldier’’. expertly developed a top-tier football team. On ing Band on an outstanding accomplishment. As Command Sergeant Major Riling and his December 21, 2013, Grand View obtained its On Monday, November 4, 2013, the 70-mem- wife, Melinda, begin the next phase of their first-ever national football championship by de- ber Shiner High School marching band took lives, I am pleased that they are retiring in my feating the top-ranked University of the Cum- first place in the 1A division of the state UIL Congressional district. I want to express the berlands by a score of 35–23. The Vikings fin- marching contest at the Alamodome in San warmest regards and heartfelt gratitude of the ished the 2013 season with a perfect 14–0 Antonio, Texas. Nation for all that they have done and all that record and the top NAIA ranking. It was the first time in Shiner High School the Riling family has sacrificed to support the Grand View University’s recent success on history that the marching band won the state defense of the United States of America. the football field is emblematic of its long-held championship. The band has come close to On behalf of all those touched by his serv- mission for both academics and athletics. winning in the past, placing second at the ice, we wish Command Sergeant Major Riling Since its founding in 1896, Grand View has in- state level in 2011, and fifth at the state level good luck, good ground, and Godspeed. Army stilled its students with an uncompromising in 2007. Strong! focus on the traditional Danish perspective of Mr. Stephen Krupicka, the Comanche f the ‘‘whole person.’’ Through this perspective, Marching Band director, should be honored for each of Grand View’s 2,300 students is HONORING A–10 PILOTS BRIGADIER such extraordinary commitment to these stu- uniquely enabled to reach their potential GENERAL MACKEY AND LIEU- dents, leading the band to such an out- through high expectations, smaller class sizes, TENANT COLONEL ROE standing victory. To the members of the band, and greater individual attention from profes- Congratulations on a job well done! Your hard sors and coaches. It is through this winning work and dedication certainly paid off. HON. VICKY HARTZLER formula that Grand View University has posi- It should also be noted that I am nominating OF MISSOURI tioned itself among our state’s premier univer- the Comanche Marching Band to perform at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sities. Mr. Speaker, the pride and excitement that the National Memorial Day Concert Series in Tuesday, January 7, 2014 this team has brought to their campus and to Washington, D.C. in May, 2014. The concert Mrs. HARTZLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today the state of Iowa cannot be understated. The series will commemorate the 70th Anniversary to recognize the brave airmen of the 442d unrelenting commitment of these coaches and of D-Day May 24th–26th. Fighter Wing of Whiteman Air Force Base. Again, Congratulations to the Shiner High players speaks volumes about the Iowa work Specifically, I want to commend the A–10 ethic and the rewards of working together. It is School Marching Band. The community stands pilots who courageously protected Sergeant behind you in all your future endeavors! truly an honor to represent the players, coach- Mauricio Alejandro Arias and 16 of his fellow es and families of this team in the United f soldiers as they came under fire while serving States Congress and I invite my colleagues in IN RECOGNITION OF THE RETIRE- in Afghanistan. the House of Representatives to join me in MENT OF COMMAND SERGEANT I sincerely applaud Colonel James Mackey congratulating our 2013 NAIA National Cham- MAJOR RONALD T. RILING II (now Brigadier General Mackey) and Lieuten- pions. I wish President Henning, Coach ant Colonel Tony Roe for their actions of June Woodley, and all the students of Grand View HON. MO BROOKS 5, 2008, as they provided close air support for University continued success, both on and off 17 soldiers of the 201st Engineer Battalion of the field, for many years to come. OF ALABAMA the Kentucky National Guard. The soldiers f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES were pinned down for a lengthy time by Tuesday, January 7, 2014 enemy heavy-arms fire and running low on A TRIBUTE TO HONOR THE LIFE ammunition when these pilots intervened and OF THE HONORABLE HOWARD M. Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I HOLTZMANN would like to honor Command Sergeant Major suppressed the enemy threat. Sergeant Arias Ronald T. Riling II, the 14th Command Ser- credits these pilots for saving his and the lives geant Major of the U.S. Army Materiel Com- of 16 fellow soldiers that day and I stand with HON. ANNA G. ESHOO OF CALIFORNIA mand, on the occasion of his retirement fol- him in recognizing the heroic acts of these two IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowing 31 years of exemplary service to the pilots. In closing, Mr. Speaker, I ask all my col- United States Army. He is one of only four Tuesday, January 7, 2014 leagues to join me in applauding the bravery Command Sergeants Major of Four Star Com- and commitment to service that General Mac- Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- mands in the United States Army. key, Lieutenant Colonel Roe and the airmen of leagues to join me in honoring the life of an Command Sergeant Major Riling began his the 442d Fighter Wing exemplify. In doing so, extraordinary man, Judge Howard Holtzmann, Army career in February 1983 as a 19D Cav- they ask for no recognition, yet they protect who passed away hours before his 92nd birth- alry Scout, completing his One Station Unit our way of life while risking their own and are day on December 9, 2013. Training at Fort Knox, KY and will conclude Howard was the son of the late Lillian Plotz very deserving of such recognition. his career as the personal advisor to the Com- Holtzmann and Jacob L. Holtzmann. He at- manding General of the U.S. Army Materiel f tended the Poly Prep Country Day School, Command on all enlisted-related matters; pri- TRIBUTE TO GRAND VIEW Yale College and Yale Law School. He loved marily focusing on the quality of life for Sol- UNIVERSITY all things ‘Yale’ and served it in many ways for diers, Civilians and Families across the com- seven decades, earning the prestigious award mand; and Command Sergeant Major Riling HON. TOM LATHAM of the Yale Medal in 2006. Yale was one of has performed admirably and honorably at OF IOWA many beneficiaries of Howard Holtzmann’s home and abroad. legendary philanthropy. He endowed the Jew- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES His career achievements include three suc- ish Chaplaincy at Yale, the first such position cessful combat tours, two in Iraq and one in Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at an American college campus. He also en- Haiti. CSM Riling’s awards and decorations in- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dowed a professorship in international law and clude the Silver Star, Legion of Merit (2nd recognize and honor the 2013 National Asso- established fellowships in that field. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:43 Apr 05, 2018 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR14\E07JA4.000 E07JA4 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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