PRISM❖ Vol. 3, no. 2 03/2012 PRISM Vol. 3, no. 2 3, no. Vol. ❖ 03/2012 www.ndu.edu A JOURNAL OF THE CENTER FOR COMPLEX OPERATIONS PRISM ABOUT CENTER FOR COMPLEX OPERATIONS (CCO) CCO WAS ESTABLISHED TO: PRISM is published by the National Defense University Press for the Center for ❖❖ Serve as an information clearinghouse and knowledge Enhancing the U.S. Government’s Ability to manager for complex operations training and education, PUBLISHER Complex Operations. PRISM is a security studies journal chartered to inform members of U.S. Federal agencies, allies, and other partners on complex and Prepare for Complex Operations acting as a central repository for information on areas Dr. Hans Binnendijk integrated national security operations; reconstruction and nation-building; such as training and curricula, training and education pro- CCO, a center within the Institute for National Strategic relevant policy and strategy; lessons learned; and developments in training and vider institutions, complex operations events, and subject DIRECTOR, NDU PRESS Studies at National Defense University, links U.S. education to transform America’s security and development apparatus to meet matter experts Government education and training institutions, including Frank G. Hoffman tomorrow’s challenges better while promoting freedom today. related centers of excellence, lessons learned programs, ❖❖ Develop a complex operations training and education com- and academia, to foster unity of effort in reconstruction munity of practice to catalyze innovation and development EDITOR And RESEARCH DIRECTOR and stability operations, counterinsurgency, and irregular of new knowledge, connect members for networking, share Michael Miklaucic COMMUNICATIONS warfare—collectively called “complex operations.” existing knowledge, and cultivate foundations of trust and The Department of Defense, with support from the habits of collaboration across the community Constructive comments and contributions are important to us. Direct DEVELOPMENTAL EDITOR State Department and U.S. Agency for International communications to the link on the NDU Press Web site (www.ndu.edu/press) or ❖❖ Serve as a feedback and information conduit to the Office Melanne A. Civic, Esq. Development, established CCO as an innovative write to: of the Secretary of Defense and broader U.S. Government interagency partnership. policy leadership to support guidance and problem-solving MANAGING EDITOR Editor, PRISM across the community of practice Dr. Jeffrey D. Smotherman National Defense University Press ❖❖ Enable more effective networking, coordination, and 260 Fifth Avenue (Building 64, Room 3605) synchronization to support the preparation of Depart- PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Fort Lesley J. McNair Washington, DC 20319 ment of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel Tara J. Parekh for complex operations Telephone: ❖❖ Support lessons learned processes and best practices COPY EDITORS (202) 685-3442 compilation in the area of complex operations Dr. John J. Church FAX: Sarah R. Frank (202) 685-3581 ❖❖ Identify education and training gaps in the Department of Email: [email protected] Calvin B. Kelley Defense and other Federal departments and agencies and PRISM online: www.ndu.edu/press George C. Maerz facilitate efforts to fill those gaps. INTERNET PUBLICATIONS EDITOR CONTRIBUTIONS Visit the CCO Web site at: http://ccoportal.org Joanna E. Seich PRISM welcomes submission of scholarly, independent research from security EDITORIAL ASSISTANT policymakers and shapers, security analysts, academic specialists, and civilians Miranda Taylor from the United States and abroad. Submit articles for consideration to the address above or by email to [email protected] with “Attention Submissions Editor” in the ADVISORY BOARD subject line. For further information, see the guidelines on the NDU Press Web site Dr. Gordon Adams at www.ndu.edu/press. Dr. Pauline H. Baker Ambassador Rick Barton NDU Press is the National Defense University’s cross-component, professional Dr. Joseph J. Collins (ex officio) military and academic publishing house. It publishes books, policy briefs, occasional papers, monographs, and special reports on national security strategy, defense policy, Ambassador James F. Dobbins national military strategy, regional security affairs, and global strategic problems. Ambassador John E. Herbst (ex officio) Dr. David Kilcullen This is the authoritative, official U.S. Department of Defense edition ofPRISM . Any Ambassador Jacques Paul Klein copyrighted portions of this journal may not be reproduced or extracted without Dr. Roger B. Myerson permission of the copyright proprietors. PRISM should be acknowledged whenever Dr. Moisés Naím material is quoted from or based on its content. MG William L. Nash, USA (Ret.) Dr. William Reno Please visit NDU Press and PRISM online at www.ndu.edu/press for more on upcoming Subscriptions for individuals: http://bookstore.gpo.gov Dr. James A. Schear issues, an electronic archive of PRISM articles, and access to other publications. Dr. Joanna Spear Dr. Ruth Wedgwood The opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department ISSN 2157–0663 of Defense or any other agency of the Federal Government. PRISM ABOUT CENTER FOR COMPLEX OPERATIONS (CCO) CCO WAS ESTABLISHED TO: PRISM is published by the National Defense University Press for the Center for ❖❖ Serve as an information clearinghouse and knowledge Enhancing the U.S. Government’s Ability to manager for complex operations training and education, PUBLISHER Complex Operations. PRISM is a security studies journal chartered to inform members of U.S. Federal agencies, allies, and other partners on complex and Prepare for Complex Operations acting as a central repository for information on areas Dr. Hans Binnendijk integrated national security operations; reconstruction and nation-building; such as training and curricula, training and education pro- CCO, a center within the Institute for National Strategic relevant policy and strategy; lessons learned; and developments in training and vider institutions, complex operations events, and subject DIRECTOR, NDU PRESS Studies at National Defense University, links U.S. education to transform America’s security and development apparatus to meet matter experts Government education and training institutions, including Frank G. Hoffman tomorrow’s challenges better while promoting freedom today. related centers of excellence, lessons learned programs, ❖❖ Develop a complex operations training and education com- and academia, to foster unity of effort in reconstruction munity of practice to catalyze innovation and development EDITOR And RESEARCH DIRECTOR and stability operations, counterinsurgency, and irregular of new knowledge, connect members for networking, share Michael Miklaucic COMMUNICATIONS warfare—collectively called “complex operations.” existing knowledge, and cultivate foundations of trust and The Department of Defense, with support from the habits of collaboration across the community Constructive comments and contributions are important to us. Direct DEVELOPMENTAL EDITOR State Department and U.S. Agency for International communications to the link on the NDU Press Web site (www.ndu.edu/press) or ❖❖ Serve as a feedback and information conduit to the Office Melanne A. Civic, Esq. Development, established CCO as an innovative write to: of the Secretary of Defense and broader U.S. Government interagency partnership. policy leadership to support guidance and problem-solving MANAGING EDITOR Editor, PRISM across the community of practice Dr. Jeffrey D. Smotherman National Defense University Press ❖❖ Enable more effective networking, coordination, and 260 Fifth Avenue (Building 64, Room 3605) synchronization to support the preparation of Depart- PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Fort Lesley J. McNair Washington, DC 20319 ment of Defense and other U.S. Government personnel Tara J. Parekh for complex operations Telephone: ❖❖ Support lessons learned processes and best practices COPY EDITORS (202) 685-3442 compilation in the area of complex operations Dr. John J. Church FAX: Sarah R. Frank (202) 685-3581 ❖❖ Identify education and training gaps in the Department of Email: [email protected] Calvin B. Kelley Defense and other Federal departments and agencies and PRISM online: www.ndu.edu/press George C. Maerz facilitate efforts to fill those gaps. INTERNET PUBLICATIONS EDITOR CONTRIBUTIONS Visit the CCO Web site at: http://ccoportal.org Joanna E. Seich PRISM welcomes submission of scholarly, independent research from security EDITORIAL ASSISTANT policymakers and shapers, security analysts, academic specialists, and civilians Miranda Taylor from the United States and abroad. Submit articles for consideration to the address above or by email to [email protected] with “Attention Submissions Editor” in the ADVISORY BOARD subject line. For further information, see the guidelines on the NDU Press Web site Dr. Gordon Adams at www.ndu.edu/press. Dr. Pauline H. Baker Ambassador Rick Barton NDU Press is the National Defense University’s cross-component, professional Dr. Joseph J. Collins (ex officio) military and academic publishing house. It publishes books, policy briefs, occasional papers, monographs, and special reports on national security strategy, defense policy, Ambassador James F. Dobbins national military strategy, regional security affairs, and global strategic problems. Ambassador John E. Herbst (ex officio) Dr. David Kilcullen
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