Integrated Family Health Program (IFHP) Yebeteseb Mela Volume 10, No. 5 Oct 2014-Jan 2015 Lessons Learnt Dissemination Workshop Organized IFHP conducted a lessons learned dissemi- nation workshop on 29 January 2014 at Capital Hotel, Addis Ababa. The workshop brought together over 200 participants from the Ministry of Health, regional health bureaus, USAID and other health develop- ment partners. On the occasion, Dr. Zufan Abera, Advisor to the State Minister of Health, in her opening remarks said that IFHP is making a contribution to the im- provement of the health of families and communities in the country. The program has been actively involved in capacity build- partial view of participants of the workshop Cont. on page 2 President Emphasizes Collaboration for Youth Development The National Youth Development the Minister of Women, Consultative Forum was organized Children and Youth by the Ministry of Women, Chil- Affairs said that the dren and Youth Affairs from January conference is the first of 21-22, 2015 at Capital Hotel, Addis its kind in the country. Ababa. The two days conference During the opening cer- was officially opened by His Excel- emony, His Excellency lency Dr. Mulatu Teshome, President Dr. Kebede Worku, the of the Federal Democratic Republic State Minister of Health of Ethiopia. During his speech, the and Ms. Tsegereda president said intersectoral col- Zewdu, Vice President laboration is a must to achieve the of the Ethiopian Youth Participants of the Youth Development Consultative Forum required development. On the occa- Federation delivered sion, Her Excellency Zenebu Tadesse, keynote addresses. Cont. on page 4 USAID Global Health Assistant Administrator Inside this issue: Visits Oromia EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT USAID Global Health Assistant Ad- Ethiopia’s Health Extension Pro- NEWS ITEMS ministrator, Katie Taylor and USAID gram (HEP), and the contribution STORY FROM THE FIELD Ethiopia’s Mission- Health, AIDS, of US government in supporting Population and Nutrition (HAPN) the program. The delegation was Chief, Elise Jensen, visited Gursum warmly welcomed by Dr. Mengistu Health Center, Muyedine health Asnake, Chief of Party of IFHP, and post and beneficiary households in other officials from East Hararghe East Hararghe Zone of Oromia Re- Zone Health Department and Gur- gion on November 12, 2014. The sum Woreda Health Office. visit was aimed at learning about EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT ENDAN Celebrates International HIV Beginning with the End in Mind: Plan- ning for Sustainability from the Start and AIDS and Disability Day Several actors support the implementation of health develop- The Ethiopian National Disability Action Network ment programs in Ethiopia and some of these implementing organizations and institutions depend on the technical, financial (ENDAN) colourfully celebrated the 2014 international and management supports from donors. When the donor ends HIV and AIDS and disability day on December 3, 2014. such support, programs phase out and organizations close out ENDAN is a consortium of 24 organizations working in despite increased and continued demands for services. Unless a the areas of disability in different parts of Ethiopia. The mechanism is put in place to create an ownership from the start or replace the support at the end, ultimate beneficiaries and the Consortium was established in 2004 with the aim of or- systems installed will crumble. The program gains get eroded ganizing a strong common voice on issues of disability. and victories celebrated fade away. The same problem the pro- It facilitates the exchange of information and resources gram was designed to mitigate begins to re-emerge. and supports member organizations in areas of capacity Sustaining beneficial programs has several advantages. For ex- building, networking and communications. ample, sustained programs get opportunities to maintain their effects over a long period and bring the desired impact. Contra- rily, the absence of sustainability tends to lead to an investment During the celebration, discussion was held among loss for the organization and people involved. Discontinued participants on the inclusion of persons with disabilities community programs also bring disillusion and distrust among in the national development agenda. Topics focusing on the ultimate program beneficiaries. vulnerability of persons with disabilities to HIV, sexual To maximize program gains and, consequently, minimize losses, reproductive health issues and rights of persons with donor driven health programs need to have sustainability plans disability were discussed. IFHP in collaboration with right from the program’s inception with shared responsibili- ties for its implementation among the various actors involved, other partners sponsored the event. namely; the government, the donor, the implementing partner, other stakeholders and the community to which the program is intended to benefit. Progress toward the achievements of IFHP Disseminates... sustainability goals need to be jointly monitored and evaluated. Cont. from page 1 When the goals are attained, program beneficiaries have to graduate from the support and resources need to be shifted to ing, system strengthening and provision of materials other priority areas. and supplies to fill gaps. The handover and takeover of programs may happen from the actor to the public sector, other actors, communities and Mr. Denis Weller, USAID Mission Director, on his part interested groups. This transition should be a process, not one- time event, ensuring gradual transfer of knowledge, skills and said that the lessons learnt from the implementation leadership with ongoing support until the required capacity for of IFHP bring relevant information that can be used sustainability is sufficiently built. For this to take place, pro- to sharpen the focus of future interventions. He also grams have to work closely with stakeholders at all levels. affirmed that USAID’s strong support and commitment IFHP has recently made its program sustainability evaluation findings public. The report assessed the potential for sustain- for sustainability and country ownership will continue. ability of four management approaches: integrated supportive He emphasized the commitment of USAID to support supervision (ISS), performance review meetings (PRM), woreda the government’s efforts to improve evidence based de- based planning (WBP) and use of data for decision making cision making. During the workshop, survey results and (UDDM). The evaluation was conducted in thirty three woredas of Amhara, Oromia, SNNP and Tigray regions. IFHP has been program achievements were presented and discussed. providing technical, financial and logistic support to the public health system to implement these management approaches for U.S. Global... the last six years. Cont. from page 1 The evaluation findings showed encouraging signs of ownership, with variations in the degree of ownership among the differ- On the occasion, Ato Ali Abdulahi, head of East Hara- ent approaches, as measured by allocation of budget for the rghe Zone Health Department, briefed the delegation approaches, retention of trained staff and perception of woreda officials on their internal capacity to continue the implementa- on the implementation of the HEP in the Zone. He also tion of the approaches on their own. IFHP takes the signs as appreciated IFHP for its technical, financial and logistic positive indicators of future sustainability of the approaches and support. Upon completion of the visit, Katie Taylor said will consolidate working harder to the achievement of the same goal in the remaining period of the program. that the visit helped her witness the strong relationship that exists among the Ethiopian government, USAID Producers and Editorial Committee: and implementing partners. Dr. Tesfaye Bulto Zergu Tafese Tariku Nigatu Dr. Kidest Lulu Abdusemed Mussa Salem Melaku 2 Accelerated Nutrition Improvement (ANI) Project Launched The Accelerated Nutrition Improvement (ANI) Project in Ethiopia, an extension of IFHP’s nutrition interven- tion, was launched in Bahir Dar, Amhara Regional State, on November 24, 2014 in the presence of the First Lady, Her Excellency Roman Tesfaye, His Excel- lency Dr. Kebede Worku, State Minister of Health, Ato Ayelign Mulualem, Head of the Amhara Regional Health Bureau and other participants. Close to 100 participants from various governmental and non- governmental organizations attended the launch- ing ceremony. Participants also made site visits to a health post and model households and discussed with local authorities in Wonchit Kebele, Dera Woreda of The First Lady, Her Excellency W/ro Roman Tesfaye, (M) and distin- South Gondar Zone. guished participants while visiting a program site Cont. on page 4 Religious Leaders Vow to Continue Support for Maternal Health Muslim Religious leaders pledged to September, 2014 to January 2015 shops, presentations were made by promote family health issues among in eight regions by the Ministry of representatives of the Ministry of their faith followers. The religious Health in collaboration with Regional Health and IFHP on maternal and leaders made the pledge in a series of Health Bureaus, Ethiopian Islamic Af- child health programs and the role of advocacy sessions organized between fairs Supreme Council and IFHP. These religious leaders towards improving advocacy sessions family health. Experience of Indo- were designed to nesian Muslim social organizations equip them with the were also presented and discussed.
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