; To! ~~. Rider life-saving team drowns in Maurer pool (8ee p. 27) .2wsM1SbiRsdT WBEUVEII THE lIEU. If. IS 'APIIIL I, 1912· 'Rider deals with moose on loose clean up the path of damaae By JIMMY OLSEN toro d~ by their c:ompet!.­ sure save OD au," er tumiD. the e&mpas iDto . : To add to the seasonal tioo, but we know better. and litter the l.rae berbi­ zoo. problem of Canada geese It', those damn meese." vores bave left 00 campus, He said he w.. astiDg for 00 campus, a herd said co-fouoder Sbarkey volUDteen to dress up .. roostia, The large animals ' have " Actually, that'd be re­ of moose hal settled 00 Wook. moose and " live with the also ambled. into classrooms dundant," said ,;ock Rhino, camp~ , said Godzi1Ia Belcb, jlerd, leani their ~ . " assistant director of Public and begwi to bellow. Roger Brooke Taney, assoc­ usociate director of the Phy­ If' that faU., said Taney, InformatioD. " It already is a iate dean of studeots, said .leaI Plant. the CoHe,. may also COIlIld· ZOO , " li lt's - very atlDoyiD.," said the College w.. colUidering sophomore Grinch McChurll­ biring reIlOWD~ bUDter Joe Belch said t be aDlmal. bobiDstilly. 'They ...ake you have diJrupted tnffic, intra­ . "BuO" W1Dtle to emrmiDate up," the beasts. m~ J&;mel a.a.d campaips Students arrested for Student GoYemmeJlt Au­ McChurliboo.i:llly. a ociation ~_. " On . the other band, we By WALD'- DAIIIIII!rr echoed ac:rosa campus, said· 6.aance major, said be aDd a mi,bt try to d.omesticate ApproJdrDately 100 ·studeD.. Tracy. " They Just come aIoDi and . _p of .· studen.. have form­ them aDd ul e tbem as wet<: arrested and charged · " We fiaured everjoDe bad ed Student Activists to 1Ie­ Security vehicles," said Tan­ loroeDy yesterday "t all the '!cu," said with _d gODe . to sleep, so the noise ' Belch. " Some of the candi­ move oe.tnictioa, ey. "They ~ ' t aet arouod io the disappearaDce of couldD't have come from the dot .. ' 1hiDk ' the aicu are SARD', purpose will be to campus .. fut, but they'd Alumoi GymDa.lum, 1.ld domiltories," · said Tro<y. " If Dick Tro<y, _d assbtaat it had beeD a few hours director of Security. · earlier, you'd Datura.:ly th~ The studeots, whose o~es · the m.~g .... emanating College promises decorous future were Withheld, allegedly at- from withiD the buildiDp." IIy PBUT WBIl1I ·" The room. we doo't have a DeW -liDe of wicker furDi- tached block and tac:tle to He said 0fIicer Hercule Aller much CODSideratioD, time to reoovate will oaly go ..... ·the bull.diDa and towed it Po i ro ~ "j~·st 1!appeoed to the <;oIIea baa roIeaed its up iD price sOabUy," said . CoaDDder will ' have aoroe down Route 206. !.any TOWD- .pot" the students cJrauiD. · reo<!vatioD piaDI for the the spotesmaD, addiDg other of' the Improvemen.. of the ,hlp pollee found the struc· tbe buildiDg out to the dormitorieo. rooms will increue accordlDg other dorms. .... " iJ\ poor condition, " hig~way. ,. A spot_ for' tile lui: to the amount of improve­ ~a to aD madeot re- The Roman houses will be port fi1ed yesterday. " It lime for f~ force iDvesticatiq the dorm· meoU. w.. done over in marble and thiDkina," said Tro<y. "So itorIes. " other coil.... said, " Our most ellpeoslve gold. They . oald . the students we set up • state-out a fe .. "!bey 1hiDk. the Coi1e.. will .The chairpersoo of the task. p~ed to auctioD off pieces dormitory (Filmore Dormitory) I hUDdred yards do.. o tbe .DOW be able to OODIpete with will still be the best_ Not force said, " our oewly creat- of the ~Ium , reDOWIled rood. _ . • colle... ~ terms of oaly will it have air c:ondi· ed co-ed cIonnitory (Beee 'for i.. aoousticI. '1ua1ity llviDa .CODditIoDs." "WheD· the time was right, "Of _ , the iDcreue iD ticminl\ but now it will have Dormitory) miaht eveD have " Wheo we aot to the fireplaces in the rooms," private baths and every room sceoe, ~ mayor wu bield· we jumped out of the bushes UviD& '1IaDdUds will iDc:reue said &DOther member of the will be a single." in, for the . ~ aDd the · and yelled, '8001 I see the _ " UviD& at the task force_ Molson Dormitory will toilets, " said Detective Bilf youl: said Tro<y. " That Colle.. " probably remain the same. ~UI'I1I of · tc?'WDIhop pollee. turoed Out · to be a mistake. 1be preseDt room charp Everybody. ran." of S5,000 will be _ " We feel there should be "It ..~ ~p:stlDI· " .t least ODe economy dormi- The theft discovered He said the studeou were JOO He ·.110 ••id . MouDtaln w.. .,....;.t. tory on campus," said the .t 6 a.m. ye.terday, u · inc!.ntified by ' their lIDaer­ There will be Doniutory will have _1IDa spokesman. IfOI.!l& and grunts. of uertioo priDU OD and .... -_· . w..... DoniDtorJ wiD have .r----:----... -...,.---, rfSS'isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss;sss:;!S'f~ I Unlike the_~ I LET US HELP YOU WITH 1 of the April Fool'. ,I :·!t .. ____sec!;,,'!> ..;. !~.Ilda__ ...; ____ ., JI YOUR JOB SEARCH I RESUMES Ever .. ish that while travel i na . Yllcationln •• or ..)'be just Cor _ rgcneies . you could hive II national credit ca:rd"!' EXPERTLY PREPARED We ll , now - YOU CAN - obtain a Muter Card o r Vi,. .. hi Ie sti I I in schO(l I, no c:o-si,nerrequired. We hive est ablished II division Student' Dicount Prices to c:.;c.lusively handle the credi t neecls of collele studenh ... frestuten, sopho.. n·cs. juniors , and seniors ... 50 you car. enj oy t he c: onveni eftccs of cred! t NOW . and have your credi t . stab l ished .For fast Service call: fOf· your professional l i fe .Cter Iraduatlon. 196-9190 Plus letterheads. photOCopies Cr-atJ w ClWd'Jt .JnUrn.tlorw.J Coll~l.t. Credl t D.lvJaJ(If:I $uJte JOJ -~ IJ"ncoJn .Jdg, 7.., ,...., Avwt ... .and all other prin.ting serviCes One 9f the new roo... in WroD« Dormitory. I"i tu.bcuvh, I'A JS21J SGA candUlates profikd (seep.lO) eRiderNews Voters approve mandatory fee By DOUG MESSID " when you have a 90 per. The mandatory student ac:t­ cent ma,iOntY.l t 11-repraeat-: ivities fee was passed by 90 .tive of the campus." percent of the students who She said siDce the fee was voted. accordinl to Bruce implemented two years &10. Schermerhorn. Election Com­ students have been "a little rnittt.e chairman. more reluctant to leave on Schermerhorn said a total the weekends." of 933 students voted (30 Collins said he would have percent of the Collese stu­ liked to see the fee moted dents): 673 dormitory resi­ on ia 1984. and he and dents, ISS Greek residents Schermerhorn had proposed and lOS commuters. this last month. but their The number of people resolution was voted down by voting for the fee was 621 in the SGA Seatate. the dormitories. 152 Greets and 8S commuters. Schermer­ Howevl!!r. Collins did say horn said. he was happy with the fact Howard Collins, SGA In­ the senate will review the ternal/ E.ternal Commission fee every year, which was an chairman. said. "For some­ amendment proposed by Ed thing of this nature, you'd Mannmg, SGA prnident. aDd lite to see at least SO passed ~y the ....te. Ori· ginally•. the fee would have percent of the students come out." beea reviewed every three Schermerhorn. said the years. turnout was " horrible." but Andrew Stevens. Finance the students who did vote , Board. chairman. said inform­ ation about' the fee will be Three·Poyda studenl$ c~rged showed they ~~!_ The neCessary passage of sent out to College clubs and ., moM A1m1IO!S Ma.oetu saicl be was DOt The individuals' aames the vote was changed from a orgaoizatioDS. adding that free' to OD elabcftte fIirtber could Dot be made pubUc by two-thirds majority to a sim­ this year information concern­ PAUL.. IIClIII1' the iDc:idOat •. judicial ing the C~pus Programmin, admiabtrators. ple 'majority by the Presi­ Three members of Poyda B AccordiDa ~ BleD MaI­ dent's Council last month. Fund will be distributed. fourth 11_ bave ...... fonD· quecD;. _,ssociate dean ~ The Collele's judicial Rita Prali. SGA vice presi­ Any individual or organiza· ally cbaraed with vioIalilll Students, three i~dlvidu.l. poUey maaciates that stu· dent, said. " I'm pleased with lion may · petition to draw the . okohol policy aad provId. were identified ill the iDd­ ' dents' names cumot be re· the result but not necessarily money form this fund for a Ial f_ Iaformatioll to resi· de.1 repOrts Iiied Ia boUIlal, lcued prior to a heoriDl' . the tumout." but add~d • . -specrfk-actfvity. said Stevens. dence ·~taff . accord.1a, to aDd the i.didai _ of 'Student Affairs was preparlng A Poyda B _ CouDdI the paperwork yesterday af· $300 in change stolen from 6hrary --.member. who wiabed to re­ ternOOD. Library's vendin, machines Later on Tuesday. $6() was main uaidOatilied, . _ed She abo CODI!rmed that a By PAUL BUBNY early . ~ . that the and photocopyin, machiDes. discovered missing from a this stude"at bad heeD coafronted Security and Lawrence whUe . trying . to remove aD Township arrived on ' desk in the dean of students' IhIee studellts received let· Township police are investi· ~lice ters from · the dean of stu· .....siateted tey, aDd that canipUSih-ortly after the ' office, Hogucamp said. It is gating a theft discovered DOt toown whether the two dO.ts oIIk:o iate lui _to there wu "some verbal db­ Tuesday of approximately theft was cfu.covered.
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