WATER CONDITION 0i)uuttlftntnaTEDPY'S TIDES 0~ztttt HIGH LOW CHARLIE V a.m. 5:28 p.m. U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA 14 SIO GALLO 11:11 p.m. 3:34 p.m. 14 LlON G Systems 'Go' for Apollo 1L Russian Rocket May Return Thieu Pro roses Nati0n81 Elections With Samples of Moon Soil CAPE kENNEDY, Fla.(AP/AFRTS) SAIGON (UPI/AFRTS)-- South Vietnamese President Thieu has -- All systems are "go" for proposed a new step toward ending the fighting in that country. the Apollo 11 moon landing He called for free elections, saying that the Viet Cong could flight. participate if they agree to denounce violence. Apollo launch director Rocco Thieu's plan also called for establishment of an election Petrone says everything is in commission with all political factions. He said he was will- very fine shape regarding op- ing to discuss an election timetable with the other side. He erations and the status of the did not specify what the elections would be for, but it is be- hardware. Even the weatherman lieved he wants only Presidential and House elections. has kept things on an even The Viet Cong wants election keel with a forecast for fav- of an assembly which would NIirt1 Vibilmlese orable conditions Wednesday. work out a new constitution Score As the astronauts took yes- and then election of a coali- ' terday off and the ground tion government. lIAHms Race 0is crews enjoyed a 16-hour rest President Nixon has issued a SAIGON (AP/AFRTS) -- Banoi period, Russia moved in on lengthy statement hailing charged yesterday that des- some of the space limelight. Thieu's proposal. He said pite campaign promises he made The Soviets launched an un- Thieu's plans should open the last fall, President Nixon manned spacecraft which is ex- way at last for a rapid settle- really does not want to end pected to arrive in the vicin- ment-- if the Communists will the Vietnam War. ity of the moon Wednesday. On- begin serious negotiations. The North Vietnamese for- ly brief and noncommital in- However, there was little in- eign ministry acknowledged in formation on Luna 15 has been dication from the Communists a memorandum that "the Nixon that they approved of the pro- Administration is now making released. It is not clear whether the posals. In Paris, the provi- every effort to carry out the craft will land on the sional government of South Vi- so-called 'De-Americanization' moon. Speculation centers on etnam described them as a new of the War. whether the Russians hope to trick. A communique said the But it added: "This does upstage the flight of Apollo Thieu proposals are an at- not mean that it has drawn a 11 by having their spacecraft tempt to appease world and A- lesson from its heavy defeats be the first to return samples merican public opinion. in the past year and more, and of the lunar surface. that it wants to bring the Vietnam War to an end." Finch Denies Appeasement of Conservatives The memorandum called ef- forts to replace U ed States WASHINGTON (UPI/AFRTS)-- Wel- stration's deeds and not the **^^- .<ss m4 -, ____ - are Secretary Robert Finch "cosmetic effect" of promises as rejected suggestions that would bear him out. he Nixon Administration is He added that the public moving-to the right" to pay should watch for a series of ff nolitical dahts to conspri- Prpsidential requests to Con- Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Monday, July 14, 1969 BUCHAREST (AP/AFRTS)--Romania's President WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS) -- Former Undersecretary Ceausescu says he hopes President Richard Nix- of State George Ball says the United States on's visit here next month will "have positive should give the enemy the benefit of the doubt results, both for the relations between our on the current lull in Vietnam ground fight- countries and for the cause of peace." ing. It was Romania's first official comment on Allies should respond by easing military the President's visit, which was reported to pressure, Ball said. He contended the Nixon have irked Russian leaders. Administration should try further troop with- drawal without waiting for conclusive evi- WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--Chairman Russell Long dence of enemy intent. of the Senate Finance Committee has predicted Meanwhile, no major ground fighting was re- passage by August of the controversial income ported in the Republic of Vietnam early yes- tax surcharge bill. terday. Sen. Long combined the prediction with a The enemy carried out fourteen overnight, pledge of support for the House-passed bill. shellings but only seven caused damage or The powerful senator earlier had said he would casualties. The US command said no B-52 mis- hold up the measure pending tax reform. sions were flown Saturday night but added this did not represent any cutback. NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)--Pacifist David Dellin- ger says three airmen captured by North Viet- WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--The Senate Armed For- nam will be handed over to a group of American ces Committee has frustrated the Navy's plans pacifists in Hanoi within 10 days. for a ship-based anti-missile system. Chairman of National Mobilization Committee The committee struck from a Defense Depart- Against the War in Vietnam, Dellinger spoke to ment authorization bill the entire $3 million newsmen at Kennedy Airport on his arrival from asked to continue study of the proposal. Paris where he discussed the release with Meanwhile the Senate appeared heading for a officials of the United States and North Viet- compromise on the Safeguard Missile System. nam. Senate observers said the agreement would in- volve stepped-up research rather than immedi- WASHINGTON (UPI/AFRTS)--The Federal Trade ate deployment. Forty-eight senators favor Commission has joined the Federal Communica- the system, 50 oppose and two are undecided. tions commission in calling for a complete ban of cigarette advertising on radio and televi- WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--Attorney Gener l sion. John Mitchell has announced the arrest of the A trade commission report to Congress also leader and top aide of a secret rightwing proposes that strong health hazard warnings be group called the Minutemen. required in all other forms of cigarette ad- FBI agents arrested Robert De Pugh, the vertising. Congress is considering revamp- group's head, and Walter Peyson in New Mexico. ing laws affecting cigarette manufacturers. De Pugh and Peyson were heavily armed but offered no resistance, the FBI reported. BOSTON (AP/AFRTS)--The U. S. Circuit Court The men were held on conspiracy charges in of Appeals here has reversed last year's con- connection with four planned bank robberies. victions of Dr. Benjamin Spock and three other men of conspiring to counsel young men to avoid the draft. The court freed Dr. Spock and Michael Fer- ber, Harvard graduate student, from further Guantanamo Gazette prosecution but ordered retrials for the others. The ruling held the convictions were not ComNavBase .Ada J.B. Hildreth Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach consistent with the First Amendment, which guarantees free speech. The retrials were or- dered because of leqal technicalities. Page 3 Monday., July14, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette He holds a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering and a master's in electrical engi- neering. He reported for duty as executive officer of VC-10 in September, 1967, and assumed command July 13, 1968. Cdr Ashley also began his Naval career as a NAVCAD. He received his wings and was commis- ioned in January, 1953. His assignments in- clude a tour as project test pilot for the Naval Air Test Armament Branch. During that tour he flew 17 different models of aircraft. He received a bachelor's degree in aeronaut- ical engineering in 1960. In 1965 Cdr Ashley began an exchange tour of duty with the Air Force. He was the test di- rector for the F-111A and F-lllB Contractor Cr Ashley (left) and Cdr Goslow share honors Demonstration Flight Test programs at right- in reception following change of command. Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. From Takhli Royal Thai AFB in Thailand, he flew the F-111A in air strikes over North Vi- Cdr Ashley Takes Command of VC-10 etnam. GUANTANAMO BAY-- Cdr Bruce H. Ashley, former He returned to the States in September, 196, executive officer of Fleet Composite Squadron and assumed his duties here in February, 1969. Ten, became commanding officer of the squadron in ceremonies Saturday morning at the Leeward Point hangar. He relieved Cdr Paul Goslow, who will depart Tuesday for staff duty with the Naval Air Sys- tems Command in Washington, D.C. Cdr. Goslow noted in his farewell remarks that during the past year, VC-10 pilots have completed some 2,100 hours of flight time. Their .aircraft have consumed over $285,000 in petroleum products. The squadron also completed two jet aircraft model changes last year and replaced 40 jet engines, 22 of them in the last three months. During his tour as CO of the squadron, VC-10 personnel have stood a duty schedule of 12 hours on- 12 hours off for up to 27 days, Cdr Goalow said. "This work could only have been done by highly skilled and motivated men. It's not the machinery or the material but the men that make our Navy such an outstanding force, and I am privileged to have served as your command- Mrs. ASnmey aaiusts one or her nusnana's ing officer," Cdr Goslow said. als just after he became the new CO of VC- Cdr Goslow began his Naval career in 1953 when he entered the V-5 Aviation Cadet Program.
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