Name and Address of the University: UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY RANCHI UNIVERSITY, RANCHI. Sl. Fac- Depar Name of the Name of the Ph.D Mode Regis Date of Ressearch Topic Likely date of Avail- Fun- ulty t- scholar with Unique of Regis- comple-tion of ling ding No. Super- tration ment ID/ Photo ID Ph.D tration Ph.D Fellows Age- Num- visor (Full hip Yes/ ncy ber time / No of Part Fell- time) ows- hip >kj[ 1. Soc Geo Dr. Ram Poonam Rajak Full 0730 21.03. k.M esa efgyk tula[;k dk dk;Z’kfDr izfr#i 20.03.2017 Yes UG ial grap Kumar UID- 830 2012 C- Scie hy Tiwari 804913501439 RG nce NF 2. Soc Geo Dr. Ram Manju Full 1502 11.08- HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN 10.08.2017 Yes UG ial grap Kumar 75/12 2012 JHARKHAND: A GEOGRAPHICAL C- UID- Scie hy Tiwari 591565008535 STUDY RG nce NF jkex<+ ftyk esa tula[;k o`f) dk Ik;kZoj.k ij izHkko% Soc Geo Dr. Ram Nidhi Rajwar Full 0628 07.11. 06.11.2019 Yes UG ,d HkkSxksfyd v/;;u 3. ial grap Kumar UID- 689 2014 C- Scie hy Tiwari 985097354054 JRF nce >kj[k.M esa nly{kh; uxj% tula[;k Hkwxksy esa ,d 4. Soc Geo Dr. Ram Sujata Kumari Part PG 09.02. 08.02.2020 No N/A v/;;u ial grap Kumar UID- 0036 2015 Scie hy Tiwari 293177261652 8/11 nce 1 >kj[k.M ds ikfjfLFkfrdh] vkfFkZd vkSj lekt ij 5. Soc Geo Dr. Ram Prem Shankar Part A/F 01.02. 31.01.2021 No NA Ik;ZVu dk izHkko ial grap Kumar Tiwari 2016 Scie hy Tiwari UID. - nce 956333568914 6. Soc Geo Dr. Pradip Kumar Full 1503 03.11. Urban Sprawl – Challenges and Remedies: Submitted on yes ial grap Jayashree Singh 00/11 2011 A case study of Ranchi city 03.11.2016 UG Scie hy Shahdeo UID- C nce 507359547651 7. Soc Geo Dr. M.P. Satyapriya Part 1517 02.03. GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE TATKO- Submitted on No NA ial grap Prajapati Mahato 43/09 2009 JAMUNA BASIN 20.01.2016 Scie hy UID- nce 328908972139 8. Soc Geo Dr.Abhay Shyama Full 0730 10.02. Role of Informal Sector and Urban Local 09.02.2020 Yes UG ial grap Krishna UID- 878/2 2015 Bodies: A Spatio-Temporal Analysis of C/JR Scie hy Singh 277963724850 006 Ranchi Municipal Corporation, 1991-2011 F nce Ekk.Mj iz[k.M esa tutkrh; efgykvksa dk izokl% ,d 9. Soc Geo Dr. Debjani Vinita Ekka Part A/F A/F 05.05.2022 No N/A HkkSxksfyd v/;;u ial grap Roy UID- 06.05. Scie hy 374088984589 2017 nce 10. Soc Geo Dr. R. R. Jitendra kumar Part 0320 11.10. Agricultural Development of Deoghar Submitted on No N/A ial grap Shrivastava Choudhary 588 2011 District of Jharkhand - A block level 28-02-2017 Scie hy UID- analysis nce 210110880685 2 11 Soc Geo Dr. Jitendra Veena Kumari Full 1894 05.10. A Study of Industrialization and River 04.10.2021 Yes UG ial grap Sukla UID- 17/16 2016 Water Pollution in the Damodar Catchment C/JR Scie hy 774551152026 of Jharkhand: Geographical Analysis F nce dSewj ftyk esa d`f"k Hkwfe mi;ksx dh leL;k,¡ ,oa 12. Soc Geo Dr. Pratibha Singh Full A/F 08.04. 07.04.2020 Yes UG lek/kku ial grap Jayashree 2015 C/JR UID- Scie hy Shahdeo 764060011441 F nce jk¡ph ftyk esa d`f"k mRikndrk ds izk#i 13. Soc Geo Dr. Reshma Rainy Full 0313 11.07. 10.07.2017 yes UG ial grap Jayashree Topno UID- 943 2012 C Scie hy Shahdeo 560207668602 nce Tky lalk/ku dh leL;k] laj{k.k ,oa izca/ku% nf{k.kh 14. Soc Geo Dr. Nirmal Kumar Full PG00 01.12. 30.11.2020 Yes UG NksVkukxiqj ize.My ds lanHkZ esa ,d HkkSxksfyd ial grap Jayashree UID- 935/2 2015 v/;;u C- Scie hy Shahdeo 245928274594 012 RG nce NF ou laink ,oa tutkfr; vFkZO;oLFkk dh 15. Soc Geo Dr. Rakesh Rahil Mariyam Part A/F 09.09. 08.09.2019 No NA ial grap Narayan Purty 2014 leL;k,¡&if’peh flagHkwe ftyk dk ,d HkkSxksxfyd v/;;u Scie hy UID- nce 331017853781 16. So Geo Dr. Amrita Divya Part A 19.05 Jalpaigudi District – A study in 18.05.2020 No NA cial grap Jayashree Minj 0419 .2015 Agricultural Landuse (Pattern, Shahdeo Problems and Planning) Sci hy UID- 4/97 enc 767107467355 e 3 17. So Geo Dr. Suman Bage Part A/F 18.07 Changing pattern of Land Use in 17.07.2021 No NA cial grap Jayashree .2016 Ranchi City Shahdeo UID- Sci hy 481379782451 enc e 18. Soc Geo Dr. Goretti Mariam Part 7365/ 10.09. Problems and Prospects of Agricultural 09.09.2017 No NA ial grap Jayashree Ekka 94 2012 Landuse Development in Panch Scie hy Shahdeo UID- Pargana Plain, Jharkhand nce 892970464756 19. Soc Geo Dr. Mithilesh Ranjan Part A006 27.02. Integrated Watershed Management: A Pre- No NA ial grap Jayashree UID 44/97 2009 Case Study of Swarnarekha River Basin, Submission Scie hy Shahdeo Jharkhand nce 20. Soc Geo Dr. Anjali Sinha Part 1027 19.05. Problems, Prospects and Condition of 18.05.2020 No NA ial grap Jayashree UID- 9/89 2015 Development of Agricultural Landuse Scie hy Shahdeo 8469649216 in Western Singhbhum. nce /kuckn ftyk esa dks;yk mR[kuu dk Ik;kZoj.kh; 21 Soc Geo Dr. Poonam Mehta Part 0512 28.04. 27.04.2022 No NA izHkko% ,d HkkSxksfyd fo’ys"k.k ial grap Sashikanta UID- 230 2017 Scie hy Toppo 631589310105 nce 22 Soc Geo Dr. Shiv Gautam Kumar Part A/F 06.03. Urbanization: Transforming Spatial 05.03.2022 No NA ial grap Kumar UID.- 2017 Dimension of Ramgarh District. Scie hy 492352723321 nce 4 23 Soc Geo Dr. Arpana Premi Full 1899 16.05. Problems and Prospects of Regional 15.05.2018 Yes UG ial grap Jayashree Lina Oraon 27/13 2013 Development in Kolhan Division: C Scie hy Shahdeo UID- Jharkhand nce 970806472900 24 Soc Geo Dr. Rajeev Rajeshree Das Part A/F 18.07. Urbanization and its Temporal Pressure on 17.07.2021 No NA ial grap Ranjan UID- 2016 Land Resource (A Case Study of Ranchi Scie hy Shrivastava 388618631925 city) nce jk¡ph egkuxj dh tula[;k ds cnyrs izfr#i&,d 25 Soc Geo Dr. Jyoti Kumari Part A038 22.02. 21.02.2022 No NA HkkSxksfyd v/;;u ial grap Gyanendra UID- 56/99 2017 Scie hy Kumar 744424659940 nce Singh 26 Soc Geo Dr. Bhupal Bhakta Ranjan Full 11RC 09.02. Human Resource Development in Purulia 08.02.2020 No NA ial grap Kumar Mahato MA0 2015 District, West Bengal: A Geographical Scie hy Mahto 070 Study UID- nce 690399231319 27 Soc Geo Dr. Bhupal Bholanath Gorai Full 1894 07.11. Significance Of Cottage Industry On Rural 06.11.2019 No NA ial grap Kumar 18/14 2014 Development In Purulia District, west UID- Scie hy Mahto 420614395616 Bengal nce jk¡ph ftys esa tula[;k% ,d HkkSxksfyd v/;;u 28 Soc Geo Dr. Anita Tabassum Ara Part 05.10. 04.10.2021 No NA ial grap Singh UID- 2016 Scie hy 277897506702 nce 5 >kj[k.M esa /kkfeZd i;ZVu dh leL;k ,oa laHkkouk,¡ 29 Soc Geo Ashok Mukesh Oraon Full 0314 24.01. 23.01.2017 Yes UG ial grap Oraon UID- 313 2012 C- Scie hy 874851368956 RG nce NF Ekgyh tutkfr dh lkekftd vkfFkZd leL;k,¡ ,oa 30 Soc Geo Dr. N. K. Sarita Kumari Part A/F 17.02. 16.02.2022 No NA fodkl% nf{k.kh NksVkukxiqj ize.My ds lanHkZ eas ,d ial grap Mahato 2017 UID- HkkSxksfyd v/;;u Scie hy 435100707830 nce flYyh iz[k.M ds d`f"k Hkwfe mi;ksx dh leL;k,¡ ,oa 31 Soc Geo Dr. N. K. Sunita Kumari Part A/F 06.03. 05.03.2022 No NA laHkkouk,¡% ,d HkkSxksfyd v/;;u ial grap Mahato UID- 2017 Scie hy 591982134095 nce fleMsxk ftyk esa d`f"k Hkwfe mi;ksx ds cnyrs Lo#i% 32 Soc Geo Dr. Arvind Prasad Part A/F 02.03. 01.03.2018 No NA ,d HkkSxksfyd v/;;u ial grap Jayashree UID- 2013 Scie hy Shahdeo 896418193323 nce jk¡ph uxjh; {ks= dh orZeku tula[;k ,oa vf/kokl 33 Soc Geo Gyanendra Indra Bhusan Part A/F 05.10. 04.10.2021 No AF leL;k, ial grap Kumar Pandey 2016 Scie hy Singh UID- nce 697438494803 >kj[k.M esa Qwyksa dh [ksrh% ,d HkkSxksfyd v/;;u 34 Soc Geo Dr. Bhupal Anup Kumar Full 0635 19.12. 18.12.2018 Yes UG ial grap Kumar Mahto 860 2013 C- Scie hy Mahto V.I-HZ51385053 JRF nce 6 vksjeka>h iz[k.M ds Hkwfe dk ewwY;kadu d`f"k fodkl esa 35 Soc Geo Dr. Bhupal Sweta Mahto Part PG00 09.02. 08.02.2020 No NA bldk vuqiz;ksx&,d HkkSxksfyd v/;;u ial grap Kumar UID- 137/0 2015 Scie hy Mahto 658767861558 8 nce nso?kj ftyk esa laFkky tutkfr;ksa ij uxjhdj.k dk 36. Soc Geo Dr. Shiv Dinesh Kumar Full 11.08. 10.08.2019 Yes UG izHkko ial grap Kumar Murmu 2014 C- Scie hy RG nce NF 37. Soc Geo Dr. Bimla Umesh Part 8412/ 26.03. Health Status of Asur Tribe: A Geo- 2017 No NA ial grap Shrivastava Chandranath 75 2012 medico enviornmental study in Netarhat Scie hy Tiwari plateau of Jharkhand nce UID- 558951850059 38.
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