MSC Queen Candidates Begin State -Wide Tour Montana State college's three Homecoming queen fin­ alists-Jane Bishop, Liz Cantieny, and Jo Roban-will begin a state-wide tour of Montana next week. The tour is a new addition to Homecoming activities. It's designed to acquaint the people of Montana with MSC's Homecoming celebration. The fi­ nalists were chosen on the basis of true representatives of Mon­ College TV Studio tana State college. Homecoming queen will be chosen from the three finalists on Still Wailing for Friday night, Oct. 19, at the vari­ ety show. There will be no an­ nouncement of who the queen is FCC Final Word before this time. The finalists will hit only four According to Dr. R. R. Renne, Montana cities this year, since president, Montana State college, the procedure is in its formative has protested the suggestion of stages. They will appear in Butte, the Federal Communications Com­ Helena, Great Falls, and Billings mission (FCC) that the college at civic club luncheons, radio and minquish TV channel 9 and ac­ television appearanaces. cept a VHF channel. ND AWAY WE GO- Homecoming queen fin- Butte, Helena, Great Falls, and Billings. Pie- The FCC reserved channel 9 There will be open houses lists plot their Montana tour which commences turcd from left to rig ht are candidates Liz Can· for MSC for educational pur­ for all visitors held at all living poses in 1952. Th'is year there organizations from 4 :30 to 6 has been a commercial application p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20. I" •~•" w;<" wM.,, •' '"'"""'" ;,~;,~·;;·: ; A for a channel in Bozeman. It was this application that prompted the FCC to make the sugge$tion A screening committee com­ the college now protests. posed of seven faculty members picked the top three from 19 or­ Development Aimed at VHF iginal nominees. The development toward an Jane is a junior H&PE ma­ educational TV station at the jor and a member of Chi Omega. college has all been directed She was last year's ski queen. toward the use of the VHF chan­ Liz, another ChiO, is a com­ nel reserved by the FCC, Dr. mercial science major from Min­ Renne says. neapolis. She appeared in the Dol­ phins' rhythmic swimming show MSC has already established last year. a TV film center under the di­ Jo is a junior enrolled in ele­ rection of J ames Duderstadt. mentary education. She is a Pi PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF MONTANA STATE COLLEGE About $50,000 has been invested Phi from Great Falls. She has in a studio and TV equipment. had several top singing engage­ Bozeman, Montana, Friday, Oct. 12, 1956 Number2 An appeal for funds to com­ ments, including Lions Club in­ plete the installation has met ternational convention and a spot with a favorable reaction. at the Stagecoach Inn. Homecoming UHF Disadvantages Listed ~sh Nels 154 Men and 107 Women In the protest lodged with the FCC the disadvantages of UHF KBMN Slates Time ,r 8 Fraternities and 6 Sororities Ba 11 to Boast over VHF are pointed out. UHF does not cover as large a terri­ For College Show • ush week activities wound up Sorority rushlng concluded at ::; the men with last Tuesday's tory as VHF. There isn't any KBMN, local radio station, is MSC with last W ednesday's Buddy Morrow UHF station in Montana now . ging of 154 to llfSC's eight pledging of 107 women to six sor­ planning a two hour show devot­ ernities. The swing and sway of Buddy Consequently, Montana residents ed to Montana State college orities. have no VHF sets. This means - sts showed 39 new ple<lges The breakdown of the new Morrow and his five piece or­ events. Sigma Alpha Epsilon irater­ chestra wiM climax the Homecom­ that they would have to buy con­ pledges is: Alpha Gamma Delta, versions or new sets to view '1'he show, scheduled to start ' 31 for Sigma Chi, 23 for 22; Alpha Omicron Pi, 18; Chi ing events for MSC. The great­ October 15, will run from 7 to 9 na Nu, Phi Sigma Kappa 19, ness of the band lies in the "song­ UHF programs if the FCC sug­ Omega, 19; Delta Gamma, 12; gestions are followed. p.m. five times a week. It will 1bda Chi Alpha 15, Kappa Kappa Delta, 14; Pi Beta Phl, 22. ster" himself, whose mellow contain talent, panels, and news a 13, Alpha Gamma Rho trombone leads the way for The protest points out that ' Alpha Garns Complete Rush from the college, with musical re­ and Pi Kappa Alpha six. rhythm and blues plus solos. MSC is obligated to use every quest numbers used as fill-ins. Pledges to Alpha Gamma Delta educational means to r each all Pi Kaps Pledge The program is to be called are Louise Anderson, Joyce Kram­ Morrow, with his code of clean, the people of Montana. With a ew pledges for Pi Kappa Al­ er and Merle Quammen, Deer listenable, danceable rhythms, "Campus Capers" and Max Mor­ UHF station, it's coverage would ton, the man who knows, says it include Abe Horpestad, La­ Lodge; Isabelle Christinson, Gay has been secured for October 20 be extremely small. With the ; J ohn Kiefling, Sheridan, Knierim and Karen Magill, Glas­ by Kerry Ridgeway, Homecoming needs talent. "If you can sing, VHF channel now reserved, it act, or rake leaves with a flour­ •.; Neil Parsons, Browning; gow; Kay Conover, Broadview; dance chairman. This big name would reach a much larger area ~rt Schneekloth, Redstone; Carol Dubay, Kay Dubay and band will be here to dedicate the ish, we c&.n use you," are his and also pick up signals of other words. Morton is in charge of kart Upham, Polson; Waller Lois Hoefert, Polson; Connie new SUB ballroom as well as stations. ·e, Scobey. Foss, ,Sidney; Blanche Grieve, celebrate Homecoming. programming for the show. He ,edged to Alpha Gamma Rho Dolores Hargrove, Shirley J ack­ can he contacted at Pryor hall, Formerly featured on RCA­ Room 417, at the men's dorm. ~ Jerry Evans1 Stanford; son and Adona Samuels, H elena ; Henneferd, Choteau; Don Gail Halpin, Bozeman; Jean New­ Victor labels, the orchestra's name has now been enrolled as _ 1, Lewisto,,·n; Dave Kim1'all 1 kirk, Maywood, Ill.; Norma Nice­ a member of the :M ercury r ecord­ , tlam; Jim Nocholes1 Deer ly, Anaconda; Frances Ramsay, Clubs Must Sign ge; Don Owens, St. Ignatius; Miles City; Shirley Raunig, Great ing artists. Over 2000 disk jock­ Staff of the Montanan, col­ Rossmiller, Dutton; Don Falls; Marjorie Rhind, Cut Bank; eys across the country voted Bud­ lege yearbook, reminds all or­ ders, Conrad; J oe Svoboda, and Carol Lee Wilson, Butte. dy Morrow the most promising ganizations and honoraries that , Benton. band, in the polls of 1951. Their they must sign a contract eith­ AOPi's List 18 Pledges optimism has been fulfilled as More Pledges Listed er before or at the time of tak­ Those pledged to Alpha Omi­ r adio and television plus record­ ing group pictures. If a con­ ; rppa Sigma pledged Art Alt­ cron Pi are Bernice Benson, Dil­ ing sessions claim the band. Not tract is not signed, the group , Powell, Wyo.; Jerry Branca, lon; Sharon Boe, Cut Bank; Nan­ lo be forgotten are the dates they picture will not appear in the ngs; .Leni Erickson, Turner; (See SORORITIES, page 8) fill across the country where 1957 Montanan. Y Highland, Dean Houck, they have the chance to t ry out '":"' dive; Ford Johnson, Gene their new songs, written by Mor­ · rs, Gary Sohl and Bob West, Must Check Cards row, as well as give the audience t Falls; Roger Lippert, Boze- the chance to dance and be en­ INSIDE . ; Art Malisani, Black Eagle; Students should check their tertained by this type of music Campus Clippings _____ 2 [ n Porter, Helena; Clayton directory cards immediately for to suit every mood. er, Anaconda. Bozeman address, telephone House Grade __ . ·--··-·· __ 2 number, and class schedule. itnbda Chi Alpha pledges in- Tickets are now on sale for Social Calendar _ _ ·-·- 2 de Glen Beauchamp, Miles Fussers Guides are being pre­ $1.50 apiece at the main desk in Don Blankmeyer, William pared now, so this information the Student Union building. This Society News __ . _ .. - 10 ·!ton, Wayne Cadigan, Butte; is highly important. Student price will hold until Saturday Sports ----- . _ 6, 7 iCatron, Ray Fritz, Don Koe­ directory cards are on file at noon October 20. After this time BUDDY MORROW • FRAT:ia;RNITIES, page 4) the regis trar's office. the price will be $2. plays at Homecoming This Week -----·------ 3 Page Two THE MONTANA EXPONENT 9S6l 'Zl 'PO 'AD~ Bozeman Benefits .. All-College Scholastic Averages monrnnA £xronrn1 Spring Qu.arter, 1956 Member of Rocky Mount.aln l ntercoller-ittle Presa Association N0-of Thru Mut:al Efforts Acceptance for mailing Sorority Actives Members 0 The city of Bozeman, Mont., has two principal sources A.,o <'~ =~e s:~vi~~~r fn 1s:: Alpha Omicron Pi.. .. ....... ( 71) .......... of income-agriculture and Montana State college. l"I'. <<"~ :rn i.10~92fct .i£ho~~;: Kappa Delta.................................. ....... ( 35) ...................... 82.481 OJ"' "'A February 17, 1919. Con- Chi Omega ...................... _................... ( 34) ........................ 82.001 Every autumn, thousands of students pour into Boze­ 1°' v. tinuance o( Weekly Ex- Alpha Gamma Delta ............................ ( 25) ....................... 80.706 man to attend college. And every autumn, Bozeman is ready ponent. and Monthly Ex­ p0nent founded J 895. Pi Beta Phi............................................ ( 52) ....... - ............... 79.772 to welcome them. The welcome isn't of the old "Glad to Published every Friday or the college see you-stay out of trouble variety." It is voiced throughout >'enr by the As1ooiatcd Students of Mon­ Delta Gamma ......................................
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