E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2009 No. 90 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was approximately $800 billion on the war given out by the Pentagon. Are there called to order by the Speaker pro tem- in Iraq and hundreds of billions more in no fiscal conservatives at the Pen- pore (Mr. PERLMUTTER). indirect costs for these two wars. tagon? f Then, in the supplemental bill that I know everybody is trying to prove we’ll take up later today, we have $5 how patriotic they are today, and ev- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO billion for the International Monetary erybody feels that we shouldn’t ques- TEMPORE Fund, and in this bill, there is a guar- tion anything the Defense Department The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- antee for $100 billion in loans made by wants. But to allow $295 billion in cost fore the House the following commu- the IMF, loans being made to other overruns on just these 72 largest weap- nication from the Speaker: countries. All this money will have to ons systems, in my opinion, it’s unpa- WASHINGTON, DC, be borrowed because we are so many triotic not to question that. And I ask June 16, 2009. trillions in debt already that it is not again, are there no fiscal conservatives I hereby appoint the Honorable ED even humanly comprehensible. at the Pentagon? PERLMUTTER to act as Speaker pro tempore The bill also contains $7.7 billion for The fact is, we’ve turned the Defense on this day. swine flu vaccines. I heard a reporting Department primarily into the ‘‘De- NANCY PELOSI, of a speech of our colleague, the gen- partment of Foreign Aid’’ now, and I Speaker of the House of Representatives. tleman from Texas, Dr. PAUL, made re- believe very strongly in national de- f cently, in which he said during his first fense. But we cannot afford to run the MORNING-HOUR DEBATE stay in the House, in I think it was whole world, and we cannot afford to 1976, that there was another swine flu have the Department of Defense be the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- scare, and that only he and one other ‘‘Department of Foreign Aid.’’ ant to the order of the House of Janu- person, probably the only other med- All of this comes not long after we ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- ical doctor in the House at that time, have raised our national debt limit to nize Members from lists submitted by voted against the money for the swine over $13 trillion. Nobody can com- the majority and minority leaders for flu scare. And one person died from prehend a figure like that, no one. That morning-hour debate. swine flu that year, and many more is an astounding figure. And yet on top The Chair will alternate recognition died from taking the vaccine than died of this debt that we already have, the between the parties, with each party from the flu. This is a great over- President’s budget in this year and the limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- reaction in this area as well. Many next 2 years will add over $4 trillion of ber, other than the majority and mi- thousands are dying from other dis- debt to that debt, $4 trillion in this nority leaders and the minority whip, eases that we’re not paying attention year and the next two; three years’ limited to 5 minutes. to. time, $4 trillion added to our national f This supplemental appropriations debt. bill started out at $85 billion, then it And then this year, if I had told peo- WHERE ARE THE FISCAL went to $91 billion, then $95 billion, and ple 2 or 3 years ago that we would have CONSERVATIVES? now, today, $106 billion. And I ask you, a budget this year of $3.6 trillion and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The are there no fiscal conservatives that half of that, $1.87 trillion, would Chair recognizes the gentleman from around here? be deficit, nobody would have believed Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) for 5 minutes. We read last year that the Pentagon that. They would have thought that I Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, we have had $295 billion in cost overruns on just was ridiculous or that I was crazy in now spent approximately $200 billion, their 72 largest weapons systems. Now, saying that. $200 billion, on the war in Afghanistan that didn’t count all the cost overruns I used to say to my colleagues that it against a foe that has almost no money that they might have had in all their was terrible what we were doing to our and equipment, especially in compari- thousands of other large-, medium-, children and grandchildren. Now, I’m son to ours. Now we are about to take and small-sized contracts, and we’re saying it’s terrible what we’re doing to up a supplemental appropriations bill having a hearing right today—in fact, ourselves because it’s not going to be 5 later today to provide many billions it’s going on right now, I was there ear- or 10 years, if that long, before we’re more, all this in a place where even lier—in the Oversight and Government not able to pay all of our Social Secu- General Petraeus said we should re- Reform Committee in which they said rity and veterans’ pensions and all of member has been known as the ‘‘grave- 74 percent of the private contracts that the things that we have promised our yard of empires.’’ This comes on top of the Federal Government gives out are own people. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6815 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 09:36 Jun 17, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16JN7.000 H16JNPT1 rfrederick on PROD1PC65 with HOUSE H6816 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 16, 2009 We’ve got to stop trying to run the sponse to the ever-evolving challenges tary leaders. Colonel Ulin is also a whole world. It’s not isolationist to say of war. Though the specifics of the in- graduate and instructor of the college. that because I believe in trade and struction may have changed, the hon- It is with this Foundation and the tourism, and cultural and educational orable mission has not. I, too, am a Command and General Staff College in exchanges, and I believe we should help graduate of, and a former instructor, at mind today that I would like to men- during humanitarian crises. But we the U.S. Army Command General Staff tion H.R. 1177, the Five Five-Star Gen- can’t keep spending hundreds of bil- College. Madam Speaker, I speak from eral Commemorative Coin Act. This lions of dollars in other countries, personal experience of the pride and bill would authorize the U.S. Treasury whether it’s done by the Defense De- the satisfaction that comes from know- to mint a series of commemorative $5, partment—and of course, it’s also being ing that I received the best military $1 and half-dollar coins bearing the done by every other department and leadership education our Nation has to likeness of these distinguished five agency in the entire Federal Govern- offer and stood in the footsteps of these generals. These coins would honor the ment. great men. historic contributions these men have f General George Marshall was the made in defense of justice and freedom. Army Chief of Staff under President Americans young and old could admire INTRODUCTION OF H.R. 1177, THE Roosevelt and one of the chief archi- and collect them, and the stories of FIVE FIVE-STAR GENERAL COM- tects of victory for our Greatest Gen- these great men might be reinforced in MEMORATIVE COIN ACT eration and later served as the third the popular imagination, perhaps even The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. ED- Secretary of Defense. inspiring some to follow their lead. WARDS of Maryland). The Chair recog- General Douglas MacArthur bravely This bill will honor the great soldiers nizes the gentleman from Iowa (Mr. led our forces to victory in the Pacific of the past. Please sponsor H.R. 1177. BOSWELL) for 5 minutes. theater. f Mr. BOSWELL. Madam Speaker, be- General Dwight Eisenhower, our past CAP-AND-TAX IS GOING TO BE fore I get my chart and bring it up, if President, was the Supreme Allied they’d bring it up for this situation, I NOTHING MORE THAN A NA- Commander in Europe and directed the TIONAL ENERGY TAX just might respond to the previous D-day operation, whose anniversary speaker. He forgot to mention that was just celebrated, before going on to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The they handed this mess to this new ad- lead our Nation through some of the Chair recognizes the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. LATTA) for 5 minutes. ministration just a matter of a few most trying times during the Cold War. Mr. LATTA. Madam Speaker, one of months ago and went through 8 years General Henry Arnold commanded the issues that we’ve been talking a lot of borrow and spend.
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