Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice VOL. XLIV, NUMBER 5 THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2021 254/947-5321 SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ First Cav Band performs May 15 at Tablerock Join the First Team in promoted American popular celebrating Armed Forces music throughout a variety Day as the 1st Cavalry Band of military campaigns. will perform a free concert The band’s present day at Tablerock Amphitheater mission is to provide mu- 7-8:30 p.m. May 15. sic across a wide spectrum This live music perfor- of operations, instill in our mance will feature the 1st Soldiers the will to fight and Cavalry Division Band and win, foster the support of our local high school musicians. citizens, and promote our na- The 40 piece band will tional interests at home and be from Fort Hood and from abroad. San Antonio, Texas. The The 53 Army Musicians Tablerock concession stand of the 1st Cavalry Division will be open to sell hotdogs Band have studied in some of and cold drinks. the finest conservatories and Combining rich traditions music schools across the Na- with modern production val- tion and are capable of per- ues, the 1st Cavalry Division forming music in all styles: Band provides comprehen- Classical to Jazz, Rock to sive musical support to the Country, and everything in 1st Cavalry Division, III between. Corps, Ft. Hood, and Cen- Whatever the need or oc- tral Texas communities. As casion, the 1st Cavalry Divi- (PHOTO BY ROYCE WIGGIN) Young cowgirls are ready to learn how to play harmonica. Gary Allegretto gave harmonica lessons at the Salado Mu- early as the Civil War, the sion Band is ready to honor seum and participants took home their own harmonicas as part of the first annual Salado Cowboy Poetry and Music 1st Cavalry Division Band the legacy of America’s First Gathering that took place May 6-9. For more photos of the event, turn to page 1C this edition. has enhanced morale and Team. Alderman Rodney Bell was re-elected to office unopposed Alderman John Cole was re-elected to office unopposed D. Jasen Graham was elected to a three-year term on the and was sworn in by Mayor Michael Coggin. Bell was also and was sworn in by Mayor Michael Coggin. Cole begins Village of Salado Board of Aldermen, He was sworn in on elected Mayor Pro Tem. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) his second term on the board. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) May 6 by Mayor Michael Coggin. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) After being sworn in, BoA denies officer’s grievance BY TIM FLEISCHER provements to the South EDitOR-in-CHIEF Ridge Low Water Crossing. Numerous improvements to Salado aldermen at their the crossing have been sug- May 6 meeting, denied a re- gested including, but not quest for relief in a grievance limited to, raising the cross- filed by police officer Aaron ing, widening the crossing, Motta against the police repairing the sawtooth sec- chief on a 4-1 vote following tion on the bridge, to creat- a one-hour executive session. ing a walkway on the bridge. Following the closed ses- Village staff will prepare a sion, alderman John Cole scope of work for the pre- gave a motion to deny Mot- liminary feasibility study. ta’s request for relief and to At the beginning of the direct the village adminis- meeting, the board honored Juana and Ricky Preston were honored by Mayor Michael Mayor Michael Coggin and the Board of Aldermen pre- trator Don Ferguson to take outgoing alderman Amber Coggin for their many years of service to the Salado com- sented a resolution honoring out-going member Amber appropriate actions to make Preston Dankert, who served munity. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) Preston-Dankert. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) sure that policies are main- two separate terms on the tained in the future. The mo- bearing on the outcome.” men hired a new Village At- Georgetown, Denton Navar- Heath Delgado Acosta LLP. board. tion received a second from “You need to tighten up torney, when they authorized ro Rocha Bernal & Zech of Aldermen interviewed The board also honored Mayor Pro Tem Rodney Bell. your policies and proce- the Village Administrator to Austin, Guevera Law Firm representatives from the law Ricky and Juana Preston for Jasen Graham, who ear- dures,” he added. “I believe execute a professional ser- of Cedar Park, Bickerstaff firm before approving the their many years of service lier in the night took his oath the city administrator is go- vices agreement with the law Heath Delgado Acosta LLP motion to terminate its exist- to the community through of office for his new position ing to address that. It is im- firm of Bickerstaff Heath of Austin, The Bojorquez ing agreement with The Bo- the Salado Water Supply as Village Aldermen, told his portant, at least my position Delgado Acosta LLP to pro- Law Firm of Austin, Messer jorquez Law Firm and enter Corporation. fellow board members that in terms of discussion is that vide City Attorney/Legal Fort & McDonald of Aus- into a professional service Rodney Bell, John Cole he agreed with the motion, the grievance is valid.” Services for the Village. tin, Naman Howell Smith & agreement with Bickerstaff and D. Jasen Graham were “but want an amendment to Graham’s proposed Ferguson told the board Lee of Waco and The Knight Heath Delgado Acosta LLP all given their oaths of of- it.” He added that he wanted amendment died for a lack of that in March, the Village put Law Firm of Austin. to serve as City Attorney for fice. They each were elected to be clear that “in this, the a second. In a roll call vote of out a Request for Qualifica- Mayor Michael Coggin the Village. The professional to two-year terms on the grievance was approved, but the aldermen, Paul Cox and tions and received responses and village administrator service agreement lists fees board in an unopposed elec- what is being requested in Jason Howard joined Cole from the following nine Ferguson interviewed three of $235 per hour. tion. Their terms end in May light of the grievance is not and Bell in voting in favor, firms: West Webb Allbritton firms: Russel Rodriguez In other business, alder- 2023. Bell was re-elected as proportional to…. The griev- while Graham voted against. Gentry of Temple, Russel Hyde Bullock, The Knight men approved $15,000 for Mayor Pro Tem for the next ance is valid. It didn’t have a In other business, alder- Rodriguez Hyde Bullock of Law Firm and Bickerstaff a preliminary study of im- year. HB 3774 creates new 478th Judicial District in Bell County AUSTIN, Texas – The House Bill 3774 creates ary, April, July, and October. 2007. This new district are trial courts that’s geo- Representative Hugh D. Texas House of Representa- various judicial districts Currently, Bell County is court will allow us to bet- graphical area are created by Shine (R-Temple), “With an tives passed House Bill 3774 around the State of Texas. served by the 27th, 146th, ter serve the citizens of Bell the Texas legislature. Each additional court, Bell County on Friday, May 7. Authored For Bell County residents, 169th, 264th and 426th Ju- County. Thanks so much to county must be served by at residents can see faster turn- by State Representative Jeff HB 3774 creates the 478th dicial Districts. House Bill Rep. Shine, Rep. Buckley, least one district court. Dis- around in legal proceedings”. Leach (R-Plano), House Bill Judicial District, adding a 3774 will add a concurrent and Senator Buckingham trict Courts have original House Bill 3774 will take 3774 relates to the operation 5th Judicial District to Bell jurisdiction with the creation for guiding this legislation jurisdiction in various types effect on September 1, 2021. and administration of and County. of the 478th district. through the House and Sen- of cases in both criminal and The next steps for House Bill practice and procedure re- The 478th Judicial Dis- “Despite a growing ate.” Said Local Administra- civil cases. 3774 is to be passed by the lated to proceedings in the trict will be composed of population and increasing tive District Judge, Gordon “I am excited to see Bell Senate and then be signed judicial branch of state gov- Bell County and will begin caseloads, we have not had G. Adams. County get served by an ad- into law by Governor Ab- ernment. on the first Mondays in Janu- a new district court since In Texas, District Courts ditional District Court”, said bott. Page 2A, SALADO Village Voice, May 13, 2021 A Racist Country? “America is not a racist standard schools even after country.” That was Sen. Tim the Supreme Court ruled in FORUM Scott giving the Republican Bob 1954 in a unanimous deci- FORUM response to President Joe sion that “separate educa- Biden’s first address to a Franken tional facilities are inher- An Open Exchange of Ideas joint session of Congress, ently unequal.” calling on the nation to As a result, they must “root out systemic racism choose from lower-level that plagues America.” jobs or suffer the indignity As jobs growth slows, Scott is the only Black of higher unemployment, GOP member of the Senate truth about the history of which explains why the at this time. Joe Biden is not racism in our country and death rate and incidence Fed will hold interest rates the only white Democrat, its existence today.” of COVID is unbalanced The Markets but the two of them pretty Now, how is that so dif- against minorities, who are In a not uncommon, “bad Market & Economic much said the same thing.
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