Declared Rare and Poorly Known Flora in the Warren Region Roger W. Hearn, Rachel Meissner, Andrew P. Brown, Terry D. Macfarlane and Tony R. Annels 2006 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM NO. 40 Published jointly by Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 636, Canberra, ACT 2601 Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983 This study (EA ESP Project 440) was funded by the Australian Government’s Natural Heritage Trust. Property and copyright of this document is vested jointly in the Assistant Secretary, Natural Resource Management Policy Branch, Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage, and the Executive Director, WA Department of Conservation and Land Management. The Commonwealth disclaims responsibility for the views expressed. ©Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia 2006 ISSN 0816-9713 Cover Photograph by Erica Shedley – the declared rare flora species Caladenia winfieldii which is known from a single population in the Warren Region. Other photographs by Roger Hearn. Editor......................................................... E. Shedley Maps.......................................................... R. Meissner Production and distribution....................... CALM Strategic Development and Corporate Affairs Division ii FOREWORD Western Australian Wildlife Management Programs are a series of publications produced by the Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM). The programs are prepared in addition to Regional Management Plans, and species Recovery and Interim Recovery Plans to provide information and guidance for the management and protection of certain exploited or threatened species. This program provides a brief description of the appearance, distribution, habitat and conservation status of flora declared as rare under the Western Australian Wildlife Conservation Act (Threatened Flora) and possibly threatened poorly known flora (Priority Flora) in CALM's Warren Region and makes recommendations for research and management actions that are necessary to ensure their continued survival. By ranking Threatened Flora in priority order for recovery action, Departmental staff and resources can be allocated to taxa most urgently in need of attention. Priority Flora that are under consideration for declaration are dealt with to a lesser extent than Declared Rare Flora, however, the information provided here should assist in the ongoing work of assessing the conservation status of these taxa. iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are many people to be thanked for their assistance in this review of the declared rare and poorly known flora of the Warren Region. We are indebted to community members of the Warren Region Threatened Flora Recovery Team and CALM volunteers, Betty Carpenter, Ted Middleton, Gloria Jackson and the late Brenda Hammersley and Bill Jackson, for their enthusiastic contributions to team meetings, their knowledgeable field observations and taxonomic contributions, and for their years of assistance with the field work that has gone into the review; to volunteers, Cynthia Annels for assistance with field work, George Gardner, and Steve and Ryan Phillips for their contribution to locating populations of taxa of interest and to Brian Best (WA Herbarium volunteer) for his assistance with mosses and liverworts. Neville Marchant facilitated access to the WA Herbarium and its staff and provided discussion on Chamelaucium; Barbara Rye assisted with a range of taxa, as did Sue Patrick, Brendan Lepschi, Diana Papenfus, Alex Chapman, Ray Cranfield, Suzanne Curry and Nicki Robinson. Judy Wheeler made available her extensive species descriptions for the Flora of the South West and suggested a number of taxa needing review (many now included in the report). Beng Siew Mahon assisted with finding many original species descriptions and Chang Sha Fang, Sue Carroll, Meriel Falconer, Kaye Veryard, Phil Spencer and a number of herbarium volunteers assisted in processing the many voucher specimens originating from fieldwork associated with the review. Our thanks to Kath Meney (Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority) for her assistance with many unpublished restiads and likewise Barbara Briggs (Sydney), to Kristina Lemson for extensive assistance with Andersonia, Kelly Shephard for assistance with Thomasia and Lasiopetalum, Malcolm Trudgen with Astartea and Baeckea, Karen Wilson (Sydney) for her assistance in identifying various species in the Cyperaceae, Barry Conn (Sydney) for assistance with Hemiandra and Mitreola, Jenny Hart (Sydney) for assistance with several species in the Apiaceae and Arthur Weston for locations and observations on a number of taxa. To Greg Keighery, Neil Gibson and Grant Wardell-Johnson for assistance with new taxa and population locations arising from their biogeographical and floristic work. To CALM staff from the two Warren districts and staff from Katanning (Wheatbelt region) and Albany (South Coast region) who have contributed to field surveys. In particular we would like to thank Ian Wilson, Erica Shedley, Simon Watkin (also as a consultant), Murray Carter, Mal Graham, Brian Whitred, Rod Annear, Carl Beck, Greg Freebury and Lawrie Anderson. Finally thanks to Verna Tunsell for her assistance with databasing and preparation of voucher specimens for lodging at the herbarium and editing of the first draft of this document. iv ABBREVIATIONS Non standard abbreviations used through the document: 5g CALM Act Section 5 g Reserve CLM CALM DoE Department of Environment DON Donnelly District FRA Frankland District MRWA Main Roads Western Australia ms manuscript (unpublished name) na not assessed NP National Park NR Nature Reserve PP Private Property River R River Reserve RR Road Reserve SHRes Shire Reserve SCR South Coast Region SF State Forest TR Timber Reserve UCL Unallocated Crown Land WR Water Reserve VCL Vacant Crown Land Other abbreviations retain their standard usage. In population tables, items appearing under the Land Status column in brackets indicate the intended land status under the 1994 Forest Management Plan; all others are current tenure. v TABLE OF CONTENTS PART ONE – INTRODUCTION 1 1. The Need for Management 1 2. Objective of the Program 3 3. Rare Flora Legislation and Guidelines for Gazettal 3 4. CALM's Priority Flora List 5 5. Responsibilities within the Department 5 6. The Warren Region 6 6.1 Climate 7 6.2 Geology 7 6.3 Landforms and Soils 8 6.4 Vegetation 10 7. Botanical History of the Warren Region 11 PART TWO - DECLARED RARE FLORA IN THE WARREN REGION 15 Asplenium obtusatum G. Forster subsp. northlandicum Brownsey 17 Banksia verticillata R. Br. 19 Caladenia christineae Hopper & A.P. Br. 21 Caladenia dorrienii Domin 23 Caladenia harringtoniae Hopper & A.P. Br. 25 Caladenia winfieldii Hopper & A.P. Br. 28 Conostylis misera Endl. 30 Diuris drummondii Lindley 32 Drakaea micrantha Hopper & A.P. Br. 34 Kennedia glabrata Lindley 36 Laxmannia jamesii Keighery 39 Meziella trifida (Nees) Schindl. 41 Microtis globula R. Bates 43 Rhacocarpus rehmannianus (Müll. Hall.) Wijk & Margad. var. webbianus (Müll. Hall.) J.-P. Frahm 45 Sphenotoma drummondii (Benth.) F. Muell. 47 Verticordia apecta E.A. George & A.S. George 49 Verticordia densiflora Lindl. var. pedunculata A.S. George 51 Verticordia fimbrilepis Turcz. subsp. australis A.S. George 53 PART THREE – PRIORITY FLORA IN THE WARREN REGION 55 1. Priority One Species 55 Andersonia redolens K. Lemson ms 56 Andersonia sp. Mitchell River (BGH 925) 58 Austrofestuca littoralis (Labill.) E.B. Alexeev 60 Caladenia evanescens Hopper & A.P. Br. 62 Carex tereticaulis F.Muell. 64 Cryptandra arbutiflora Fenzl var. pygmaea Rye 66 Deyeuxia inaequalis Vickery 69 Eriochilus scaber Lindley subsp. orbifolia Hopper & A.P. Br. ms 70 Eryngium sp. Lake Muir (E. Wittwer 2293) 72 Hydatella australis Diels 74 Pentapogon quadrifidus (Labill.) Baill. var. quadrifidus 76 Sphaerolobium benetectum R. Butcher 78 Synaphea decumbens A.S. George 80 Tetratheca sp. Kent River B.G. (Hammersley 1791) 82 2. Priority Two Species 84 Andersonia annelsii K. Lemson ms 85 vi Andersonia auriculata L. Watson 87 Andersonia hammersleyana K. Lemson ms 90 Andersonia virolens K. Lemson ms 91 Anthocercis sylvicola T. Macfarlane & Wardell-Johnson 94 Apodasmia ceramophila L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs ms 96 Borya longiscapa Churchill 98 Caladenia abbreviata Hopper & A.P Br. 99 Caladenia erythrochila Hopper & A.P. Br. 101 Caladenia luteola Hopper & A.P. Br. 104 Caladenia starteorum Hopper & A.P. Br. 105 Calothamnus sp. Mt. Lindesay (BGH 439) 107 Calymperastrum latifolium (Hampe) Stone 109 Chamaexeros longicaulis T. Macfarlane 111 Chamelaucium floriferum N. G. Marchant & Keighery subsp. diffusum N.G. Marchant & Keighery ms 114 Chamelaucium forrestii (F. Muell.) N.G. Marchant & Keighery subsp. forrestii ms 116 Chordifex jacksonii L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs ms 118 Cryptandra congesta Rye 120 Dampiera orchardii Rajput & Carolin 121 Diuris heberlei D.L. Jones 124 Drepanocladus aduncus (Hedw.) Warnst. 126 Drosera binata Labill. 128 Dryandra sessilis (Knight) Domin var. cordata (Meisn.) A.S. George 130 Eucalyptus virginea Hopper & Wardell-Johnson 132 Euphrasia scabra R. Br. 134 Fabronia hampeana Sond. 136 Grevillea acropogon Makinson 138 Grevillea fuscolutea Keighery 140 Hemiandra australis B. Conn ms 142 Hybanthus volubilis E.M. Bennett 144 Juncus meianthus K. L. Wilson 146 Laxmannia grandiflora subsp. brendae Keighery 148 Leptinella drummondii (Benth.)
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