WEDNESDAY TODAY APRIL 5, 2000 Peering through the 97th Year • Number 95 chain-link fence at Ar- lington Sam. Houston High School, I trans- High 86 formed from a self-as- Low 62 sured college student nearing graduation Windy into a nervous high school neophyte. Joet Anderson returns to TOMORROW High 80 Low 60 high school. Life, page 7 Fort Worth, Texas Serving Texas Christian University since 1902 www.sklff.tcu.edu Two new Here's lookin' at you frog camps More added input Resolana, Casa Nueva offer service, culture needed By Kathryn Garcia 3TAFF REPORTER Only 18 percent of students Incoming freshmen will now have a chance to learn about the history and culture of Fort responded to finals survey Worth before stepping into their first TCU By iaime Walker classroom. STAFF REPORTER Beginning with the 2000-2001 academic Academic Affairs Committee Chairman Brian Case- year, incoming freshmen will have two new bolt said the students have spoken, but he wants to hear frog camps from which to choose: Frog Camp more voices before proceeding with plans to change the Resolana and Frog Camp Casa Nueva. finals schedule, he told the House of Sludenl Repre- The two new frog camps offer students more sentatives Tuesday. options, allowing for a better transition to Although about 1S percent of TCU undergraduate campus, said Carrie Zimmerman, program co- students responded to last week's all-campus e-mail ordinator of Frog Camp. survey about the finals schedule. Casebolt said he wants "We want (incoming students) to feel they to get more than 1.236 responses. have a voice in the university even before they Casebolt said he wants a better cross-section of stu- get here and that they have a place on cam- dent opinion. pus," she said. "We are on the brink of making a dramatic and com- Wanda Muriy, a sophomore international prehensive change." he said. "As the House of Student communication major and ex-Frog Camp fa- Representatives, we need to make sure that we repre- cilitator, said she would have preferred to have sent everybody. To do that, we have to talk to our con- facilitated both new frog camps. stituents." "Being from the Ukraine. I know Casa According to House figures. 63.4 percent of those Nueva will be helpful to international stu- surveyed were in favor of the proposal, which will move dents," she said. "Many don't have cars, and one study day from the Thursday before finals week to it's hard to get around. It takes them awhile to the Wednesday of finals week. learn where things are in Fort Worth." Roger Pfalfenberger. chairman of the Faculty Sen- Resolana, a combination of community ate, said he expects the schedule change to be approved service and on-site cultural service, will offer at the Senate's Thursday meeting Once the Faculty attendees the opportunity to spend time in Senate and the House each approve the proposal, it will Santa Fe, N.M. They will help others and visit move to the University Academic Council. The coun- areas of interest. Zimmerman said. cil, comprised of faculty, students and administrators, Incoming freshmen will help at a farm that will make a final decision. voluntarily produces crops for underprivileged Casebolt said the revised finals schedule is faculty- members of the community, volunteer at friendly, but he wants to make sure more students think Ghost Ranch (an education and mission cen- it is student-friendly, too. ter an hour from Santa Fe) and experience the "Not all students check their TCU e-mail accounts, Southwest culture in Santa Fe. so we want to make sure students understand the poli- Megan Stuebner, a junior biology major and cies we want to enforce." he said. "One of our com- future staff member at Camp Resolana, said mittee's major concerns is the fact that a lot of students her job is to help students move into a new en- are still locked out of their delta e-mail accounts be- vironment while pursuing cultural goals. cause they changed the passwords over Spring Break." Casa Nueva. an introduction to the history Debra Noll, a senior Spanish major, said she did not and culture in Fort Worth, provides incoming fill out the survey because she had not had time to freshmen the opportunity to learn more about Vv.lt. H.rr.ra/SPECIAL TO THE SKIFF change her password. the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Zimmerman said. Nick Kirk, a junior sculpture major, examines "How They Taught Me," a steel plaster created by John Frost. "I don't use that e-mail account because the system "The more they know about Fort Worth, and The John Frost MFA Thesis Exhibition will be on display in the J.M. Moudy Exhibition Hall in Moudy Build- is such a hassle," she said. "Every time I think about See CAMP, Page 4 ing North until Friday. See HOUSE, Page 4 PULSE BRIEFS Science needs updated equipment, group finds Nonexempt staff pay grades reorganized into three bands Task force discusses facility improvements to better prepare students for work force Staff Assembly represen- Editor's note: This is the 10th in a se- needed," Moody said. "In a lab of 40 equipment for research and teaching have fume hoods. The solution teem homogeneous than before, we will he tatives gave Chancellor ries of articles profiling the 17 task students, there might be only two bal- purposes. simple, but it is not in place right able to react better to the needs of the Michael Ferrari a round of forces that make up the Commission on ances. As a committee, our job is to "Technology in the sciences is now." faculty and the students." Park said. applause during their meet- the Future of TCU. cite problem areas and tell what needs moving so fast, and it is so important Efton Park, an associate professor Walt Williamson, chairman of the ing Tuesday for the TCU to be done." that students are exposed at this time of math and chairman of the infra- engineering department, said he Board of Trustees' decision By Jill McNeal Task force members said they are to up-to-date technology when they structure subcommittee, said task hopes the formation of a separate col- to increase the staff starting STAFF REPORTER discussing how to upgrade the equip- come into the science labs." Barth force members want to move TCU's lege lor sciences and engineering will salary from $5.73 to $7.25 Junior psychology and Spanish ment and boost the national reputa- said. "We also want to invest in im- science programs lo the next level of attract more engineering students to an hour. major Walker Moody said he sees tion of the new College of Science proving the infrastructure of the distinction. TCU. "We had housekeepers what is going on in undergraduate sci- and Engineering. teaching classrooms. If you've been "We're looking to get more tech- "We want to become more visible come in with the biggest ence classes. Instead of merely com- The task force is one of 17 on the over to Winton-Scott Hall lately, you nology into the classrooms and labs." and also develop a greater community smiles on their faces," said plaining about the conditions. Moody Commission on the Future of TCU. know those classrooms are badly in he said. "We're also looking at more- presence by establishing partnerships Gail Truitt. a residential has the chance to take action as the which was established by Chancellor need of repair." mundane things such as security. We with local companies such as Texas housekeeper. only student on the task force for the Michael Ferrari to determine how the Moody said it is important to ad- might want to replace the current lock Instruments." he said. The Assembly also dis- new College of Science and Engi- university can move to the next level dress the need for the right equip- system with key-card access." Williamson said with the help of cussed the reorganization of neering. of academic distinction. ment. Park said he wants to make TCU the new William E. and Jean Jones the six pay grades for nonex- "I know that in chemistry lab, we Timothy Barth. chairman of the "Right now. there are students more competitive for talented high Tucker Technology Center, he hopes empt staff into three bands. had to omit a portion of the assign- psychology department, said a major working with toxic chemicals and us- school students looking at colleges. the engineering department will be John Weis, director of Hu- ment in our book because we didn't concern for the task force as a whole ing a fan to blow them out into the "With more state-of-the-art equip- man Resources, said the first have the updated equipment we has been updating science laboratory hallway." Moody said. "They should ment and a new college that is more See TASK FORCE, Page 4 band will have a minimum wage of $7.25, while the second band will start at $8.50 and the third at $10.50. He said employees' Annual Spring Film Festival has childhood theme salaries that fall between the three bands would be in- PC brings movies Center Ballroom. corn and all kinds of candies and business management major, said Want to go? creased to the minimum Amanda Knecht, the fine arts drinks," Silva said. "April is kind she is not able lo altend the event wage in the band above. with free student chairwoman for PC, said the fine of hectic anyway with tests, so it because of a busy weeknight ■ Who: Programming Council arts committee has chosen a theme was a nice way to relax." schedule, but she likes the idea.
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