January 11, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E25 In 2013, he was elected as the City’s means that preventative care and treatment HONORING ALLEN CHIN mayor. Over the last seven years, he has led for the poorest Americans in the insular areas Lawrence through two major crises—the 2018 will always be less available than for Ameri- HON. GREG STANTON Merrimack Valley natural gas explosions and cans elsewhere. OF ARIZONA the COVID–19 pandemic. Time and again, he The final Obama-Biden administration budg- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has demonstrated his leadership and dedica- et proposal, for fiscal year 2017, addressed Monday, January 11, 2021 tion to the residents of the great City of Law- this systemic inequity by proposing an align- Mr. STANTON. Madam Speaker, I rise to rence. ment of insular area Medicaid programs with The Merrimack Valley gas explosions forced honor the life and legacy of Allen Chin, who the rest of the nation, first by removing the thousands of families to flee the area, dam- passed away on November 18, 2013 at the cap on Medicaid funding, so that it would no aged and destroyed dozens of homes, left age of 91. A proud Chinese Immigrant, Allen longer operate as a block grant in any insular many businesses with considerable financial was a member of the Greatest Generation, area. losses, and tragically took a young man’s life. and valiantly served our country in WWII to Throughout that period, Mayor Rivera led with Congress has also acknowledged this in- protect our freedom and American values at purpose and empathy in every decision he equity. We acted to provide more Medicaid home and abroad. Allen’s life embodied the made to get the City on the path of recovery, funding for the insular areas by substantially highest ideals of our nation, and his remark- while fighting to ensure the community re- lifting the cap through P.L. 116–94, Further able courage are forever etched in our na- ceived all necessary support and resources. Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020. Pro- tion’s history. For his service and sacrifice, He has been a close ally as we successfully visions in P.L. 116–127, the Families First Allen was posthumously awarded the Con- advanced the Leonel Rondon Pipeline Safety Coronavirus Response Act created equity be- gressional Gold Medal for his service during Act. This legislation will ensure no community tween the states and the insular areas with re- World War II. ever faces a disaster like this one again, be- spect to the increase in the federal-local At age 15, Allen left his family in coming law in December of 2020. match for Medicaid. Families First, also, pro- Guangdong, China and emigrated to San Just as the City of Lawrence was recovering vided additional federal dollars for the insular Francisco, California with a sponsorship from from the natural gas explosions, the COVID– area Medicaid programs. But our actions were his uncle. When WWII broke out, Allen an- 19 pandemic struck. Lawrence has been temporary. These funding increases expire at swered the call of duty and joined the U.S. among the hardest hit communities in the the end of fiscal year 2021. Army. Allen was sent to serve in the Pacific Commonwealth by the pandemic, dispropor- Now, Congress must act again. And in Theater and became a machinist who helped tionately impacting its large population of doing so, we must create an enduring policy train Chinese allied troops. His service instilled Black and brown residents. With the utmost that safeguards the health of the poorest in him a deeply-held patriotism, which he transparency in communication, Mayor Rivera Americans in our insular areas. would later inspire in future generations. consistently urged the community to maintain Upon returning home to California, Allen be- social distance, enacted a city-wide eviction To achieve that goal, I am introducing the came an American citizen and sponsored his moratorium to protect renters, created two Insular Area Medicaid Parity Act. My bill aligns family in China to come to the United States. Emergency Small Business Relief Programs with President-elect Biden’s pledge to address Allen’s first civilian career was owning and op- designed to help the Lawrence businesses healthcare disparities in minority communities erating the Sonoma House grocery store—a and immigrant entrepreneur communities as by repealing the arbitrary cap on Medicaid for place where all in the neighborhood convened they work to get back on their feet, and dili- Americans in the insular areas. and shopped. He met and married his wife Lil- gently collaborated with the State and Federal By repealing the cap, we will be doing more lian who he called the ‘‘Pretty girl from Shang- governments to set up testing sites around the than just ensuring there are sufficient re- hai’’ and they began a long life together. city. sources to face the coronavirus crisis. We will Allen and his wife raised their daughter Ar- Mayor Rivera’s leadership and hard work be setting up the healthcare systems in the in- lene and settled down permanently in Arizona has been recognized by various organizations. sular areas to respond to the next public to forge a new path filled with adventure. Allen He was awarded Masslnc.’s Mayor Bill Car- health challenge, whatever it may be. Most im- was a devoted father and active member of penter Award for Excellence in Gateway City portant of all, we will ensure that day-after-day the Tempe community. He opened and sold a Leadership in 2020, and in 2018 was recog- and year-by-year those with the smallest in- successful Chinese restaurant, worked as a nized as one of the 100 Most Influential Peo- comes and no access to other insurance re- machinist in the semiconductor industry, and ple of Color in Greater Boston by Get ceive the care that will keep them healthy and pursued perhaps his greatest passion: ball- Konnected. help ward off debilitating disease. room dance. A man of dignity and honor, Al- Through his many years of service, Mayor len’s spirit lives on with his daughter Arlene, Rivera has made the City of Lawrence a bet- We will, also, be providing a level of cer- who has followed in his footsteps and contin- ter place to call home. Thanks to his efforts, tainty to healthcare providers—in the public ued his legacy of service. She has served the City’s future is bright, and I join Lawrence and private sector—that will encourage invest- Tempe proudly becoming its first Asian-Amer- residents in thanking him for his dedication to ment in the health industry in the insular ican city councilmember. this incredible community. areas, which by any measure lags the rest of We all owe a debt of gratitude to Allen for f the nation. And by doing so we will create a his selfless commitment and sacrifice. I wish virtuous cycle of rising quality of care powered to extend my heartfelt appreciation for all he INTRODUCTION OF THE INSULAR by rising access that will benefit all at every in- has done to make our community, our state, AREA MEDICAID PARITY ACT come level. and our country a better place. In this spirit of The pandemic has brought home this truth: gratitude and remembrance, I humbly rise to HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO none of us can truly remain well, while some honor his life and legacy, which will continue SABLAN of us are ill. Now it is time for Congress to to be felt for generations to come. OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS fully commit to making sure the poorest in the I thank Allen, and wish him Godspeed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES insular areas are treated equitably. f Monday, January 11, 2021 I thank my colleagues who joined me in in- INTRODUCTION OF THE FARM-TO- Mr. SABLAN. Madam Speaker, President- troducing this legislation—Chairman MCGOV- MARKET ROAD REPAIR ACT OF elect Biden has pledged to address the ERN, Chairwoman VELA´ZQUEZ, Chairwoman 2021 healthcare disparity in minority communities DELAURO, Chairman NADLER, Mr. CLEAVER II, that the coronavirus pandemic has laid bare. Mr. SAN NICOLAS, Ms. RADEWAGEN, Mr. HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS One longstanding disparity is that our national ESPAILLAT, Ms. LEE, Ms. MOORE, Mr. OF FLORIDA CA´RDENAS, Ms. BONAMICI, Mr. SIRES, Ms. Medicaid program does not reach all Ameri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cans with full coverage. BARRAGA´N, Mr. GARCI´A, Mr. HASTINGS, Mr. The Northern Mariana Islands, American CARSON, Mr. CASE, Ms. CLARKE, Ms. JACKSON Monday, January 11, 2021 Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Vir- LEE, Ms. NAPOLITANO, Ms. NORTON, Ms. Mr. HASTINGS. Madam Speaker, I rise gin Islands are subject to a hard, statutory MENG, Mr. CASTRO, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Mr. today to introduce the Farm-to-Market Road limit on federal Medicaid support, unlike the TRONE, Ms. OCASIO-CORTEZ, Ms. GONZA´LEZ- Repair Act of 2021, legislation that will expand states and the District of Columbia. This cap COLO´ N, Ms. KELLY, and Ms. CHU. eligibility for the Surface Transportation Block VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:22 Jan 12, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11JA8.007 E11JAPT1 sspencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS E26 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 11, 2021 Grant program to include rural roads that College from 1984 to 1994, and for 18 years Madam Speaker, as Supervisor Yee exits serve to transport agriculture products from was the executive director for Wu Yee Chil- public service, he will be remembered as the farms or ranches to the marketplace.
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