A 2 I N r b P 0 s O e u R 1 s s l I 3 u 6 e l L e GULF ASIA a e r t c i h n Asia’s presence in the Gulf region has to the IMF 2011 rankings. This growth politics, economics and security relating in recent years expanded beyond the PZ YLÅLJ[LK PU H Z[YVUNLY HUK TVYL to the GCC states as well as other traditional areas of trade and investment, visible presence in the Gulf region, not countries of the region including Iran and to an increasingly wide range of only in energy-related trade but also Iraq. We believe that we are well placed areas including energy security and across a growing number of sectors. to contribute to the understanding of RUV^SLKNLIHZLKPUK\Z[YPLZ9LÅLJ[PUN The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia remains both short-term and long-term strategic [OL L_WHUZPVU VM (ZPH»Z PUÅ\LUJL the biggest economy in the Gulf region. issues relating to GCC-Asia relations. the Gulf Research Center (GRC) has Japan has been the largest investor from extended its focus to studying the Gulf- Asia into the Kingdom between 2009 This GCC-Asia bulletin, which is to be Asia relationship in-depth. and 2010, with China, Malaysia, and produced bi-annually, seeks to address Republic of Korea following. Historically, [OLJ\YYLU[PUMVYTH[PVUKLÄJP[PU[OLHYLH Among the areas of interest for GRC Japan’s investments were almost of GCC-Asia relations through analytical are international relations and energy exclusively targeted towards the power/ and incisive articles. In this issue, the security as well as political and economic petrochemical and energy sectors, emphasis is on the relationship with issues. Our aim within these areas is to as well as water/desalination related Japan. Following issues will focus on provide opportunities for discussions, investments. Recently, the country’s V[OLY JV\U[YPLZ PU (ZPH HZ ^LSS HZ VɈLY research and consultations not only for focus has been on knowledge-based thematic perspectives. public and academic organizations, but industries and human capital related also for private entities. We would like to investments, such as vocational training 0 OVWL `V\ ^PSS ÄUK [OPZ I\SSL[PU VɈLY V\Y RUV^SLKNL HUK L_WLYPLUJL [V and youth exchange programs, in informative and thought-provoking. support the activities of both public and addition to renewable energy technology Please send us your comments once private companies, which may already HUK PUK\Z[YPHS KP]LYZPÄJH[PVU 0[ PZ Z\JO you have had the opportunity to go have established themselves within the broadening range of interests that through this issue. region, or are seeking to do so. will ultimately promote long-term and sustainable relations between the Gulf Over the last decade, East Asia’s and Asia. Noriko Suzuki economic strength has grown Director ZPNUPÄJHU[S`^P[O*OPUHYHURPUNZLJVUK Based on Asia’s increasing interest in the Gulf Research Center in terms of global GDP, Japan third and Gulf region, GRC Asia’s principal focus Foundation Asia the Republic of Korea 15th according ^PSSPUJS\KLPZZ\LZPU[OLÄLSKZVMLULYN` [email protected] 02 0 GULF Issue No. 6 APRIL 2013 In This Issue Editor-in-Chief: Abdulaziz Sager Editor: Noriko Suzuki A 2 I N Assistant Editor: Radhika Menon P 0 s O R 1 s Senior Designer: Murad Musfer I 3 u 6 L e Editorial Policy The Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin seeks to document relevant data and address the current On OSIPP-GRC Academic Cooperation PUMVYTH[PVU KLÄJP[ PU [OPZ HYLH Toshiya Hoshino |04 The articles in this publication do not represent the opinion of Japan-Gulf Relations in the Wider Gulf-Asia the Gulf Research Center, but Context that of the individual author. The Makio Yamada |06 Gulf-Asia Research Bulletin is a biannual publication and can be Japan and the Gulf: Balanced Business Relationship, and Thereafter accessed on the GRC website at Yoshio Minagi |10 www.grc.net A General History of Kuwait-Japan Economic © Gulf Research Center, 2013 Relations from the 1950s to the 1970s All rights reserved. No part of Takumi Sato |14 this publication may be repro- 2 0 3 duced, stored in a retrieval sys- Gulf-Asia Relations: tem, or transmitted in any form Noteworthy Developments – Nov. 2012 to Mar. or by any means, electronic, 2013 |18 mechanical, photocopying, re- cording or otherwise, without Book Review |22 the prior written permission of the GRC. For information regarding contributions and advertising, contact: Noriko Suzuki, Director of Asia & Aus- tralia, GRC Foundation Asia (email: [email protected]). Published by GRC Foundation Asia Roppongi 4-4-4-33, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan Tel.: +81 3 6904 7121 Fax: +81 3 6904 7122 Email: [email protected] Website: www.grc.net www.grc.net ASIA On OSIPP-GRC Academic Cooperation Toshiya Hoshino in information and communication technologies in a Professor and Dean globalized world, the balance of power between state Osaka School of International Public Policy authorities and the “ordinary people” who are aided by Osaka University, Japan the social media is witnessing a significant change as vividly seen in the “Arab Spring” and the international reaction to it. These are new developments that we The Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP) need to watch closely in addition to existing regional at Osaka University, Japan had the honor to initial the rivalries in the Middle East and the Gulf region, in agreement of academic cooperation with the Gulf South Asia, and in East Asia, among others. Research Center (GRC) on October 13, 2012, during the first-ever Saudi Week held in the city of Osaka. As Against this background, it is extremely important the Dean of the School, I had the pleasure of signing to expand the dialogue among experts in Japan and the document together with Ms. Noriko Suzuki, GRC’s the Gulf region to prevent the potential geostrategic Director for Asia & Australia. The ceremony was most risks from moving out of control as well as to graciously witnessed by former Ambassador of Saudi enhance our mutual understanding to facilitate many Arabia in Japan, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Bashir Kurdi and future joint projects. We are strongly connected 04 0 Dr. Essam Bukhary, Saudi Cultural Attache in Japan, and interdependent. While we enjoy good business among others. We truly value the agreement which will relations, we need to bring together our knowledge open up the opportunity to jointly analyze matters of and expertise to assess and address other issues common and strategic concern between Japan and such as the future of China, proliferation challenges the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. in Iran and in North Korea, maritime security along Building on mutual trust, we consider the start of the sea lanes from the Gulf region to East Asia, inter- this collaboration most timely and significant as we regional cooperation between East Asian regional embark on a new year to make our world more stable, organizations and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), peaceful and prosperous. innovations to cope with energy and environment challenges, water and food shortages, socio-economic Indeed, the world today is in the midst of dramatic and cultural developments, including matters relating changes in the geostrategic balance of power. There to the aging society in Japan as well as human are at least three waves that are changing the face of resource development – particularly the case of the global political economy. First, with the dynamic the youth in Saudi and other Gulf countries – and rise of China and the “Asia-shift” of the United the challenges posed by income gaps. OSIPP-GRC States, the center of geostrategic gravity is shifting academic cooperation will prove to be a new effective toward East Asia and the Pacific region. Second, platform to jointly work on these and other important with the growing increase in global environmental research agendas. concern and awareness, together with the changing energy landscape due to the shale gas revolution and On the Japanese side, the timing is perfect. After the the pursuit of new sources of energy, the balance lower house election and the subsequent change of between non-renewable and renewable energy government in December 2012, the new administration sources is changing. Third, with the rapid innovation led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of the Liberal GULF Issue No. 6 APRIL 2013 Democratic Party (LDP) was formed. As the new and deflationary economy and heavy budget deficit, government is committed to turn around the Japanese which was further exacerbated by the most tragic economy, now No.3 after the United States and China, triple disasters of the Great East Japan earthquake, as well as engage in a more proactive diplomacy, it devastating tsunami, and the nuclear power plant will prove to be most useful to provide inputs based accidents in March 2011. However tough it might be, on the outcome of our joint research to guide this new Japan has no choice but to move on. Finding a proper 4 0 5 administration to make the right choices. It may be energy policy is an urgent matter as the operation noted that Mr. Abe was the Prime Minister when Japan of most of the nuclear power plants in Japan is formally developed a “strategic and multi-layered suspended. relationship” with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, when he visited King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the On the diplomatic and security policy front, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, and HRH Crown situation that faces Japan is no less difficult. Japan Prince Sultan in April 2007.
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