•JK r There are many causes of nervousness, but HI blood heads the list. The f\f /% «tf. , _ J poor doctors call WITH j X V v/ «' it anemia. Jdftfilbod lack's red corpuscles. l/OuS At .. _ your consult .. , firstyspportunity, your doctor about s taking Ayer Sarsaparilla. Ask him if he has anything belter for weak- ness, debility, nervousness. If he has, take it. If not, take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I Get that s what w» h«»« no ..oret. i w« HE SAID well, you are after. pubii.h j. c. A»«r co STATE STREET -- Sicilian Girl Makes Remarkable Contractor Has Had Teams Sent Plea for Her Life-Divine Voice ARGANUMITES Here Preparatory to Resuming Told Her to Kill. i Society i JOHANNA KOYEN ENTERTAINED Work on Paving. Miss Johanna Koyen, daughter of NEW YORK, May 2a.—Seven Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koyen, was host- TURNED DUT. It Is expected that Contractor Terra on trial year-old Josephine nova, ess to a number of her friends yester- Sweeten, of Trenton, who has the for the murder of her aunt, went on day afternoon and evening at her contract for paving upper State the stand uud gave the jury the history home In Elm street. A delightful Big Held Last to street with brick, and who, as told iu time Meeting Night of her life with (hietnno and was enjoyed by all. Music, the NEWS, stopped work early last Concetto dancing and recitations were the Hear her uncle and whom she Supreme fall because of the bad weather, and Rlggio, aunt, chief features of the affair. A duet Representa- since then has not done any work on stahl>ed to death ou the ulght of Wash- was rendered by Misses M. VanDusen. tive Taylor Speak. the to all reports ington's birthday lu their home nt Wll- and Anna Allen, and recitation by Job, will, according and from what Street Commissioner llamsbrldge. Gladys Eilert. Later, refreshments A, well attended and Important were served, at which Miss M. Pfeif- of William Fullerton says, resume work It was the of meeting Middlesex Council, No. story unspeakable fer was toast mistress. The on the some time today. guests 1100, Royal Arcanum, was held In job wrongs heaped upon her and of the at about 9 o’clock after Last a number of teams were departed the rooms in the Odd Fellows’ build- night swift and terrible retribution site a most delightful time with Trenton spending last and from all sent here from by Mr. their friend Johanna. ing night, indica- wreaked upon her unnatural relatives. Sweeten, who has had some men at Among those present from this city tions everybody had a good time. Strange voices, she declared, com- work the past few days picking tip were: Mrs. Emil Koyen, Augusta Wilson Taylor, of Jersey City, a su- manded Iter to kill. She is ou trial be- the bricks, which were scattered Kroeger, Julia Overton, Ethel and preme representative, was present, fore Justice Scott In the supreme court, the road and sidewalks. Margaret VanDusen, Florence Mac- also a large delegation from Arthur along They who almost as soon ns the defendant have about this task. The Gregor, Gladys Eilert, Anna Allen, Kill Council, of Tottenville. completed began her testimony overruled Prose- Anderson, Marguerite teams and wagons will most likely be Mary Pfeiffer, Representative Taylor made an ad- cutor Kly's objectlou, saying: Johanna, Adolphine Koyen, Hilda put to work this afternoon. dress, bringing out a number of —She may as well tell the whole sto- Koyen, of Pleasant Plains; Miss Report was current that Sweeten things necessary for a good arcanum- ry.” Louise Oechlie, Tottenville; Alice would not finish the job, but would Joline, South Amboy; Lilliam Blood- ite to know. He told of things that The prisoner in telling of her brief turn It over to the Jersey Paving good, of Delaware; Ida Hearne. members had long wanted to know. happiness made a pretty picture and the concern that Is now do- • • • Dr. Frank Crowther was the next Company, an appealing one, yet lu t^ie sun bright ing the Madison avenue paving, but. LADIES’ SOCIETY SUPPER. speaker. He kept the crowd in a smile with which she greeted every when the street commissioner was A supper will be ser.ved in the mood with his stories and fun question there was a suggestion of the merry Presbyterian chapel tomorrow night asked about this he said It was not Both making. H. E. Pickersgill made a uncanny. judge and jury listened by the Ladies’ Society of the Presby- so, that Contractor Sweeten would short address. District Deputy Mar- to her dramatic story—a story .perhaps terian church. The ladle3 have an attend to It himself. tin of Staten and Re- unparalleled In criminal annals—with enviable record for the repasts they Cronk, Island, the most absorbed and kindly Interest. always set before those who patron- gent DeWitt Peppers, of Arthur Kill She snt erect In the witness choir, ise them and tomorrow night's affair Council, also spoke. holding her handkerchief In one hand. will be no exception to the rule. After the meeting refreshments of Preparations will be made to serve a cream were In her gray skirt and white waist she cake, ice and orangeade thouWman | large number. served. The social hour that follow- made rather an attractive picture. • • • “I am seventeen years old," she said. ed was enjoyed by all. Mr. rnd Mrs. Anthony McNulty, of “I was born In Italy. My father, he i Port Reading, are the proud parents when I am' four old. I re- ON LAINC die years !of a baby girl. CAR, member about coming to America. «* e. viiui ica kj. miuciouii, wi "I work all tbe time. 1 get up at 4 ette street, is visiting friends in New ... -n .. .1 nil Pi, PI...H 1 n.A.l. iConstable O'Brien Saw Him York today. THE LODGES. • • • until 11 or 12 o'clock. I wash and Passing but Did Not scrub oii(l cook and make bread and Professor William Preyn, of this What Is Place do all the work for all the boarders, city, leaves Friday for Port Washing-1 Taking Among Him. ton, L. I. He to lead an or- Stop sometimes eleven, twelve or thirteen— goes chestra at Locust Grove, Orchard The Secret Orders. • ouee sixteen boarders.” While Constable James O'Brien Beach, which opens Decoration Day, Then the girl, hesitating, blushing May 30. TALL CEDARS OP LEBANON. was Rtnnriimr at. Smith and State and faltering, told how her ruin had » * * A forest of the Tall Cedars of Leb- streets, this morning, shortly after which order has a number of been accomplished by her uncle when Miss Agnes St. Clair has returned anon, x x o'clock, he noticed a tnan In a local men us be in- she was eleven years old, with the home after spending a few days with members, may passing trolley car whom he sus- stituted in this in the near counsel and aid of the aunt. As the her sister, Mrs. Monilaus, in Oyster city pected of being Fred Lalng, the al- future. unspeakable, unprintable narrative fell Bay, L. I. leged murderer. The constable did • • • SCOTT CHAPTER CELEBRATION. from the of the the wom- not but hunted Chief lips prisoner Amboy Chapter No. 41, Royal Arch stop the car, up Luther Hope was a Fords visitor en in the court poked their heads for- has received an invitation to o Police Burke. The chief did not ! Masons, better to catch word yesterday. ward the every • * * attend the semi-centennial celebra- think it possible that the passenger of the hideous story. There were no tion of Scott Chapter, of New Bruns- was Lalng. W. H. Dey has returned from a in the' chamber save the voices wick June 5. sounds trip to Baltimore. A man who was on the car with of the girl and her lawyer. Several K. G. E. MEETING. the supposed Lalng told Constable A number of the members of the times, replying to some question, Jo- O’Brien that he had been talking to Knight of Golden Eagle attended sephine, with her cheeks burning, said: the and that the fellow had tehlr regular meeting li^ld In their fellow, “1 don't want to rather not said he came from beat- say—I'd rooms, in the Odd Fellows building, Pittsburg, tell that.” PAID his here. He was dressed In $28,239 last night. There was no initiation ing way It was only after a great deal of as the candidates failed to appear. a dark suit and wore a straw hat. His hesitation on the part of the witness Arrangements are being made and hair was dark In color. The car he that Judge I’almlerl got her to tell of a program prepared for the public was on was bound for New Bruns- IN INSURANCE in A the nameless crimes of the uncle. installation to be held July. wick. to The court proceedings were Interrupt- committee has been appointed take charge of the affair. Each ed for a moment by a woman who Amount Paid on Lives in Perth member will be allowed to invite =-—-—--.....i■-^i^rrrgga fainted. She quickly revived and was only one person besides bringing his WILL REFUSE taken out. Then the examination went for State Is DUMP Amboy-Total wife or lady friend. It is expected WAYS THATARE DARK on. that some of the grand officers will CHAUFFEUR AND VALET Q.
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