Serving Gilchrist County and Surrounding Area for over 90 Years 207 North Main Street, Trenton, Florida 32693 Phone (352) 463-7135 • Fax (352) 463-7393 $25.00 Digital Only, $25.00 Gilchrist County Vol. 90 –– No. 5 www.gilchristcountyjournal.net Thursday, June 25, 2020 Price 50¢ $30.00 Tri-County Area, $40.00 Out of Area Trenton Quarterback Club Fishing Young family Lauren Roberts crowned Tournament a big success Saturday involved Newberry Watermelon in boating Festival Queen accident on Sunday A young local family was involved in a serious boating accident on Sunday, June 21, in the Manatee Springs area of the Suwannee River. Zachary Miles Andrews, 29 of Old Town along with his wife, Sunny Kay Andrews, 26, and their 2 year old daughter, Tillie were in a 14 foot open fishing boat on the Suwannee River around 5:45 in the afternoon. They were traveling north on the river along the south bank and Zachary, who was operating the boat, was looking along the south bank for an alligator to show his daughter. Zachary failed to see two wooden poles holding the flood stage slow speed sign and hit one of The winning boat in the offshore division, with 21.08 lbs of Snapper, belonged to Allen Clark. Pictured the two poles head on according to above are Scott Osteen with the Trenton Quarterback Club, Allen Clark, Cristhian Cordero Fallas, Lori the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Clark, Brandon Clark, Guy Crawford Jr., Coach Bill Wiles, Sharon Langford, Shelby Crawford, and Brett Conservation Commission) accident Clark. report. All three occupants were According to Coach Bill Wiles the ejected from the vessel. Tillie, who 2020 Trenton Quarterback Club’s was wearing a PFD (life jacket), Fishing Tournament held on Satur- sustained a head injury and was not day, June 20 in the Town of Suwan- breathing. Zachary, who sustained nee was a big success. Owen Prince a broken hand, a cut to his arm, and and Ron Corbett of Suwannee Ma- a puncture wound, was able to get rina and Bill’s Fish Camp hosted the Tillie back aboard his vessel where tournament. he started CPR. Sunny sustained Friday night’s Calcutta was incred- a broken foot and remained in the ible with lots of support for the Tren- water. ton Tiger’s football team. A good Samaritan in a vessel There was a total of 49 boats in the arrived and was able to get Sunny, On Saturday, June 20th, Trenton’s own Lauren Roberts was crowned tournament on Saturday. Some of the Tillie, and Zachary on board and call the 75th Annual Newberry Watermelon Festival Queen. Lauren is a winners include Brad Slaughter who 911 and transport the three up river to 2019 graduate of Trenton High School and is currently serving as the had the biggest trout, Jonah Brock Clay Landing where the Levy County FFA Area II Vice President. Photos by Seabee Photography. had the biggest Red Fish, and Riley EMS was met. The report stated a Bray had a 6.91 pound bass to win nurse on board the good Samaritan that category. boat continued CPR on Tillie during See Thank You on page 3 transport and at some point Tillie began breathing. The Andrews Scott Osteen of the Quarterback Club is pictured with Henry Langford, family was transported to UF Shands who took 1st place in the inshore division with a 17.47 lb bag of Trout Health Emergency Room/Trauma Center in Gainesville for treatment. and Redfish, Coach Bill Wiles and Trenton Principal Cheri Langford. The accident is being investigated by FWC Investigation's Section. Sunny Andrews is the daughter of Local children raising money Todd and Cindy Gray and a graduate of Bell High School. Todd Gray is a to help baby Kit and family Gilchrist County Commissioner. Addy Faye and Rye were very tors appointments often at Florida’s busy passing out free lemonade and Wolfson Children’s Hospital which Trenton cookies for a donation on Saturday is five hours round trip. Besides the morning. The lemonade stand was travel expenses the child is in need of Commission leans set up in front of their grandfather some pretty expensive equipment. Doug Crawford and their Uncle Jus- Addy Faye and Rye’s mother toward golf carts tin Jones’ business BMP Logic in KayLee Beauchamp, who is friends on city streets and Trenton. The children were collect- with Kit’s parents, said, “Kit’s fam- ing money to help Kit Kennedy. ily would appreciate it if everyone fewer roosters Kit Kennedy, is a ten month old would lift him up in prayer. We serve baby boy who is the son of Cabe and a wonderful mighty God who is ca- crowing in Joey and Logan Pate won 1st Cady Kennedy of Nicholls, Georgia. pable of more than we can imagine.” residential areas place in the fresh water division Kit was diagnosed with a specific Addy Faye and Rye would like to The Trenton City Commission with 8.04 lbs of bass. gene disorder (Gene ZNF335). He thank all those that came out for a held their second monthly meeting of is one of 50 children in the world to cool glass of lemonade and made a June on Monday evening as the staff have been diagnosed with this dis- donation for this sweet baby boy. had spread out the seating for the four order. Sadly Kit’s parents were told If you did not make it out to the Commissioners which were in atten- not to expect him to live until his first Lemonade Stand and would like to dance and staff listened from tables birthday. support this young family you can set up to comply with the COVID-19 Kit must travel four hours round send a donation to Cabe Kennedy guidelines. Matt Rexroat, Chief of trip twice a week for therapy. His at 6829 Bear Trail, Nicholls, GA Trenton Public Safety Department parents also have to take him to doc- 31554. addressed the Commission with draft ordinances to help the Public Safety Department deal with the growing Ava Houser of Newberry was crowned the Newberry Watermelon June 25, 2020 number of animal complaints and the Festival Teen Queen during the pageant. See other photos on page 4 disturbances they seem to have on a daily basis. He told the Commission that crowing roosters are causing Open House In Need of problems between neighbors in resi- dential areas inside the municipality. on Thursday Food? The Commission discussed the ani- mal issues in detail before agreeing to at new Tax direct City Attorney David M Lang, Stop by the Jr. to prepare an ordinance identify- Collectors Gilchrist County ing the number of chickens that can Office in Bell be kept at a residence on a small lot Michael McElroy, Gilchrist Journal Office in Trenton. The Public Safety Chief County Tax Collector and the Bell specified that crowing roosters have The Trenton United Methodist Library would like to welcome you Church has provided bags of food for become a problem and must be dealt to an open house and ribbon cutting citizens in need. with in this ordinance. to be held Thursday, June 25, 2020, Chief Rexroat asked the Commis- from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Event will The bags of food can be picked up sion for direction in how they wanted be held at the Bell Library and light at the Gilchrist County Journal, lo- him to deal with the growing number cated at 207 Main Street in Trenton, of golf carts, side by sides and UTVs refreshments will be served. All are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. that are traveling the streets of Tren- invited to attend. ton. This open house is in celebration until 5 p.m. Several of the Commissioners of the new Gilchrist County Tax The church also has fourteen 10- agreed that riding the city streets on Collector’s office that will be opening pound bags of diced potatoes, if you golf carts late in the afternoon after in the Town of Bell. The Bell Public have need please call 352-949-6723 Addy Faye and Rye at their Lemonade Stand on Saturday. Library is located at 1130 S. Main to arrange pick-up. Continued on page 8 Street. THE GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL WAS PLACED IN THE MAIL TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. IF IT ARRIVES LATE, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR POSTMASTER. Page Two GILCHRIST COUNTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 Sapps have successful trip offshore Gilchrist County Rotary welcomes new Extension Agent Coach Josh Akers Update on Coach Josh Akers Trenton High School grad Josh Akers is making a career of coaching at Lowndes High School in Valdosta, Georgia. After graduation from Trenton in 1999, he graduated from University Left to right, Rotarian Marvin Weaver, Gilchrist Extension Director Jessica Cooper, Rotary President of Florida in 2004 with a BS in Lowell Chesborough, and Gilchrist Extension Agent Tyler Pittman are shown at Monday’s Rotary Exercise and Sports Science, a Theresa Sapp of Trenton shows off this nice Red Snapper she caught Masters of Education from Valdosta meeting. State in 2006, and a Specialist while fishing with Capt. Leslie on Saturday, along with a limit of By Rosemary McDaniel Practices) compliance issues. most efficient use of land, technical in Education from FSU in 2009. snapper and grouper, out of Suwannee. At the June 22, 2020 meeting, Tyler has only been in his new assistance with plant diseases, Coach Akers has been involved with the club welcomed Tyler Pittman, position for two months, but has invasive species, pests and water coaching since 2000 when he was a the new Gilchrist County Extension fielded hundreds of phone calls by quality and use.
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