Announcing an important new series of books on CONTEMPORARY CHESS OPENINGS Published by Chess Digest, Inc.-General Editor, R. G. Wade The first book in this current series is a fresh look at THE '$ INDIAN DEF by Leonard Barden, William Hartston, and Raymond Keene Two of the most brilliant young players pool their talents with one of the world's well-established authorities on openings to produce a modern, definitive study of the King's Indian Defence. An essen­ tial work of reference which will help master and amateur alike to win more games. The King's Indian Defence has established itself as one of the most lively and popular openings and this book provides 0 systematic description of its strategy, tactics, and variations. Written to provide instruction and under­ standing, it contains well-chosen illustrative games from actual play, many of them shown to the very last move, and each with an analysis of its salient features. An excellent cloth-bound book in English Descriptive Notation, with clear type, goad diagrams, and on easy-to-follow format. The highest quality at a very reasonable price. Postpaid, only $4.40 DON'T WAIT-ORDER NOW-THE BOOK YOU MUST HAVE! K OPEN by Raymond Keene Raymond Keene, brightest star in the rising galaxy of young British players, was undefeated in the 1968 British Championship and in the 1968 Olympiad at Lugano. In this book, he posses along to you the benefit of his studies of the King's Indian Attack and the Ret;, Catalan, English, and Benko­ Larsen openings. The notation is AlgebraiC, the notes comprehensive but easily understood and right to the point. Index of the 70 annotated gomes, playe~ by the world's greatest in recent years <through 1967). The author exercised unusual restraint and included but one of his own games! Paperback, $3.00 M.iI your order, with check or money order in the .moun' of your purchase, to: 479 BROADWAY U. S. CHESS FEDERATION Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 N.Y. State residents: Add proper sales tax to prices given. 222 CHESS LIFE 70th Annual u.s. 0 CHESS Twelve Rounds - Hotel Lincoln LINCOLN, NEBRASKA AUGUST 10-22 * Tournament Director: International* Master* George Koltanowski Assistant Tournament Director: Col. Paul Webb * * * $5000 GUARANTEED PRIZE FUND (The largest prize fund ever offered in a U.S. Open) 1ST PRIZE $1500 plu. TROPHY CLASS 8 1ST $100 plus TROPHY 2ND PRIZE 800 CLASS B 2ND 75 3RD PRIZE SOO CLASS C 1ST 75 plus TROPHY 4TH PRIZE 300 CLASS C 2ND 50 5TH PRIZE 200 CLASS D 1ST 75 plus TROPHY 6TH thru 10TH 100 each CLASS D 2ND 50 EXPERT 1ST 125 plus TROPHY CLASS E & EXPERT 2ND 7S UNRATED 1ST 75 plus TROPHY EXPERT 3RD 50 WOMEN' S 1ST 100 plus TROPHY CLASS A 1ST 100 plus TROPHY WOMEN'S 2ND 75 CLASS A 2ND 75 JUNIOR 1ST 50 plus TROPHY CLASS A 3RD 50 Entry Fee: $25 plus U$C F membership if 1'101 currently a *mem ­ * *The annual USCF Members' meeting will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, August 14 . The USCF Directors' meeting will be "',- held at 2 p.m., Friday, August 15. Registration: Advonce entries urged. Se nd check or money order to U.S. Chess Federation, 4 79 Broadway, Newburgh, New York An awards breakfast will be held a t 10 a.m., Saturday. 12550 . Finol reois lrolion ot Hotel lincoln, Sunday, August 10 1h, August 23. 10 (I .m . 10 4 p.m . B. nqu, t: A special banquet with musical entertainment fOf" the Time Control: The t ime control for Ihe event will be 50 mov6 in public and players will be held in Ihe Terrace Room, Hotel Lincoln . 2Yz hours. 20 m Oves on hour thereof!e •. Sa lurday, August 16 at 7 p.m. $5.00 tickets may be obtained Meetings: A ployers' meeting will be held prior to the beginnin g a t finol regist ration t ime. of the first round. BRING YOUR CHESS CLOCK. We furnish sets and boards. * * * SCHEDULE Round 1- 7 p.m., Sunday, August 10 Round S--7 p.m., Thund. y, August 14 Round 9_ 7 p.m., Tuesday, August 19 2- 7 p.m., Monel .. y, August 11 6-7 p.m., Friel. y, August 15 1G-7 p.m., Wednesday, August 20 3-7 p.m., Tu,sd.y, August 12 7- 7 p.m., Sund. y, August 17 11-4 p.m., Thursd.y, August 21 4-7 p.rn .. Wednesd.y. August 13 8--7 p.m., Mond.y, August 18 12-3 p.m., Frid.y, August 22 U.S. Speed Championship on Saturday, August 16 Our host hotel in* the center* of downtown* Lincoln, THE L1NCOLN HOTEL You will enjoy your tournament stay at the unique Recreational facilities Include "oWng, tennis, horseback Victorian st¥le hotel of 150 rooms with private bath, tele· riding, swimming in an OlympiC<$lze pool and other out· vision and alr·conditioning in all rooms, ranging from $6.50 door activities. Points of interest nearby are Antelope Park to $14.00 with hlgher rates for two and three room suites. Zoo and the unique Children's Zoo, Old Pawnee Indian (Single rooms, $6.50 to $8.00.) Co uncil Cave and the Sunken Gardens. You may wish to Ample free parking, coffee shop, cocktail lounge. con· visit the unique State Capitol Building with its exhibits, the ve nient to shopping areas and theaters, located on Interstate Museum of Natural History. Historical Society Museum and 180 at P Street with nearby rail and air connections. Three the Sheldon Art Gallery. blocks from University of Nebraska campus. Lincoln is a charming midwestern city where you may ADVANCE HOTEL RESERVATIONS may be made with enjoy a two-week chess vacation at your leisure on a modest The Lincoln Hotel, Lincoln, Nebraska 68501. budget. JUNE, 1969 223 Volume XXIV Number I June, 1M. EDITOR: aurt Hochberg CHESS FEDERATION PRISIDENT Marshall Rohland CONTENTS VICE-PRESIDENT Isaae Kasbdan Observation Paint, by Mira Radojcic ........................ .. .... .... .. .. ... ........... 225 SECRETARY Dr. Leroy Dubeek Keres Annotates ... .. .. .... ........... .. ... .. .... .... .................. .. .. ................... ...... 228 IXICUTIVE DIRECTOR El ection Notice, USC F Di rectors ... .. ........................................ .. .. ........... 230 E. B. Edmondson We Open In Venice, by Anthony Saidy ......................... ......................... 23 1 REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Chess Life, Here and There .................................... 232, 237, 246, 262, 266 NEW ENGLAND J ames Bolton Steven J . Frymer Ben,J arniJI Lande,. Tax Deductibility fo r USCF Charitable Trust, by E. B. Edmondson .. ...... 233 EASTERN Our Student Team Can Win! ..... .......................................................... .23 4 Two Important New Books, Reviewed by Burt Hochberg .. ... .. .. .. ......... 235 MID.ATLANTIC Steve Cuuthera Dr. Fred A. Sor ennn Lewis Huck5 Candidates for USCF Na ti onal Offices ................... .............. .. ............... 238 SOUTHERN Pb.lllp Lamb Robert Cole Na tional High School Championship .................................................... 241 Donald Schu ltz Ben~s B ol l re~ GREAT LAKI!S Robert Byrne .................................................................... .. .. ........ .. ... 242 V. E. V andenbur. Theodo re ~ hnec 1969 U.S. Junior Open ..........................................................................247 NORTH CENTRAL Dr. Geol'le 'I1en Peter Wolf Lorry Evans on Chess ......................................................................... ... 248 AlekNndel' Llepnkkl Rati ng Supplement ................... .... .. ............ ... ......... ............................... 25 1 SOUTHWESTERN JOhn A. Howell Robert S. Brlea:er Dr. Alfred Sorensen Tournament Life ................................................................ ....... .. .. .. ...... 263 PACIFIC A. M. Gardner BUITI l'd Eddy Col. Charles Daly NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS ~~~.~ .~~ _ ~ .~_~~~ ::~::: ~.~n~wg :':lt CHESS::::'':':5 IDUCAT IOH __ .. ___ ... _._Dale Gu!tafSOll COLL(OI! CHI!S5. _____ .•... ___ P eler Me..::hte r COUHUL .. TItI!AIUIltIIL•• _D ..,ld Hoffmanll ;;~~A~. Pullt JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION USCF is a non·prolit d.~ ra oe ra Uc orraniUlUOn, th ~ official rov~mln .. body and FIDE (World. Chess F e d ~ ratl on) 1,Ul1t ror ch~1a In the USA. A nyon ~ In terelted In advancing American che$.! I. ~ lI rl ble {or memberahlp, wit h hene!ltI which Include I CHESS LIFE . ubscrlption and elltlblUty for USCF ratlnl. _aplar Mambanhlp: 1 year, ' 10.00; l! years, $19.00; 3 yean, $17.00. Junior Mlmbantllp ..... (Under 21 at expiration date): I year, 1.5.00; l! yean , '9 . ~; 3 yurs, ' 13.50. Svstilinlng Mambar· ..... .... ship (becomes LIle after 10 conucutive annual payments): $20.00. Onca a SU$ta1n1n. Member· .. ,hlp has begun, each Ivccenlve year's dues must be paid beror. t he explraUon date. Other• wise, the sustalnlnr cycle ,tarta over "I'ain "t year one and at whl tever ri tes are th, n in d Ied. Lift! Mtrnbanhlp: noo.OII. WORLD CHI!SS FEDERATION CHESS LIFE is publ bb ~ d raonthly by USCF Ind enluad ali . econcklus ma tter I t Eut (F.I.D.E.) Dubuque, nUnolt. Non-memb'r I.yr. subscriplion: " .SO ($7.$0 ouuld. USA); l ini:le copy: SSt' (7$f outside USA). Ctlanll of .ddra,,: Allow sUi: weeks notice; pl,ase , Ive u. both the new addrelli Fred Cramer . nd the old address, imtiudlng th' numbers and date. on tha to p line o{ your stencil. Vice·President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Address I II communlcaUon$. and make aU checks payable to: UNITED STATES CHISS FEDERATION, 41 ••roldwa)' , Na_v..,", N.Y. 12550 22. CHESS LIFE by Miro Radojcic To B. 0, Not To B. i'irst- a word from your prophets ... moned to his laboratory Grandma~ter Krogius, who authored On the eve of the Petrosian-Spassky match fol' the chess a study entitled "Man and Chess." The challenger was eager, crown, a Soviet newspaper interviewed all four living chess or so it seemed, to counter the Champion even in this depart­ kings from the recent and not so recent past and each of them ment in which Petrosian himself is a kind of expert and the did his best to remain uncommitted! Tal said that it will be author of a dissertation entitled "Logic in Chess." the final (24th) game that will give us the answer, Smyslov Then at last this eagerly expected match started in Moscow thought that this match could end with any result, while Euwe on April 14, immediately overshadowing yet another World went so far as to conclude that he would not be surprised if Championship match which had started two weeks earlier in alter 24 games the final score was even.
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