Wanted -~fPOQ~OJ)O Men , // .. White collll1' jobs ... skIlled TedFio Rito l~~; ,needed . • Guidance needed - moat promiiil.nll fields " Signed For Ball 'if • • • (8M EditorIal Pale) ittmi Stubeut - Published Semi-W eelcly by the Students of Miami UniueTsit'll Z 573 Vol. 65, No._38. Tuesday, February 27, 1940 PRICE FIVE GENTS Mental Heallth Madrigal Club Pre.sents -Sunday Broadcasts 'Final Blues' Flee As Dream College Ted Fio Rito's Orchestra Out in Marriage COlnes To Earth Contracted 'To Provide Music ts A dream college! Topic Of Talk Think of It, Students, a college e, who of no worry, no ft'et, no Ex"mina­ For Interfraternity Dance us, have ti ons. Fo ul' years of freedom from Di·. E. F. Patten those old "final blues." Second Anp.ual Fornlal To Be Held !ir Own: In place of two weeks of bl'ain­ the cen. Expresses ~ie~vs wracking cramming and burning In Witbrow Court March 9; of "midnight oil" thel'e would be rays gets :h, Ou Personahty two weeks of complete rest and Fraternities To Create Ge:neral Fund "motio n pidure" college life. shorts "Ment nl Hygiene of Marring.c" Yl a~ There would be only dai ly quizes. Ted Fio Rita and his ol'chestl'a wi ll provide the music for 'ect dlscl!l:scd ~y Dr_ Eve~et: This is the plan now being worked t IlC 5 1Ibl · • the second an}lual Interfrater!1 ity Ball , to be held March 9, from F_ patten, profes'-:>I' of p.sy -~ holo'lY .. out at Almn co llege, Alma, Michi­ is San. gan, which plan s to give a stand­ 8 td 12 p, m. in Withro\v Court. nt Ihe murria::o SOrle;) lectur" :antecd r o u ~' lh a!'u c{)lnprchendve examination \0 The selection of this band was made by Robert Barj!:el', , -(I ay in Hughes hall ulld:lodu:n . yes I c I all stt:dents at the end of their chairman of the dance, with the npproval of Mrs. Virginia K. "i\1Hny of the answers given to the Een iol' y ear. IIOT/able Skinner, University social dil'ce:tOl', and Miss Martha J aques, qtlcst:on of what mukes u h appy Add to this the system of un­ able! limited cuts lhat is employed by 8uditol' of student organizations. home arc not ·causcs, -but results of th e English universities. No class -;.. Admissb:l to the dance wi ll be the happy home," dechu:ed Dr. atten dance taken, no records' kept. 'M' Book !Ylanager paid by eRch rratern ity at a per Pallen. "Sound personality o{ the The only catch would be a 10 ca pita rate of $1.25, the money ob­ o'clock late pcrmit. individuals concerned Is the true taned to be pooled in a general fund cause of happiness," College life? Merely an Eden of dotes and easy living, to derray a ll e::penses. Eno ugh - Personality Tests' The University Mnilriglll dub, consisting of 50 J ones, wrote "Towers of Minllli" U~ n thcmc £ong for tickets wi ll be printed and issued to blended female voiceR, will 1lrc"ent the third in its Dr. Palten believes that the test the ntadrigol cluh. Under the direc tion cf Miss Dora the seve ral fralcl"l1 ity presidents so of n so und personality is emotional concort sCI'ies of !Jix rnd,lo brnndclI1Jts /nvcr WLW Lyoll, the club will IIresent II half h~llr's concert Vocal Recital that all aclives and pledges may ..ity, and thllt a person is ready Sunday, Dean J08Cllh W. Clokey o[ the Sehoul of horo! o tho Southwestern Ohio MudI' l~c s lival in murriage when -he Is emotionally Fine Arts in collabomiion with P1'Ilfcssol' Willis K Bentc·n hall March Hi-HI. attend the dAll ce . milture, not -before then. People who To Be Given Early Radiu Dm:d f applarln9 oUI'landlnll do not sulk 01' rage 01' feel inferior One of the earliest orchestm Iry mo,. ond be said to be -emotlonally 'Complete - Cast Madrigal Cluh Offers Second By Mr. Barron leaders lo enjoy the popularity of ESTERftElDS the ether waves, F io Rita broadcasts ELY MILDER, tests of personality are the girl Is willing to go Of Mid-Yeal' Broadcast In Radio Series Glee Club's Director regularly over the National, Colum­ bia :ll1 d Mutual networks. He comes "du tch treat" to a movie, whether The University girls' '(ocal t rio~' ---- To Present Selections the engaged couple believe they Play Selected presented two numbers as a part of vocal pupils ur Miss Dora Lyon, Of Noted Composers to Oxford direct fl'o m a long engage­ Id be happy without a bathtub, the second in the WLW series of director of the Madrigal club, and ment at Den Marden's Riveriu in whether the prospectlve wife Initial Performance Madrigal radio bl'oadcasts Sunday. the trio as a unit has been trained Mr. George F. Barron, assistant New York. Id insist that her -husband take The girls were introduced as the by her. professor of music and director of wilh him on his. "good tIme" Of 'Twelfth Night' Fea tured s:> loi5ts with the orches­ "Three Little Maids" because of Mr. J oseph Ries, program director the University Men's Glee club, will tra are "Candy" Candido, the little To Be Given Saturday their selec tion -by the snme name for WLW, was the announcer in present a l' ec ital of vocal music in Psychic Indicator which is from the Gilbert and ehurge of this second hroaJcast. He Benton hall Friday evening at 8:00 Rebel" I.,ake, member d S i;''lnn man wit h a thou and voices; Novo­ "Marriage Is a sort of psychic The cast for Shakespeare's "Twelf- Sullivan light opera, "The Mikado." was in charge of a special rehearsal p. m, Nil fraternity, was chos'.ln lust line Payne, vocalist; and Frank paper," said Dr. PaUen. lilt th Night," mid-year play to be pre­ "Moon Marketing" was their second of the entire pcr5()nnel of t he club The pl'ogram will be one of the Tuesday as business manager of Flynn, volatil e drummer and singer. points of a personality which sented March 1 und 8 In Benton number, for an -hour before the -broadcast, as faculty recitals offered during the the 1944 "M" Book. Fnrthcr Fio Rito is known 110t only as an uppointments were made Saturday. ne ver before been brought to hall, was completed this week by The parts In the trio were sung well as the actual announcing a;ld year by the department of music of orchestm leader but also as u At eertaip times of strain in' P.rof. A. Loren Gates, head of the by Marianna Block, junior in the direction of the program during the t'he University School of Fine Arts. life flaws in a personality speech department apd director of School of Business Administration; time on the ulr. Mr. Banon will -be accompanIed ut popular ~ o ng writer. He has CO I11 - show up which have-never been the play. Mae Reuter, sophomore in the A <lifferent note was added to the the piano by Miss Isabel Clark, Additions Made poseu 85 hit productions, umong ted." Carl Perkins, sophomore in the School of Fine Arts; and Barbara program by the Madrigal club's graduate instructor of music, To Business Staff them arc "Roll Along Prairie Moon," successful marriage hll\ps t:o SOllege of Liberal Arts, -hus been Boer, sophomore in the College of singing of "Ave Maria," by Areadelt Mr. Barron has selected a program "King K a111eha111eho," " W h e n a sourid perSOlUllliY. 'iifils ~ caat os Curio, member of the duke's Liberal Arts. All three are private in the original LatIn. "As Torrents of music suitable for his range as Of 1944 'M' Book Mo on Ha ngs High," and "Alone At ·by the fact that more un- court. Frederick Parkhurst was In Summer" and "Calm As the a basso. The first group will be a Table For Two." than married people are in chosen last w~ek as a lord, PaUl Dean J. W. Clokey Night" were sung a capella. drawn from the very early period of Paul Davis, Robert Bi shop, and Satisfies Dancers asylums. Stomberger, sailor, Joe Carter, and Jean Bird, freshman in the School composers dating from the 16th Robert Litlleton were appointed The philosophy behind Fio Rito's of Education and regulnr accom- century, incl uding Monteverdi, F\lture lectures will be on Palll V~nlman , officers. To Give Address assIstant business managers of the orchestrations is to gIve the dancers panist, played the pia110 for the trio M07.u rt, and.Ml\tiini. and C4i14~e~ , >by.-Dr. JlcQdi /l'he.£wst ,pe1'formance of the p1W- 'and for· the 1Vfadtigal"'prcsehtatton of 19'11 'M' book by Richard Little and "what they wnnt when they want. March 4; "~yslology and will be given Saturday afternoon in Before- 'Honorary- Rachmaninoff's "Floods of Spring" Copies of the lyrics in English Robert Lake, business managers of it"-thus he swings, sways, waltzes of Sexi" · by Dr. Carl Benton hall for students of which e1llnpleted the pmgram. trAnslation will be provi<led for the or jazzes it t-o orde r_ Joseph W. Clokey, dean of the audience fOl' the three numbers by the '43 and '14 'M' books. Satmday. at Cinc!npatl, Maroh 11; McGuffey and Stewart high schools.
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