E694 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 21, 2018 As Black Pride comes to town, I take this ‘‘We come then to the question presented: VETERANS CEMETERY BENEFIT opportunity to inform the celebrants and to re- Does segregation of children in public schools CORRECTION ACT mind my colleagues of the limitations Con- solely on the basis of race, even though the SPEECH OF gress has placed on the District of Columbia. physical facilities and other ‘‘tangible’’ factors Despite paying more federal taxes than 22 may be equal, deprive the children of the mi- HON. SUZANNE BONAMICI states and paying the highest per capita fed- nority group of equal educational opportuni- OF OREGON eral taxes in the United States, D.C. residents ties? We believe that it does. We con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES still have no full voting representation in Con- clude that in the field of public education the gress. Wednesday, May 16, 2018 doctrine of ’separate but equal’ has no place. Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- Ms. BONAMICI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in oppo- Separate educational facilities are inherently atives to join me in welcoming all attending sition to S. 2372, the VA MISSION Act be- the 28th annual D.C. Black Pride celebration. unequal.’’ cause the bill falls short in fulfilling our com- f With those few words more than a century mitment to veterans. Though this legislation of racial discrimination and separation were contains many positive provisions to support COMMEMORATING THE 64TH ANNI- dealt a great blow. our veterans and their caregivers, on balance VERSARY OF THE LANDMARK it is a short-sighted approach that does not DECISION IN BROWN V. BOARD It is up to us to preserve the hard won gains adequately provide for the long-term needs of OF EDUCATION of those who led the fight and won the case those who have honorably served our country. of Brown v. Board of Education. The bill subjects funding for VA programming HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE to the nondefense discretionary caps, which f OF TEXAS leaves it vulnerable to being underfunded or IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TRIBUTE TO LAWRENCE ‘‘LARRY’’ being funded at the expense of other critical Monday, May 21, 2018 PARRY programs in the future. Our veterans and the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to VA need certainty; this bill does not provide it. commemorate the 64th anniversary of the his- Additionally, I am concerned that this bill toric Supreme Court decision in Brown v. HON. JOHN KATKO represents a concerted effort to shift resources Board of Education, which overturned the doc- away from VA care and instead rely dispropor- trine of ‘‘separate but equal’’ that had been the OF NEW YORK tionately on private providers. I support vet- law of the land since 1896 when the Supreme IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES erans having the flexibility to receive expedited Court decided Plessy v. Ferguson. treatment for acute health issues outside the In Brown v. Board of Education, the Su- Monday, May 21, 2018 VA if timely care is not available at a VA facil- preme Court declared that separate public ity, but veterans often have unique care needs Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to schools for black and white Americans were that are best served by dedicated VA pro- unconstitutional. honor the life and legacy of Lawrence ‘‘Larry’’ viders. Instead of making critical, lasting in- This unanimous decision sparked the move- Parry who passed away on Saturday, May 5, vestments to make sure veterans receive the ment toward desegregation of American insti- 2018. best possible care, this bill puts future services tutions and paved the way for the civil rights Mr. Parry served his nation proudly as a at risk of significant cuts by relying on funding movement. U.S. Army Mechanic. In 1941, Mr. Parry was that may fall captive to political agendas. I am glad this bill expands benefits to all On the anniversary of this landmark deci- stationed in Oahu, Hawaii, when Japanese caregivers, and I appreciate the effort to en- sion, it is appropriate that we pay tribute to our forces launched a surprise aerial attack on the ancestors who endured and lived through sure veterans do not have difficulty accessing naval base at Pearl Harbor. Mr. Parry played care. But I cannot support a bill that brings un- those days of crisis and challenge so that we an integral role in the defense of Pearl Harbor, could enjoy the right to vote, the right to equal certainty because it fails to provide for the tasked with supplying ammunition to troops protection of the law, and to enjoy the bless- needs of our nation’s veterans in the future. I around the island. ings of liberties. urge my colleagues to advance legislation that These efforts should not go unrecognized. Mr. Parry’s experience at Pearl Harbor would provide long-term stable funding and This historic case originated in Topeka, changed his life forever. After the war, Mr. support for the Veterans Administration and Kansas, and involved a black third-grader Parry became an ambassador of The Greatest our veterans. named Linda Brown, who had to walk one Generation Foundation, working day in and f mile through a railroad switchyard to get to her day out to ensure that the lives of our nation’s HONORING LTC JOEY ERRINGTON black elementary school, even though a white veterans are honored and memorialized. Mr. elementary school was only seven blocks Parry returned to Pearl Harbor in 2016, with HON. TIMOTHY J. WALZ away. one hundred other survivors, to commemorate Linda’s father, Oliver Brown, tried to enroll OF MINNESOTA the 75th anniversary of the attacks. her in the white elementary school, but the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES principal of the school refused. Mr. Parry was predeceased by his son Monday, May 21, 2018 Mr. Brown went to McKinley Burnett, the Frederick. Frederick ‘‘Fred’’ Parry served in head of Topeka’s branch of the National Asso- the U.S. Army like his father, and passed Mr. WALZ. Mr. Speaker, on the occasion of ciation for the Advancement of Colored People away in January at the age of 67. A veteran, Lieutenant Colonel Joey L. Errington’s change of command and pending retirement from the (NAACP) and asked for help. Fred was awarded a Purple Heart for his serv- United States Army I want to recognize him The NAACP got other black parents to join ice in Korea. Mr. Parry is survived by his in to a complaint and in 1951 the NAACP re- and his family on their nearly 30 years of serv- daughter, Susan Acker, his grandchildren, and ice to the Nation. Originally from Rush City, quested an injunction that would forbid the his great grandson, Liam ‘‘Bug Boy’’ Roland. segregation of Topeka’s public schools. Minnesota LTC Errington enlisted in 1989 as The U.S. District Court for the District of Mr. Parry has been justly recognized for his a 13B, Cannon Crewman. He was selected for Kansas heard Oliver Brown’s case but refused career of service. Last December seventh, he the Green to Gold Program at Clemson Uni- to overrule the precedent of Plessy v. Fer- traveled to Washington to meet President versity and was commissioned a Second Lieu- guson which allowed separate but equal Trump, and will be introduced into the New tenant in the Field Artillery in 1997. school systems for blacks and whites. York State Senate’s Veterans hall of fame. He is a graduate of the Field Artillery Basic The case was taken to the Supreme Court Course, the Field Artillery Career Course at Lawrence Parry lived a life of fantastic and on October 1, 1951 and set up one of the Fort Sill, OK, and the Command and Gen- selfless service, always putting the interests of landmark cases in the history of the American eral’s Staff Course at Fort Leavenworth, KS. justice system. our great nation first, even in our darkest mo- He holds a Bachelors of Science in Agricul- It was the arguments presented by the ments. For his tremendous efforts to defend tural Education from Clemson University and a NAACP on Mr. Brown’s that won the day. our nation, honor our brave veterans, and for Masters of Arts in Educational Leadership On May 17, 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren making our community a better place, it is my from Webster University. read the unanimous decision of the Supreme distinct privilege today to honor a great Amer- During his tenure led our soldiers at echelon Court: ican, Lawrence Parry. from the platoon to Battalion. LTC Errington is VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:24 May 22, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21MY8.002 E21MYPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS May 21, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E695 relinquishing command of the 3rd Battalion, VETERANS CEMETERY BENEFIT IN RECOGNITION OF JOHN P. GAL- 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Armored CORRECTION ACT LAGHER & PHYLLIS (SKOCIK) Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division at GALLAGHER, ALZHEIMER’S AD- Fort Hood, Texas this morning. His previous SPEECH OF VOCATES assignments include the III Corps, G3 Chief of Training at Fort Hood, TX. He also served as HON. BETTY McCOLLUM HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT the Deputy Brigade Commander, Executive OF MINNESOTA OF PENNSYLVANIA Officer, and Fire Support Officer for the 2nd IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Monday, May 21, 2018 Division, Fort Riley, KS as well as the Bat- Ms.
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