~ VOLUME 16 357 INDEX OF AUTHORS Andrews, M. & Brickhill, T. 115 Ley, A.J ... 77 Appleby, G., Farnes, R., & Griffith, M. 34 Loyn, R.H. 128 Beruldsen, G.R. ; & Uhlenbut, K. 3 McAllan, I.A.W. .... 43 , 79, 175 Britton, P.L. , & Britton, H.A... 349 McCrie, N. 91 Brooker, B., & Saffer, V.... 302 McNabb, E.G .............. ... 267 Campbell, B., & Rose, A.B. 349 Mees, G.F.... .. 132 Carmichael, G.G. .... ·' . 84 Olsen, J. , & Stevenson, E. 205 Carter, M. 344 Peter, LM .... ... 120 --, Farnes, R., & Pamment, N. 21 Quin, B.R., & Reid, A.J. ... .. 250 Chan, K.. II Robinson, D. ......... 171 Collins, P.... 130 Rose, A.B ..... 327, 339 -- & Jessop, R. 126, 298 Scambler, E ..... .. .. ... .. .. • .. 219 --, -- & Minton, C. 217 Secomb, D .. 75 Courtney, J. 236 Silveira, C.E ......... 96 Czechura, G.V., & Czechura, R.E. 41 Smith, L.F......... .. .. .... • . 78 Davis, W.E. Jr, & Recher, H.F. 303 Smith, L.H. ......... 85, 169 Debus, S.J .S. 46, 82 , Taylor, P. , & Taylor, P .. 39 87, 114, 133, 167, 235, 260, 300, 305, 352, 353 Traill, B.J., Collins, E. , Peake, P. , & Evison, S. , & Daly , G.... 165 Jessup, S. 309 Eyre, T.J. & Schulz, M... 296 Tremont, S. 79 Ford, H.A. 173 Tzaros, C.L. 221 Franklin, D.C. , & Alley, J.C. 71 van Tets, G.F. , Sim, R. , & West, D.. 88 Frith, C.B. , Frith, D.W, & McCullough, Watson, D.M.. 166 M... .. .. .. ... 49 Wood, K.A. .. 58, 68, 152, 211 Gosper, D.G. & Gosper, C.R. 255 Wright, A.J., Jaensch, R., Woinarski, J. , Gynther, I. C. 145 & Soulos, P . ... 110 Hodgon, J. 332 Zinunermann, U.M .. 161 Kavanagh, R.P., Debus, S.J.S., Rose, A.B. , & Turner, R.J. 137 INDEX bF SPECIES The scientific and common names used in this index for Australian birds are those of The Taxonomy and Species of Birds of Australia and Its Territories (Christidis & Boles 1994) and of the RAOU Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds vols l-3 (Marchant & Higgins 1990, 1993; Higgins & J)avies 1996) . Where synonyms have been used in this volume for either scientific or common names they are shown in brackets. For extra-limital birds the names used are those of the text or where either scientific or common names have been omitted those of A Checklist of the Birds of the World, Edward S. Gruson, Collins, 1976, are used. Minor dif(erences in spelling, if any, have been disregarded. The species names are arranged in alphabetical order of genera. Only the first reference in any one paper is listed except where there is a tabular list, or lists, which includes the names of all birds mentioned in the paper, when this is the reference used. ACANTHAGENYS ACANTffiZA cont'd rufogularis Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater pusilla Brown Thornhill 72 17, 224, 319 reguloides Buff-rurnped Thornhill ACANTHIZA 223, 320 chrysorrhoa Yellow-rurnped Thornhill uropygialis Chestnut-rurnped Thornhill 22, 224, 320 320 lineata Striated Thornhill . 17, 223, 320 ACANTHORHYNCHUS nana Yellow Thornhill tenuirostris Eastern Spinehill 224, 320 14 , 321 AUSTRALIAN 358 INDEX OF SPECIES BIRD WATCHER ACCIPITER APUS cirrhocephalus CoUared Sparrowhawk affinis House Swift 222, 315 41 fasciarus Brown Goshawk pacificus Fork-tailed Swift 126, 315 6, 41 novaehollandiae Grey Goshawk AQUILA 126, 315 audax Wedge-tailed Eagle ACRIDOTHERES 3, 292, 315 javanicus White-vented Myna gurneyi Gurney's Eagle 63 4 tristis Common Myna ARDEA • 58, 68, pl. 19, 341, 346 alba Great Egret ACROCEPHALUS 132, 149, 314 stentoreus Clamorous Reed-Warbler ibis Cattle Egret 324 314 AEGOTHELES interrnedia Intermediate Egret cristarus Australian Owlet-nightjar 314 296, 319 pacifica White-necked Heron 314 ALAUDA arvensis Skylark ARDEOTIS australis Australian Bustard 323 185, 316 ALCEDO ARTAMUS azurea Azure KingfiSher cinereus Black-faced WoodswaUow 319 323 ALECTURA cyanopterus Dusky Woodswallow lath ami Australian Brush-turkey 323 3, 296 leucorynchus White-breasted Woodswallow ALISTER US 322 scapularis Australian King-Parrot personatus Masked Woodswallow 317 322 superciliosus White-browed Woodswallow AMAURORNIS 322 olivaceus Bush-hen 4 ATRICHORNIS clamosus Noisy Scrub-bird AMBLYORNIS II macgregoriae Macgregor's Bowerbird 49 AYTHYA subalaris Streaked Bowerbird australis Hardhead 49 314 AMYTORNIS BIZIURA barbatus Grey Grasswren lobata Musk Duck 183 313 ANAS BURHINUS castanea Chestnut Teal grallarius Bush Stone-curlew 313 pl. 52, 317 gracilis Grey Teal BUTORIDES 36, 128, 313 striatus Striated Heron platyrhynchos Mallard 145, 349 313 CACATUA rhynchotis Australasian Shoveler galerita Sulphur-i:rested Cockatoo 313 162, 238, 248, 274, 317 superciliosa Pacific Black Duck leadbeateri Major Mitchell's Cockatoo 313 238 ANHINGA pastinator Western Corella melanogaster Darter 238 314 roseicapilla Galah 140, 205 , 238, 317, 346 ANSERANAS sanguinea Little Corella semipalmata Magpie Goose 242 3 tenuirostris Long-billed Corella ANTHOCHAERA 242 carunculata Red Wattlebird CACOMANTIS 14, 320, 348 castaneiventris Chestnut-breasted Cuckoo chrysoptera Little Wattlebird 5 14, 348 flabelliformis Fan-tailed Cuckoo ANTHUS 5, 233, 318 novaeseelandiae Richard's Pipit variolosus Brush Cuckoo 23, 323 318 APHELOCEPHALA CALIDRIS leucopsis Southern Whiteface acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 79, 320 316 VOLUME 16 INDEX OF SPECIES 359 CALLOCEPHALON CHTHONICOLA fimbriatum Gang-gang Cockatoo sagittata Speckled Warbler 236, 305, 317 pl. 43 , 221, pl. 46 , 319 CALYPTORHYNCHUS CINCLORAMPHUS banksii Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo cruralis Brown Songlark 239 324 baudinii Long-billed Black-Cockatoo matbewsi Rufous Songlark 245 324 funereus Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo CINCLUS 243, 317 cinclus Conunon Dipper funereus funereus 163 Northern Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo CIRCUS 244 approximans Swamp Harrier funereus xantbanotus 3, 126, 168, 315 Southern Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo assimilis Spotted Harrier 245 126, 167 , 186, 315 lathami Glossy Black-Cockatoo cinereus Cinereous Harrier 239 168 latirostris Short-billed Black-Cockatoo cyaneus Hen Harrier 240 168 CARDUELIS ranivorus African Marsh Harrier carduelis European Goldfinch 168 323 CISTICOLA chloris European Greenfinch exilis Golden-headed Cisticola 22, 63 10 CEREOPSIS CLIMACTERIS novaehollandiae Cape Barren Goose picumnus Brown Treecreeper 88 15 , 226, 319 CERTHIONYX COLLOCALIA niger Black Honeyeater spodiopygius White-rumped Swiftlet 166, 321 41 variegatus Pied Honeyeater vanikorensis Uniform Swiftlet 321 6 CHARADRIUS COLLURICINCLA alexandrinus Kentisb Plover harmonica Grey Shrike-thrush 91, pl. 27 15 , 143 , 169, 224, 322 leschenaultii Greater Sand Plover 91 COLUMBA mongolus Lesser Sand Plover Iivia Rock Dove 91 65 , 317 peronii Malaysian Plover oenas Stock Dove 91 128 ruficapillus Red-capped Plover CORACINA 91, pl. 27 novaehollandiae Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike CHENONETTA 322 jubata Australian Wood Duck papuensis White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike 300, 313 226, 322 tenuirostris Cicadabird CHERAMOECA 10, 322 leucosternus White-backed Swallow 181 , 323 CORCORAX melanorhamphos White-winged Chough CHLAMYDERA 159, 323 cerviniventris Fawn-breasted Bowerbird 49 CORMOBATES guttata Western Bowerbird leucophaeus White-throated Treecreeper 50 14, 224, 319 lauterbachi Yellow-breasted Bowerbird CORVUS 49 coronoides Australian Raven maculata Spotted Bowerbird 77' 80, 230, 305, 323 49, pl. 13-14, pl. 16-17 mellori Little Raven nuchalis Great Bowerbird 77 ' 79, pl. 23, 274, 323, 348 49, pl. 15-17 orru Torresian Crow CHRYSOCOCCYX 77 , 305 basalis Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo tasmanicus Forest Raven 224, 318 77 lucidus Shining Bronze-Cuckoo COTURNIX 226, 318 pectoralis Stubble Quail minutillus Little Bronze-Cuckoo 186, 313 5 ypsilophora Brown Quail osculans Black-eared Cuckoo 313 233 , 318 CRACTICUS russatus Gould's Bronze-Cuckoo nigrogularis Pied Butcherbird 5 323 AUSTRALIAN 360 INDEX OF SPECIES BIRD WATCHER CRACTICUS cont'd ENTOMYZON quoyi Black Butcherbird cyanotis Blue-faced Honeyeater 10 pl. 20, 75, 320 torquatus Grey Butcherbird EOPSALTRIA 323, 348 australis Eastern Yellow Robin CUCULUS 15, 169, 302, 321 pallidus Pallid Cuckoo georgiana White-breasted Robin 318 302 pulverulenta Mangrove Robin CYGNUS 8 atratus Black Swan 88, 313 EPTHIANURA albifrons White-fronted Chat CYPSIURUS 22, 36, 321 batasiensis Asian Pabn Swift tricolor Crimson Chat 42 177 DACELO ERYTHROGONYS novaeguineae Laughing Kookaburra cinctus Red-kneed Dotterel 152, 274, 296, 319, 344 36, 218, 317 EUGERYGONE DAPHOENOSITTA rubra Garnet Robin chrysoptera Varied Sittella 224, 322 303 EUROSTOPODUS DENDROCYGNA mystacalis White-throated Nightjar eytoni Plumed Whistling-Duck 165, 319 313 EURYSTOMUS DICAEUM orientalis Dollarbird hirundinaceum Mistletoebird 15, 319 323 FALCO DICRURUS berigora Brown Falcon bracteatus Spangled Drongo 186, 316 82, pl. 25, 163 cenchroides Nankeen Kestrel 100, 126, 316 DROMAIUS longipennis Australian Hobby novaehollandiae Emu 126, 218, 316 313 peregrinus Peregrine Falcon DUCULA 205, 316 aenea Green Imperial-Pigeon subniger Black Falcon 112 180, 316 bicolor Pied Imperial-Pigeon FALCUNCULUS 5, Ill frontatus Crested Shrike-tit concinna Elegant Imperial-Pigeon 17, 322 110 FULICA myristicivora atra Eurasian Coot Black-knobbed (Spice) Imperial-Pigeon 316 110 pacifica Pacific Imperial-Pigeon GALLINA GO 112 hardwickii Latham's Snipe perspicillata White-eyed Imperial-Pigeon 316 112 megala Swinhoe's Snipe pistrinaria Island Imperial-Pigeon 218 11 2 stenura Pin-tailed Snipe zoeae Zoe Imperial-Pigeon pl. 42, 217 5 GALLINULA tenebrosa Dusky Moorhen ECTOPISTES 148, 316 rnigratorius Passenger Pigeon ventralis Black-tailed Native-hen 175 316 EGRETTA GALLIRALLUS garzetta Little Egret philippensis Buff-banded Rail 120, 314 316 novaehollandiae White-faced Heron
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