INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING This paper was downloaded from the Online Library of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). The library is available here: https://www.issmge.org/publications/online-library This is an open-access database that archives thousands of papers published under the Auspices of the ISSMGE and maintained by the Innovation and Development Committee of ISSMGE. Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, Kastner Emeriault, Dias, Gui/loux (eds) © 2002 Spécilique, Lyon. ISBN 2-9510416-3-2 Construction of a new transport interchanger inthe Madrid metro C. Oteo, Polytechnic Univ. ,of Madrid J. Trabada, A. "Gonzalez, Regional Authority of Madrid ABSTRACT:Recently, an extension of Line 8 of the Madrid Metro has been built by the Regional Authority of Madrid. This extension is included in the 1999-2003 Madrid Underground Extension Planning, as a complementary communication between Barajas Airport and Down Town, concretely to the New Ministries Station. In this Station a new transport interchanger (with general Metro Line) is carried out. In this paper the main characteristics of the new works (tunnel line and Stations) are described: RESUME:Recenten‘lent le Goubernement Autonomique de la Region de Madrid a ,batl l'extension de la ligne n° 8 du Metro de Madrid. Les ouvrages ont includes dans le Plan 1999-2003 du l'ampliation du Metro, comme une comunication complementaire entre l'Airport de Barajas et le centre de la Ville de Madrid (travers d'une neuf intercomunicate du transport a la gare de Nuevos Ministerios). Dans cette gare on peut faiser Ia communication parmi divers Iignes du Metro et d'une ligne du chemin de ferre urbaine (SNCF). Dans le rapport on decrit le pricipaux characteristics de les neuves chantieres (de tunnels et des gares). \. 1.- INTRODUCTION` 2.- GEOTECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SOILS The Regional Authority for Madrid (Spain) _is currently undertaking a second Extension of the Madrid Metro (period The ground bored by the new works -located in the northeast of 1999-2003). During this Extension, more than 53 km of new line Madrid - corresponds to what is geologically known as the are going to be constructed, 'primarily by means of underground Madrid facies, and in this case it consists of tertiary detritic excavation, including the construction of more than 30_ new sediments (Pliocene), somewhat cemented, with a varying stations. Forming part of these works is the Extension of Line 8, content of fines, covered with soft to very soft alluvial materials which will link Madrid-Barajas Airport with the centre of Madrid (in valley bottoms) and with heterogeneous anthropic fills, soft (Nuevos Ministerios), permitting baggage check-in from that and collapsible formations. central location and quicker access to the Airport. To achieve this, somewhat more than 3.5 km of tunnel .have been ln the Pliocene detritic sediments, four different and interbedded constructed, together with two new stations: one in Calle materials can in general be distinguished, according to their Colombia and the other in Nuevos Ministerios, which is a large geotechnical properties a) “Miga sand", sandy sediments with station that includes an interchanger for linking with two other less than 25 % of lines. b) "Tosquiza sand", sandy-clayey Metro lines and with the North-South axis of the national rail sediments with a tines content of between 25 and 40 %. c) network crossing Madrid (fig. 1). “Sandy Tosco”, clayey-sandy material, little defonnability, with a tines content of between 40 and 60%. d) "Tosco”, stiff clay, somewhat silty, with a fines content higher than 60 %. cR\5_-:\o“\`MAR D:\:\`TO A|RPoRT _ cAsr||_|_A.`‘ ’ sTP-' I\‘ €%___. \\‘:s\ _ , .‘ T\. , " T5e g 5X, / co|_omB|A~Ew Q \\?\ ~, I 4?fs ~ 3 5 `x,¢\\° S r sr/mon If éslf' 2I- < > efjp #V ¢- ' lr‘” 0 . ll. Q9 . U<3 -‘ .,,_ l xx$9 ll 0° Q zone l w|~||r cnourme co|v|PENsAr|oN ­ \¥~°\'\ . 65 I ‘>°Q,\`%.3 "’ it zone ua ii Awnir .|E'r-enourme UNEfrlgfzgf-:il 6 M513 "n. e 55 "?"3°< moronwiw Bu|Lo|NG PROTECTION UNDER. cnossme uns 10 §- ,1 3-' Nuevos MINISTERIOS TRANSPORT |N1‘ERc|-|ANGER Fig. 1.- Plant of the Line 8 extension. CONCRETE SEGMENTS -956Dm (uN1veRsAL RING) EE7 mom 'i y "°°°°s 0.32m §\%»:/fyfa//Af’/5'!fZf{4&Q? X- C 55.36° ` I 1 INITIAL GALLERY 4 [[[ ExcAvAT|oN \ 9 Mom 2 § cnown ExcAvAfr. 5 SIDE-WALL ExcAv.ANn' ss E cnowu concnemre coucnerrne. s suns concnsrme a) MADRIDTRADITIONAL METHOD ;b) E.P.B. SECTION Fig. 2.- Tunnel sections / mlm [LWAY TUNNELS LINE 6 TUNNEL Ab BAI.L&!AY_$_IA]l9Ji...-»­ INTERCHANGER e NEW FLAT ///U fr fr Ca M ARKING TAXIS' AND CARS RAILWAY ` TUNNEL Fig. 3 .- Perspective ofthe new transport interchanger zone. The deformation moduli of the Pliocene materials vary from 70 to Castellana, where the tunnel has coverings of less than one 200 Mpa, while in the anthrop_ic fills and in the alluvial soils the excavation diameter(about 6m). variation is from 6 to 10 Mpa. The uncontined compressive strength is a function of the fine content and varies from 0.1(Miga Several procedures of soil reinforcement for building protection Sand) to 2 Mpa. (T osco) Aditional ground information is included are used (fig. 1, Oteo et al, 2002) i_n Oteo et' al'(2002).‘ 4.- NUEVOS MINISTERIOS MODAL INTERCHANGER The phreatic level in the North of Madrid, this generally lies at a The New Station of Nuevos Ministerios (Line 8) has been depth of around 70-80m. But isolated water levels can be found designed so that it can at the same time act as a transport closer to the surface, mainly in the sandy layers or in the valley interchanger between Line 8 (new construction), Line 6 and Line bottoms. 10 of the Madrid Metro, and with the Suburban Railway Line crossing the centre of Madrid from North (Chamartin) to South 3.- THE TUNNEL (Atocha). The tunnel of the Extension of line 8 has a length of 5153 metres The stations of lines 6, B and 10 each contain two railway lines and links the current Mar de ,Cristal Station with the Nuevos under a single vault, while the urban railway (RENFE) line Ministerios modal interchanger. The excavation of this tunnel has includes four lines under two concrete vaults, constructed in the been done with two different methods and sections (fig. 2). open _air more than 50 years ago. ln order to carry out the intercommunication between these lines the new interchanger a) Earth Pressure Borer (EPB), ¢9.40m, between the stations has been designed with the following characteristics (fig. 3). of Mar de Cristal and Colombia. This stretch is extended by 3360 m from the introduction shaft located next to Mar de - Three platforms at different levels for connecting with the Cristal Station almost as far as Colombia Station. The railway lines mentioned longitudinal profile of the alignment has been kept at an average depth of 15 metres (1.5 times the excavation - It includes a new entrance hall diameter), following the topography of the surface, until it - ln one of the new floors (the upper), baggage will be able to reaches the valley bottom of the M-30 highway, where the be checked in for\Barajas Airport covering drops appreciably as far as thicknesses of less than one diameter. - In the second floor there will be parking for taxis and other cars. b) Madrid Traditional Method, between Colombia Station and the Nuevos Ministerios Modal lnterchanger. The In order to achieve this functioning layout, it has been necessary construction procedure is summarized at tig 2 This stretch to extend the slab of one of the floors (the upper) in such a way has a length of 1,778 m, and runs underneath the centre of that it partially cuts the vaults of the railway station, which has several streets in order to enter via the North part of the entailed major dificulties in the construction process. Moreover, lnterchanger. This stretch has a maximum grade of 3 % at at street level, there exists an archway more than 60 years old the departure from Colombia _Station, made necessary by (the entrance to the gardens of the Ministries of Public Works the natural terrain. The coverings vary between 1,0 m and and Environment) which needs to be conserved, a fact that has 20 m, except in the final part, the alluvial zone of the compelled special solutions. LINE6 ._ ///I. A //////I.| j, are stone LINE~ ///A/'/'J'////////¢ 6 //////////////////. CONECTION two vnuus SUBURBANrimcxs 'WWA' (n.an.r.s.) n.s;u.r.e. srmon 6 -.-...-.-.-._._._.-..._.-..... -_ ._...__ ml ! _..~ _ / A/f ‘ _';. _ Z -_ Illllllllil.___ .. .-.__llllllllll|llllB| ............._._.., _ _ .._..._....- e .-... _f -\ |......-...-.......-....-.......-.-.-...-...-.-.FORMATION .........-....... , F H "§ ~ gwt9f§f91‘lilllllllitmtxttxsm »f /////.»' ,tl 9’/§|||||||||Illllllllllnu % |||||||Ill N § 5 1 \;| LNJEI, IA, TWOLINE PHASES OF OF EXCAVATION SEPARATION OF | \ LINE 6 . P 1 \ Fig. 4.- Plant of the new transport interchanger. % U Z OLD TWO VAULTS Q DE TELL ARCHWAY R.E.N.F.E. STATION (ACCESS T0 R.E.N.F.E.) (PARTIALLY DEMOLITED) ' A i A_ S ,K- ///f//////,-//x _ Access /),»?//,f.»'»'.¢'/1'///////¢' ///////kf'.f/'.//.f a a //I//f/ A, _"_, _ _.~ 1 \|F§y1lV”`1l|r. .~ .s ....,..._ , .........._.___ e» / l_\ §_%!!!_-.#2A _ie % LI_ AE (ENTRANCE| l, ; New Hon1zoNrALsLAa HALL, FIRST FLOOR) / PREBORED ;i ~ NDERPINED PILES Fig.- 5.- Cross-section of the new transport interchanger. ln fiQ .3 a perspective view is shown of the final design of the New ln order to modify and demolish the vaults of the railway station, lnterchanger, while fig.4 reproduces the plan view of it and the fig without interrupting its service, the following was provided: 5 show a cross section' (definedd t at fig.out 3) In or er o carrythe work, a construction process by phases has been established (fig \_ ' - A provisional steel structure, supported on the metal 4) platforms (connected to the foundations of the arcs- for each vault), and which bore the weight of the existing vaults.
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