l:.!'dt BAHA'I NEWS LETTER THE BULLETIN OF THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BAHA'IS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Office of the Secretary ,P. O. BOX 139, STATION D, NEW YORK CITY No. 31 APRIL, 1929 LETTER FROM SHOGHI was in no way associated with any compelled them to dissimulate and ig­ EFFENDI political design or motive, than an offi­ nore. cial communication was delivered to r cannot do better than quote in this To the Beloved of the Lord and the their representatives summoning them connection a few passages from the Handmaids of the Merciful to appear before the State's criminal text of the official defense which in a throughout the West Tribunal on the charge of infraction of moving language was pronounced by the law of the Republic requiring the the President of the Constantinople Fellow-laborers in the Divine Vine­ registration and authorization of all Baha'i Spiritual Assembly at a plenary yard: public gatherings and associations session of the Court on th:1t historic I feel impelled by the force of vari­ within the jurisdiction of the State. occasion: "La Beha'isme est une re­ ous circumstances to share with you To this summons our brethren yielded ligion universelIe, moderne et absolu­ the news of recent happenings in those immediate and implicit obedience. They ment independante. Si I'on desire une countries of the Near and Middle East indeed welcomed this further oppor­ designation plus moderne encore: c'est which, by the ruling of Providence, are tunity to assert not only the innocence une institution de Oemence, de bonne in these days undergoing a transfor­ of their Faith -but to vindicate as well entent et d'amour, en d'autres termes, mation which is as startling in its fea­ the sublimity of the teachings of de progres moral et spirituel. II n'est tures as it is significant in its bearings Baha'u'llah. Realizing that with this ni une secte, ni une branche des autres upon the interests of our beloved Faith. fresh development their case had as­ religions et doctrines diverses. II est I have already in my previous com­ sumed a solemn and juridical charac­ cependant leur aboutissement naturel, municationbriefly referred to +he na­ ter, the undaunted champions of the logique et pour ainsi dire scientifique. ture and effects of that momentous Cause resolved to seek the assistance C'est la raison pour laquelle l'on trouve Revolution which has, with surprising of an expert and sympathetic advocate, parmi ses adherents des personnes, swiftness, substituted a westernized who would reinforce from a purely venant de toutes les religions et doc­ and rejuvenated Turkey for the primi­ legal standpoint the spiritual argument trines existantes dans Ie monde, et qui tive and decrepit Ottoman Empire. I which they reserved for themselves to se comptent aujourd'hui par millions. have also attempted to describe the propound. For a period ranging from . Ces explications ne sauraient first stages of that recent and moving a week to eighteen days the attention toutefois a devoiler Ie suffire (?) episode which has served in a manner of the officers of the Court, of the mystere qui est au fond des sacrifices, that is truly providential to thrust the . elected representatives of the believers, consentis dans ce siecle en Orient, par Baha'i community in Turkey out of of their officially appointed advocates, plus de vingt mille martyrs du the obscurity of oppressive neglect into and of the visiting public was focussed Beha'isme, parmi lesquels se trouve the broad daylight of official and pub­ upon the deliberations of a Court that Quarratu'l-Ayn Tahirih (la joie des lic attention. closely scrutinized not only the con­ yeux, la pure) cette juene femme Recently, however, from the reports duct and motives of the Baha'i fol­ turque, depeinte ainsi par notre iIlustre that have been received from the lowers but the laws and principles, the ecrivain Suleyman Nasif, et dont Ie elected representatives of the 'believers past history and the present position martyresan precedent est cite aujour­ in different parts of Turkey, it ap­ of the Faith itself. d'hui par Ie monde entier comme pears that the investigations conducted Fortified by the reflection that never l'epopee sans pareille de la cause hu­ -by the Police authorities in the capital before in Baha'i history have the fol­ maine. J e ne sais si ces explications and provinces of that land have proved lowers of Baha'u'llah been called upon peuvent elucider les raisons pour les­ but a preliminary to a more official and by the officials of a State, responsible quelles il se trouve a cette doctrine detailed inquiry into the Baha'i posi­ for the administration of Justice, to petrie egalement par Ie sang turc des tion with respect to the laws recently unfold the history and principles of amis parmi des hommes de race turque, promulgated by the Republican gov­ their Faith, our brethren in Turkey de­ cette race qui dans tout proces du ernment. For no sooner were the fol­ cided to assert in their entirety those genre humain et de ses nobles aspira­ lowers of Baha'u'llah released from de­ distinguishing laws and ordinances of tions, n'a pas hesite jusqu'ici a verser tention at the Police headquarters and the Baha'i Revelation which the terrors son sang. .. Toutefois, les Beha'is given the assurance that their Faith of a suspicious autocracy had so long n'ont point dissimiule leur presence en 2 BAHA'I NEWS LETTER Turquie, surtout depuis Ie regime de the ideals of the Cause, and representa­ la Republique. C'est ainsi qu'ils se tive in the character of their attendants. NATIONAL SPIRITUAL sont fait inscrire comme Beha'is sur He writes: "Ce fut une declaration de ASSEMBLY les feuilles du dernier recensement a la Cause dans toute sa grandeur, et of the Baha'is of the United States Constantinople. D'autre part est-il jamais l'Orient n'a vu retentir Ie nom and Canada admissible que Ie Gouvernement ignore de Baha dans une pareille formule. Allen McDaniel . Olairman leur presence dans cette ville? Cela . rai pre£ere laisser l'avocat qui Alfred E. Lunt . Vice-Chairman eta nt, il ne saurait etre imagine que les n'est pas Baha'i en parler. En effet Horace Holley Secretary Beha'is soient, sous Ie regime de la cela a eu plus d'effet d'entendre l'avo­ Carl Scheffler • • . • Treasurer Republique, poursuivis comme tels, cat, emporte par je ne sais queUe surtout apres avoir acquis leur Iiberte mysterieuse poussee, crier, apr<!s avoir Roy C. Wilhelm sous Ie regime de la Constitution qui a cite les principes ainsi: 'Monsieur Ie May Maxwell suivi celui de la tyrannie durant lequel Juge! n'est-ce pas la en somme l'ideal Louis G. Gregory ils etaient persecutes. Mais vers lequel marche actuellement notre Amelia Collins avant de terminer, je ne puis m'em­ pays avec en tete notre Grand ·Gazi?' " Nellie S. French pecher de dire avec une entiere assur­ The extravagant language of the ance, que les adeptes en Turquie de newspapers in reporting the details of ceUe doctrine, sont surs de la Justice this official inquiry served in turn to Office of the Secretary d'un pays regi par la premiere veritable accentuate the publicity already P. O. Box 139, Station D, Republique pleine de lumiere dont achieved, and induced the officials of New York City s'honore auhourd'hui tout I'Orient. the Court to exercise scrupulous im­ Office of the Treasurer . Ces declarations d'une part, et la partiality in the consideration and 1821 Lincoln Street conduite sui vie par les Beha'is, a l'oc­ judgment of the case. As to the ver­ Evanston, 111. cas ion de cet incident qui a commence dict that has been pronounced on De­ par l'interrogatoire auquel ils ont ete cember 13, it is stated clearly that al­ soumis par la Police, de l'autre, sont la though the followers of Bahi'u'llah, in Cable address: Baha'i, New York preuve convainquante de la sincerite et their innocent conception of the de la bonne foie avec lesquelles nous spiritual character of their Faith, found "The NEWS LETTER which you nous comportons tant vis a vis de la it unnecessary to apply for leave for have lately initiated fulfills a very Justice que de ce1ui du Gouvernement. the conduct of their administrative ac­ vital function and has been Ainsi, nous aurions pu soustraire cer­ tivities and have thus been made liable started admirably well. I would taines pieces qui constituent les seuls to the payment of a fine, yet they have, urge you to enlarge its scope, ~s documents 1X>uvant servir a nous as­ to the satisfaction of the legal repre­ much as your resources pertnlt, similer a des societes. N e nous voyant sentatives of the State, not only estab­ that in time it may devote a spe­ pas en contravention avec la loi, nous lished the inculpability of the Cause of cial section to every phase of your n'avons rien voulu dissimuler, comme Baha'u'llah, but have also worthily ac­ activities, administrative, devo­ personellement je ne cherche qu'a tout quitted themselves in the task of vin­ tional, humanitarian, financial, dire ici. Ce n'est la d'ailleurs qu'une dicating its independence, its Divine educational and otherwise. That necessite dicte par Ie Beha'isme et la origin, and its suitability to the crcum­ it may attain its object it must conformation a une recommendation de stances and requirements of the present combine the essential qualities of Baha'u'lhih.
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