newsletter on intellectual freedom Co-editors: Judith F. Krug, Director, and James A. Harvey, Assistant Director, Office for Intellectual Freedom, American Library Association INDEX, VOLUME XX, 1971 A Mobile: Judge rules section of city's anti-obscenity ordinance unconstitutional, 67 AASCU. See American Association of State Colleges and Uni- Mobile: Judge rules Threesome obscene, 110 versities Alameda County Board of Supervisors, 115 AAUP. See American Association of University Professors Alaska ABC. See Alcoholic Beverage Control Anchorage: Judge impounds adult films, 109 Abington School District v. Schempp, 133 Anchorage: Teacher sues school officials, 31 Abortion Rap, 93 Fairbanks: Performance of Lysistrata cancelled, 123 Abraham Clark High School, 34 Fort Greeley: Publisher of Gl underground newspaper to be Abzug, BellaS., 62 court martialed, 105 ACLU. See American Civil Liberties Union Alaskaland Theater, 123 Activi5t Quarterly, 27 Alcoholic Beverage Control, 34 Adams High School, 51 Aldrich, Bailey (Judge ) , 94 Adams, Neomia Lee, 128 Alexander, Carla, 8 Adams, William, 107 Allain, Alex P., 108 Adlow, Elijah (Judge), 12 Allende, Salvador, 25, 125 All in the Family, 63 Admiral Rickover Parents and Taxpayers Association for Im- proved Education, The, 61 Allyn and Bacon, 60 Adult Books and Movies Store, 111 Alta Lorna High School, 31 Adult Center, 42 Alternatives in Print, 98 Adult Cinema, 67 Alternative, The, 85 Adult Physiological Studies Center, 110 Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 40 Advertisements Amalgamated Lithographers of America, 24, 75 anti-war, 117 Amazing Grace, 33 for Carnal Knowledge refused, 123-24 American, 124 commenting on controversial issues must be accepted by American Arbitration Association, 117 broadcasters, 129-30 American Armed Forces Radio Network, 97 for The Love Treatment rejected, 125 American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 32 newspapers have right to reject, 66 American Association of University Professors, 32 rejected by newspapers, 31, 40, 63, 115 American Board of Missions to the Jews, 86 rejected for Steal This Book, 106-107 American Broadcasting Company, 7 for X- and R-rated movies refused, 4, 5, 13 American Civil Liberties Union, 11, 13, 24, 61, 74, 90, 129, 139, AFT. See American Federation of Teachers 140 After Hours, 68 of Detroit, 138 AFTRA. See American Federation of Television and Radio of Florida, 117 Artists of Hampden County, 19 Agawam Bus Co., 7 of Illinois, 72 Agnew, Spiro T., 24, 80, 88, 99, 22 of Los Angeles County, 91 Agromick, 78 of New York, 58, 73, 81, 106, 112 Alabama of Oklahoma, 123 Mobile: Dads Against Dirt formed to oppose pornography, 5 of White Plains, 86 ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, Chairman, Richard L. Darling (Dean, School of Library Science, Columbia University) 1 American Congress of Journalists, 25 Arctic Arsenal, 105 American Federation of Police, 77 Arenberg, GeraldS., 77 American Federation of Teachers, 35,74 Argus, The, 11, 24, 48 American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, 73 Aristophanes, 123 American Jewish Committee, 74 Arizona American Journal of Psychiatry, 125 Phoenix: City prepares to enforce obscenity law, 139 American Legion, 86, 9(3, 105, 106, 119 Phoenix: State legislature enacts law that makes selling ob­ American Libraries, 44, 108 scene material to minor a misdemeanor, 72 American Library Association, 74, 116 Tempe: Study conducted on peoples' experiences with por­ Annual Conference, Dallas, June 1971,29, 30, 44, 107-108 nography, 49 Black Caucus, 44, 107 Tucson: Judge acquits three persons charged with selling ob­ Children's Services Division, 27, 44, 45 scene publications, 9-10 Committee on Accreditation, 30 Arkansas Council, 63, 101, 107-108 Little Rock: Hair allowed to be performed, 129 Executive Board, 1, 44, 53 North Little Rock: Judge rules ordinance creating a censor Intellectual Freedom Committee, 1, 27, 30, 81, 107-108 board unconstitutional, 67 Annual Conference meeting, 107-108 North Little Rock: Librarian states book censorship in effect, guidelines to state committees, 30, 44 61-62 Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights, 108 Arlington Senior High School, 89 meeting, December 1, 1970, 1 Aroused Parents and Grandparents Committee for the Elimina- Midwinter Meeting, 29-30, 44 tion of Pornography, 62, 78 proposals for J. Morris Jones-World Book Encyclopedia­ Arraj, Alfred A. (Judge), 66 ALA Goals Award, 30 "Artists in America," 123 statement to ALA Committee on Accreditation, 30 Askew, Reubin, 117 Midwinter Meeting, Los Angeles, January, 1971, 29-30, 44, ASNE. See American Society of Newspaper Editors 45,53 Associated Press Managing Editors Association, 92 Office for Intellectual Freedom, 45, 46, 81, 141 Association of American Publishers, Inc., 7 4 policies Association of American University Presses, Inc., 74 "Advisory Statement Concerning Restricted Circulation of Association of U.S. and Latin American Editors and Publishers, Library Materials," 108 25 Confidentiality of Library Records, 84 Atkins, George W. (Judge), 111 Freedom to Read Statement, 103, 104 Atkins, Susan, 128 Intellectual Freedom Manual, 29, 30 Attenson, Gerald, 69 Intellectual Freedom Statement, 107, 108 Attitudes of Midwestern Public Librarians Toward Intellectual Library Bill of Rights, 1, 29, 30, 63, 101, 103, 104, 108, 126 Freedom and Censorship, The, 103 Program of Action for Mediation, Arbitration and Inquiry, Australia 107 Canberra: Ban lifted on seven books by Henry Miller, 55 Program of Action in Support of the Library Bill of Rights, Melbourne: Judge rules Portnoy's Complaint obscene, 26 29,44,46,107 Australian Customs Department, 55 Request for Action, 106 Australian Society of Authors, 26 resolution on challenged materials, 101, 107, 108 Author's League of America, Inc., 74 on sanctions, 1 Auto-Fellatio and Masturbation, 111 Statement on Labeling, 107, 108 Avara, Mary, 79 Social Responsibilities Round Table Task Force on Alternative Averill Park School Board, 35 Books in Print, 98 Aware, 129 Staff Committee on Mediation, Arbitration and Inquiry, 106, Ayerald, 96 107 American Literature: Themes and Writers, 60 B American Opinion, 6 American Orthopsychiatric Association, 7 4 Bach, Anne F., 67 American Public Health Association, 7 4 Baez, Joan, 61, 83 American Society of Newspaper Editors, 79, 92 Bain, R. Winston (Judge), 42 American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 140 Baird, William R., Jr., 125 Anderson, D. B. (Judge), 66 Anderson, Donald B., 60 Anderson, Robert P. (Judge), 43 Anderson, William R., 26 Andrews, Kenneth, 48 Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom ... is published Animal Lover, 65 Ann and Eve, 13, 111 bimonthly by the American Library Association, 50 E. Anti-Defamation League, 4 Huron Street, Chicago, lllinois 60611. Subscription: Anti-Sex Education in the Schools Committee, 82 $5.00 per year. Change-of-address notices, undeliver­ Anti-Smut Day, 63 able copies, and orders for subscriptions should be sent APGCEP. See Aroused Parents and Grandparents Committee for the Elimination of Pornography to the Subscription Department, American Library APMEA. See Associated Press Managing Editors Association Association. Editorial mail should be addressed to the Apollo Art Theater, 41 Office for Intellectual Freedom, 50 East Huron Street, Aptheker, Bettina, 128 Chicago, Illinois 60611. Arcadia, 10 Arcaro, Harold C., Jr., 93 Second Class postage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and Archambault, E. D., 61 at additional mailing offices. 2 Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom Baker, Florence, 4 Down These Mean Streets, 106 Baldwin, James, 34 banned, 78 Bananas, 90 Boss, 124 Barnes Press, 75 Daybreak, 83 Barron, William, 92 Down These Mean Streets, 81 Barta, George, 84 Godfather, The, 63 Bartels, John R. (Judge), 69 Love Treatment, The, 125 Bass, Stephen E., 86 Marching to Freedom, 83 Batey, Richard Edward, 85 Mein Kampf, 125 "Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley, The," 97 Sensuous Woman, The, 52 Bayley, Bill, 78 Slaughterhouse Five, 84, 117, 121, 133-38 Bayonne Free Press, 7 ban of, requested, BBC. See British Broadcasting Corporation Crime Federation, The, 124 Beamer, George N. (Judge), 88 Down These Mean Streets, 125 Beatles, 76 Honored Society, The, 124 Beckett, Samuel, 14 Mafia and Politics, The, 124 Beck, Marjorie, 60 Secret Rulers, The, 124 Bel Air Cinema, 110 Vallachi Papers, The, 124 Belles En Colour, 10 burned, 88 '- Belloni, Robert C. (Judge), 39 Caldecott Medal winner, 44 Bell, Paul W., 110 censored Bennett, C. Eugene, 32 Black Like Me, 6 Bentley, Austin, 86 Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex, 55 Bergen Mall, 63 Rise of Warren Gamaliel Harding, 1865-1920, 61 Berkeley Barb, 27 Sensuous Woman, The, 34 Berman, Sanford, 126, 127 challenged Berninghausen, David K., 27, 45, 108 American Literature: Themes and Writers, 60 Bernstein, Julius C., 64 Bitter Harvest, 59 Bernstein, Leonard, 115 Black Is My Favorite Color, 96 Berns, Walter, 113 Bolshevik Revolution, 106 Berrigan, Daniel, 43 Catcher in the Rye, 61 Berrigan, Philip F., 43 Cool World, The, 96 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, 13, 66 Do It!, 2 Bible, 113, 134, 136 Down These Mean Streets, 96 Bickel, Alexander M., 102 Farewell to Arms, 61 Big Boys, 12 Global History of Man, A, 60 "Bill of Rights: Is It for Real?, The," 90 Grapes of Wrath, 61 Bill of Rights. See U.S. Constitution Hawkeye Tales, 84 Billy Budd, 136 Hog Butcher, 96 Birth of a Nation, 85 Inside Story of Guerilla Warfare, 106 Bishop, Charles, 48 Learning Tree, The, 96 Bitter Harvest, 59, 60 Manchild in the Promised Land, 85 Bizarre Films, 10 Man's Cultural Heritage, 60 Black and Aware, 33
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