BELLEFONTAINE EXAMINER Vol. 129 Friday, April 4, 2020 No. 91 AVAILABLE DAILY ONLINE @ examiner.org Honda continues production suspension through April 10 BY THE EXAMINER STAFF Marysville, Honda sales fell 48 percent in ers that were able to Transmission Mfg. at March, which followed remain open did so, Honda of North Russells Point and the strong sales for Honda focusing their efforts on America officials Anna Engine Plant. and Acura in the first two taking care of existing cus- announced Thursday that In the upcoming weeks months of 2020 and in tomers through vehicle it will again extend the while monitoring, the early March. service, maintenance and production suspension for company will continue to “Both brands off to a repair, while preserving all automobile, engine and evaluate conditions and strong start in the first 10 the health and safety of transmission plants in the make adjustments to its days of March, the their employees, officials U.S. and Canada through production operations in COVID-19 crisis quickly said. April 10 in response to the North America as neces- took its toll on March and In response to the pan- MARY RUTAN HOSPITAL PHOTO market impact of the fast- sary. first quarter sales results. demic, Honda and Acura Tammy Allison, Mary Rutan Hospital vice president of changing COVID-19 situa- “In undertaking these “Considering the have offered to help cus- community health, right, is joined by Honda of America tion. production adjustments, severe market impact, tomers who have financed Mfg. associates Thursday during a delivery of PPE items The company began its Honda is continuing to most Honda and Acura their vehicles through to the hospital. automobile production manage its business care- products continued to Honda Financial Services suspension March 23, and fully through a measured perform well in March. or Acura Financial Honda donates PPE supplies last week, made the first approach to sales that However, combined with Services with payment announcement of an addi- aligns production with declining demand from extensions and deferrals, to Mary Rutan Hospital tional production suspen- market demand,” officials cautious consumers, hun- as well as available late fee sion through April 6. said. dreds of Honda and Acura waivers. BY MANDY LOEHR The announcement Wednesday, American dealers were closed in the Honda is also providing EXAMINER STAFF WRITER effects each of the local Honda also reported the second half of March in an industry-first special [email protected] Honda facilities — the effects of the COVID-19 compliance with man- offer for first responders Marysville and East pandemic on its March dates imposed on busi- and medical professionals, Honda of America Mfg. representatives Thursday deliv- Liberty auto plants, the auto sales. Company offi- nesses by state and local out of respect for their ered two pallets of donated personal protective equipment Performance cials said by the end of the governments.” contributions to commu- (PPE) to Mary Rutan Hospital to assist area medical profes- Manufacturing Center at month, American Honda Honda and Acura deal- nities across the country sionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Donated items included face masks, shields, goggles, safety glasses, gloves and coveralls. The local donation rep- resents an effort across Honda of North America facilities to inventory its stocks of PPE and donate items in support Mary Rutan Hospital prepares for of front line health care workers. “In these challenging times, Honda continues to sup- port our local communities,” Tom Shoupe, Honda of America Mfg. executive vice president said. “We’re thankful expected surge of COVID-19 patients for these brave health care heroes and hope they remain BY THE EXAMINER STAFF reduce unnecessary hospital ers, physicians, infection real-time review of staff safe with our donation of Personal Protective Equipment.” volumes. prevention specialists and availability, supplies and Tammy Allison, Mary Rutan Hospital vice president of Mary Rutan Hospital is In addition, the project- team members in every bed capacity; preparing to community health, said Honda of America Mfg. has been a long-time community partner and this week’s donation of engaged in planning for a ed peak of COVID-19 cases aspect of our healthcare sys- maximize surge capacity; predicted influx of patients in Ohio is not expected for a tem are working together to vital PPE equipment is crucial to the hospital’s supply. and participating in plan- “Once again, the local the Honda companies come needing hospital care as a few more weeks. plan for various contingen- ning efforts undertaken by together in support of Mary Rutan Hospital and Logan result of the COVID-19 Planning for the possible cies in the event of a surge local government and County residents. This generous donation of PPE will assist virus, hospital representa- surge in patients at the hos- of patients who need hospi- health officials. greatly in the care, health and safety of those we care for tives reported Thursday. pital began nearly a month talization.” Chad Ross, MRH chief and the MRH staff during this critical time in our commu- Currently, the number of ago and continues to evolve Beginning in mid-March, operations officer, reported nity and our nation. hospital admissions and on a daily basis, Mary Rutan Mary Rutan Hospital enact- “We express our sincere gratitude to Honda, Honda R & that areas within the hospi- emergency department vis- Hospital President and CEO ed incident command D, Honda Transmission and their associates for this life- its are down, primarily due Mandy Goble said. structures to coordinate tal are being converted to saving gift.” to previous messages from “We are actively prepar- resources and direct actions provide additional capacity, Mary Rutan Hospital also is continuing its collection leaders and the media that ing for the increased pres- for the entire organization if needed. drive of PPE to provide the in-demand materials to first have helped to direct con- ence of COVID-19 that is concerning COVID-19. responders and health care professionals. cerned people to the appro- expected in our community. Those duties include See COVID-19 on priate provider setting and Every day, our team of lead- monitoring the pandemic; Next Page See SUPPLIES on Next Page eMail: [email protected] BELLEFONTAINE EXAMINER ONLINE @ examiner.org HUBBARD PUBLISHING CO. Local & State PO Box 40 • Bellefontaine, OH 43311 An independent daily newspa- per Founded in 1891 COVID-19 ______________ Supplies_______ by E.O. & H.K. Hubbard Issued daily except Sunday at Continued from Page 1 In addition, donated supplies are com- Continued from Page 1 127 E. Chillicothe Ave. ing from local businesses and individuals. MEMBER OF THE: “Currently, within the hospital walls, Donations of new masks, gloves, face The following new or unused supplies are currently Ohio Newspaper Association we have the ability to double our normal shields, gowns and hand sanitizer have being collected: gloves, masks, digital thermometers, gog- and the Inland Daily Press inpatient volume,” he said. been provided to help support the area's gles, face shields, N95 Masks, gowns; and hand sanitizer. Association • The Associated Other measures to ensure Mary Rutan first responders and healthcare profes- Items may be dropped off between the hours of 8:30 Press • Ohio League of Home Hospital has adequate capacity to accom- sionals. a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the main entrance of Mary Rutan Dailies modate COVID-19 patients include Items can be dropped off at MRH’s Hospital’s Logan View location at 110 Dowell Avenue in PUBLISHER: JON HUBBARD rescheduling non-critical surgeries, proce- Logan View location, 110 Dowell Avenue Bellefontaine. Organizers ask that items are bagged or GENERAL MANAGER: T.J. HUBBARD dures and appointments. in Bellefontaine between the hours of 8:30 boxed for easy drop-off. ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: BOB CHAPMAN In addition, many of Mary Rutan a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Continued support to In addition to PPE donations, Honda of America CIRCULATION MANAGER: JILL THOMAS Hospital’s offices and clinics are offering help address the needs within our com- announced its pledge earlier this week to donate $1 mil- telemedicine, using doxy.me, a phone call SUBSCRIPTION RATES munity is requested, hospital officials said. lion to community organizations that address food inse- or video chat. Telemedicine options have Throughout the course of the pandem- curity throughout North America. Also during the COVID- Delivered by carrier, per week ...$2.40 been in place since mid-March, with near- ic, Mary Rutan Hospital is maintaining 19 crisis, the company is deploying 3-D printers to manu- By motor route, per week...........$2.40 ly 200 virtual appointments conducted in continuous contact with state and county facture visors for protective face shields to be used by Price of single copy.......................75¢ the past three days. health departments, emergency manage- medical providers, along with investigating the ability to By mail R.F.D. in Logan and adjoining “All elective, non-emergent surgeries ment officials and community organiza- meet critical manufacturing needs related to medical Counties, per year postpaid ...$125.40 and procedures have been postponed to tions that are working together to help equipment. By mail outside of Logan and manage a potential increase in patient vol- surrounding counties..............$147.40 ume, conserve personal protective equip- minimize the spread of the virus. ONLINE Edition "I am proud to say that our community ment and quite frankly to treat those n LOCAL NOTES Five weeks .................................$9.50 patients in greatest need,” Ross said. has the support of highly capable, dedicat- Thirteen weeks.........................$24.70 “The safety of our team members and ed and focused teams at Mary Rutan Twenty six weeks .....................$49.40 Joint Recreation District cancels April meeting patients is our top priority.
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