NOTICE: PHOTOCOPIED MATERIALS MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17, U.S. CODE). --; =r c;;· c;;· 0 \) =r 0 0 0 0 \) '<a. 3 0 (;" ::!. 0 ;;.- :r 3 (I) 0 a: !r CT a· '< :r 3 (I) 0 '< () :::> g_ Q. • CT )> (I) tT n 0 ! \) () a;· 0 0.. ::> (!) Q <D <D ::: \) o· a :;) 0.. g_ c n Soestdijk Palace, December 1965 (I) (I) "' 0.. "'(I) :;- 0 0 0 :::> :r '< 0 ::> 0 a.. =r"' C/l a· !,. c: ? a..a;· :::> Q "'() \) I have the honour to invite you to the next Bilderberg Meeting which will be (I) 0 ::> n (I) held al the Hotel "Nassauer Hof'' at Wiesbaden in Germany on 25,26 and !r 0.. () 0 :;- ::> 0 27 March 1966. co :::> <D '< !!!"' . 0 0 :r :::> (I)., You will find the agenda for this conference at the inside. g_ <D )> \) 0 0 :r :;:· "' (I) 5' .Y' ~ c :;:::> · ><D ;;: ~ a. 0 R.S.V.P. Bilderberg Meetings 1'r 0 =r 1 Smidswater, The Hague 0 3 _o 3: 0 ::> :::> ~ :c ~ ;;o 0 0 3 1'.) 0 !'> o- w .,0 0 :;-=l co 0 :::> 0 < ~ z 0 3 0 ? ,...0 0 :r 0 3 0 '-I w ~ -p ~ 0 w Collection ______________Series __________ Box ~0 Folder_~_l __ NOTICE: PHOTOCOPIED MATERIALS MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17, U.S. CODE). -4 ;;;·7 ;;;· 0 "0 7 0 ,..0 0 "0 '< ~ 3 Q i' ~. 0 ;;;- 3 :r 0 (II i' ... a: :::!. CT Q... '< 3 7 0 (II '< () ::> 0 Q. ::!.. r:r )> (II (IIo= g ::!. "0 (i' .. 0... ::>~ (0 ii "'o· ::> Q... ~ ..(II 0 ;:; 7 Q ::> 0... AGENDA (I> c 0... Ci.. () <'> ::> ~ () 0 ::> (0 l. Should NATO be reorganised and if so how 7 ..ii !!!. 0 ::> II. The Future of world economic relations especially Q... between industrial and developing countries. ::r~ <(II ' .!" c 11>~· 1:1 ~ Q.. 0 7<" 0 :r 0 3 F> ~ 0 ::> ::> !P. I -~ 8"' 3 "'0 ·"'o- w 0 00 3. ::> (0 0 ::> 0 < .9... z 0 3 p0 0 ~ 0 7 0 3 0 "'w ~ -o l:. 0 w :- Collection ________________ Series ___________ Box ____ Folder _ ____ NOTICE: PHOTOCOPIED MATERIALS MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17, U.S. COD£). -1 :::r ~ ;;; :r c;;· 0 0 5'. -o T ~ - 0 g 0 n 0 -o" -o CD CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE '< 3 ;;; UNITED NATIONS P'LAXA AT ••nt BTREET N£W YOIIK 17, HEW YOIIK CABLE AODIIUS IHTUP'AlC OlCI'OIIO 7·3131 2.. 3 "'o · a ? c; :r;;;· ;;;-s· 3 ::r 0 !!. ii 15 February 1966 0... r;r 2: '< 3 :r 0 (t '< () "2 g_ r:r )> 111 To the American Participants in the 1966 Bilderberg fi' n CD 0 4 -o Meeting () ; · 0 0... ..,0 <0" From: Eva Popper, Assistant to Mr. Johnson ~ ~ "'!!!. -o 0 0 c0... "~ n Subject: Travel Arrangements XI a. CD 0... .. (t 5 " n0 0 T '<" I enclose herewith a list of flights between New York and Frankfurt 0 ..0' "0... 7 VI 0 for Wednesday, 23 March, and Sunday, 27 March. You may recall that participants c 0... ?., are asked to arrive in Wiesbaden (which is a half hour by car from FrankfUit Airport) ...iii " Q () -o by the evening of Thursday, the 24th. a. 0 :> n ii 111 ... 0... 5 " Transportation between Frankfurt Airport and the Nassauer Hof Hotel b' <0" 0 in Wiesbaden will be provided by our German hosts. The Bilderberg Secretariat ; '<" ..... 0:r office in The Hague asks that you notify them of your arrival time so that the proper 0 !! arrangements can be made to meet you at the airport. A card for that purpose is ~" i )> -o rt 0 enclosed with the "Notice to Participants." I should be grateful if you would also let 7 ~ - 0 me know of your travel plans in case there is any slip-up between this side of the ocean a.< " .!" ~ and The Hague. c ~"' - ;;; Participants generally make their own airline reservations for travel to ~ and from the place of the meeting, but please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if * 2.. 0,.,.. I can be of any assistance to you. 0 :::r 0 3 _o s 0 :::> :> !. I Enclosure J= XI 0 0 3 1'.) NOTE: In view of the fact that the Endowment is paying your tround -trip fare, I have 0 * ,"-> asked our travel agency, First National City Bank Travel Service in New York, to get o- w in touch with you to make your reservations. 0 ?::!.. :> <0 0 "0 _£. z 0.., 3 0 ·"' 0..... .,.0 0 3 0....., w 0 -o ~ 0 -w Collection _ _ __:_ _ _ _ ___ _____Series __________ Box .) D Folder_1.._f ___ NOTICE: PHOTOCOPIED MATERIALS MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITlE 17, U.S. CODE). FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK 3 0 !f §: 399 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N .Y. 10022 3 TRAVEl. SERVICE 0 "< VIA AIR MAIL "'g. lf tN ~~~LV ~LCASC QUOTE 8 "0a;· a. Mar c h 1 7 , 1 9 6 6 Miss M. Banner Old Senate Office Building Room 254 Washington , D. C. 20515 Dear Miss Banner : Enclosed ticket for Senator Fred R. Harris is being forwarded to you at the request of the Carnegie Endowment for I nternational Peace. I f you have any furth er questions, please do not hesitate to call me on 212 559 -6771 ~ Very truly you rs, L a--L-- JJC/mp . ) hn J !clarke Enclosure From the CaJlpc•: , .. ~ lHBP ..... l4.o..:. , or ~ ON. FRITD HJ\J{lUS Colleclion _____: _____________ Series ___________ Box 30 Folder-'3=--( ___ NOTICE: PHOTOCOPIED MATERIALS MAY BE PROTECT£D BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17, U.S. CODE). CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEAOE UNITE"D NATIONS PLAZA AT •ISTH STRE~ NEW YOIIK 17, N~ YOIIK C:A8LIE AOOIIESS INTEIIPAlC OXFORD 7·3131 OI"I"IC:IE 01" I'HIE I'IIIE81DIENT 14 March 1966 To the American Participants in the 1966 Bi lderberg Meeting From: Joseph E. Johnson In the past, it has been our custom to have Uooer Secretary of State George W. Ball, who is the ranking member of the American delegation, brief the American participants prior to the first formal sesswn on the US position on the topics to be discussed at the meeting. Mr. Ball has agreed to do so again this year, and we have accordingly scheduled a session of the American group at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, 25 March in Mr. A.cthur H. Dean's suite at the Nassauer Hof Hotel. I understand that not all of the Americans will have arrived at the Hotel by that time and will therefore have to miss the briefing, but those who have not yet completed their travel arrangements may wish to take this into account in making their plans. 0 a< ~z- 0 3 0 .::. 0 ~ 0 :::r 0 3 0 '.J gw 'f 0 w ; m th3 Co11e:tion of Fro TAt>T.)l,.. THE HON. FRED .h H•" •., Collection _ ____ ___ _____ _ _ Serles ___ _ _ ______ Box 30 Folder_s -'-( _ _ _ NOTICE: PHOTOCOPIED MATERIALS MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17, U.S. CODE). CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATION~\.L PEACE U N ITEO NATIONS PLAZA AT ..8TH STREET NEW 'fORt( 17, NEW YORI( CABLE AOORESS INTERPAX OXFORD 7•313t OFFICI: 01' TH t; PRE& I DENT 15 March 1966 3 0 ~ [. 3 0 "< Q."' cr (!> 8 "0 [ Q Dear Senator Harris: ;;; "0a a_ In Mr. Johnson's absence from the office, I am taklng c n (!> a_ the liberty of acknowledging receipt of your telegram advising him that you will be able to attend the Bilderberg Meeting in Wiesbaden 0"' "<"' later this month. I know that Mr. Johnson and the other members ..0 of the American Steering Committee will be very glad to hear this o·;;r ? good news, and will look forward to meeting you there. Q"' "0 0 I enclose for your information the background papers n (!> and other documents for the meeting, including a provisional list a_ n 3 ' of participants, a "Notice to Participants," a memorandum on travel 0 a co"' "<"' arrangements, some additional reading material, and a memorandum ;;; 0 ::: 3'­ from Mr. Johnson concerning a preliminary meeting of the American o· ~ "'£. ;; group on the morning of the first formal meeting. I am cabling the )> "0 ..0 Bilderberg Secretariat office today to ask that a formal invitation be ::r a' "~· ~ sent to you from the Prince. .!" c ~·"' If you have any questions about any of the enclosed papers, ;;:: or if I can be of assistance to you in any way in connection with your ..z Q.. participation in the meeting, I hope you will not hesitate to get in touch 0 7<"' 0 with me. I shall be here through the afternoon of the 21st. ::r 0 3 _o Looking forward to meeting you in Wiesbaden, I am ~ 0 "' !!"' Sincerely yours, I ~ 6' 0 3 ~~~ N 0 Eva Popper !" o­ Assistant to the President w 0 d' ::: The Hon. Fred R. Harris :;­ co 1251 New Senate Office Building 0 "' Washington, D. C. 20515 0 _Q. z Enclosures 0 3 0 -"' .....0 0 :r 0 3 0 'I w 0 -e. 0w Collection ______________Series __________ Box ~0 Folder_3_(__ _ NOTICE: PHOTOCOPIED MATERIALS MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW (TITLE 17, U.S. CODE). ... 0 "0 :r 0 0 8 Meetings 2- 1 ~ 2.. 3 0 ii ~ Q ;;;- ::.­ Q a: .!{' 5- (1 ~ () March 14, 1966 g_ )> g= ::1 () 0 Mr. Joseph E. Johnson, President ::> Carnegie Endowment for International Peace coa la. United Nations Plaza at 46th Street 0 ::> New York, New York e.
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