Department of Sociology Course Structure: M.A. (Sociology) - revised 2020 A. Semester-Wise Core and Elective Courses Semester I Paper code Paper Title Core/Elective Credit DS 101 Basic Concepts in Sociology Core 6 DS 102 Classical Sociological Thinkers Core 6 DS 103 Social Demography Elective 6 DSPW 1 Rural Development Interventions in Uttar Elective 2 Pradesh DSPW 2 Problems of Slums in Uttar Pradesh Elective 2 DSOE 1 Indian Society: Themes and Perspectives Open Elective 4 DSOE-2 Social Problems in India Open Elective 4 Semester II DS 201 Theoretical Orientations in Sociology Core 6 DS 203 Tradition, Modernity and Nation Making in India Elective 6 DS 206 Quantitative Social Research Methods Core 6 DS 207 Sociology of Rural and Urban Life in India Elective 6 DS 208 Environment and Society Elective 6 Semester III DS 301 Sociology of Indian Sociology Core 6 DS 302 Social Justice and Social Movements in India Elective 6 DS 303 Women and Society in India Elective 6 DS 305 Qualitative Research Methods and Statistics Core 6 Semester IV DS 401 Sociology of Indian Social Thought Elective 6 DS 402 Dissertation Core 6 DS 403 Sociology of Marginalised Communities Elective 6 DS 406 Sociology of Culture and Religious life Core 6 DS 407 Sociology of Globalisation, Technology and Elective 6 Society DS 408 Political Sociology in India Elective 6 1 Syllabus (Revised 2020) M.A. (Sociology): Semester I (Core Course) DS 101: Basic Concepts in Sociology (6 Credits) Course objectives This course aims at providing a systematic introduction to sociology. It will familiarise students with sociology in such a way that even those who come from other disciplines and without any previous exposure to sociology could develop an interest in the subject and follow it. The students will be able to recognize sociology as the scientific study of human society and social behaviour by studying social facts, principles, behaviours, action, opinions and phenomena. The course seeks to: - Introduce students to the major concepts and perspectives of sociology; - Familiarise them with the interdisciplinary nature of the subject; - Enable them analyze social phenomena/problems effectively by identifying, clarifying, and describing sociological issues; - Maintain high ethical standards and sensitivity in applying the principles of sociology to themselves and other people. Course outline: Unit I: Sociology and other disciplines - Meaning, definition and origin of sociology; - Nature and scope of sociology; - Sociology and common sense; - Sociology and other social sciences; - Social network, society and Sociology Unit II: Basic concepts of society and Diaspora - Basic Concepts: Community, Institution, Association, Norms, Values, Customs and Laws, Culture; - Social Structure: Status and Role and their interrelationship, Multiple Roles, Role Set, Status Set, Status sequence, Role Conflict; - Social Group: Meaning, Types: Primary-Secondary, Formal-Informal, In-group and Out- group, Reference Group Unit III: Social Institutions and Socialization - Social Institutions: Marriage, Family and Kinship, Education, Economy, Polity, and Religion; - Socialization: Socialization, Re-socialization, Anticipatory Socialization, De- socialization; Adult socialisation; Agencies of socialization; Theories of socialization 1 Unit IV: Social Stratification and Mobility - Social differentiation, hierarchy, inequality and Marginalization - Forms/dimensions of Stratification: Status group/ Caste, Class, Gender, Ethnicity and Sexuality; - Theories of Social Stratification (Structural-functional, Marxist, Weberian); - Social Mobility (open and closed systems, types of mobility, sources & causes) Unit V: Social Change and Processes - Meaning and definition of social change - Evolution and Diffusion - Theories of social change – Linear, Cyclical, Curvilinear, and Dialectical Evaluation Components and Weightages: - Term paper/ Presentaion:10%; Class Participation:10%; - Mid-term test: 10% ; End-term Exam: 70%. Essential Readings: 1. Giddens, Anthony.2006. Sociology. Polity Press. 2. Plummer, Ken and Kenneth Plummer. 2010. Specifications of Sociology: The Basics. Taylor & Francis. 3. Roberts, Ken.2008. Key Concepts in Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan. 4. Anderson, Margaret and Howard Taylor. 2008. Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. Thomson Wadsworth. 5. Dillon, Michele. 2014. Introduction to Sociological Theory: Theorists, Concepts and their Applicability to the Twenty- First Century. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 6. Scott, John (Ed.). 2006. Sociology: The Key Concepts. Taylor & Francis. 7. Bierstadt, Robert.1972. The Social Order. Mcgraw- Hill Book Company. 8. Bottomoe, T.B.1972. Sociology: A Guide to Problems and Literature. Bombay: George Allen and Unwin (India). 9. Davis, Kingsley.1948. Human Society. New York: Macmillan. 10. Haralambos, M. 1998. Sociology: Themes and Perspectives. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 11. Inkeles, Alex. 1987. What is Sociology? New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. 12. Jayaram, N.1988. Introductory Sociology. Madras: Macmillan India. 13. Johnson, Harry M. 1995. Sociology: A Systematic Introduction. New Delhi: Allied Publishers. 14. MacIver R. M. and C.H. Page.1974. Society. Macmillan India Limited. 15. Mcgee, Reece Jerome.1975. Points of Departure: Basic Concepts in Sociology. Dryden Press. 16. Orum, Anthony M., John Vallace, Claire Johnstone, Stephanie Riger. 1999. Changing Societies: Essential Sociology for Our Times. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 17. Schmaus, Warren. 1994. Durkhiem’s Philosophy of Science and the Sociology of Knowledge: Creating an Intellectual Niche.The University of Chicago Press Ltd. 18. Shefer, Richard T. and Robert P. Lamm. 1999. Sociology. New Delhi: Tata- McGraw Hill. 19. Smelser, Neil J. 1991. Sociology. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 20. Weber, Max. 1993. Basic Concepts in Sociology. Kennington Pub. Corp. 2 Syllabus (Revised, 2020) M.A. (Sociology): Semester I Core Course DS 102: Classical Sociological Thinkers (06 credits) Scope of the course The two momentous events of the late -17th century, the French revolution and Industrial revolution, brought about dramatic changes and transformation in the traditional feudal structure and processes of the European society. Sociologists of that time viewed these radical societal changes from different perspectives. Some were concerned with establishing sociology as a science, others about how to study systematically the social changes. There were some major scholars who were trying to formulate sociological theories on the basis of which any social phenomena could be analyzed. Among these pioneers, the contributions of Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber and V. Pareto are most significant. These thinkers immensely contributed to provide sociology a solid academic base. Hence, familiarity with the main thought of these thinkers would equip the students with sociological insights to understand, critically analyze and interpret the social scenario around them and would also help them appreciate the different sociological perspectives and theories like structural functionalism that emerged in the course of development of sociology. Course objectives: To familiarise students with the main thoughts of the major classical sociological thinkers with a focus on their ideas, perspective, and methodology; To help them gain sociological insights from the original writings of these thinkers that would enable them to understand, critically analyze and interpret the social scenario around them. To know the main thoughts of sociological theorists belongs to structural-functionalism Course outline: UNIT-I: Introduction - Dialectical materialism - Materialistic interpretation of history, Mode of production - Social classes and Class struggle, Proletarian revolution and Classless society, Theory of social change - Alienation in the Capitalist society - Religion and society 1 UNIT-II: Max Weber - Concepts of Social Action, Power, Authority, Rationalism and Bureaucracy - Class, status and party - Protestantism and the emergence of Capitalism, World religions - Sociology as an interpretative science, Verstehen and Ideal type - Politics as vocation, and Science as vocation UNIT-III: Emile Durkheim - Intellectual background - Division of Labour - Methodology of social sciences, Social fact - Suicide - Religion and society UNIT-IV: V. Pareto - Social action - Classification of Logical and Non-logical actions - Theory of Social Change (circulation of elites) UNIT-V: Structural-Functionalist Thinker - Bronislaw Malinowski - A.R. Radcliffe- Brown - Talcott Parsons - Robert K. Merton - Claude Levi Strauss Evaluation Components and Weightages: - Term paper/Tutorial:10%; Class Presentation:10%; - Mid-term test:10%; End-term Exam:70%. Essential Readings: Marx, K., Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations, London, Lawrence and Wishart, 1964. Marx, K., Capital, vol.1, Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1954, chapter 1, 10, 14. Marx, K., The Class Struggle in France, 1848-1850, New York, New York Labour News, 1924. Marx, K. and Engels, F., The Manifesto of the Communist Party, in Marx-Engels collected Works, Vol.6, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1976. Marx, K., Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844; Progress Publishers; Moscow. Weber, M., Economy and Society, Berkeley, University of California Press, Vol.1, Part 1, Chapter 1 & 2. Weber, M., The Methodology of the Social Sciences, New York, Free Press 1949. Weber, M., The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Los Angeles, Blackwell Publisher , 2002. Gerth and Mills,
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