Federal Communications Commission § 74.789 In addition, any outstanding construc- (3) Applications for extension of time tion permit (analog or digital) for an shall be filed not later than May 1, channel above Channel 51 will be re- 2015, absent a showing of sufficient rea- scinded on December 31, 2011, and any sons for late filing. pending application (analog or digital) (d) For construction deadlines occur- for a channel above Channel 51 will be ring after September 1, 2015, the tolling dismissed on December 31, 2011, if the provisions of § 73.3598 of this chapter permittee has not submitted a digital shall apply. displacement application by 11:59 pm (e) A low power television, TV trans- local on September 1, 2011. lator or Class A television station that holds a construction permit for an un- [69 FR 69333, Nov. 29, 2004, as amended at 74 FR 23655, May 20, 2009; 76 FR 44828, July 27, built analog and corresponding unbuilt 2011] digital station and fails to complete construction of the analog station by § 74.788 Digital construction period. the expiration date on the analog con- struction permit shall forfeit both the (a) Each original construction permit analog and digital construction per- for the construction of a new digital mits notwithstanding a later expira- low power television or television tion date on the digital construction translator station shall specify a pe- permit. riod of three years from the date of (f) A low power television, TV trans- issuance of the original construction lator or Class A television station that permit within which construction shall holds a construction permit for an un- be completed and application for li- built analog and corresponding unbuilt cense filed. digital station and completes construc- (b) Any construction permit for tion of the digital station by the expi- which construction has not been com- ration date on the analog construction pleted and for which an application for permit, begins operating and files a li- license or extension of time has not cense application for the digital sta- been filed, shall be automatically for- tion may forego construction of the un- feited upon expiration without any fur- built analog station. ther affirmative cancellation by the Commission. [69 FR 69334, Nov. 29, 2004, as amended at 76 (c) Authority delegated. (1) For the FR 44828, July 27, 2011] September 1, 2015 digital construction deadline, authority is delegated to the § 74.789 Broadcast regulations applica- ble to digital low power television Chief, Media Bureau to grant an exten- and television translator stations. sion of time of up to six months beyond September 1, 2015 upon demonstration The following sections are applicable by the digital licensee or permittee to digital low power television and tel- that failure to meet the construction evision translator stations: deadline is due to circumstances that § 73.1030 Notifications concerning in- are either unforeseeable or beyond the terference to radio astronomy, re- licensee’s control where the licensee search and receiving installations. has take all reasonable steps to resolve § 74.600 Eligibility for license. the problem expeditiously. § 74.703 Interference. (2) Such circumstances shall include, § 74.709 Land mobile station protec- but shall not be limited to: tion. (i) Inability to construct and place in § 74.732 Eligibility and licensing re- operation a facility necessary for quirements. transmitting digital television, such as § 74.734 Attended and unattended oper- a tower, because of delays in obtaining ation. zoning or FAA approvals, or similar § 74.735 Power limitations. constraints; § 74.751 Modification of transmission (ii) The lack of equipment necessary systems. to obtain a digital television signal; or § 74.763 Time of operation. (iii) Where the cost of construction § 74.765 Posting of station and oper- exceeds the station’s financial re- ator licenses. sources. § 74.769 Copies of rules. 499 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:13 Dec 13, 2011 Jkt 223205 PO 00000 Frm 00509 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223205.XXX 223205 wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 74.790 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition) § 74.780 Broadcast regulations applica- dental thereto. A digital TV translator ble to translators, low power, and station shall not be operated solely for booster stations (except § 73.653— the purpose of relaying signals to one Operation of TV aural and visual or more fixed receiving points for re- transmitters and § 73.1201—Station transmission, distribution, or further identification). relaying. § 74.781 Station records. (d) Except as provided in (e) and (f) of § 74.784 Rebroadcasts. this section, the technical characteris- [69 FR 69334, Nov. 29, 2004] tics of the retransmitted signals shall not be deliberately altered so as to § 74.790 Permissible service of digital hinder reception on consumer DTV TV translator and LPTV stations. broadcast receiving equipment. (a) Digital TV translator stations (e) A digital TV translator station provide a means whereby the signals of shall not retransmit the programs and DTV broadcast stations may be re- signals of any TV broadcast or DTV transmitted to areas in which direct broadcast station(s) without the prior reception of such DTV stations is un- written consent of such station(s). A satisfactory due to distance or inter- digital TV translator may multiplex on vening terrain barriers. its output channel the video program (b) Except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, a digital TV trans- services of two or more TV broadcast lator station may be used only to re- and/or DTV broadcast stations, pursu- ceive the signals of a TV broadcast or ant to arrangements with all affected DTV broadcast station, another digital stations, and for this limited purpose, TV translator station, a TV translator is permitted to alter a TV broadcast relay station, a television intercity and/or DTV broadcast signal. relay station, a television STL station, (f) A digital TV translator station or other suitable sources such as a may transmit locally originated visual CARS or common carrier microwave and/or aural messages limited to emer- station, for the simultaneous retrans- gency warnings of imminent danger, to mission of the programs and signals of local public service announcements a TV or DTV broadcast station. Such (PSAs) and to seeking or acknowl- retransmissions may be accomplished edging financial support deemed nec- by any of the following means: essary to the continued operation of (1) Reception of TV broadcast or DTV the station. Acknowledgments of finan- broadcast station programs and signals cial support may include identification directly through space and conversion of the contributors, the size and nature to a different channel by one of the fol- of the contribution and the advertising lowing transmission modes: messages of the contributors. The (i) Heterodyne frequency conversion originations concerning financial sup- and suitable amplification, subject to a port and PSAs are limited to 30 seconds digital output power limit of 30 watts each, no more than once per hour. for transmitters operating on channels Emergency transmissions shall be no 14–69 and 3 watts for transmitters oper- longer or more frequent than necessary ating on channels 2–13; or to protect life and property. Such (ii) Digital signal regeneration (i.e., DTV signal demodulation, decoding, originations may be accomplished by error processing, encoding, remodula- any technical means agreed upon be- tion, and frequency upconversion) and tween the TV translator and DTV sta- suitable amplification; or, tion whose signal is being retrans- (2) Demodulation, remodulation and mitted, but must be capable of being amplification of TV broadcast or DTV received on consumer DTV broadcast broadcast station programs and signals reception equipment. A digital TV received through a microwave trans- translator shall modify, as necessary port. to avoid DTV reception tuning con- (c) The transmissions of each digital flicts, the Program System and Infor- TV translator station shall be intended mation Protocol (PSIP) information in for direct reception by the general pub- the DTV broadcast signal being re- lic, and any other use shall be inci- transmitted. 500 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:13 Dec 13, 2011 Jkt 223205 PO 00000 Frm 00510 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223205.XXX 223205 wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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