ART ON CAPECOD: A BRIEF CHRONOLOGY 1916 School of Painting, William and Mar- 1929 Giorgio Cavallon becomes a student (con’t.) guerite Zorach’s A Modern School of (con’t.) of C. W. Hawthorne at the Cape Cod 1899 Charles W. Hawthorne, captivated by Art, and George Sensany’s classes in School of Art. the natural beauty and clear light of color and monochrome etching. Cape Cod, opens the Cape Cod School 1930 C. W. Hawthorne dies. Henry Hensche, of Art in Provincetown, which was to 1919 Karl Knaths, an advocate of the Im- who has studied with Hawthorne, re- flourish for the next three decades. pressionists’ scientific approach to color mains in Provincetown and continues and light, settles in Provincetown. to teach Hawthorne’s methods. 1910 Oliver Chaffee comes to Provincetown Hensche occupies an old barn on Pearl from New York, where he studied with John Robinson Frazier becomes Haw- Street which was Hawthorne’s personal Robert Henri, the leader of the Ash thorne’s assistant at the Cape Cod studio. Can School. About this time, a literary School of Art, a position he holds until circle begins to form in Provincetown. 1927. In 1930 he opens his own school 1935 An intimate of Picasso, Braque and In the next few years an influx of New of painting in Provincetown. In later Delaunay, Hans Hofmann comes to York artists contributes more culture years he becomes President of the Provincetown and opens a summer and novelty to this once quiet fishing Rhode Island School of Design. school of painting on Miller Hill Road, town. the former site of Hawthorne’s school. 1924 Jack Tworkov, later associated with Hofmann’s classes are devoted entirely 1912 Among the students studying at Haw- Abstract Expressionism, studies with to modern art. His critique sessions thorne’s school are Edwin Dickinson, Ross Moffett in Provincetown, and are frequently held in the garden of Ross Moffett and John Robinson Fraz- again in 1925. Subsequently, he sum- his home on Commercial Street. Over ier.Moffett settles on the Cape the year mers on the Cape and acquires proper- the years his Cape students include Lee round in 1913. ty in Provincetown in 1958. Krasner, Mercedes Matter, Giorgio Cav- allon, Myron Stout, Judith Rothschild, 1914 Stuart Davis and Charles Demuth sum- Ben Shahn buys property and build- Robert Beauchamp, Jan Muller and mer at Provincetown. They are joined ings in South Truro, and spends the Alfred Lesley. the following summer by Marsden first of many summers on the Cape Hartley. Demuth remains a frequent in 1925. 1938 Fritz Bultman begins his studies with visitor to the Cape, and executes some Hofmann, which wili continue through of his greatest watercolors here. 1927 The Provincetown Art Association 1941. In 1944 Bultman acquires prop- sponsors its “first Modernistic Exhibi- erty in Provincetown and, a year later, 1915 The Provincetown Art Association, tion,” which includes works by Niles he builts a studio designed by Tony which was organized the preceding year, Spencer, Jack Tworkov and George Smith, the architect-sculptor. holds its first exhibition. Ault. 1940 John Whorf settles year round in Pro- 1916 Five schools of art are now operating 1929 Edward Hopper, who studied with vincetown. Previously, he spent sum- in Provincetown. In addition to Haw- Robert Henri, is now painting on the mers on the Cape, and has studied at thorne’s school, there is George Elmer Cape during the summer. the Cape Cod School of Art between Browne’s West End School of Art, 1919 and 1921. E. Ambrose Webster’s A Summer 8 1944 Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner rent 1950 Helen Frankenthaler studies with Hans 1956 Budd Hopkins summers on the Cape a studio in Provincetown. The next Hofmann in Provincetown. She will (con’t.) for the first time and subsequently summer they go to East Hampton, return to the Cape in 1958 to summer returns each summer. Long Island, which soon becomes at Falmouth. In 1961 she and husband a popular summer art colony in Robert Motherwell establish a summer 1957 The Tirca Karlis Gallery opens. In the competition with Provincetown. studio in Provincetown. following years works by many impor- tant artists, including Sideo Frombo- The sculptor, Chaim Gross, summers 1952 Myron Stout, having previously stud- luti, Elise Asher, Tony Vevers and in Provincetown for the first time; ied summers in Provincetown with Chaim Gross are shown. later he acquires a barn which is remod- Charles J. Martin in 1938, and with eled for living and working space. Hofmann in 1946, becomes a year Red Grooms’ works are seen for the round Cape resident. first time anywhere at the Sun Gallery. In 1959 he does his first Happening 1945 Ralph and Martha Cahoon begin 1953- Sam Kootz and Nat Halper establish entitled “Walking Man. ” painting their primitive pictures. 1954 the Kootz Gallery in Provincetown. In they have a joint exhibition 1972 Works by David Hare, Ibram Lassaw, The Chrysler Museum opens its doors at Heritage Plantation, the first show 1958 Robert Motherwell, Adolph Gottlieb, for the first time with a large perman- sponsored by this museum. William Baziotes and Hofmann are ent collection by world famous artists. exhibited. In 1955 the Kootz Gallery After 13 years of operation, the Mu- 1947 The sculptor Varujan Boghosian visits becomes the HC Gallery, and, in 1956, seum closes in’ 19 7 1. Wellfleet for the first‘time; he returns it is renamed the HCE Gallery. Before every summer for the next thirty it closes in 1967,works are exhibited The Provincetown Arts Festival show, years, finding materials and inspiration by David Smith, Franz Kline, Jack “American Art of Our Time, ” conceived for his work. Tworkov, Louise Nevelson, Marisol by Walter P. Chrysler, Jr., is held. An and Helen Frankenthaler, among others. outdoor show under tents, its exhibi- 1949 The exhibition “Forum ’49”is held at tors of nationally known artists include Gallery 200 at 200 Commercial Street 1955 The Sun Gallery opens in Province- Milton Avery, Victor Candell, Henry in Provincetown. This exhibition, one town. During its four years of opera- Hensche, Gyorgy Kepes, Donald Stol- of themost important shows of ab- tion works are exhibited by Jan tenberg and Budd Hopkins. This major stract painting in America at the time, Muller Lester Johnson, Tony Vevers. national, competitive show contained includes works by Fritz Bultman, Hans Red Grooms, Dody Muller and Jack several hundred paintings from all over Hofmann, Jackson Pollock, William Larned, among others. Readings by the United States. The works are select- Baziotes, Mark Rothko, Bradley Walk- Dominic (Val) Falcone, a poet and ed by juries in eight regions of the er Tomlin, Pearl Fine and Richard director of the gallery, accompany country. Pousette-Dart. In this year Robert many of the opening exhibits. Douglas Hunter comes to the Cape to Franz Kline buys property on Cottage study with Henry Hensche at the Cape 1956 Milton Avery exhibits at HCE Gallery. Street in Provincetown. School of Art. From 1957 to 1960 Avery paints extensively on the Cape, executing his first large scale canvases. 1960 Benny Andrews is introduced to the 1968 by Fritz Bultman, Salvatore Del Deo, 1975 A retrospective of Ross Moffett’s Provincetown art world with a one- (con’t.) Richard Florsheim, Jim Forsberg, work is held at the Provincetown Art man show at the Kessler Gallery which Philip Malicoat, Romanos Rizk, My- Association. Tirca Karlis dies. first opened in 1958. ron Stout, Jack Tworkov and Hudson Walker. A place for serious young 1976 Edwin Dickinson’s retrospective is held 1961 The Cape Cod Festival of Arts is held artists to work during the winter at the Provincetown Art Association. at the Armory in Hyannis. Among the months, seminars are given by visiting Provincetown Heritage Museum opens artists represented are Edwin Dickin- artists and fellows in an atmosphere July 4th as an historical society display- son, Edward Hopper, Karl Knaths, and conducive to meaningful study of the ing a large collection of paintings by Jack Tworkov. arts and the exchange of ideas. Provincetown painters. 1963 Zabriskie Gallery spends a summer in 1970 A major art project of the summer, Provincetown and shows works by “Fine Arts ’70,” is put on by the Fine Compiled by Evan R. Firestone Emilio Cruz, Robert DeNiro, Ne11 Arts Work Center. Members of the and Rosemary Rapp Blaine, Red Grooms, Lester Johnson, staff and invited guests exhibit their and many other well known artists. works. Included among the exhibitors are Robert Motherwell, Myron Stout, Philip Malicoat and Fritz Bultman. 1964 Ross Moffett publishes his book “Art In Narrow Streets,” the story of the 1973 The first “Women’s Art Festival” is first. thirty-three years of the Province- held at the Provincetown Art Associa- town Art Association, and a rich his- tion with more than one hundred noted tory of Provincetown art in general. Cape women artists participating. 1965 An unusual exhibition of self-portraits 1974 Rhode Island School of Design opens and portraits of other artists, “The its summer school of art at the Fine Artists’ Face, ” is held at Tirca Karlis Arts Work Center building under the Gallery. Among the sixty contempor- direction of Hardu Keck. Budd Hop- ary painters and sculptors exhibiting kins and Richard Pepitone are staff are Chaim Gross, Karl Knaths, Philip instructors and visiting artists include Malicoat, Varujan Boghosian and Lou- Robert Motherwell, Jack Tworkov, ise Nevelson. Fritz Bultman and Judith Rothschild. 1968 The Fine Arts Work Center opens in Provincetown on the corner of Stand-- ish and Bradford Streets and moves in 1970 to the old Days Lumber Yard building on Pearl Street.
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