ENGLISH-SPANISH DICTIONARY OF HEALTH RELATED TERMS rd EDITION JULY 2005 Includes new terms related to Emergency And Disaster Preparedness Edited by Liliana Osorio A publication of: California-Mexico Health Initiative, CPRC, University of California Office of the President Office of Binational Border Health, California Department of Health Services "Material included in this publication may be reproduced, provided that full credit is given to its source." An electronic version of this publication is available at the California-Mexico Health Initiative web page: http://www.ucop.edu/cprc/cmhi.html , and at the California Office of Binational Border Health web page: http://www.dhs.cahwnet.gov/ps/dcdc/COBBH If you need more information regarding this publication or to order more copies, please contact the California-Mexico Health Initiative: Phone: (510) 643-4087, Fax: (510) 642-7861, e-mail: [email protected] A $3.00 Sh&H fee will be charge per copy. Please make check payable to UC Regents and send your order to: California-Mexico Health Initiative California Policy Research Center, UCOP 1950 Addison Street, Suite 203 Berkeley, CA 94720-7410 ii DICTIONARY OF HEALTH RELATED TERMS TABLE OF CONTENTS DICTIONARY OF Female Reproductive Organs — HEALTH RELATED TERMS Los Órganos Reproductores Femeninos INTRODUCTION iv urethra clitoris la uretra el clitoris TERMS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER A 1 vaginal labium orifice majus B 5 el orificio el labio C 9 vaginal mayor D 15 E 18 hymen labium el himen minus F 21 el labio G 24 anus menor el ano H 26 I 29 J 31 K 32 L 32 M 34 N 38 fimbriae uterus las fimbrias el útero, O 39 la matriz P 41 Q 46 R 46 ovary fallopian tube S 49 el ovario la trompa T 55 de Falopio U 58 utero-ovarian ligament V 58 el ligamento W 60 ovárico vagina X 62 la vagina cervix Y 62 el cuello de la Z 62 matriz, el cuello uterino GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 63 INSTRUCTIONS ON TAKING MEDICATIONS 63 PERSONAL DATA 64 MEDICAL HISTORY 65 HUMAN ANATOMY 66 iii 71 DICTIONARY OF HEALTH RELATED TERMS Viscera — Las Vísceras, Los Órganos Internos INTRODUCTION pharynx la faringe trachea la tráquea lungs los pulmomes liver heart el corazón el hígado gall bladder stomach la vesícula biliar el estómago This English-Spanish Dictionary of Health Related Terms was developed as an instru- large intestine spleen el intestino grueso el bazo ment for health care personnel and other professionals working with the Latino popula- tion in the United States. The main purpose of the dictionary is to strengthen communi- small intestine urethra el intestino delgado la uretra cation between Spanish-speaking populations and the health workers serving them, and facilitate dialogue by reducing cultural and linguistic barriers. bladder rectum el recto la vejiga The first edition of the English-Spanish Dictionary of Health Related Terms was based on the “English-Spanish Glossary for Health Aids”, published in 1999 by the Primary and Rural Health Care Systems Branch, California Department of Health Services. Male Reproductive Organs This third edition includes nearly 14,000 terms, about 4,000 more than the 2nd edition. Los Órganos Reproductores Masculinos The majority of the new terms are related to emergency and disaster preparedness. In vas deferens addition there is a comprehensive list of terms related to anatomy, signs and symptoms, el conducto communicable diseases, chronic diseases, maternal and child health, nutrition, occupa- deferente tional health, environmental health, oral health, mental health, substance abuse, domes- urethra tic violence and traditional medicine. Also, many popular terms used in Mexico and la uretra Central America to describe signs and symptoms of illness have been included in the testis Seminal vesicle dictionary. el testículo la vesícula seminal penis prostate gland el pene la próstata scrotal sac el escroto 70 iv DICTIONARY OF HEALTH RELATED TERMS This dictionary is a joint effort of the California-Mexico Health Initiative (CMHI), Cali- Skeleton - El Esqueleto fornia Policy Research Center, University of California Office of the President, and the California Office of Binational Border Health (COBBH), Department of Health Ser- vices. The compilation of materials, editing, and review of this third edition could not cranium el cráneo clavicle have been accomplished without the collaboration of countless people working in the la clavícula following organizations: ribs las costillas scapula la escápula Emergency Preparedness Office, California Department of Health Services sternum Illinois Department of Human Services el esternón humerus Institute of Mexicans Abroad (IME) lumbar el húmero Mexican Children’s Hospital vertebrae Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) las vértebras radius lumbares el radio Mexican National Institute of Public Health Mexican Secretariat of Health pelvis ulna Scripps Mercy Hospital Chula Vista/ AHEC-CalPEN la pelvis el cúbito University of California, Davis sacrum carpus U.S.- Mexico Science Fundation (FUMEC) el sacro el carpo US-Mexico Border Health Commission (USMBHC) metacarpus Publication of this edition was made possible by the generous support of the California el metacarpo Early Warning Infectious Disease Surveillance Program, U.S. Environmental Protection hipbone phalanges Agency Region 9, US-Mexico Border Health Commission, Centers for Disease Control el hueso ilíaco las falanges and Prevention, AltaMed, Pilsen-Little Village Community Mental Health Center – Illinois, Heartland Alliance, Illinois Migrant Council, Mexican Community Center- coccyx el cóccix femur DFW, and Health Net of California. el fémur patella la rótula tarsus el tarso tibia la tibia metatarsus el metatarso Xochitl Castañeda, Director fibula el peroné California-Mexico Health Initiative phalanges las falanges CPRC, University of California Office of the President v 69 DICTIONARY OF HEALTH RELATED TERMS DICTIONARY OF HEALTH RELATED TERMS TERMS IN ALPHABETICAL TÉRMINOS EN ORDEN ORDER ALFABÉTICO Head — La Cabeza 24/7...................................................................... las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana 20/20 vision ......................................................... visión perfecta A forehead scalp la frente el cuero abdomen ............................................................... abdomen, estómago, barriga, panza cabelludo abnormal .............................................................. anormal, irregular eyebrow abnormal stools .................................................... excremento de apariencia anormal: la ceja -black ................................................................. -negro hair -bloody ............................................................... -con sangre eyelid el cabello, -clay-colored ...................................................... -de color arcilloso el párpado el pelo -greasy ............................................................... -grasiento -hard................................................................... -duro eyelashes -loose ................................................................. -suelto, aguado las pestañas temple -mucoid .............................................................. -con moco la sien abortion-spontaneous ........................................... aborto espontáneo/ natural/ no deseado, eye pérdida, perder el bebé, mal parto, brote, el ojo cama chica, contrariedad, mala cama ear descarrilamiento nose la oreja abortion-therapeutic ............................................. aborto terapéutico/ provocado/ inducido la nariz (outer) abruptio placentae ................................................ desprendimiento prematuro de la placenta el oído abscess ................................................................. absceso, postema, postemilla, grano, nostrils (inner) nacido, tumorcillo, tactillo las fosas nasales absent periods....................................................... falta de menstruación, no le llega/ baja la cheek regla/ período mouth la mejilla absorption............................................................. absorción la boca abstinence............................................................. abstinencia, no tener relaciones sexuales jaw abuse .................................................................... abuso, maltrato chin la mandíbula accelerated reaction .............................................. reacción acelerada el mentón, acetaminophen ..................................................... acetaminofén, paracenatol la barbilla neck ache ...................................................................... dolor, dolencia, achaque el cuello Achilles tendon .................................................... tendón de Aquiles Adam’s apple acidosis ................................................................ acidosis, acidez en la sangre la manzana acne ...................................................................... acné, barros, espinillas, granos de Adán action plan ............................................................ plan de acción active/inactive germ ............................................. germen activo/ inactivo acute ..................................................................... agudo(a), extemo(a) Adam’s apple ....................................................... manzana de Adán addict ................................................................... adicto(a) addiction .............................................................. adicción addictive ..............................................................
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