P E R CEPT I PERCEPTIONS O JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS NS On Turkey’s Missile Defense Strategy: e Four Faces of the S-400 Deal between Turkey and Russia Mustafa KİBAROĞLU Autumn-Winter 2019 Volume XXIV Number 2-3 Understanding the Distinguishing Features of Post-Westphalian Diplomacy Ebru OĞURLU Delinking the Migration-Terrorism Nexus: Strategies for the De-Securitization of Migration Suna Gülfer IHLAMUR-ÖNER Contextualizing Peace-Building Environments from a Sustainability Perspective: Findings of a Pilot Study in North Macedonia Selver B. ŞAHİN & Levent OZAN Humanitarian NGOs: Motivations, Challenges and Contributions to Turkish Foreign Policy Hakan MEHMETCİK Book Review Autumn-Winter 2019 Volume XXIV Number 2-3 ISSN 1300-8641 9 3 4 3 9 8 6 0 0 1 5 9 5 Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 225 Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs Selver B. ŞAHİN & Levent OZAN StyleStyle and andFormat Format ArticlesArticles submitted submitted to the journal to the journal should shouldbe original be original contributions. contributions. If another If another version version of the article of the isarticle under is under PERCEPTIONSPERCEPTIONS considerationconsideration by another by another publication, publication, or has beenor has or been will orbe willpublished be published elsewhere, elsewhere, authors authors should shouldclearly clearly indicateindicate this at the this time at the of timesubmission. of submission. Manuscripts Manuscripts should shouldbe submitted be submitted to: e-mail: [email protected] to: e-mail: [email protected] e nale decision nal decision on whether on whether the manuscript the manuscript is accepted is accepted for publication for publication in the Journal in the Journal or not is or made not is by made the by the EditorEditor EditorialEditorial Board depending Board depending on the anonymouson the anonymous referees’ referees’ review reports.review reports. A standardA standard length forlength PERCEPTIONS for PERCEPTIONS articles articlesis 6,000 is to 6,000 8,000 to words 8,000 includingwords including endnotes. endnotes. e manuscript e manuscript EmreEmre Erşen Erşen should shouldbegin with begin an with indented an indented and italicised and italicised summary summary up to 150 up words,to 150 words,which shouldwhich shoulddescribe describe the main the main argumentsarguments and conclusions, and conclusions, and 5-7 and keywords, 5-7 keywords, indicating indicating to main to themes main themesof the manuscript.of the manuscript. A title pageA title page ManagingManaging Editor Editor should shouldbe attached be attached to the manuscript,to the manuscript, including including the title the of titlethe manuscript,of the manuscript, full name full (s) name of the (s) authors,of the authors, academicacademic and/or and/orother professional other professional aliations aliations if any, completeif any, complete mailing mailing address, address, fax and fax phone and numbersphone numbers of of MehmetMehmet Zeki ZekiGünay Günay the authorthe authorto whom to proofswhom andproofs correspondence and correspondence should shouldbe sent. be e sent. author e authoris also expectedis also expected to give toa brief give a brief biographybiography in a footnote in a footnote at the beginning at the beginning of the article. of the article.Perceptions Perceptions also publishes also publishes reviews reviews of new ofbooks new orbooks or EnglishEnglish Language Language and andCopy Copy Editor Editor reports;reports; ‘book reviews’ ‘book reviews’ are usually are usuallyaround around 700-1,500-words.” 700-1,500-words.” ManuscriptsManuscripts should shouldbe single-spaced be single-spaced written written by Times by NewTimes Roman New Roman regular regularfont, 11 font, point 11 throughout.point throughout. Erin MeErinu Met nut JustiedJustied margins; margins; top and top bottom and bottom 3 cm, le 3 cm, and le right and 2.4 right cm are2.4 required.cm are required. Manuscripts Manuscripts should shouldbe numbered be numbered consecutivelyconsecutively throughout throughout the paper. the Onlypaper. the Only rst the letters rst ofletters title ofwords title shouldwords shouldbe ‘upper be case’.‘upper Quotations case’. Quotations should shouldbe placed be placedwithin withindouble doublequotation quotation marks (“……”).marks (“……”). Quotations Quotations larger thanlarger four than lines four should lines shouldbe be indentedindented at le margin at le margin and single-spaced. and single-spaced. Use endnotes Use endnotes and avoid and bibliography. avoid bibliography. British Britishpunctuation punctuation and and BookBook Review Review Editor Editor spellingspelling should shouldbe used be throughout. used throughout. Dates should Dates shouldbe in the be form in the 3 formNovember 3 November 1996; 1995-1998; 1996; 1995-1998; and 1990s. and 1990s. All diagrams,All diagrams, charts and charts graphs and graphsshould shouldbe referred be referred to as gures to as guresand consecutively and consecutively numbered. numbered. Tables shouldTables should MehmetMehmet Zeki ZekiGünay Günay be keptbe to kept a minimum to a minimum and contain and contain only essential only essential data. Each data. gure Each andgure table and must table be must given be angiven Arabic an Arabic numeral,numeral, followed followed by a heading, by a heading, and be andreferred be referred to in the to text.in the Appropriate text. Appropriate places ofplaces tables of shouldtables shouldbe be indicatedindicated in the text in the and text tables and should tables shouldbe submitted be submitted in a separate in a separate le. If copyrightedle. If copyrighted material material is used isin used the in the InternationalInternational Advisory Advisory Board Board article, article,it is the it author’s is the author’s responsibility responsibility to obtain to permissionobtain permission from the from copyright the copyright holder. holder. Names Namesof the authors,of the authors, places andplaces the and publishing the publishing houses housesare required are required to be written to be written in their in original their original forms. forms. AhmetAhmet Içduygu Içduygu MariaMaria Todorova Todorova e stylese of styles the references of the references in endnotes in endnotes should shouldconform conform the following the following examples: examples: Ali ResulAli Resul Usul Usul MesutMesut Özcan Özcan BooksBooks BurhanettinBurhanettin Duran Duran MuratMurat Yeşiltaş Yeşiltaş John Smith, eJohn Smith, e Book Title, Book New Title, York, New New York, York New Publishing York Publishing Co., 1999, Co., p. 1999, 100. p. 100. DavidDavid Chandler Chandler MustafaMustafa Kibaroğlu Kibaroğlu John E.John Smith E. (ed.), Smith e (ed.), Book e Title, Book New Title, York, New New York, York New Publishing York Publishing Co., 1999, Co., pp. 1999, 100-102. pp. 100-102. EkremEkrem Karakoç Karakoç Nuri NuriYurdusev Yurdusev John SmithJohn and Smith Mary and Jones, Mary eJones, Book e Title, Book New Title, York, New New York, York New Publishing York Publishing Co., 1999, Co., p. 1999, 100. Subsequentp. 100. Subsequent referencesreferences should shouldappear appearas: Smith, e as: Smith, e Book Title, Book p. Title, 100. Inp. 100.endnotes In endnotes ‘Ibid.’ should ‘Ibid.’ shouldbe used be where used possible, where possible, ErselErsel Aydınlı Aydınlı OktayOktay F. Tanrısever F. Tanrısever but it shouldbut it shouldnot be usednot be where used thewhere previous the previous note contains note contains more than more one than source. one source. GülnurGülnur Aybet Aybet Ole WæverOle Wæver ArticlesArticles in Journals in Journals IbrahimIbrahim Fraihat Fraihat ÖzdenÖzden Zeynep Zeynep Oktav Oktav John Smith,John “ArticleSmith, “Article Title”, Journal Title”, Journal Name, Vol.Name, #, No.Vol. # #, (Month No. # (Month Year), p. Year), #. p. #. Jaap DeJaap Wilde De Wilde RichardRichard Whitman Whitman SubsequentSubsequent references references should shouldappear appearas: Smith, as: “ArticleSmith, “Article Title”, p.Title”, #. p. #. Jang JangJi Hyang Ji Hyang TalhaTalha Köse Köse ArticlesArticles in Edited in Edited Books Books KemalKemal İnat İnat omasomas Risse Risse John Smith,John “ArticleSmith, “Article Title”, inTitle”, Mary in Jones Mary (ed.), Book Jones (ed.), Book Title, New Title, York, New New York, York New Publishing York Publishing Co., 1999, Co., p. 1999, p. Lee HeeLee SooHee Soo UfukUfuk Ulutaş Ulutaş 100. 100. Homepage:Homepage: http://www.sam.gov.tr http://www.sam.gov.tr NewspaperNewspaper Articles Articles e Centere forCenter Strategic for Strategic Research Research (Stratejik (Stratejik Araştırmalar Araştırmalar Merkezi- Merkezi- SAM) conducts SAM) conducts research research on on ChristopherChristopher Hooton, Hooton, “Japan “Japanis Turning is Turning Its Abandoned Its Abandoned Golf Courses Golf Courses into Solar into PowerSolar PowerPlants”, Plants”, e e TurkishTurkish foreign foreignpolicy, regionalpolicy, regional studies studiesand international and international relations, relations, and makes and scholarlymakes scholarly and and Independent,Independent, 21 July 212015. July 2015. scienticscientic assessments assessments of relevant of relevant issues. Itissues. is a consultativeIt is a consultative body of body the Turkishof the Turkish Ministry Ministry of of ForeignForeign Aairs providingAairs providing strategic strategic insights, insights, independent independent data and data analysis and analysis to decision to decision makers makers ManuscriptManuscript References References
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