‘«t—-v—-..—-.-_.. Immigration and Naturalization Records 1802 —1859 Onondaga County. Syracuse, New York Declaration of Intention This material has been extracted from rolls of Onondaga CommonPleas. Be it Remembered, That on the ___ day ___ in the year microfilm which are in the Onondaga County Court House, of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and before Syracuse. NewYork. This is apparently all the records Clerk. in and for the County of Onondaga, came for the years 1802 —1859 inclusive. There are books of subscribes and took the following oath: Miscellanious Records including Immigration and Naturalization State of New York Records but these are duplicated here. From1860 to the present, I, do solemnly swear and declare, that it consult the Naturalization index in the CountyClerks Office. is mybona fide intention to becomea citizen of the The early years were filed only by year, the later ones United States of America, and to renounce forever all were filed by year and the first letter of the last name, with allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, several misplaced. Manyof the names were very hard to State or Sovereignty whatever, and particularly all ' read, almost indecipherable so I had to rely on the clerks allegiance and fidelity to to whomI now owe writing on the outside of the paper. If these people couldn't allegiance. sign their own name and signed with an X, I have placed an X after the name in the first column. Manytimes, where several Subscribed and Sworn to this records of the same name appeared, these X's helped me decide day of 18__ before me. whenthe Declaration of Intention and Oath of Allegiance Clerk. belonged to the same man, this is also true with the County or Country of their Allegiance. Several times there were either 2 copies of the same paper or they had been microfilmed Oath of Allegiance twice, in that case, I inserted (2) after the date of this paper. I, do solemnly swear and declare that I will PLEASEcheckall possible spellings for the person you support the Constitution of the United States, and that are searching. I have tried to group alike names together I do absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all but because the clerks also had a problem with the names, there allegiance and fidelity to any foreign Prince, Potentate, are sure to be some not where they belong. State or Soveignty whatever, and particularly all allegiance to . For each person who became a citizen, there should be three (3) sets of papers: 1- the Declaration of Intention, Subscribed and Sworn to this 2- their Oath of Allegiance ( both of these stating the County day of 1&__ or Country from where they came), and 3- the statement by two (2) witnesses. Someof the Declaration of Intentions were filed in another County and if these were included, Ialso included this information. Usually the Oath and the witnesses Character witness Statement statement were signed on the same date. If there is no Oath or two citizens of the United date of swornallegiance, it is possible they filed in another States, being duly sworn, depose and say, that place, didn't file at all, or if they were still in Onondaga has resided within the United States for at least five County may appear in the index for those from 1860 to the years, last past, and within the State of NewYork one present. year, last past, and that during that time he has behaved I wish to Thank Mr. James D. Gorham, Onondaga County as a manof good moral character, attached to the principles Clerk and Mr. Harold Brewer of the photo department, Onondaga of the Constitution of the United States, and well County Court House. Without their assistance and cooperation disposed to the good order and happiness of the same. this project could not be completed. Subscribed and Sworn in open Mrs. Jean D. Worden Court, this Day of 18 Franklin, Ohio formerly of Liverpool,N.Y. 1978 3 6‘ On 6 July 1812 an Act of Congress was passed which required every British subject residing in the United States to report smear 5 Sept» 1812. 33 yrs old. 1 yr and 6 mo.in us. to a governmentrepresentative in each state the British alien's Family consists of himself, wife and 4 children. He is a residence, his occupation, the composition of his family, and whether he had madeapplication for citizenship. resident °f P°mp°yv °n°nda§5 County. he is a farmer and no Peter Curtenius, marshall of the District of NewYork, application had been madefor naturalization. appointed deputy marshals representing each NewYork County to receive the reports of British subjects in their counties and 2flXl§Qfli_£QflH 32 SePt- 1812- 26 yrs old. 1 yr & 2 mo. in to provide him with the results of those reports. NS- Family consists of himself, wife and 2 children, He resides Alien report of to Jasper H°PPerEsquire: 1“ t°wn and C°“ntY Of Onondaga. He is a farmer and no application appointed by Peter Curtenius, Marshall of the United States had been madefor natuaalization. for the district of N.Y. pursueant to a puhlication from the Department of State. 299L§EI4—A§55§flM 9 N°V- 1312- 33 yrs °1d- 15 yrs and 6 mo. in The following are found amoungthe Alien Declarations NS. Family consists of himself, wife, and 5 children, resides in the Onondaga County Court House. Syracuse. NewYork: 1“ P°mP9ysis a Carpenter and no application for naturalization had been made. A1N§LEE*_;QfiN 29 Sept. 1812, 35yrs & 6 mo. old. 11 years and 5 mo. in the US, his family consists of himself, wife and %lfl§§l_££M§5 SENIOR 27 Jan- 1313. 73 yrs Old. R yrs and R mo. 1 child also a bound boy. He resides in Manlius. he is a farmer, m$fiTfi$WM““W“Wmmm and N0application for naturalization had been made. GLASS wILL£AM 2? Ja r12: nouapplication has been made. Alggggg, Jgfl 21 Sept. 1812, #7 yrs old. 7 years and 11 mo. 6§:——;;;;I;—;;nsistS 2%h. 3. 3 yrs old.‘ 5 yrs and 6 mo in in U.S.. Family consists of himself, wife and 6 children. imself, resides in Camillus, is a farmerv n° application has been made. He resides in Manlius, is a farmer and no application for GLE . naturalization had been made. _ ___HNX4_29flH 23 N°V- 1812. 67 yrs old. 16 yrs in US. Family BENNETT,REUBEN 1# Sept. 1812. 3U Years old. M years and xfimfirwwwmwwmmmm 10 mo. in US. Family consists of himself, and his wife. He n Vlrgllv C°Pt1and C°UntY- He is a farmer and no application had been made. resides in Manlius, he is a maltster and brewer, and no application had been madefor naturalization. ¢Eflf 17Dec.1812,20yrs and11monthsold. CARSON,SAMUEL 28 Nov. 1812. #8 yrs old. 16 yrs in US. iny::c::: 5i:°; ::r::' Fagily Consists of himself, he resides Family consists of Mary. James, Abraham. John.Stephen, Otis w.. HILL ISAAC 27 Jan :8?“ U: application had been made. Nancy, William, Margaret Carson. Resides in Virgil, Cortland ;;;;:;:;:;;ists of gimseig 3 ‘yrs old. a yrs and h mo. in US. County, he is a farmer and no application had been made for naturalization. in Camillus is a march t, wi e and # children, he resides HUNTER ALEEANDER6 Noah 181:ppl1cation made 27 Jan. 1813' CAVERT,JOHN 29 Jan. 1813. 3? yrs old. 17 yrs in US. Family consists of mihself and H children. He resides in resides in Virgil. Cortl and _1mself, County, wife is a and farmer, 11 children, and no app­ he Homer, Cortland County. He is a farmer and no application lication had been made. had been madefor naturalization. - y, resides in Camillus, is a millright, no application had been made. ma m.05:ucdmu» w:cm4.oEmp» cam.m:.uaomu» maucwcoma:o:a .cao .m:«ammcammcamou L. anS.4.235._.30Jbmm.m=mp»an» «Human:mmufiwmu.oma3vcm.umauwmmacampmamcoono.m=HHmouw2a coavuoaanmmca:cwon.ouwEcanoz mmufimmu.mamwmanhanemm.aapa::mmcama .mumscm:coapwoflamnm .mHmHmm.vnwmmahaflamm:a.uHommmmmlqwmmmw.m=mummg» m:.~HwHma.vmmmm«fimmmW4Mmmmmmmmu» aw.~amaNH.»awmm¢ammH.1»mHm«umsmu» .onH3manmaomewnmam:canzafiemm.m: nowvmoaammw.nmu=vomm::aE.wumEcmwnwasvammo:m om.~fimHcaanma.uHo.»ooammwmmmnqmmmmmmmm.m=wasnu» ova:.mHwmsancammuwmou.:wucaHnommomvmamcoozaaemmcan coavwoaanmd.m:aHmmvcwma.mvaEcanpwaoooo:a vmuwmwhma.m:aammcm.mHmmEanmwmamcoohHfiENmno.umEhmmmga 7 noavmoaanma.oomEcancmmnwaxon .v««3.nHwmEa:wemvmnmcoozafiswmmumpnwsaumnonowone.mmm_ mmuwmmucwmH.wmmu:o:o:30»couvaanoMoAwncsmmo.www.mmw coapaowanmmcan.muaEcmmn mm.MawmEa:zaaewwcofivmomaqnwCwanum:.mDon.hw>mm35 mpmnmcoozaaemmcacamwvwmmu.amhuHa:o.mmH3.HHwmEH£mon.mD ww.~Hmfi:1.pooan5..cHomms«m.4mMmammmm.mp.osmu» 0.~Hm«camm.uHo.pnwmn.m:Hmmwwuqmmmmmummp»mu» macammnwmmhmazafiewm.noa>mv.dwmn:ococcn .m~mH.uaoom«Hs4mmmmm.+mmmmHH«m.>ozmu» .mumEcwmp onm.~HmH.uHo.»mwm5HacanJmwmmflmuqmmwmammum.oemu» umcaonmacowpmowammm.ump:omuaoUSN.wwwv:oco.muaaona :2:mamaHm.ng<.uHonewnmmmnqmmammmmu».os :aafiemm:1.muflz.mHomefi:caad.:ouuH“no.maao5my»1 .w=«nmmmonwwopmacacowpmowamnm.um:owoum.wvmEonn mamacazasnBNa.uHoanmmmsmmmuqmmm.m:oHmanmamu».mu» m«mmuwmoucoavwowamnw.uuaa.omw3mo.:omaEonm .wvwEcoavmoaamnaswanum;.A:opmaa.oc mm¢w:4mm<zoa. rm­ ch a.1 09mi awn hc ie s X af... 0\ & 9O8%,W"m II1aIaaaa.3.. &E&1e d1r d e\I1.tp teaOn.1ra1tSDed8eS.1 raeCAGnDhaPhrOh08M.@%0.11bWdltor1 :2o<27. ..._.....Jmpnmmm:.R bha0AChetJPeecM1rr0hn.»are0.1 AtJDcOJnu yeI.0nnr.P6uaVouosaw..11....11..1111 22912222DAt22.49388t11O%00AFOSSeeUcCcD.D.eeeC.309$ttbrPttP.1otnu+1.ouo n1111.111SC883181888we55Q5588999O1 m.1u?1aeBe11d0r AMAMMPJWHWTPICCPmaraCCmttan0+.1ohd.1-.1amheae6.1hahmlLhLrhCWmeeFheair1 113.11ahiV..1ater1ts3.1Emt1ts11rnMSL1s.1s.1rueseBeatu1uen.B3s F%aFSnFcsnFr1altSe&m&m&muweemu81eet1DeXets1.0bl+...01.1.n8 annrnee.111....rm.1.1.1...23...eomzZ&&rer AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Nd.0dddd.Dbbbbdcdc:\cccmmm.1nnoooree:11.eceekaccbA.1.1erk.Kkeek.KmMe9R&.w+uenum.mmmmmesS JnuRNaoae.1aoo10OCJJmS.+b+hC.1II 1I4aef796880 3%@vott1%031mPC8,aV8eD.OMe11IPeMARJJFCc0 Mm.1:4<44,<2h.“W888<4R.n eyaS’r1u0 3Dnuo1U18U11262,6 .
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