PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINTING. .» TIm AND EAVTER* JOtR*AL, Printing EatablUhment of the Subscriber. l« Centra TMCVItlOX JUoek, UUdefird, U flttod up with Praasoo and Tn* I* fflUtllD WEEKLY, FB1MT. that will enable hla u fundoh tho public wltt wwrk oocro«poMlij«*Uh<hOfr*atadeaaM- « OfflCB—No I Central Uiock. lUddeiord, oppostti meat that baa beea made within ijrw the Bid Je ford Houae yoars In this art. Order* for or«l 30 if withu j•Lai* ok rjjrcr rkixTiiro, Tkkms—*2 00 per annum, paid of Sin In C»Un * with (km month* from the time subscribing Bronte, Wd biawM In a mnir ai thlaoffice m Seals that will compare with the work trow may N» oblainnd ferorabtjr any :«|Mri -PrintiM or and tho aid 'nca 4 rania. Offlcoindty country, by »l« American Newspaper Agent ofa /am Eatin Paaaa.wlth a dispatch m T B 4»AU*a»,lho before known la thia aactioo. The authorised At{<*nl fur I hut l( Urge ia IUe oaly paper and demand for und I'tuladel tncroaolnf Iba ctliea of New T«»rk, Bo*ton, UNION CARD PRINTINO,—- ia lo Iwke advertise THE phia, and duly empowered IIm induced the bubocrtbor to purchase a Machine f*r at the name rales re Meul* and subscriptions CutllHf Card-Hoard, And purdUalog the board of the quired by ua. Hia offices are—AW York, Tn manufacturer* In larf* q uauUiie*, bo U enabled U answer bane Baildtum*; Hottom, Building JOURNAL. all order* In thia branch of tho buaincaa to tha moot per- Scollay's £A3?£ftft N. W. corner Third and (Jiicauu fect aatlsfkction. Card-board ot all oolora and quality U- FktlatttifAta, on band. Order* IVir any kind of Job IVlnUnc ilnMl. wajrs XT VOL X.—NO. 36. *ont by 8ia|* or fcrwardad by Mail promptly answers* SEPTEMBER. 1854. 1 Csioa aid JoiaiAL Ornca. L> 0. COWAN. Editor and ltlDDEFORD, FRIDAY, • 8, u ) <i // l/. '/. if o } MARCUS WATSOM, Prlaier. LOUIS 0. COWAN, Proprietor. of his wif« forced him.— •' I would show 0110, THE BRIDE more and though hie heart was henry, of it. To Dmtrot TmsTtiw.—The Conadu This- the imase upou Come, Malcolm, yon ANGEJ, hope POETRY. what can make " rROM TIIK MM. (Mr A LATK rilTKICTAN. kindled a entile in hit m ers lo see profit they It's a little Ton and frolic. Whose more before we bright manly face, can Is subdued, if car. be spot go. all tle they only 1 he entered the where he had need, ill these time*, they easily ploughed. Got out with non- man hi* staff and was tha of ft aum Utile They to stock business is ill your The old leaned upon It evening— evening parlor, I CANNOT CALL HER MOTHEB. method ha* the recoinineiula- Plow in the fall mid sow wheat,und and ao hour* in L'et, and thia sense." moved * on among the graves, mer Sibhnth. siweet hush of nature •pent many oxquieito happincaa. .—Murk d<>wn heavy with red clover and tiinn- lowly jTbe from tho tion ol little ouday if an> larg«' the husband th»» follow. At length bv a sound life lie had alighted stage juat before BY MBS. • A lull T. BOLTU*. requiring us is Ami thus youns iiivoluninrily did youth unbroken tingle of bu»y In the as soon the ground speakin«; it entered the and at anca Lune thy. spring, hands as a where two but too with tbe village proceeded Express. sow and father cloned his though he i»poi graves lay harmonized ptinfnllj op or tho cluvur is two inches high, Ihey stopped by I to ihe reeidence of The rite i« over. 1 dry, the he slabs were of : >t illness tbo chum marriafe fr>>in one-half woold hold on U|Hi(i leeling had Itied nide by side. The marble, w/iich pervaded Lucy. And though I turned asule, as much as you plea-e, pies.«ive A* Mrs enterei the mom, tho smile Grass Seed in the Pall. }ilas>er to and then he haMened on. At n>ul ^listened in llie moonlL'hl. (kt whither were bent. Il was M»y To Wh I mm ii Sowing four bushels acre. Get wheat expiess, my footstep? keep kuoI> wfin| ill per your '• I on her fur her face told a lie reached the mid here lie the sexton, in a tlie flour of n residenco in the lath'd, pale end The I ears 1 ton Id nut In.le, Eon Kimal:—A» I believe muuh in* as as ; let tho clover leii^ili tavern, Malcolm," sj>oktf deep | ground j.roity lijm ofT early pos»ihle grow " when I tula to his heurt. t wreathed Imv m muling, in f found his The launh and the hoarse I remember well outskirts ul the ullage of 0 Its o|>cti my fuiillation be ^amed faimeis, us late in the fall ss it is convenient; then companionf. fii?»j»er. " may by was dear havo the And led little brotlier ex* and ere Ioiiu Malcolm, made I mm graven. There i(0 por* windows overlooked a where taste Chtrence, Clarence, you my interchan^ini; thoughts and let but calves or on to it, joke commenced, tb»*se j garden lather's In-qnently n<*ti)in>c yearlings — welcome of fond hearts." To «reet my rhoaen, all alxiut his home. Ho bat in .the row lo fill the beds whieh here I made, for and beauty supreme a second in lelatiou to the vauous to the forgot reigned " But I c«Hild not call Iter mother. penence subjects, nor let i' he led more than keep vour just the wit made food for who here died amid the sweet with a Scarce How is ? Why ia f»ice deadly 11.mi lo 1 be'ter vou can haurooin, and slurp they GJhii wlncb extended percep- Lucy «h i-h |if their vocation, |>r< i»use mice from nesting in it. Tho »leep ahe ia not Bhe is a fair creator**, merriment. breathing* of and honor. do1 locution to the ul a Oh, aay d.mgeroudy .ill.; youn* a few wot in (elation to the in* make tho clever the more fatal to iho much peace They tible very margin pule? a meek an i cayin^ grow, " " a of entered With tjrmle air, dp Who there'* danger in the bowl ? wore virtuous ami when where it was bounded a white tell raeM—und thought mieery of our J. R P. ill says gtood, people, they stream, by " With hlite eyea aol\ ai»«t loving, \ corre»|>oiideul thistle —Oermmtouit Ttltgrnyk. ahe tnt Fa- quiries n as be raised the to weie our townsmen mourned, for our a or low trimmed hta heurt; ia—Uh, my God, hair. the 1 cried man, glass gone hedga And silken, Minny ihf laat No. of the Rikil, regarding ■ !1 young picked and.by tier liia village had lost two of ila moot noble over which the the tlior in Heaven, ativngthen uio,—ahoua dy- I know my lather itivv down of land. Your correi-jKJiident lips. spirits. shrubbery, eye cuugi.t t .i1 »» aet*duii* rroi of The low he bore or IS. the raven's said another 0, T love to come and stand over these waters ua another, »tale* thai he cannot "clover herds MISCELLANEO "It's k," flashing they swept.un, glowing fiiH if she. were an get to the smiles Nav. Clarene," a.iid tho mother, augcl, u< hit "Here's confusion craves, for I know'that God upon in tha crimson radiance of the »un«et. nay, 1 10 when «i»u with oats, companions. " I could nut call tier mother. yia.»a 'catch,' • and we mutt them ! There is no no dishonor here. en die house und soothingly, Lucy Htm, hope to the time-houoied idea" tainl, I ered siep|»ed lightly cording custom," THE OLD MAN'S LESSON. " lor the beat: but lie not ularined if ace 41 Mslcolin Warren, do know who ic»t in the&e u at you I heard her sinking 1 is sowing it wnh the Good! exclaimed Malcolm, you along carpeted passage, tupped softly To-nighi I which, aU|ipo»e, " fuco even thnn own. Are A suiiK 1 il»ed IO lo*e, A TEMPERANCE Pit ETCH. in the bowl ? two — liar pnler my you Farmers aie his #lass Poisiou grave*1'' the door of the t'buuiber of sickness aye " notes were uttered ill thtf yeneml- 7 * 1 lo hour the now t When it> irwrvl [l{raiii >|)iins. at old A<lam. now. The did not nor did he ul tl J»le to new man* 11 nut onsense ! Look Uncle youth answer, dtufb. her who ■inip» nlwe ; adopt any .Malcolm. I woiiMu'I go to>ni^ht.— Kiisiny There wm hut little consolation to ht-« By ly quite m«iiap«>t-d used it all and he i« the raise his head, but wiih one wild said tbe tl heart to hear it. net of the routine of their la* with me thin He's deep, y Welcome, doctor,1, silvery pained ni) :>eiloitiling Come. hi«v evening." hj« l^'i^ie, to aerobe fears in the of Mra. wna f oliiM mart lit town. here'® Uncle he sank and there'h* lay voice of a who sat a low couch, reply May. Lucy And my tears I could nut »mother, the Uilutea in my own •• Not t«v»*ninu, Ali.w. ) )i.«»o prom* Come, orj down, lady, by par- bora,—out repealed f/1i.i " hot there was an in the ex* For word was hJlowed Adam." both the graves and sobbing like with wliit* Wel- living, anguish every case, and that of my neighbors, to »et land ised to meet Mime fiienda this evening, and weeping tially hun<4 drapery.
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