OLD WATEBRFORD SOCIETY DECIES Supplementary list of members of the Old Waterford Society A checklist of the Castles of Waterford by Julian C, Walton Eighteenth Century St. Patrick's and the Jeauits by Billy Bourke Waterford Ships and Shipping in the 19th Century (Part I) by J.S. Carroll Court of Enquiry into the wrecking of the "Horesbya from John M. Young A brief history of Blackfriars by Ian W.G. Lumley Sources for the study of trade in the 18th and 19th Century from John Mannion Richard Boylefs Ironworks in County Waterford by Thomas Power Winter '77 Programme of Old Waterford Society ECIES is published three times per year by the OLD WATERPORD SOCIETY ~d is posted free to members in September, January and May. The following nmms were omitted from the I977 List of Members published in Decies 5. Power, XevBGa,C,C.41Lismore Park Power,Mr~C"hris,,k~kaonlaun,Tramore CORRECTIONS : N,B .:Mr 3, Kirk should read Mr , Ja.s, W, -KlNCH ,4 Percy Termce, I~r.J.Gough,Hillview,A~ckshire,should read Mr,J.G&f 3 A CHECK - LIST OF THE CASTLES OF CO* WATERFORD By julian C. Waltoc The following list, a revised version of one compiled by me in 1961, gives the approximate dates of occupation,principnl owners, and ultimate fates of .:he known castles of Coowaterford. Mote-and - Bailey cestlcs are included, but earthworks of indeterminate character 2.rc omitted. A number of dubious,mythical and modern (post ~65~)cestles hnve nlso been excluded - (see ~p~endix). BARONY OF .COSHMORE AND COSHBRIDE 1. Ballyanchor: SprPy f7th Century -1642; Croker: burned 1642, demolished (strong house). 2. Dallyufff: 1627-~.1750;a0yle,~re~:survFvcn (strong house) 3. Ballyca: 1179-1181,1185-89; Mote,Royal gzs-rison;susvives. 4. Bally~arron:1615-early 19th Century;Power,Gumbleton, Bushe, destroyed,early 19th Cen, (on site of pre-sent,. Glencairn ~bbey). (strong house). 5. Dallynatray: ?-17th C.;Fitzgcrald,Smyth,destroyed J7thC. (on site of present house). - - o.K Camphire: ?-hte 17th C. Fitzgeraid; destroyed late 17th C, 7. Cappoquin: Fitzgerald,Croker, Cooke; long destroyed,(on site of Cappoquin House . 8. Castle Mi1ec:Fitzgerald; long destroyed (history unknown). 9. Garryduff: Mote, 12th Century, survives 10 .Kilbree : ?- present day; Bishop of Liamore,Boyle;mo.dernised keepless. 1l.Lisfinny: Fitegera~d,Boyle,Croker,Py~e;Late 15Century - Mid 17th Century; survives, T2.Lismore: 13thC.-present day;Dishop of Lismore, Raleigh, Boyls,Dukes of Devonshiro; rebuilt early 17th C., Late 1-7th C. and twicc i~-:lqth C. (largc and complex chzteau). 13,Lisnore(Carew's Cast1e)lst half of 17th Co;Carew; long destroyed 14.~isrnore(~eerpar~):1G24-164~;most1ydcstroyed.(Boyle), 15,Mocollop: Keep early 13th C., rcst mid 15th C.;Fit$gerald, Boyle,Maunsell; pzrtly demolished late 17th C.; (Circ~lariieep with square flankers). 16 .Shean: Latc 15th C.--early 17th C.;Fitzgerald,Boylc, survivcs (Upper stories demolished). 17.Strancally: Late 15th Co-~645;~itzgerald,Boyle,Keepdestroyed c ,1830. 18,Tallow: Temporary earthworks 1643; demolished. l9.Templemichael:16 c.-1645;~itzgsrzld;halfof keep blown up 1445 20 .Tourin : 16c-19c; Rache, Nettles, Musgrave survive^ 1.Ardmore: 13c.?-1643; Bishop of Lismora,Boyle,Demolished lac0 2.~rdmorc:(Harris's Castla): Early 17thC,-0; Harris,demslished early 19th Century, 3,Ballyheeny:16cm-?, Fitzperald; mostly Eemolishqcl 18th Centcry, 4.Hacketstown:? - mid 17th C.; Roe, long destroyed, 5,Pilltown: ?.-I646t Pitz,gernld, Walsh; blown up in 1646. BARONY OF DECIES UITHOUT DRUM l.Abbeyside: L~C.-ISC.~MEACGrnth,Qldfisld,blawn up in 19?CVs ZYAffane: 17C .Greatrakcs ; icmolishod late 17C. and 1%. (strong holase: , .Eiallyk~roge:13c-1643: Fitzgarald ,Walsh,demalished late 18c ? . (strong house), 4 .~arnakill: 16c-mid &7c4 ;O IBrion;Hhlf of main hell still stands. C; Capp 2 0 agh: 1-17~,;~itager~ld,rnost&ydemolished 17C.(in grohds of Cap~aah-- - House), 6 ,Carrigahillc: ?-1643; Fitagarald; demolished late 17C .? . 7oCloncoskrcfna:l~cO-mid17c.;Nugent,rnostly dsmoliahsd late 17c.? R.Clonea Deisoach:?-mid 17thC.; Fitzgcrwld,demolished late 18th C 90Clough: Late -1-%c..?-L~c ,? ;Fitzgerald;dentobished early 19th C, (Keepless). 10,Dromana: Mid:15c.-present day; Fitzgerald,Villiers-Skuart; ---.- modernisad late 17ca and still s~cupiec. ' 1l.llungnrvan:Eesly 13~~-1322;Hoycl garrison;modernisbd m%S I@ C, burned 1922. Folygonal ..keep,gatehause and f LajiiaS~$) . ;stands, 17.Woodhouso:lZth century Mote. 1 ,But.lerstown:D~Blundeston,Butler,Nugont ,Sherlock,Backas,Ec et:~; -.* Mid 13~-1920~s.Frequentlyaltcred,incorporntet! - in- 18c,house , abandoned 1920's. 2 ,Cullon: 16c-17c;~owur,Drives,.Upper part demolished in 18~2 3 ,Dliagh: 1649-50:~romwellian fort;sorne earthworks rqrnain. 1) ,Dunhill : Early 13c-1650;Power ,blown up 1650 ,p"arf- fell 1912,' . '!,Lochdeheen:Late 16c,?;history unknown .(Templars/~ospita&l~ero/ ~~ses/~)rrnond/~h~r10cks);mnllstrong house;surtlivcs 8,Pembrokestown:12th century mote (power?), surviwesd .- . .. -. ..- _ __,.-_ 9 .Ross: ? early 17c,;Power, long destroyed, 10 ,Whitfield:?-mid 17c;Dobbyn? ;long destroyec ,on site of :o.l,q , ---- .--.- - L Whi.tfiolc? House (also destroyed). BAR0N.Y OF UPPERTHIRD 1. Ballyclohy: cl!530-mid l7c,tHutler1 half collapsed 1960 - (round tower). 2,Cloqea Paosach:16c-1851: Powcr,Wall; half fell ~1880,rest still stands. 3.Coolhamuck: 1588-mid 17c.;Wall,half fell late 19c.rost stands. 1i.Currgghmore: Mid 15~~-presentday; Power, Bereaford,modernised 1700.forms part of present mansion - house. 5 .Derrinlaur : ~ld-13~~-~1600: ~utier;mostly demolished ~1600. 6. Square keep with circular angle towers. 6 ,Feddam : 12c. mote, survives. 7 .Feddans : Late 15c-mid 17c; Power; mostly demolishec 19co 8 .~len: l2c-end 17c; i3utler,Everard,Roche; mostly demolished ;)ost 1691. 9.Rathgormnck 13c-?. Power; bits still left in 1841, 10,Rathgorrnack:17co-1788; Power, survi~~cs. ll.Rockettls Castle:~1530-mid l9c. ;i~okell,Strange,May,Mec?lycctt; Burncc': mid 19th c o ,restored -&9ll. (Round towzr) . EARONY OF GLENAHIERY- 1.Castlereegh: Power;history unknown; d2molished between 1740 anc! 184~- 2.Fourmilewater:(~~.stlecooney):Ma~Grath;l5c-mid 17c,~nlffell ~re1840,bzlfat end of 19th century. 3.Greennne: t*.mote; demolished late 19th century. 4 ,?ireennnc : Wiitc,G~ugk;n;ic;l16c-mid 17c.rnostly collap~ed~1940. 5 ,Kilgniny : Prendergnst:little known,rnostly demolighed. 6.Kilmanahan: i3c-cP'j35. Pitz Anthony,Fitzgernld,M~cG~ath, Fitton,Graenc,Enrls of Donoughmore,rnodernisod early 19th c, anci forms part of mpnor-housc. (Keepless castle vith flcnkers). 1 ,~~ll~canavnn:l5c-1930~s;Power ,Bolton,incorporclted in 18~house, abandoned 1930's. 2 ,Ballygunner : 16c-present day;Wnl~l-~,strong house ,probably on site of l3c .Weylond Cast1e;forrns part of present ~.~allymaclode:16c-17c;Power,mostly -survives. 4,Bnllynakill: l5c-present day: Dobbyn; incorporated in present house. 5 ,Crooke : 13c-17c;Templars,Hospit~llers,Jysc;mcr;tly 2emolished I~c,? 6 ,Dunmore : 13c?-early 17c?:Flerning,B1.itler,Power; round tower of uncertain date. Lower part survives, 7.Faithlegg: 12th century mote. kylward; survives. 8.Faithloag: 15c-17c;A~lward;mostl~demolished late 17th c. 9.Little Islandl3c, - present day; Power, Butler, Walsh, Fitggerald ; frequently altcrcc., incorporated in present castle (Built 1900)a 10 .Passage : 1570's - 1711; Blockhouse, refortified 1590 and 1780's. Demolished late 19th century. L SOME OTHER SITES Earthworks ' A number of earthworks of indeterminate xoture have been classed by Canon Power cnd 0thers.s~motes; Ballym&- Ln Coshmore and ~oshbrido;Moat in Dccies Within Drum; a&! ~all~motc, Killowen ,Kilmayemoge.and Lisduggcn in Middlethi&r - .. - ..- . Undefended Houses: - -... ._ (. Some 16th-17th Century-hous~s,th'sugh.lacking in zny signs of fortification, have been popularly classified ns castles; among those are Kilnacsrriga and-~brrislanh(~oshmore and Coshbrido), Farnane JDecies Without Drum), Tikincar - (Upperthird) nnd Aylwardfs house in Passage (Ggultier), Minor and dubious sites; These are r-ferences to,or traditions . ....- ___ of, castles, .on' the fo$loking sites : - , Coshmore and Coshbride : - nil * --.._" Decies Without Drum: Clonkerdin,Dallynacourty,Bsllyvoyle, Middlequarter,Ballyeighterngh (~'~rien), ~ilcolaera~h(0~~rien), Fox ' ~-Chs't.lg_~prenan- (power) ,~arrigc.&st,le{~owcr?,Currab~ha - . - .II%."__ (Power , . Russelstown (White). , . - nil -- . .-.-I L- + 1---__ - -. ~2arnstown(~ower'),~cstlocraddock(~r~.ic1r3ck), ~astletown(~ower),~i~steague(~ow~, ~ewccstle(Power), Ross (Power). Gaultier : PRE-.~AMINE INDUSTRY f N €A ST 'WATERFORD. The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland 1842- "45 qive&%~e'.-f61~k&in~ details of industry in the Waterford Excise Ared which ran'-f~bm Ross .-through Thomastawn to Lismom and Uungervan:- .dB.corn mills &d 83' corn kilns. 2 distillers and t 1 brewers. D~Epeper manufacturer and one gLass works, And, no le& than 18 tabacco manufacturers. 7 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ST, PATRICK ' S AND THE JESUITS from Billy Burke The Present Church: The present church seems to have come into use about 1750 es a jesuit Chapel in a beck lane and was the fourth Wass-house in the City. The building may have been a barn Gr warehouse until tzken over by Fr. Higgins, S,J. for public worship. We are fortunate in having continuous registers of the parish from as early as 1717 (well before the present church) the earliest one in Fr. Higginsl writing and covering 25 yenrs. But more of these anon. In the early 18th Century St.Fntrickts was part of the combined parishes of St.Olavls, St. Peter's and St, Patrick's. (Fro Higgins in 1717 described himself as tfParochustt of all three), A church still stands on the site of St,Olavs, of course, but nothing remains of St,Peterls which was on the site of the recently demolished dispensary in Peter Street. However,this new Mass-house of necessity had to be inconspicuous. Even today it stands in a rather obscure laneway,where it might easily escape the czsual visitor's notice. Furmerly kb- locality was still more obscure, The present approaches date from the start of this century.
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