CCommunityommunity SSpeakingpeaking TTruthruth ttoo PPowerower AAdvisordvisor Media RRaelynnaelynn HHamoenamoen sstandstands iinn ffrontront ooff a PProliferolife ddisplayisplay oonn DDahlahl DDrive.rive. I ccouldn’touldn’t hhelpelp bbutut vvizualizeizualize tthishis vvibrantibrant yyoungoung lladyady aass oonene ooff tthehe fl aagsgs iinn tthehe gground.round. SStatisticstatistics sshowhow tthehe mmajorityajority ooff aabortionsbortions aarere ccausedaused bbyy fi nnancialancial ppressures.ressures. OOnene mmoreore veryvery ggoodood rreasoneason ttoo ccreatereate aann eempoweringmpowering bbasicasic Win A iincomencome fforor oonene aandnd aallll iinn tthehe oopinionpinion ooff tthishis wwriterriter ((seesee FFREEREE Laptop! ppageage 5 fforor mmore).ore). CChoicehoice iiss nnotot rreallyeally cchoicehoice iiff iitt iiss bboundedounded Taakeke OneOne See Page 11 bbyy ccompletelyompletely uunnecessarynnecessary fi nnancialancial cconstraints.onstraints. JJuneune 22017017 — VVOL.OL. 1155 NNO.O. 6 wwww.CommunityAdvisor.NETww.CommunityAdvisor.NET CCIRC.IRC. 33,250,250 BBASICASIC IINCOMENCOME See our Ad & AALBERTALBERTA on page 5 for Services. • WWee ccanan dodo bbetteretter tthanhan OOntario’sntario’s And Happy BBasicasic IIncomencome testtest - pp.. 5 Father’s • A SSalutealute toto WWhitecourt’shitecourt’s PPioneersioneers Day to one ccontinuesontinues - p.p. 2 and all! • EEllenllen BBrownrown - MMoreore aaboutbout wwhat’shat’s sangstersafety.com rreallyeally ggoingoing oonn wwithith bbanksanks pp.. 1188 Bus: 780-706-2046 6 Fax: 780-778-2297 WWee OOfferffer HHIGHIGH SPEEDSPEED INTERNETINTERNET Whitecourt FForor WWhitecourt,hitecourt, FFoxox CCreek,reek, Auto Sales Swan Hills & Surrounding Area See Back for details on our 780-778-3778 stock CCOLDESTOLDEST BBEEREER Mon-Fri:9 to 6, Sat:11 to 4 Sales, Rentals OONN TTHEHE PPLANETLANET & Installations 780-778-8808 We have a large selection of beer Corner Hwy 43 & & wine to choose from! WHITECOURT COMMUNICATIONS 32 South Open 10 am to 11 pm Daily Authorized Dealer Mountain Shopping Strip 778-8989 PAGE 2 Community Advisor JUNE 2017 GoldFor Ladies, MenNails & Couples 780.778.4879 Appointments & Walk-ins Welcome Many Colour Options Available. • Acrylic Nails • Shellac Gel Polish Our June Specials! Providing Leaf Guard & 5” Continuous Eavestroughing! • Gel Nails • Gel Toes • Body Waxing Siding Soffi ts Fascia Window & Door • Nail Art Designs • Paraffin Wax $ HHerbalerbal • Stamp & Design • Spa Pedicure 1100 Capping Metal Roof & Wall Installation • Herbal Pedi • Spa Manicure OOFFFF Custom Metal Detail • Hot Stone Pedi • Foot & Hand Massage PPediedi Residential & Commercial Gift Certificates Available HHELPELP WWANTEDANTED Phone: 780-706-9255 • Fax: 780-778-6168 Midtown Mall • Hours Mon. to Fri. 9-6, Sat. 9-5 Kevin'sKevin's FloorcoveringFloorcovering From Sagitiwa to Whitecourt SSPRINGPRING & - A Salute to the Pioneers - Part 3 SSUMMERUMMER By Jerry Graham. Thank you to John Dahl and the late CCLEANINGLEANING Vic Young for their help in obtaining original manuscript. Residential & What, the reader may well ask, contributed to the WCB Insured Commercial Inside & • Final Clean after Construction & Renovation economy of Whitecourt, and what justifi ed the establish- • INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Outside ing of even a hamlet at that period? Candidly it would • Fence & Deck Painting • Grass Cutting & Yard Work, be diffi cult to say. True, there was some farming, cattle including Edger Work! LANDSCAPING • Window, Fabric & Carpet Cleaning • Floor Waxing % and hog raising on a limited scale as remoteness from Call Hong for a FREE Estimate! OOFFFF markets dictated, trapping of fur bearing animals on a 15 fairly large scale, the area being regarded of suffi cient 780-779-8040 importance in this fi eld to warrant the establishment of a E: [email protected] Hudson’s Bay Post at one time. The Post had been aban- doned however a number of years before the author’s SSECUREECURE OON-SITEN-SITE DDOCUMENTOCUMENT arrival. SSHREDDINGHREDDING SSERVICEERVICE Another factor was no doubt that ever present op- CChoosehoose $8 per timism that consistently compels Western Canadians to YYourour Bankers Box Call Today! face the future in the fi rm belief that this is a “great next SService:ervice: year’s country”. SSCHEDULEDCHEDULED SStaytay oonn ttopop ooff yyourour ooffiffi ccee ppaperaper fl o wow OONENE TTIMEIME Great for offi ce clean ouooutsts or yeyear end! HHermanerman HHansenansen LLocallyocally OOwnedwned & OOperatedperated (Continued on page 2) 7780.778.087380.778.0873 ‘WHAT’S IN A WHITECOURT NAME’ CONTEST!!! Test your knowledge of Whitecourt. Make a list of the pioneers described in From Sagitawa to Whitecourt and the street names, institutions or other facilities that have been named after these pioneers. At the end of the series, Threshing crew at work, House Mountain area, complete lists will be eligible for a draw. early 1920 Prizes to be announced!!!! JUNE 2017 Community Advisor PAGE 3 What's Up in Whitecourt Run for Fun WHITECOURT Saturday, June 3, 2017 DECKING & RAILING The Run 4 Fun is a spinoff from the Fallen 4 Mara- Why repaint the deck year after year? thon that was previously hosted by the Fallen 4 Mara- MAKE IT LAST! thon Society. The Run 4 Fun offers you the chance to participate in a 5km or 10km run, which will take place WEATHERDEK S.T.A.R. in town and on our trails. Youth can register to take part Waterproof, Vinyl Aluminum in the Kids Marathon. Decking - 5 to 15 Railing Systems The events will start and fi nish at the Allan & Jean year warranty 20 yr. warranty. Millar Centre. Events start at 9:00 a.m. You can register you and your family for the Run 4 Fun through the Run- 778-2336 • Cell: 706-9406 ning Room website or at the Allan & Jean Millar Centre. Calling all Geocachers Top 5 Reasons to Advertise in the Sunday, June 4, 2017 - 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm Community Advisor Calling all Geocachers and those interested in learn- 1. Support a Truly Free Press. The Advisor has ing how! Join us for an afternoon of geocaching fun! ground breaking political columns that help keep Meet at the Forest Interpretive Centre before heading alive the concept of a truly free press. We also have out along the trails for an afternoon of geocache explo- local news, bad jokes, history, puzzles etc., so that there is something for everyone. ration. Bring your friends and family and see if you can fi nd all of the hidden geocache treasures! New to geo- 2. Monthly Production. You can consistently caching? Don’t worry we will be on hand to help you out advertise for a fraction of the cost of a weekly. For along the way. example, you can pay just $44.95 a month for a 1/8 page B&W Ad with a six month booking. Please bring a Smartphone if you have one. Snacks and refreshments will be provided! 3. Total Market Coverage. We cover Whitecourt's trading area. Every month, approximately 2,000 copies of the Community Advisor are sent to Blue Ridge, Seniors’ Week Carrot Creek, Fox Creek, Ft. Assiniboine, Mayerthorpe, June 5 to June 10, 2017 Peers, Swan Hills and Whitecourt. We also drop off Seniors make a difference in our communities every 1,250 additional copies at coffee shops etc. day! From supporting family members and friends, to assisting charities and volunteering. Seniors are deeply 4 Our handy booklet format. It costs signifi cantly involved in our community and their contributions ben- more to produce, but it means your advertisement is likely to stay in circulation longer. efi t residents of all ages. For details of events and activities planned through- 5. Find the OZ Contest. We give away monthly out the week, please visit whitecourt.ca prizes, with a grand year end price of a laptop to readers who study our ads to fi nd a hidden OZ. West Coast Amusements Monday and Tuesday, June 5 & June 6 2017 The Whitecourt Chamber of Commerce proudly brings West Coast Amusements to Whitecourt June 5 & PProteinrotein & Pre-WorkoutPre-Workout Supplements!Supplements! 6. Rides, Games, Food For more information contact the Whtiecourt & Dis- trict Chamber of Commerce at manager@whitecourt- chamber.com or 780-778-5363. Ol’ Pembina Tractor Pull Society Saturday and Sunday, June 10 & 11, 2017 • 24 Hour Card Lock • 15th Annual Farmer’s Day Event – Antique and 5011 - 50 Ave • 780-778-1865 • Email: [email protected] Classic Tractors pulling in 8 classes. Sangudo, across (Continued on page 4) • Drop-In, Monthly, Quarterly & Yearly Rates Available • PAGE 4 Community Advisor JUNE 2017 4812 - 50 Avenue, Next to Sears Mon. to Fri. 8 to 8 • (780) 706-5003 • Midtown Mall AAppointmentsppointments & 7780-779-999880-779-9998 www.whitecourtphysicaltherapy.com WWalk-Insalk-Ins WelcomeWelcome IIncludingncluding AfterAfter HoursHours JJUNEUNE SPECIALSSPECIALS OUR SERVICES: AAppointmentsppointments SSpapa PPedicureedicure ww// SShellachellac ALL • Individual Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment CCheckheck OutOut OurOur HHerbalerbal PPedicureedicure • Work Related Injury Assessment & Treatment IIn-Storen-Store SSpecialspecials NNuu PPedicureedicure $5 Work Reconditioning Program • Foot Orthotics FFullull LLegeg WWaxax OFF! • Motor Vehicle Accident Rehabilitation • Acupuncture GGiveive tthehe ggiftift ooff rrelaxationelaxation wwithith a ggiftift certificertifi cacatete • Manual & Manipulative Therapy • Sports Injury Management HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 - 6 CLOSED: Sunday & Stat Holidays • Intramuscular Stimulation • Physical Conditioning Program • Pre-Employment Screening (Continued from page 3) from Sports Grounds REFERRALS ACCEPTED FROM: • Employers & Safety Coordinators
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