
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2013 VOL. 3 - ISSUE 36 :: PAGES 24 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM TWITTER https://twitter.com/TheParsiTimes FaceBook Like: Parsi Times Inside Vadi Dar-e-Meher... Pg. 6 Day 1 - WZC... Pg. 12 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2013 A New Years’ Resolution is something that goes into one Year…… 02 and comes out the other! Turn to Pg. 22 Editorial Dear Readers, Seasons’ Greetings from Parsi Dear Readers, Times! On Pg 22 of this issue is a special 2014 Calendar Yes of course! We are at the World Zoroastrian Congress and for all our Readers ORYLQJLW,ZDVXQDEOHWRDWWHQGWKH¿UVWGD\EXW3DUVL7LPHVZDV Cut it out and use it SURXGWREHUHSUHVHQWHGE\RXU\RXQJFRQWLQJHQWRIUHSRUWHUVIURP to keep track DFURVVWKHFLW\DQGHYHQRQHIURPWKH8.7KURXJKRXWWKHGD\ZKLOH of your special ZHSXWWKHSDSHUWRJHWKHULQRI¿FH5DDM%HQDLIHUDQG3RODGVHQWPHVVDJHDIWHU days of 2014! PHVVDJHWHOOLQJPHDERXWKRZZRQGHUIXOO\WKHHQWLUHSURFHVVKDGFRPHWRJHWKHU God Bless always! ,FDQQRWZDLWWRH[SORUHLWIRUP\VHOIWKLVZHHNHQG $OOWKHROGFXSERDUGVKDYHEHHQWKURZQRSHQDQGWKHEHVWRXW¿WVODXQGHUHGDQG LURQHGWKLVSDVWZHHNDVWKH&RPPXQLW\DWWHQGHGJDODHYHQWVHYHU\ZKHUH7KH:RUOG =RURDVWULDQ&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFHDOVRKDGDKHDY\ZHHNZLWKSULYDWHGLQQHUVDQG WKHLU$QQXDO*HQHUDO0HHWLQJRI3DUVL7LPHVZLOOKDYHWKHFRPSOHWHGHWDLOHG report of that in our next issue. $V,ORRNDWWKHLPDJHVRIWKH:RUOG=RURDVWULDQ&RQJUHVVLWLVKHDUWZDUPLQJWR VHHLQWKHVHDRIGXJOLVDQGSURPLQHQWQRVHVVRPHIDPLOLDU\RXQJIDFHVIURPRXU RZQ FLW\ VRPH SRSXODU ROGHU RQHV DQG VRPH FRPSOHWHO\ QHZ EORRG IURP WKH IDU 0DWULPRQLDODOOLDQFHLQYLWHGIRU3DUVLJUDGXDWHER\ FRUQHUVRIWKHZRUOG:HPXVWPLQJOHZLWKHQWKXVLDVPDQGH[FLWHPHQWEXWPRVWRIDOO ERUQZRUNLQJIRUWUDYHOLQGXVWU\/RRNLQJIRU ZLWKFXULRVLW\«FXULRVLW\WRXQGHUVWDQGWKHZD\VRIWKHRWKHUGHOHJDWHV VLPSOHHGXFDWHGJRRGQDWXUHGJLUO 7KH,QGLDQ=RURDVWULDQLVD=RURDVWULDQPRXOGHGWR¿WLQWRWKHFXOWXUDOPHOWLQJ &RQWDFW SRWWKDWLVRXUQDWLRQ:HVSHDNDQGXQGHUVWDQGWKHSROLWLFVQXDQFHVDQGOLYHVWKDW DUHLQWHJUDOWREHLQJ,QGLDQ:KHQZHPHHWWKHIRUHLJQGHOHJDWHVRIWKH&RQJUHVV 0DWULPRQLDODOOLDQFHLQYLWHGIRU0XPEDLEDVHG ZHPXVWWU\DQGXQGHUVWDQGKRZWKH\KDYH¿WLQWRWKHLUKRPHODQGVDQG\HWKDYH QRQ0DQJOLNXQPDUULHGIDLUKDQGVRPH\HDUV UHWDLQHGWKHLU=RURDVWULDQIDLWKZHOO,WLVDZHLQVSLULQJWRVHHWKDWZLWKRXWWKHPROO\ ROGJUDGXDWH3DUVL=RURDVWULDQER\ZLWKVHFXUHG FRGGOLQJHDV\EUHH]\%DXJÀDWVDWWKHLUGLVSRVDO'KDUPDJ\DQFODVVHVDQG3DUVL MREHDUQLQJZHOOIURPXQPDUULHGJRRGORRNLQJ IRRGVKRSVDGMDFHQWWRKRPH$JLDULHVDWOLWHUDOO\HYHU\FRUQHUDQGKHDY\5HOLJLRXV VLPSOH=RURDVWULDQZRUNLQJJLUOVXSWR\HDUV LQÀXHQFHRIOLYLQJLQKLJKO\3DUVLSRSXODWHGDUHDVRXUIRUHLJQIULHQGVKDYHUHWDLQHG &RQWDFWRQHPDLOZLWKGHWDLOV WKHLUFXOWXUHZLWKVXFKSRLVHDQGOLYHVXFKJRRGDQGSUDFWLFDOOLYHVHYHU\ZKHUH7DNH WKHWLPHRXWWRPDNHIULHQGVDQGDGGWKHPRQIDFHERRN $QGZKLOH\RX¶UHDWLWDGG RQVHHPDND\#JPDLOFRPDWWKHHDUOLHVW 3DUVL7LPHVWRR 7KHZRUOGLVZDWFKLQJRXUFLW\WKHPDLQVWUHDPPHGLDLVFHOHEUDWLQJXVDQGZH \HDUVROGIW¶WDOO3DUVLER\VHWWOHGLQ$XVWUDOLD \HHDDUV ROGGIIWW ¶WWDOO 3DUVLL ER\\VHWH WOHHG LQ$X$XVVWWUDDOLLDD DUHKDSS\WRWDNHFHQWUHVWDJH=RURDVWULDQVDUHLQWKHVSRWOLJKWHYHU\ZKHUHDQG VVHVHHNVPDWULPRQLDODOOLDQFHIURPJLUOVZLOOLQJWRVHWWOHHHHNNV PPDDWUULLPPRRQQLDDODDOOLDQFHIURP JJLUOOVVZZLLOOLQLQJJWRR VHHWWWOOH EX]]LQJZLWKHQHUJ\DVWKH\SUHSIRUWKH1HZ<HDUDKHDG LQ$XVWUDOLD+RURVFRSHPDWFKQHFHVVDU\LQQ $XVVWUUDDOLDD++RRURVFRSHPDDWFFK QQHHFFHHVVVVDDU\\ $V \RX HQMR\ WKH ODVW ZHHNHQG RI UHÀHFW RQ \RXU \HDU SLFN \RXU best %%R%R\FRPLQJWR,QGLDLQPLG-DQXDU\R\FFRRPPLLQQJJWR,QGLDLQ PLGG -DDQQXXDDUU\\ PRPHQWVDQGSXWWKHPLQWKHPHPRU\EDQN\RXUtoughestDQGSXWWKHPLQ\RXU ,Q,QWUHVWHGSDUHQWVFRQWDFWRQQWWUHHVVWHHGSSDUUHQQWVFRQWDFWRQ UHF\FOHELQ«EXWQRWEHIRUHH[WUDFWLQJ\RXUOHVVRQVOHDUQWDQGZLVGRPJDLQHGIURP DPWRSPDQGSPWRSPDPPWR SPDQGSPWRR SP each. Freyan. :DQWHGDQHGXFDWHGJRRGORRNLQJEULGHIRUD \HDUROGER\ERUQ EURXJKWXSLQ86$ KHLJKWIWLQFK *UDGXDWHGIURP8QLYHUVLW\ RI3HQQV\OYDQLDLQ)LQDQFH:RUNLQJDVDQ NOTICES ,QYHVWPHQWEDQNHUIRUDOHDGLQJJOREDOEDQNZHOO VHWWOHG&RPLQJWR,QGLDIURP'HFVWWR-DQWK &RQWDFW 0DWULPRQLDODOOLDQFHLQYLWHGIURPZHOOVHWWOHG =RURDVWULDQER\V QRQPDQJOLNRQO\ IRUGDXJKWHU \HDUVFPV%7HFK 0XPEDL 0DVWHUV,7 &DQDGD IDLUDQGSHWLWHJRRGIDPLO\YDOXHV willing to settle in India or abroad. Arriving in India PLG'HFHPEHU &RQWDFWRQNGT#\DKRRFRPZLWKGDWHRIELUWK SODFHWLPHSKRWRPDWULPRQLDOELRGDWD 86$EDVHGZHOOTXDOL¿HGERUQJLUOYLVLWLQJLQ 'HFHPEHUVHHNVDZHOOTXDOL¿HGZHOOVHWWOHGER\ &RQWDFWQ\FJLUOXVD#JPDLOFRP SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2013 03 In Memorium MEHLI COLAH As long as there is Life and Memory... You will always be remembered by all. KHRUTHMAN BHEST Rohinton Mehta N1 Bharucha Baug, Andheri West. ach year the Standard Chartered Mumbai 1) Republican Sports Club EMarathon has grown to (Merban Patel, Parsi attract a host of different gentleman, identifying, crowds and different causes. Coaching and Mentoring It no longer only symbolizes underprivileged kids play a competition and a show of Hockey and lead a better strength but a gathering of life). solidarity and unity in the 2) War Wounded Foundation ÀJKW IRU QXPHURXV QREOH (Taking care of 10,000 causes. Families set personal War Wounded Personnel goals, corporate boost their of Army, Navy and Air camaraderie quotient and Forces). international runners show 3) Vasantha Memorial up with sneakers and gusto Trust (Taking care of to make a difference while cancer affected patients running the streets of the city. of weaker sections of This year Godrej & Boyce society). Mfg. Co. Ltd., as a responsible Godrej is Running The and committed Corporate Standard Chartered Marathon and having a strong belief but we can support them while in giving back to society has Reading the Parsi Times! decided to take part for the All these 3 NGOs need our 7th consecutive year in this, support to sustain and continue Mumbai’s most vibrant event doing commendable work in The Standard Chartered WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH ÀHOGV )RU Mumbai Marathon-2014 GRLQJ VR WKH\ QHHG ÀQDQFLDO On January 19, 2014, in assistance and Godrej makes which 75 Godrej employees will the humble appeal to P.T. be running Half Marathon (21 Readers to come forward and Kms.) in support of 3 NGOs. support these genuine causes. Cut out this Badge and send it with Cheque favouring your Cheque “United Way of Mumbai” to be sent to: Mr. Nariman Bacha Deputy General Manager- Administration Administration Dept. (Plant-11, Ground Floor) Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. Mankind has been endowed with Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli (West) the freedom of thought, word and Mumbai-400079. deed, and has a bright mind to Cell- 9820812244 discern between what is good and what is bad for human society (The Gathas 3.2, 4.9,11,12). SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2013 04 Community Coverage If you are a Campion Champion Athlete School Parent... nosh Pervez Mohta, a F.Y.B.Com. student of KPB Hinduja College of Commerce bagged the Individual Championship his is to court (which Aof the Senior College at their Annual Athletic Meet held at update will be used for Priyadarshini Park, on 3Td & 41h December 2013. He won a total Tyou parking) but of 8 medals - 6 Gold, 1 Silver & I Bronze including relays. with regard to also 14 trees Anosh is a prominent member of the Bombay Parsi Punchayat the swimming would be felled. Athletic team and trains daily at Rustom Baug under the pool that has Gradually in a watchful eye of Mr. Dara Doomasia. He owes his success to the been proposed couple of years encouragement of his father Pervez Mohta and to all the BPP by the BMC entire ground coaches. under pressure will be taken from Ms. Annie away. Shekar and This ground Mr. Vinod is used by all entral Bank of India on its 103rd Foundation Shekar. On 20th the schools and Day on 21.12.2013 donated Ambulance December 2013 The BMC colleges of South Mumbai. CVan to N. K. Dhabhar Cancer Foundation, Commissioner Mr. S. Kunte Hence thousands of children Mumbai under Bank’s CSR activities. The N. K. Dhabhar Cancer Foundation has been formed for had visited the back garden will be deprived of the open carrying out various activities to support cancer DQG WKH SURMHFW LV LQ LWV ÀQDO space if the swimming pool SDWLHQWV ,W LV D QRQSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ EDVHG stages. I request each one of is constructed which will be in Mumbai. They recognize the needs of cancer \RXWRXVH\RXULQÁXHQFHDQG useful to only a few. patients and strive to provide them clinical support Shri Rajeev Rishi, Chairman & Managing Director of prevent the Commissioner Act Now and save and an improved quality of life.The foundation was Centraů anŬ of /nĚia ĚonaƟng the mďƵůance san to E͘ <͘ from going ahead with the Back Garden (Sabina Dhaďhar Cancer &oƵnĚaƟon ďLJ cƵƫng the riďďon͘ Seen launched on 5 June, 2011 in Mumbai, in memory aůongǁith him are Shri R͘ <͘ 'oLJaů, džecƵƟve Director, project. Chandrashekar Ground). of Mr. Nariman K. Dhabhar, father of Dr. Boman oĸciaůs of the &oƵnĚaƟon anĚ džecƵƟves of the anŬ͘ If the swimming pool An open letter from the Dhabhar. is constructed, we will not Principal, P. Machado Bank’s Chairman & Managing Director Shri Rajeev Rishi donated the Ambulance Van to only lose the basketball court forwarded to Parsi Times, by the Trustees of the Foundation in the presence of Shri R. K. Goyal & Shri Animesh Chauhan, and 1/3rd of the football a concerned parent. Executive Directors and other Senior Executives and customers of the Bank. BEST WISHES TO THE AAM ADMI PARTY By P.T. Contributor Piroja Jokhi he victory of the Aam task for them as they will be team, their means stand on different platforms, Admi Party has come facing big challenges opposing and modalities they should remain united Tto us as a pleasant the mighty Congress and need much to be supporting, guiding and surprise. Today when they the BJP, both parties equally desired.
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