The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailingl [at special rate of postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1317. Authorized June 25, 1918.J VOLUME LXVIII OCTOBER 5, 1934 No. 3 FRANCIS J. SHEED TO TEXAS LONGHORNS HERE FOR OPENER LECTURE HERE SOON TOMORROW AS IRISH START 46TH YEAR Dr. Francis J. Sheed, noted pub­ lisher and prominent member of Eng­ land's Catholic Evidence Guild, will Jack Chevigny, Author return to Notre Dame soon, to of "This One is for the TEXANS TO ARRIVE TODAY deliver a lecture in Washington Hall. Gipper," Pilots Texas Team The lectui-e's subject, not yet determ­ ined, will be announced later. Dr. Sheed spoke at Notre Dame on Special! two occasions last fall, his first lec­ Following the Texas team will ture on "The Catholic Evidence League" being delivered on Nov. 19, be a large delegation of Longhom his second on "The Modern Idea of students and rooters, as well as the God" being given the follo^vihg eve­ 70 piece University of Texas band ning. Both lectures were well re­ with its famous interpretation of ceived. "The Eyes of Texas Are Upon Founder of Guild You." As one of the f oimders of the Cath­ olic Guild in England, Mr. Sheed has explained Catholic doctrine to crowds of uninterested or merely curious By James McMuIlen non-believers in hundreds of open air Out of the far southwest comes our speeches. Of necessity he has become own Jack Chevigny with his rambling an interesting public speaker. In this connection the Commomoeal says of Longhoms of Texas University, all him, "Personally he is one of the most set to test and re-test Elmer Layden's prominent lay leaders of English "New Deal" edition of Fighting Irish. Catholic Action. In that group he And the entire football world waits is a foremost organizer, and a most and wonders. successful public speaker." Such famous authors as Belloc, The game tomorrow will not be an Chesterton, Ronald Knox, Maritain, opener for the Texans, their club is and Christopher Dawson have written battle tried, and by battle proven, works to be published by the firm of and highly confident. Two weeks ago Sheed and Ward. Mr. Sheed, an Aus­ in their opener with the Matadors of tralian of Irish parentage, is a part­ Texas Tech, Co-Captain "Bullet John­ ner in this progressive publishing ny" Hilliard led his underdog Long­ company along with his wife the for­ homs to a smashing 12-6 victory. mer Maisie Ward. This is not for the Gipper. Last week they demolished their In addition to being a very success­ frosh in the annual yearling-varsity ful publisher, Mr. Sheed is also an game and led Texan experts to hail author, translator, and philosopher of them as "the leading representative some merit. Students To Get Purdue of the southwest to the lair of the Tickets in Main Building Fighting Irish." PEP MEETING Coaches are Noncommittal Tickets for the Purdue game ^vill The opposing coaches on the whole be procured at the ticket office located have been non - committal. Layden The Texas game pep meeting in the Main building beginning at two and his three assistants express pes­ simism if anything while Chevigny, will be held in the gymnasium at o'clock on the assigned days. Students must present athletic books to receive in a few guarded words, was optim­ 6:00 tonight. Supper will be at istic. It would mean a lot for Jack tickets. Seniors will get their tickets 5:30. Pep meeting speakers in­ and his Notre Dame Ail-American on Monday, juniors on Tuesday, soph­ assistant, Tim Moynihan, to defeat clude Father O'Hara, Elmer Lay- omores on Wednesday, and freshmen their old alma mater, but the outcome den, Jack Chevigney and Paul Host. on Thursday. The time (2 to 5) must of the first shufl3e in Layden's new be observed if tickets are to be had. (Continued on Page 13) One The Scholastic Three Hundred Italian Students FR. O'MRA GUEST AT Visit Campus on Tour of Country SOUTH BEND BANQUET VISITORS ADMIRE CAMPUS The Reverend John F. O'Hara, WSBT Establishes Radio C.S.C, will be the guest of honor at Station on N. D. Campus As a testimonial dinner tendered him by By Joseph A. Bucci Outlet For Local Programs the South Bend Chamber of Com­ Two years ago the late Reverend merce on October 15, at the Oliver Charles L. O'Donnell, C.S.C., was the Hotel. recipient of the Insignia of the Eoyal Radio station WSBT has installed Mr. Merl Thorp, editor of Nation's CrowTi of Italy. Last year at this a broadcasting station in the Engin­ Business, a nationally known business time, the world - famous Italian eering Building. The studio will be organ published in Washington, D. C, inventor, Guglielmo Maixoni, was used fi'om time to time to broadcast is the guest speaker. Mr. Herbert awarded an honorary degree in sci- University events of varied nature. Sharlock, president of the Chamber The new studio is located in room 307 of Commerce, will be toastmaster. in the Engineering Building. It is a Governor Paul V. McNutt, leading in­ rather large room equipped with dustrialists of South Bend, presidents seats to accommodate those partici­ of all colleges in Indiana and other pating in the broadcasts. It was used notables have been invited to attend. for the first time last Sunday when the Rev. John O'Hara, C.S.C, broad­ The banquet inaugurates a new cast a program in conjunction Avith policy of the Chamber of Commerce the Moreau Choir. whe?reby every new Notre Dame ad- ministi'ation will be honored by a The studio is wired with outlets to testimonial dinner, according to Mr. the Main building. Gymnasium and George Firmin, secretary of the JOHN J. BUSICHIO Washington hall from which pro­ Chamber. Administrations change His grin won them. grams may be broadcast through the every three or six years. AVSBT studios in South Bend. ence by the University. Last Sunday, The management of station WSBT Prominent guests to be Present Italians again had their day. The plans to give the University some University campus rang vnth Fascist The dinner will be given at 6:30 time on the air each week. Programs p.m., in the main banquet hall of the and collegiate cheers when 300 Ital­ such as pep-sessions and lectures ^vill ian university students, making a hotel and is open to the general pub­ be broadcast from the gymnasium lic. The price is $2.50 per plate. three-week tour of leading American and Washington hall respectively. It universities, stopped here to observe is planned to broadcast class-room Among the invited guests are student life and academic customs at lectures of special interest direct Judge T. W. Slick, U. S. district Notre Dame. from the class rooms. judge; the Rev. James W. Donahue, The delegation was greeted at the C.S.C, superior general of the Con- enti-ance to the campus by the Uni­ Programs of great importance will gi'egation of Holy Cross; the Rev. versity Band playing the Victory be broadcast on a nation-wide hook­ James A. Bums, C.S.C, Provincial March and a reception committee up over the Columbia Broadcasting of the Congregation; the Universitj'' consisting of Italian Club members, System. of Notre Dame executive staff, in­ headed by Professors Joseph J. Casa- cluding the Rev. J. Hugh O'Donnell, santa and Pasquale M. Pircliio, of the C.S.C, vice-president, the Rev. J. Noti-e Dame faculty, and John J. Rev. E. P. Burke Announces Leonard Carrico, C.S.C, director of Busichio, president of the Italian Movie List for October studies, Robert Riordan, registrar, the Club. Ai-rayed in red, blue, gi-een, Rev. Fi'ancis Boland, C.S.C, prefect and black coats, the visitors pre­ Motion pictures to be presented in of discipline, Kenneth Oliver, secre­ sented a colorful picture as they pro­ tary, Francis Lloyd, comptroller. Washington Hall for the month of ceeded to Sacred Heart church. Here, Brother Engelbert, C.S.C, treasurer, at 11:30 a.m., a special Mass was October are as follows: the Rev. Charles Miltner, C.S.C, dean celebrated in their honor with the Oct. 6—"Death Takes A Holiday" of the College of Arts and Letters, Rev. Edward R. Fitzgerald, C.S.C, —^Fredric March and Evelyn Venable. the Rev. Thomas Steiner, C.S.C, officiating. A sermon of welcome Oct. 12—^"You're Telling Me"— dean of the College of Engineering, was delivered in Italian by the Rev. W. C. Fields. (Before Founder's the Rev. Francis Wenninger, C.S.C, Arthur Hope, C.S.C. dean of the College of Science, Thom­ Day). as Konop, dean of the College of Following a visit to the Grotto, the Oct. 13—"Melody In Spring"— Law, and James McCarthy, dean of Fascist students inspected the Wight- Lanny Ross and Ann Sothern. the College of Commerce. man galleries where they viewed with interest the Dante collection and ex­ Oct. 20—"Come On Marines"— Other guests are the presidents of amples of Italian art interpreted by Richard Arlen and Ida Lupino. the colleges in Indiana, including G. Professor Emil Jacques, of the De- Oct. 27—"Stand Up And Cheer" Bromley Oxnam, De Pauw, William pai-tment of Fine Arts. —^Warner Baxter and Madge Evans. C Dennis, Earlham, Earl E. Harper, Evansville, William G. Spencer, The Notre Dame student body and Two evening showings of each the Italian students exchanged cheers Franklin, Sanford C Yoder, Goshen, film Avill be made, one at 6:40 and Albert G.
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