Public Document Pack CABINET MEMBER FOR CULTURE, TOURISM AND SPORT AGENDA DATE: Thursday, 1 November 2018 TIME: 1.00 pm VENUE: Meeting Room 1-16 - Civic Centre, St Luke's Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 2AE MEMBERSHIP: Councillor Stanley Lumley (Cabinet Member for Culture, Tourism and Sport) EXECUTIVE DECISION 1. Knaresborough Castle Performance Pavilion: 1 - 8 To consider the written report submitted by the Head of Culture, Tourism and Sport. Legal and Governance | Harrogate Borough Council | PO Box 787 | Harrogate | HG1 9RW 01423 500600 www.harrogate.gov.uk This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 Agenda Item No. REPORT TO: Cabinet Member Culture, Tourism and Sport DATE: 1 November 2018 SERVICE AREA: Culture, Tourism and Sport REPORTING OFFICER: Head of Culture, Tourism and Sport (Michael Constantine) SUBJECT: Knaresborough Castle Performance Pavilion WARD/S AFFECTED: All FORWARD PLAN REF: N/A 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT For Cabinet Member to be updated on progress towards a permanent Performance Pavilion for Knaresborough Castle, enabling the Cabinet Member to formally agree that Knaresborough Town Council proceed with the formal permissions needed to secure the installation within the Castle. 2.0 RECOMMENDATION/S 2.1 That Cabinet Member notes progress by Knaresborough Town Council in discharging the provisos contained in the Cabinet Minute of 4 Jan 2012. 2.2 That Cabinet Member agrees to enable Knaresborough Town Council to facilitate the installation of a permanent Performance Pavilion within Knaresborough Castle, recognising both the long-term public desire for such a facility and the on-going work by Knaresborough Town Council. 3.0 RECOMMENDED REASON/S FOR DECISION/S 3.1 The ongoing public desire for a permanent performance facility at Knaresborough Castle has been matched by Knaresborough Town Council’s long term delivery against the archaeological and design needs of the Castle. Knaresborough Town Council’s commitment to install, maintain, manage and remove the Pavilion when required will ensure a facility which can contribute to the success of Knaresborough as a vibrant historic town centre. 4.0 ALTERNATIVE OPTION/S CONSIDERED AND RECOMMENDED FOR Page 1 1 REJECTION (Must be used for reports to Cabinet & Cabinet Members) 4.1 To not consider the provision of a permanent Performance Pavilion at Knaresborough Castle; this is recommended for rejection as it would not meet the expressed desires of Knaresborough residents and members and would not contribute to the vibrancy of Knaresborough town centre. 4.2 To undertake delivery of a Performance Pavilion for Knaresborough Castle directly by Harrogate Borough Council; this is recommended for rejection as such a proposal is not within existing service plans, nor is resourced within future budgets. 5.0 THE REPORT 5.1 Knaresborough Town Council has long held the ambition to develop a permanent Performance Pavilion within the grounds of Knaresborough Castle. Detailed discussions date back to at least 2002. 5.2 Previous proposals were considered by Cabinet in 2012 and were deemed unsuitable for a number of reasons including; Absence of location and outline designs agreeable to English Heritage (now Historic England), Presumption of joint management and financial liability between Knaresborough Town Council and Harrogate Borough Council, Absence of archaeological investigations. 5.3 The work undertaken by Knaresborough Town Council over the past six years has sought to resolve these issues, namely; Historic England are content, subject to planning permission and formal applications, for the proposal as attached as Appendix 1 – PP artists impression, The performance pavilion is to be installed, managed, maintained and removed by Knaresborough Town Council as agreed with Harrogate Borough Council with all costs being the responsibility of Knaresborough Town Council, Archaeological investigations have indicated the location is suitable for the lightweight structure indicated in appendix 1, reflecting the investigative conclusions that; Any design for the proposed new performance area should aim to minimise the depth of groundworks required to ensure preservation of archaeological deposits and features 5.4 This progress will enable the project to proceed to the next stage, namely; Knaresborough Town Council applying for; planning permission from Harrogate Borough Council, scheduled monument consent from Historic England, landowner permission from the Duchy of Lancaster. In parallel with this activity agreeing a licence with Harrogate Borough Council ensuring the pavilion is installed, maintained and removed as required by Harrogate Borough Council. 6.0 REQUIRED ASSESSMENTS AND IMPLICATIONS Page 2 2 6.1 The following were considered: Financial Implications – the development of the current proposal removes any financial risk from Harrogate Borough Council and has been a key element of enabling this proposal to be acceptable to the authority, Human Resources Implications - nil; Legal Implications – “Knaresborough Castle site is owned by the Duchy of Lancaster and managed by Harrogate Borough under a lease agreement. The Council pays a rent to the Duchy for the Castle and areas of adjacent land (including the car park) and has responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of the buildings and grounds, and works to the Castle structure. The lease states that the Council must not erect any new buildings or structures apart from a number of limited ones listed in the schedule to the lease which do not include a performance pavilion. The consent of the Duchy of Lancaster will therefore be required for Knaresborough Town Council to erect this structure” ICT Implications - nil; Strategic Property/Asset Management Considerations – development of the licence will be undertaken as part of the next stage of project development with KTC having agreed to fund these costs; Risk Assessment - undertaken; Equality and Diversity (the Public Sector Equality Duty and impact upon people with protected characteristics) – none anticipated to be affected. If applicable, the outcomes of any consultations, assessments, considerations and implications considered necessary during preparation of this report are detailed below. 6.2 Parks & Environmental Services have been consulted as part of developing the Performance Pavilion proposal. Their current activity can be relocated to enable the space for the Performance Pavilion to be installed. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Progress has been made in line with resolving the issues identified in 2012 and the Performance Pavilion project is able to move from its current ‘artist’s impression’ stage to one including formal permissions and continue to construction. Background Papers – Appendix 1 – Artist’s impression and location of Pavilion Appendix 2 – Cabinet Minute 4 Jan 2012 OFFICER CONTACT: Please contact (Michael Constantine, Head of Culture, Tourism and Sport), if you require any further information on the contents of this report. The officer can be contacted at (Culture, Tourism and Sport, PO Box 787, Harrogate, HG1 9RW) 01423-(500600 ex 58617) or by e-mail – ([email protected]) Page 3 3 Page 4 4 Page 5 This page is intentionally left blank Page 7 This page is intentionally left blank.
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