WESTFIELD LEADER TMI LUUHMG AMD MOST WIOUY CIKLVIATKD WOsUf MtWVAfU IN UNION COVNTT KTIETH YEAE—No. 51. WESTFIELD, NEW JEI8EY, THURSDAY, AUGUST SI, 1950 Every Thursday lAbrmry, Bmkt To Council Approves 'olice, Fire Pay Clo$e Labor Dmy Adult School Plans To The WestneU Public library Installation Of Board Hires 16 will be dosed Saturday and Mon- day and the remaining Saturdays Repeat Memory Course. through September. Traffic Signals 'o Go To Vote All banks and municipal oflkes Dr Bruno To Re-j Memory Expert New Teachers will be closed on Monday, Labor member" course, which last winter j Showers i Day, and parking meters will not attracted 148 atu*ents, will be re- Harrfeou, Kimball mcil Agrees be in operation. seated in the fall tern of the Sector* To Be Fanwood In/ant For Holidmy WmttwmA Westneld Adult School, according Public Schools to Weymen O. Steengrafe, direc- Through Streets Stricken By Polio ReferendiM According to the tl. 8. Weather r, , Federal Buys The Town Council Monday night Although there have still been i o Open Sept* § Bureau, there will fee scattered The course, whose large enroll- no cases of poliomyelitis this year showers today, with a high tem- ment required the school to act >nk further atepa toward reliev- ing traffic congestion in Westfleld in Westfleld, two new Union Coun- Increase perature nea'r If. Teaaorrow amd Water Co. Site up three aections last winter, ty cases were reported on Friday, designed to help people remember j by approving, on final reading, an With Full Staff Saturday will be cloudy with scat- ordinance making Harrison avenue bringing the 1960 total to 28. The An agreement by which • pro- tered showen, aiMtir ia the after- words, numbers, ttoriei, newspa-1 victims are George Leroy Brem- S*via§» ft Loan To per and magaaina articles, busi- through street at Kimball -ave- The Weatneld Public weed $400 increase in basic pay noon, and high temperatures be- nui, andyLenox avenue a through mer, 10 weeks old, of 275 South ipread over i period o( eight years, tween 80 and IB. The sane wea- ness material, price catalogs, pea- will open with a full ataf oa Wad. Expand Offieni street at St. Paul street. Alto avenue, Fanwood, and Donna Fer- nesday, under the direction ef Dr, |oi police and firemen will b* ther will probably continue Sun- pie, addreuMi and telephone num- passed was a resolution request- nanda, 4, of Union. Both have /laced on the November ballot for day, according to the bureau. bers. The two-hour course will be 8. N. Ewan Jr., supervising aria* Westfield's oldest financial in- ing the State Highway Department light casts, it rw*» stated. cipal. the decision of local voters, in stitution, the Westfleld Federal offered in two section*—from 7 to install traffic signals at the cor- The Bremmer baby, the fourth There have been 16 new teach* retched last night at • meeting of Savings and Loan Association, has 9 p. m. and from 9 to 11 p, m, ner «f Prospect street and North victim( in Fanwood this year, ia :rs and two new secretarial esj* committee representing the Town announced the purchase of the —for a fee ef 120. avenue. nder" treatment at home. There Council and a joint committee rep- NeweoaersTo two-story brick and concrete office Dr. Furst, formerly associate iloyed for this schaol year. Approved on first reading was re no other children in the fam- leicnting the two department*. building of Plainfield-Unibn Water profcasor of psychokgy at Ma- w»lve of these are in th* ela* n ordinance providing for brook - Both committee! had bate) fiven Co., adjoining it at 28 Eatt Broad saryVs People's University mentary field, three in the Junto ncloBure and brook relocation in Elisabeth Day, 11, of Third Meet Wednesday street, Prague, Ciechotlovakla, is igh school and one in tie aenief iiithority to act for their reapec- section of Mohawk Village, Pub- street, Fanwood, seriously stricken head ef. his own School of Mem- igh school. ive croups and although no offeial Having nearly exhausted every ic hearing on the measure ia set tug. 10, left Muhlenberg Hospital ipptoval of the agreement haa ory and Concentration in The only vacancy in the ToElcctMtnr square foot of space available, lor Sept. 11. The Council also n Monday to convalesce and take high school will be UM by An- ten made ai yet, it ia Mnaidcred because of greatly increased work- York and is author of the books luthorixed the mayor and clerk ost-polio treatment at the Chil- mil. Slate of Officer* 'How To Remember" and "Stop drew E. Gray ef Ha*keaoack, who ing and financial services, the o enter into a contract with the ren's Country Home, Mountain- •olds a B.A. 4*>* tnm:tfct It was brought out during the Westfleld Federal ia planning to Forgetting." His articles have ap- Central Railroad of New Jersey ide. The Newcomers, las well aa OR. HRUNO nivertlty of WiaJUpglM and a negotiation! that five of ten towns make alterations that will enable peared in leading Rational publi- 'or the construction of a itorm their children, will be "going H. A, from Teacaera CeBege, Ca- In this area,-comparable to West- it to add the entire water com- •tioni and he haa been a guest on sewer for the drainage of the back to achoel" next Wednesday, lumbia. He will teach toeta! *•**« kid, will hav* salary aeales higher pany ground-floor space to its radio and television programs. parking lot on South avenue. when the first regular luncheon- Registration ia and assiit in gaidanee atolaf WeatMd'i, awptte the in- present banking room. The front In January, Dr. Farst was Tax Collector Bert Roeber was Scouts Honor meeting- of the new season wi'.l ha absence of Mlaa MttitU F»V?} r«»c. The average bade pay for of the new acquisition will be named profeasor of law at the uthorited to sell for unpaid taxes be held at the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. Ir. Gray has Uufbt in LyidhartW he ten conimunitiea at praaent ia made to harmonise with the main McGeorge College of Law in Sac- .11 land on which the town holds Walter G. Koran,' hostess of the Deadline Set L A. Philhower ienton, Waahlngton and Maf* 368. With bunnta, tat average building, it was announced by R. raments, Cal, where his course tax liena for sales prior to 1923. •ood. •••-..-•.• .' .-'vs? day, has announced that each ta- •'—-—. / $3511. Weatneld's present basic C. Pearsall, executive vice-presi- in memory training haa been In- 'he Council also approved appot- ble will be decorated to repreient Mill Josephine Taralllo will r#- *y is t3,000, ta which is added s dent. ' corporated into the curriculum Election Board loning taxes on property at 432- lace Mfas Mildred Faneuf in Ik* a teacher's desk with books and Camp Watehttng 1200 bonus. If the bonus ia con- and will be required of all stu- 6 Downer street. unlor high school aa teaeher at pencils and a red apple. Miss Vir- Starting with a few hundred Extendi Hours Awards Given raeii over the next eight yfearg, dents. In addition to Wostfleld, The Atlantic Refining Co. was French, Saaniih and journallam. ginia Gale of the Westfleld Li- dollars of deposits 62 years ago, Festfield's basic pay will be $8600 "How To Remember" wi|l be of- ranted permission to install three ihe la a resident H l«at Ialan< brary haa offered to lend bookends the WestAeld Federal's assets have Extra hours for registration for Dr. Charles A. Philhower, re- the eighth year. fered in the adult education cen- ,000-galIon' gasoline tanka uhdei- 'Ity, N. Y., and holds her maa- to complete the centerpiece for jumped from 12,500,000 to 19,- ters at Elisabeth, North Newark, he November general election round and to install one 550- red supervising principal of tho The Council committee, which 000,000 in the past 10 years, Mr. T'S degree from New York V*U each table. Paterson and Teaneck. have been arranged by the Union tallon waste oil tank underground festfleld schools, received honor- crilty. She taught for tw» yaara * insisted of Sydney h- Mapes, Pearsall said. In 1942 its present County Board of Elections. The it their service station at North The Newcomers are planning a Registration for the Adult ry membership in Miquin Lodge, Poughkeepaie, N. Y., and eemea iiirinan of the police committee, home at the corner of Broad and additional time will be from 7 nd Central avenues. The Wyeh- theatre party for members andj School will be held Sept. 25, with rdei' of the Arrow, Saturday Westfleld from Clilfslde Park irad B. Lewis, chairman of the Prospect streets, previously rent- p.m. to !> p. m. on Sept. 6, ,7, 12, wood Cab Co., Inc., was also ight at Camp Watchung, the Boy committee, and Donald It. their husbands at the Paper Mill classes starting Oct. 0. Registra- igh School, where the hat been ed, was purchased. ' *4, 19 and 21. Thursday, Sept. 28, ranted permission to install a cout, camp near Glen Gardner. caching since 1947. : ilcher, chairman of the finance Playhouse, Monday evening, Sept tion by mail will be held the week • the final date for registration The property sold has a front- of Sept. 15-22. The Adult School 50-gallon gasoline tank under- The occasion was the annual nmittee, said that the compro- 18. Tickets for Apple Blo$tomi >nd transfers. In addition, pros- ground at 440 Downer street.
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