School Annual of the I.B. V.M. in Australia Registered at the G.P.O., Melbourne, for transmission December, 1959 by Post as a periodical. 1··- ··- ..- ··- ··-·- ··- .. - ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- "·- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··- ··r i i i i = i I! ,i i i I I II Ii : i I !fu©~~~© I i i I i i in w~ich is incorporatecf ! I i I I I I I GucafYf lus Gf3fossoms I I ('1886- I 924) I I I I I I I I $cfioof cAnnuaf o/ tfie J .GJ3.G(}.:Jtl. zn cAustrafia I i i I i i i I 1 i " T ache, tot, d'etre uaillante et bonne - ce sont !es grand es i I qualites des femmes." i i -Fenelon. i i i i i = i ! i ! i ! GfJofwue 15 <Dece1n Ce r, 195.9 i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! i ! = 'i 'i i i ·=· · - ·· --- 11 - •1 - 11 - 11 ~ 1 - 41 - 11 - ·• - ·• - l1 - tl - ll - tl - t l - tl - • l ~ • 1 - • 1 - 11 - 1 1 - 11 - 41 - 11 - ·· - ·1 - •1 - •1 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 1• - · - (l - (l - (l - • 1 - ·1 - 1 •=· ~itture of ~t. JLuke's ;fflabonna l'eneratdJ for Qtentutits as tbt ~pedal ;.fflabonna of tbt 3J.1&.'.f'.;fflll ·r-.. _.. _ ,,_.. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ,, _.. _ ,, _.. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ,,_,, _,, _.. _ ,_._.. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ._.. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ,,_._.. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ ,_l i = 1 CONTENTS I i Page i i EDITORIAL 3 = i PICTURES: MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT 5 I j MAISIE \V ARD'S INTRODUCTION TO THE LIFE OF MARY WARD 7 i f PICTURES: LORETO, DAWSON STREET, BALLARAT 10 i I SCHOOL VIG ETTES 12 i ! PICTURES: LORETO, PORTLAND 26 ii _ THIS AUSTRALIA: i Mary Durack Miller's Opera 28 i 'j E lizabeth Durack Clancy's Panels :n = ,= Lecture hy Fr. L. Hayes on the Ca rnarvon Ra1111:e 8, Ql<l. 32 ! j Sc hool Contributi on!-\. ! ,= PICTURES: LORETO, NORMANHUHST 37 •- = HOLIDAY MEMORIES 39 1= = TRAVELLERS' TALES : ! '= Waiting in St. Peter's Square, by Mrs. Streber 40 ! = A trip to the Barrier Reef, hy Enid Go l<lri ck 43 ' I I' Sc hool Contributions. i f PICTURES: LORETO, KIRRJBILU 47 i ii= POINTS OF VIEW: i The Syd ney Universit y, h~' Maq~are t Monahan 53 I i School Co ntrihution ~. = i THE HOME CIRCLE: ! o June Wright . ~9 ! l= School Contributions. 1= ! PlCTlTRES: LORETO, CLAREMONT 60 I ! INTERESTING PEOPLE: I= The Knighthood of Archbishop Duhi11: 63 i' Group Captain Cheshire, V.C. 63 ! I The Late Ur. J. J . Holland 64 1 i Mr. and Mrs. Herb E lli ott 65 i ·== Sw imming Team of St. Ma ry's Hall 66 I== Sc hoo] Con tri but ions. Ij PJCTl1RES: LORETO, NEDLANDS 70 Ii - SPRINGS OF HAPPINESS 71 - I PlCTURES: LORETO, MARRY A TVILLE 78 I i AMONG OUR OLD GIRLS 82 i -_- Ca reers: lVToHi e Brady, Hannah Buckley, Renee Erdos, J oan Holl::tnd , I=_ Kay Kinane, Constance Moffi t, Rita B. Rice {Bid<l y) North, I' Bernie O'Dea, Joyce Shewcroft. J j Fencing, by Mary Nathan . 86 i j The Dragon of the Storm (PoP 111 ), hy Venclia Na than 87 j j A Tribute to Mother M. Co lornhier{' (R.1.P.) 88 i i PICTURES: LORETO, TOORAK 89 I I THE l.B.V.M. ABROAD 98 t - Loreto, Gibraltar . 99 - - Lo reto, Darjeeling, India 100 I I' Loreto, Lucknow, India . 100 I I Letters from the Dalai Lama's Sister 101 I i PICTURES: LORETO, BRISBANE 102 i j PICTURE : ST. MARY'S HALL, MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY 106 f j INDEX OF SCHOOL-GIRL CONTRIBUTORS 107 i f Original An ecdotes from our Schools are scatterer] throughou t. f i i •!••ll- ll- ll- 11 - ll- 41- l l - ll- tl- l!- 11- t l - Cl - ll- 41- tl- 11- l >- •l- ll- ll- 11- l )- 41 - 11 - 11 - l l - (l- Cl - 11- ll- ll- ll- 11- ll- 11 - ll- l l - l l - 11 - •l- i •!• LORETO ABBEY, MARY·s MOUNT, BALLARAT, VICTORIA (See Names P. 6> 5 TOP FIFTH AND SIXTH CLASSES AND JUNIOR SCHOOL BACK ROW: S. Martin, E . Briedy, M. Holmes, S. Hen­ nessy, M. Hollins, IT. James. THIRD ROW: D. Jackson, M. O'Donnell, C. Byrne, J . Garvey, G. Hayes, K. Drown, F. Jones. ~ECON_D .ROW: D. O'Donnell, L. Najim, L. Koopmans, L. D1bdin, H. de Graaff, M. Creati, B. Chatham J . Rinaldi, B . Najim, P. Crameri. ' FRONT ROW : M. K oopmans, D. Hanrahan, M. L. Mc­ Carren, V. Quinn, l\L Trelevan, J. Hutchison, B. Hay­ den, A. De Grnaff, J . McCunnie, J. Byrne, M. Falvey. THE KINDERGARTEN BACK RO\V: Anita Butzkowsky, R. Crameri, S. Smith, P. E ll iott, P. McCunnie, G. Hayes, P. Canny, S. Gud­ geon, D. Jens, P . Coghlan. SECOND ROW : M. L. Banting, J . Canny, H . Banting, J . Mclver, A. Byrne, E . Falvy. FRONT ROW: A. R amsden, S. H u rly, .M. McArthur, A. M. Hayden ABSENT: B . Elliott, D. Robertson. TOP - INTERMEDIATE, LEAVING AND MATRICULATION CLASSES BACK ROW: C. Fawcus, J. Auer, J. Sull ivan, E . Pritchard, l\ f. Lard nor, P. Rubino, !IL L. Crowley, I I. Hughes, l\L Fay, A. Buckley, K. Timmins. FOUR.TH ROW: J. Bolleman, R. Callil, S. Go1ey, F. J ens, U. Keating, G McGenn1 ss, A. Faulkner, lit Frawley, P. Mc.Man111s, E. Ryan. THIRD ROW: J. Griffiths, R. Reynolds, E. Mciver, J. Carroll, S. O 'B11e11, J . O'Call aghan G. lla1ke1, W. Engli sh, T. Jens, M. O'Conner, A. Sparks. SECOND ROW : S. Peel, J. Kerrins, J. McGilp, C. Reidy, S. Mackenzie, J. Willis, H . Monkivitch, C. Burchell , P. Puli, T. Blackie. FIR.ST ROW: R. Murphy, C. Reidy, M. Carter, L. Podge r, P. Shanahan, A. Smurthwaite, R. Hall. ABSENT : B. A. Purdie, F. Meere. BOTTOM - FIRST YEAR, SECOND YEAR AND SUB-INTERMEDIATE CLASSES BACK ROW': F. R yan, !If. L. Coghlan, H. Kearney, A. !If. Burchell, M. llfonkivitch, K. Cooper, F. Faulkner, A. Mountjoy, N. Hughes, JI. P earse, !If. Macklin, H. van der Kleij. FOURTH ROW : P . Mountjoy, K. Dibdin, P. Hayden, K. O'Callaghan, I. Daffey, H. Willis, J. Coghlan, J . Buckley, K. Lucas, D: Bourke, l\f.. Dunn, l\f. White, J, . Mize. THIRD ROW: !If. Tajber, D . Ramsden, !ll. .'.\'unn, !\!. Hayes, H . Bilson, J. Powell, P. O'Donohue, C. Hadden, A. Jens, S. Bateson, J. Hunter, 111. Broidy llf. Smith, G. McGrath. SF.CO ND ROW: H. 1-f agor, II. Fry, S. J oshua, K. Jackman, llf. Sullivan, M . Brosnan, G. Duffy, L. Buckley, J. Chatham, JI. Hayden, A. Jens. FTRST RO\V : 111. 1\farchant, !If. ~{e e rb ac h, A. llardy, J. Bilson, !If. Coburn, R. Salt, P. Summons. LORETO ABBEY, MARY'S MOUNT, BALLARAT, VICTORIA (See Photo P. 5) LORETO MAISIE WARD'S INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST AUSTRALIAN LIFE OF MARY WARD (Foundress of the I.B.V.M.) * At the first World Congress of the Lay Apostolate from Paul V in 1612 ; so, three year s l a ter, did the our late Holy Father, Pius XII, offered Mary Ward new order of Notre Dame. \Vhen St. Francis d e as a model for the activity of Catholic women Sales, an eminent Bishop, sought to establish for the throughout the Church. He called her " that incom­ Visitation a Rule with much modified enclosure, h e parable woman given by Catholic England to the found so deep-rooted an opposi tion that h e gave up Church in the darkest and most blood-stained of the idea. St. Vincent de Paul found that, since en­ periods." c losure was literally impossible for his sisters, whose chief work was nursing the sick poor in their own Again in the second World Cong1·ess he returned homes, the only alternative was to give up the claim to the them e of lay apostles, women as well as m en. to be a r eligious order at a 11. "There has always been" he said "an apostolate of the laity in the Church of Christ. Saints like H enry Almost as difficult was the question of government. II, Stephen the creator of Catholic Hungary, Louis Back in the first centuries of r eligious life we find IX of France, were lay apostles albeit at first their that in the E ast a struggle be tween the bishops and world was unaware of it and the term lay apostle the (often unruly) m onks anrl h ermits who p eopled did not exist at the time. \Vomen too, like St. the deserts of E gypt and Syria. A little later in the Pulcheria, sister of the Emperor Theodore II or W est, St. Gregory the Gr eat, himself a monk and Mary Ward wer e lay apostles." sympathetic with m onastic autonom y, carefully de­ ]imited an authority of bishop and abbot. As for Mother Mary Oliver gives us in this book an ex­ women , while for m an y years in Church history we citing story set in cruel but stiuing times. A Loreto find ahbesses with as much author ity as abbots-in­ mm, h erself in Sydney Australia, she is one of Mary deed St. Brigid of Ireland, St. Hilda of Whitby, St. Ward's large and scattered family, and can write of Bridget of Sweden ruled m en as well as w om en­ her Mother with contagious enthusiasm. I attempt such a thing would have heen unthinkable in the this Introduction with great diffidence.
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