'"'_ • •, _ • • "'0 ,. •• ' • ___ •• _ • Y nnkees S pUt Partly Cloudy Connie J\lack's Athletics Win FIrat, IOWA-PartI,. cloud,. 10 some­ what unsettled toda,. and Iomor­ 5-4; Lose, 16-3 row: warmer In east today, cooler See Siory, pare 3 In west and north Iomorrow. .1 1 0 tv a Cit y Jf 0 , n i n g New 8 pap e r = \ FIVE CENTS The A ",ocl._ 1'-. IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1938 VOLUME XXXVIINUl\1BER 265 , French Alarmed Over Arrested For Must Accept I(raschel's Terms AskingAlm~ book. Little Woman In University Nazis' Military Action To End Martial Law in Newton year til. Tattered Sweater , the an. wonner • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Search d by Police UniverSI~ Fear Germany Carroll Gets Life for Murder • "Prohibited Areas" on Gernlan Front PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 12 (AP) - Today, as tor many days, a little ...\ .uthorities Of Preparing To woman in a tattered brown sweater and billowy black skirt stood on a Jasper County Aid Sudetens busy downtown street corner, stretched out a thin hand and piped Hold Deci ion a plea for alms. Seek Information On But this time Policeman John Fuehrer's Intentions Smith strolled over to her, took her Gov rnor Is. u Order by the arm and led her away to a From Foreign Service police station. To Remove Troops A pollce matron searched her When Official Agree " PARIS, Aug. 12 (AP) - The clothing. A gold coin tell out; then French government, a larmed by another, and another. The ma­ DES MOINES, Aug. 12 (AP) - reports of huge mill tary move­ tron's expert hands found bulges ments underway in Germany, to­ In the old black skirt. Coins and Withdrawal of national g u a r d day sought information on Reichs· bills had been carefully $titched in. troops from Newton, scene of the luehrfr HllIer's intention through Total resources of Ihe poor beg­ three-month May tag labor row, French diplomatic representatives gar-woman: $2,893.36 - the 36 hinged tonight on lhe acceptance • brond. cents clenched t1ghUy In her fist . by Newlon authoritl s of Gov, Nel­ The reports: son G. Krasch l's demobilization That Hitler's army had requisi­ lerma. tioned private automobiles, trucks, The govrrnor today issued an fUrniture vans and even munici­ Georgia Vote order to Adjutanl General Charles pal buses in Bavaria in connec­ H. Grahl ending martial law in tion with forthcoming autumn N wton as soon as local officials maneuvers. Cri i for F. R. agrec lo ccrtnln recommendation That more than 1,000,000 Ger­ made several days ago by the mili­ man reservists had been called to tary commission. the colors. President Will Watch Governor Insist That Germany was speeding up tacp Date (or Primary Th recommendations, which the construction 0/ fortifications on tilR~~ -~~~IO"~C governor Insisted must be followed, her French and Polish frontiers. Creation of new "prohibited ar-I eig~ military attoches wer~, or­ In Soulhern State Includpd: Preparing for War? Las" blanketing the eastern fron- deled to leave the new pro­ Dismissal of all Indictments, con­ These lhings led lo fear lhat tiers and the northern coasts of hibi.ted" zones Imm.ediately or be WASHINGTON, AuI'(. 12 (AP) tempt cItations and an injunction the nazis were greasing their war , subject 10 prosecullon, and lour- - Pre Ident Roosevelt has circled resultin~ from the long dispute be­ Germany leads to the assumptIOn ist traCClc will be closely super- machine for use in case they fail­ a new date, Wednesday, Sept. 14. tween the washIng machine com­ ed to receive quick satisfaction Ihat a vast ring of land and sea vised. Placing of emphasis on pany and its C.I.O. union locn!. on the 1938 political cillendar. It from Czechoslovakia in the dis­ defenses prolecting Germany on lhe Czechoslovakian rron~ier came Restoration of U1e locat courts pute over the future slalus of 1:;11 sid.?s is nearing complt'tlon. on the eve of Lord Runciman's marks a new crisis tor him, tor his and law enforcement officials to Czechoslovakia's 3,500,000 Sude­ 'fhe map above shows how Ger- arrival in Czcchoslovakia [rom party and perhaps for the Mtlon. normal authonty, R turn of Dis­ Paul Dwyer 8aroora C8rroll ten German minority. many is protecting Jtse lf in this London to try to medmte the Su­ On that day Georgia, the presi~ Francis M. Verroll trict Judge Frank Bechly to the Such ostentatious military prep~ manner. As in the west, ali for- deten German controversy. dent's "second statl'," holds its prl- Another angle in the strange Carroll, a former deputy sherl1f, li~ . An unusual a",le to the case Jasper county bench to replace arations were in contrast with the murder trial in South Paris, Me., for the murder of Dr. James G. is Ihat Barbara Carroll, the ac­ Judge Homer A .Fuller of Mount nazi precedent of swift and secret maries. The political rate of Wai­ Ayr. Littlefield. 67, who was slaln cused man's 16-year-old daughter, action-a fact which pa radoxical­ Report 100 Japanese Planes In ter F .George, seeking his fourth that has drawn allention from the with his wife. Paul Dwyer, 18, Judge Full r had b n assigned Iy tended to ease French fears. election to the senate, will be de­ entire nallon closed yesterday confessed to the crime last Octo­ tormerly "went with" young to Jasper county before martial Foreign office circles and most cided. And on that decision ot with the convlcUon ot Francis M, ber and has been Imprisoned for DwYer. law was declared to hear contempt diplomats voiced a belief that the Most Di a trou Raid of War Georgia voters may tUrn also the actions brought against three union preparations were designed to political destiny or Franklin D. • • • • • • • • • • • ~ . • • • • • • • • • • • • orrlcials undf.'r Judge Bech ly's "intimidate" C z e c h 0 s 10 v akia, T J;toosevell, of the new deal, ot Ih!' "reasonable picketing" injunction. France and Britain, but watched' 400 Civilians Killed, democratic party and of the nation. an D dine Dt'c1 Ion carefully the advices trom French Burned Up I Ipjured in 'fri.Cily 1n Georgia, as In no other state Carroll Convicted for Murder Luther M. Carr, county attorney diplom tltic aod secret agents in eXl'ent ili£ own N w York, Ptesi· at Nrwlon, 1'1'11.1. d to announce an Germany. Boy's Father Ohjects Area on Yanglz dent Roosevelt has built up a per. Immediate decIsion on the gover­ Reinforce Spy Service I sonal popularity and political fol­ nor's pl'Oposal. Carr, who flied most Thus, two possibly interlockIng To WPA Error HANK w. Chin, Aug. 12 (AP) lowing he has now pul to the su- Doctor; Gets Life Sentence of the contempt and criminal pro­ 1 Of explanations of the Germtln man­ - Ope red" 'J'~l>anese war pre me test. For in Georgia he has ceedIngs arising from the strike, ifestations emerged in Paris: SMITHFIELD, P Aug. 1:1. planes virtually poured bombs into cast asid IradltJonal restraints on said he was "at a 10 s to 'know why I.-The nazis wish to impress tAP)- Walter Malo~~, father of Hankow and the neighboring cities his office and considerations of the governor had made such a pro­ the world with their military II seven-year-old boy hired and of ~uchang and an~ Hanyang to- party harmony to single Senator Warn Again t Nazi Plots Youth Still nouncement at this time." power. fIred by WPA, today was "burn- day,.n one of t~e Chmes ·Japanese George out for decapitation In the I He said he would like to know 2.-They wish to have their war ed up" by what he termed a war s most dlsas~rous and most democratic primaries. The bold­ • • • • • • the situation bplwepn the company machine ready tor use in case of "clerical error" listing his son, spectacular air raids. ness of his attack and the uncer­ Undercover Agent Tell House Committee Of Held in Prison and the umon before he makes trouble over the Sudeten Ger­ Richard, as a relief worker. The bombs and the flames that tainty of the outcome made it a "any commitments." man's demands for autonomy in spread m their wake killed or breath-taking dramatic moment to Nazis' Un· American Activities The governor's provisional order Czechoslovakia, Malone, whose sun wa~ mailed wounded 400 civilians of the tri- political students, fraught with tar- Barbara, preceded by less than a day the At the same time, the French a $6.54 WPA check, declared: city area, which lies 600 miles up reaching possibilities. WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 (AP) who came to this country in 1914, scheduled resumption of negotia­ minister of interior, Albert Sar­ "It looks like someone sUpped the Yangtze river In the heart of The pl'esident rated the Georgia · -An Undercover agent told the lold of joining the German-Amer­ we theart of Boy, tions between the company and the raul, made known he had taken up in Richard's case." China. senator a [riend, a scholar and a house committee on "Un-Ameri­ ican Bund under a German name, union on the problem of a new measures to reinforce the French Lyell L . Buttermore, WPA di· Two American mission proper- gentleman; but he also weighed can Achvities" today that the nazi and becoming a trusted lieutenant W ep for Father contract. The governor, still bed­ counter-espionage service to deal ff:'ctor in the three southwestern ties were dire tly hit.
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