Virginia Commonwealth University VCU Scholars Compass VCU Commencement Programs VCU University Archives 1985 Virginia Commonwealth University Commencement Program Virginia Commonwealth University Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcucommence © Virginia Commonwealth University Downloaded from http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/vcucommence/20 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the VCU University Archives at VCU Scholars Compass. It has been accepted for inclusion in VCU Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of VCU Scholars Compass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Commencement Program Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia Seventeenth Annual Commencement ( < The Coliseum May 18, 1985 10am~ Conunencement Program Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, Virginia Seventeenth Annual Commencement The Coliseum May 18, 1985 10 am The audience is respectfully asked not to enter onto the floor of the Coliseum until after the ceremony has concluded and all graduates have left the Coliseum floor. BOARD OF VISITORS Virginia Commonwealth University W. Roy Smith, Rector Sigsby W. Gayle, Vice Rector Robert J. Grey, Secretary Nina F. Abady Wilbur C. Allen Mrs. FitzGerald Bemiss William W. Berry James B. Farinholt, Jr. William E. Holland Eric M. Lipman Douglas H. Ludeman French H. Moore, Jr. Philip B. Morris William G. Reynolds, Jr. Mrs. Charles G. Thalhimer Anne Marie Whittemore PROGRAM The President of the University, Presiding Processional* Virginia Commonwealth University " Crown Imperial" - Walton Symphoni c Band John D. Savage, Conducting In vocation A. Patrick L. Prest Professor and Chainnan. Program of Pati ent Counseling National Anthem " Fanfare f or the Common Man " - Copland VCU Symphoni c Band Introduction of Guests Edmund F . Acke ll President of the University Commencement Address Timothy S . Healy President. Georgetown Universit y Conferring of Honorar_v Degrees The President of the Universit y Presentation of the Presidential Medallion The President of the Universit y Conferring of Degrees The President of the Uni versit y College of Humanities and Sciences ... .... .. .. .. .. ... Elske v .P. Smith, Dean School of Allied Health Professions ... .... .. .. ..... .. .. Thomas C. Barker, Dean School of the Arts ... ....... ... .... .... .... .. .... ... .. Murry N. DePillars. Dean School of Business ........... ............. .... ... ....... J. Curtis Hall , Dean School of Community and Public Affairs ..................... Laurin L. Henry. Dean School of Dentistry ..... ..... ... ....... .... James H . Revere, Jr ., Acting Dean School of Educati on ......... .. ... .. .... ... .. .... ........ C harl es P. Ruch. Dean Program in General Studies. ...... Howard L. Sparks Vice Provost for Cont inuing Studies and Public Services School of Nursing .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. Ethelyn E. Ex ley, Assistant Dean School of Phannacy ...... ... .. .... .. ... .. ... .. ....... John S. Ruggiero. Dean School of Social Work ........ .. ... .. ...... .... .. ....... Grace E. Harri s, Dean School of G raduate Studies .. ... .. .. ... .... .... John H . McGrath , Acting Dean School of Phannacy . ....... ......... ... ..... .... ........ John S. Ruggiero. Dean School of Dentistry ... ........ .. ........... James H . Revere , Jr., Acting Dean School of Medicine . .. .. ..... .. ..... ..... Leo J. Dunn. Interim Dean Doctor of Philosophy Candidates ... .. .. ... .. .. ... John H . McG rath , Acting Dean School of G raduate Studies Hooded by S . Gaylen Bradley, Dean. School of Basic Health Scie nces and Elske v .P. Smith, Dean. College of Humanities and Sciences. Benediction** A . Patric k L. Prest Recessional VCU Symphonic Band " Moorside March" - Holst Timoth y D . G urganu s. Cond ucting *The audience may remain seated during the academi c procession but will stand for the In vocati on and the Nati onal Anthem . ** After the Benedicti on, the guests may be seated . Graduates will remai n standing fo r the Recessional. Timothy S. Healy 1985 Commencement Speaker Honorary Doctor of Humanities Recipient As an educato r. scho lar. theologian. writer and devoted Jesuit . Father Timoth y S. Healy's commitment and contributio ns to the fi eld of hi gher educati on epitomi ze those qualities he ld hi ghest by hi s peers. As president of Georgetown Universit y. hi s wi sdom. fo rtitude and dedicati on have pl aced him in th e hi ghest esteem of hi s coll eagues. As a professor of Engli sh, he has touched the li ves and stimulated the minds of many stude nts through his teaching and by his example. Demonstrating a deep concern fo r the quality of hi gher educati on in Ameri ca. Father Healy has given generously of his time and e xpert ise as directo r of th e Ameri can Counc il on Educati o n. the Nati onal Associati on of Independent Coll eges and Uni ve rsities, and as chairman of the executi ve committee of the Consortium of Uni ve rsi ti es of Washingto n. D.C. He has served on many presti gious board s and commissions in cluding th e Folger Library Committee and the President's Commissio n o n Fo reign Languages and Internati onal Studies. As an intern ati onall y recogni zed scho lar of Engli sh lite rature. Fathe r Healy has he ld fe ll o wships fro m the Danfo rth Foundati on. the Ameri can Philosophical Society . the Ameri can Counc il of Learned Societi es. and is a Fe ll ow of St. Cross Coll ege. Oxford. As a theologian and devoted Jesuit. hi s leadership in promoting the values of C hri sti anity serves as a ro le model fo r fo ll o wers of the faith . In recognition of hi s outstanding leadership at the forefront of hi gher educati on today. and for hi s contributio ns to society as an educato r, scho lar. theologian and C hri sti an leader. Virgini a Com­ monwealth Uni versit y honors Father Timothy S . Healy . Nell Blaine Honorary Doc tor of Fin e Art s Recipient A leading artist in Ameri ca today . Ne ll Bl aine has bee n critica ll y acc laimed a~ th e most exc iting and mas terful colori st in the hi story of Ameri can painting. As a child growing up in Ri chmond . Nell Blain e's interest in draw in g and painting began at an ea rl y age . She studied at RPI ·s School of Art (now part of VCU) before mov in g to New York Cit y to stud y under the renowned painter. Hans Hofm ann . Her paintings have appea red th roughout th e country in more th an 200 group sho ws sin ce 1940 and internationall y sin ce 1950. She recentl y completed her 42nd solo ex hibit. Nell Bl aine ·s extraordinary talent also has bee n recogni zed through many presti giou~ award ~ and fell owships. including grant s from the Guggenheim Foundati on and the Nati onal End ow ment fo r the Art ~. Her paintings arc in the perm anent coll ec ti ons of many major museums in cluding th e Metro­ politan Museum of Art . The Mu seum of Modem Art . The Hirsc hh orn Museum and Sc ulpture Garden. the Whitney Museum and the Virginia Mu se um of Fi ne Art s. Many pres ti gious corporate and fo undati on co ll ec ti ons also include work s by Nell Bl ain e. Among th ese are the Chase Manhallan Bank of New York . Revlon. In c .. the Sloan Foundati on and the Philip Morri s Coll ecti on in Ri chmond . Her paintings al so can be fo und throughout th e world in more th an 200 private coll ec ti ons. Throughout her caree r. Nell Bl aine has ex hibited an independ ence and courage in deve loping her own style. despite pressure to confo rm to the art isti c style of a give n period. As a leader in th e abstrac t movement of th e fo rties and at th e fo refront of the fi gure movement in the fifti es , her mature work has been compared to th at of Bonn ard and Mati sse . An ex traordinaril y energe ti c and resourceful person. Ne ll Blaine ·s dedi cati on to her art has painted our world with a brightness and beaut y as seen onl y th ro ugh her eyes. In recognition of her di stingui shed arti sti c accomplishment s. excepti onal talents and fo rtitude and fo r the inspiration she has give n oth ers. Virgini a Commonwealth Uni ve rsit y honors Ne ll Bl aine. An ex hibition entitled Works bv Ne ll Blaine from Richmond Collections will preview at th e Anderson Gall ery, 907 1/2 West Franklin Street. on Saturday. May 18. I :00-5:00 p. m. Tea will be se rved from 4:00-5:00 p.m. The exhi bition will be open to the public May 26 through June 30. Lewis F. Powell, Jr. Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Recipient As associate justice of the Supreme Court. Lewis F. Powell. Jr.. is a primary force behind our nation's judicial system. With his ability to interpret and balance the complexities and demands of rapid social and technological change. he serves as a catalyst in promoting the administration of justice. Distinguished in his profession for his impeccable character, outstanding intellect and unselfish activities in the genuine public interest, Justice Powell is held in the highest esteem by his peers. Throughout his eminent career, he has brought the highest professional standards and integrity to both his private practice and his public obligations. In Richmond. and in Virginia, Justice Powell gave generously of his lime and talents as chairman of the Richmond School Board and president of the State Board of Education. As chairman of the Special Commission, he was instrumental in the development of the charter introducing the manager form of government to the City of Richmond.
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