DPM / XBRL TAXONOMY REVISION NOTES DPM / XBRL Taxonomy 31 Revision notes July 2020 v2.10.1 Errata: (31/July/2020) Summary and Impact On taxonomy: o c_114.00-def.xml and c_114-rend.xml are updated to include the missing members of FLI dimension on column 0010 in table C 114.00 o vr-e09358_e-err-en.xml is updated to include the missing “}}”in the message content On table Layouts: use the correct data point vids to show on the cells in SBP, RES and FP table layouts. On DPM : o address the missing members on FLI dimension on table C 114.00: . update OpenMemberRestriction set IgnoreMemberID = True where RestrictionID = 29; o update the wrong path values in AxisOrdinate Table: . update AxisOrdinate set Path = "69563.69566.69567." where OrdinateID = 69567; . update AxisOrdinate set Path = "69621.69624.69657." where OrdinateID = 69657; Website: http://eba.europa.eu, Single Rulebook Q&A http://www.eba.europa.eu/single-rule-book-qa, XBRL specific queries: [email protected] 1 v2.10 Phase 2: 2.10.0 Resolution, SBP, COVID19 and 2.10.1 Funding plans (30/June/2020) Summary and Impact Modular release v2.10 Phase 2, covering the Resolution, SBP and COVID 19 reporting areas. Modular release v2.10.1 (a patch version of FP 2.10 phase 1) with: o Adding dimension CCA#CA:x1 on table P 02.06 because the amount in this table must be reported in the currency of denomination o Rename v09119_i to v09119_h o Rename v09120_i to v09120_h o Rename v09121_i to v09121_s o Rename v09122_i to v09122_s Update to the SBP framework: o Consistent move to four digit row/column numbers in all templates o Four new templates (C 111, C112, C 113, and C 114) are added to deal with the benchmarking of valuation models under IFRS 9, they are now a part of the SBP CR module. Website: http://eba.europa.eu, Single Rulebook Q&A http://www.eba.europa.eu/single-rule-book-qa, XBRL specific queries: [email protected] 2 o Rename column from 020 to 0060 in table C 110.03 o Use XPATH function matches to check if a fact value follow a regular expression pattern in e09358_e Update to the RES framework: o Add dimension MCK#eba_MC:x99 for column 0140 in table T 07.00 o Add dimension BAS#eba_BA:x17 for columns 0120, 0130, 0140, 0150, 0160, 0170, 0180, 0190 in table T 20.03.a o Close cell {T 20.03.a,r0060,c0010}, {T 20.05.a, r0010, c0010}, {T 20.05.a, r0020, c 0010}, {T 20.05.a, r0030, c 0010}, {T 20.05.a, r0040, c 0010} o Add dimension BAS#eba_BA:x17 for all the lines in T 20.03.c o Add new column 0095 in T 07.00 o Add dimension BAS#eba_BA:x22 for the lines 0050, 0060, 0070 in T 20.05.b o Fixing the row identifiers in Z 10.02 and Z 09.00 . Add columns 0050 and 0060 in the row identifier in Z 10.02 . Add column 0100 in the row identifier in Z 09.00 o Using exist functions to 14 existence type of validation rules to improve the validation performance: e6448_e, e6449_e, e6450_e, e6451_e, e6452_e, e7484_e, e7487_e, e7488_e, e7489_e, e7491_e, e7493_e, e7496_e, e7498_e, e09342_e New framework FINREPCOVID19: o New taxonomy COVID19 with 4 entry points: covid19_con_gaap, covid19_con_ifrs, covid19_ind_gaap, covid19_ind_ifrs Artefacts included DPM database Website: http://eba.europa.eu, Single Rulebook Q&A http://www.eba.europa.eu/single-rule-book-qa, XBRL specific queries: [email protected] 3 Annotated templates and dictionary Excel file EBA validation rule list Excel file Updated XBRL taxonomy packages: o EBA_CRD_IV_XBRL_2.10_Dictionary_2.10.1.0.zip: 2.10.1 dictionary o EBA_CRD_IV_XBRL_2.10_Reporting_Frameworks_2.10.0.1.zip: SBP 2.10 , RES 2.10 and COVID19 2.10 o EBA_CRD_IV_XBRL_2.10_Reporting_Frameworks_2.10.1.0.zip: FP 2.10.1 The illustrated instance documents. Known issues corrected o Some missing records in the ValidationRulSet table in the Access Data base 2.10 phase 1 have been addressed in this Access data base of DPM 2.10 phase 2 Known issues o v09295_m, v09296_m (in Remuneration framework of 2.10 phase 1) are erroneously labelled as type “identity”, so they are not implemented in the DPM and taxonomy. This has been logged, and will be addressed in the next major version. DB Changes Alter table Module by adding two columns “FromDate” and “ToDate”, this is to address the discrepancy of the validation period between the taxonomy and its modules. Website: http://eba.europa.eu, Single Rulebook Q&A http://www.eba.europa.eu/single-rule-book-qa, XBRL specific queries: [email protected] 4 v2.10.Phase 1: Funding Plans, Remuneration Benchmarking and Fraudulent Payments (27/March/2020) Summary and Impact Modular release, covering only the Funding Plans, Remuneration and Fraudulent payments reporting areas. Parallel changes to other areas of the EBA reporting framework for the “2.10” DPM cycle are expected to be published subsequently (expected in April-Mai 2020). Update to the Funding Plans framework. DPM and XBRL integration for Remuneration and Fraudulent payments. Artefacts included DPM database Annotated templates and dictionary Excel file EBA validation rule list Excel file Updated XBRL taxonomy - both as a "full" archive 1 and as a "Taxonomy package"2 1 FullTaxonomy. 2 EBA_CRD_IV_XBRL_2.9_Reporting_Frameworks_2.9.1.0.zip, EBA_CRD_IV_XBRL_2.9_Dictionary_2.9.1.0.zip, EBA_CRD_IV_XBRL_2.9_Reporting_Frameworks_2.9.0.2.zip Website: http://eba.europa.eu, Single Rulebook Q&A http://www.eba.europa.eu/single-rule-book-qa, XBRL specific queries: [email protected] 5 v2.9.1.1 COREP and FINREP (04/02/2020) Summary and Impact V2.9.1.1, an updated validation rules package on COREP, FINREP and Liquidity reporting area : o 153 new validation rules : from v8643_n to v8799_m o 135 amended validation rules: v0191_m, v0253_m, v0590_m, v0594_m, v0612_m, v0614_m, v0616_m, v1617_m, v1662_m, v3690_s, v3691_s, v3692_s, v4456_m, v4598_i, v4639_m, v4667_m, v4721_m, v4827_m, v4841_m, v4842_m, e4891_n, e4892_n, e4893_n, e4894_n, e4896_n, e4899_n, e4900_n, e4901_n, e4902_n, v5476_m, v5477_m, v5478_m, v5479_m, v5480_m, v5481_m, v5482_m, v5483_m, v5484_m, v5485_m, v5486_m, v5487_m, v5488_m, v5839_m, v7329_m, v7477_m, v7552_m, v7553_m, v7554_m, v7555_m, v7556_m, v7557_m, v7558_m, v7559_m, v7560_m, v7561_m, v7562_m, v7563_m, v7564_m, v7565_m, v7566_m, v7567_m, v7568_m, v7569_m, v7570_m, v7571_m, v7572_m, v7573_m, v7574_m, v7575_m, v7576_m, v7577_m, v7578_m, v7579_m, v7580_m, v7581_m, v7582_m, v7583_m, v7584_m, v7585_m, v7586_m, v7587_m, v7588_m, v7589_m, v7590_m, v7591_m, v7592_m, v7593_m, v7594_m, v7595_m, v7596_m, v7597_m, v7598_m, v7599_m, v7600_m, v7601_m, v7602_m, v7603_m, v7604_m, v7605_m, v7606_m, v7607_m, v7608_m, v7609_m, v7610_m, v7611_m, v7612_m, v7613_m, v7614_m, v7615_m, v7616_m, v7617_m, v7618_m, v7619_m, v7620_m, v7621_m, v7622_m, v7623_m, v7624_m, v7625_m, v7626_m, v7627_m, v7628_m, v7629_m, v7630_m, v7631_m, v7632_m, v7633_m, v7634_m, v7635_m, v7636_m, v7637_m, v7638_m, v7639_m, v7640_m, v7780_m, o 61 validations rules with severity level modification: v3121_h, v2040_s, v4748_m, v4749_m, v4750_m, v4764_m, v4765_m, v4766_m, v4767_m, v4768_m, v4776_m, v4777_m, v4778_m, v4779_m, v4781_m, v4782_m, v4850_m, v4851_m, v5016_s, v5442_m, v5444_m, v5445_m, v5446_m, v5468_m, v5688_s, v5739_h, v5903_s, v5905_s, v5906_s, v5909_s, v5911_s, v5912_s, v6053_m, v6301_m, Website: http://eba.europa.eu, Single Rulebook Q&A http://www.eba.europa.eu/single-rule-book-qa, XBRL specific queries: [email protected] 6 v6286_m, v6288_m, v6258_m, v6259_m, v6263_m, v6264_m, v6329_m, v6330_m, v6331_m, v6363_m, v6380_m, v6381_m, v6382_m, v6383_m, v6384_m, v6385_m, v6386_m, v6388_m, v6389_m, v6390_m, v6391_m, v6392_m, v6393_m, v6394_m, v6405_m, v6522_a, v7319_m, o 33 validation rule deleted: v3022_m, v3023_m, v3024_m, v3025_m, v3026_m, v3027_m, v3028_m, v3029_m, v3030_m, v3031_m, v3032_m, v3033_m, v3034_m, v3035_m, v4472_m, v4606_i, v4607_i, v4610_i, v4611_i, v5208_m, v5209_m, v5210_m, v5211_m, v5212_m, v5213_m, v5214_m, v5215_m, v5216_m, v5217_m, v5218_m, v5219_m, v5220_m, v5221_m o 32 “old not XBRL implemented” validation rules implemented in XBRL: v7520_m, v7521_m, v7522_m, v7523_m, v7524_m, v7525_m, v7526_m, v7527_m, v7528_m, v7529_m, v7530_m, v7531_m, v7532_m, v7533_m, v7534_m, v7535_m, v7536_m, v7537_m, v7538_m, v7539_m, v7540_m, v7541_m, v7542_m, v7543_m, v7544_m, v7545_m, v7546_m, v7547_m, v7548_m, v7549_m, v7550_m, v7551_m Artefacts included DPM database EBA Validation Rules List Taxonomy package v2.9.1 COREP and FINREP and v2.9.0.2 hotfix SBP (5/11/2019) Website: http://eba.europa.eu, Single Rulebook Q&A http://www.eba.europa.eu/single-rule-book-qa, XBRL specific queries: [email protected] 7 Summary and Impact V2.9.1, a corrected version on COREP and FINREP reporting area. o Grey out cell {r485;c020,030,040} on table C 72.00.a and C 72.00.w o Grey out cells {r010,r120;c015} on C 67.00 o Correct modelling of r120: Counterparty nature should be Not applicable/ All counterparties (CT:x0) instead of Counterparties other than central banks (CT:x9) on C 71.00 o Correct modelling of r0860, r0820, r0750: All assets (MC:x25) instead of Debt securities (MC:x60) on C 66.01; o Correct modelling of r0900: Equity Instruments (MC:x130) instead of Debt securities (MC:x60) on C 66.01 o Correct the grey cells layout on C 73.00.w to make it consistent with C 73.00.a and ITS. o Grey out cell {r040,c860} on C 13.01 o Open cells (r010,r020;c030) on C 72.00.a and C 72.00.w o Correct modelling of r230: Main category of collateral or guarantee received (MCG:MC) instead of Main category of collateral or guarantee (MCC:MC) given on table F 20.04. o Include 2 EGDQ VRs v7520_m, v7521_m to test the capacity of the treatment of the new features applied in the XBRL implementation (general filter and match filter) on reporting systems. V2.9.0.2, a hotfix version on SBP reporting area, the assertion generic message has been corrected by replacing “(exposure after CRM}}” by a “(exposure after CRM)” in vr-v6183_m-err-en.xml, the assertion label has been corrected by “(exposure after CRM}” by a “(exposure after CRM)” in vr-v6183_m-lab-en.xml.
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