Town ofWebster Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Adoptty/: Town ofWebster, Town Board, September 4, 1997 " , Approved: NYS Secretary ofState Alexander F. Treadwell, April 9, 1998 Concurred: U.S. Office ofOcean and Coastal Resource Management, July 9, 1998 This Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) has been adopted and approved in accordance with provisions ofthe Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act (Executive Law, Article 42) and its implementing regulations (6 NYCRR 601). Federal concurrence on the incorporation of this Local Waterfront Revitalization Program into the New York State Coastal Management Program as a routine program change has been obtained in accordance with provisions of the U.S. Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (pL. 92-583), as amended, and its implementing regulations (15 CFR 923). The preparation of this program was financially aided by a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. Federal Grant No. NA-82-AA-D-CZ068. The New York State Coastal Management Program and the preparation of ' Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs are administered by the New York State Department of State, Division of Coastal Resources, 41 State Street, Albany, New York 12231. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Nationsl Ocesnlc and Atmospheric Adminilltrlticn NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE OFFICE OF OCEAN AND COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SiI"er Spring. Maryland 20910 JIJL - 9 1998 George Stafford Director Division ofCoastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization Department ofState 41 State Street Albany, New York 12231 Dear Mr. Stafford: The Office ofOcean and Coastal Resouroe Management concurs with your request to incorporate the Town ofWebster Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) into the New York State Coastal Management Program as a Routine Program Change (RPC). We received comments from six Federal agencies, none ofwhich objected to incorporating the LWRP as a RPC. This approval assumes you will make no further changes to the document in addition to the ones submitted. In accordance with the Coastal Management Regulations, 15 CFR 923.84, Federal Consistency will apply to the Town ofWebster after you pUblish notice ofour approval. Sincerely, THE TOWN OF WEBSTER 716-872-1000 At a regular meeting of the Webster Town Board of the Town of Webster, Monroe c~lY,6Nl?~~, held at the Town Hall, 1000 Ridge Road, in the Town of Webster, New York on the 4th day of September, 1997, there were present: Supervisor Cathryn C. Thomas Councilman James F. Carlevatti Councilman William C. Saucke - Absent Councilman Ronald W. Nesbitt Councilman Henry J. KUjawa RESOLUTION No. 202 Motion by Supervisor Thomas, seconded by Councilman Carlevatti, to wit: Resolution Adopting the Town ofWebster Local Waterfront Revitalization Program WHEREAS, the Town ofWebster initiated preparation ofa Local Waterfront Revitalization Program in cooperation with the New York State Department ofState, pursuant to Article 42 of the Executive Law; and WHEREAS, a Draft Local Waterfront Revitalization Program was prepared and circulated by the Department ofState with potentially affected State, Federal and local agencies in accordance with the requirements ofExecutive Law, Article 42; and WHEREAS, the Webster Town Board, as lead agency, filed a Negative Declaration - Notice of Determination ofNon-Significance for preparation ofthe Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Article 8 ofthe Environmental Conservation Law (State Environmental Quality Review Act); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town ofWebster Local Waterfront Revitalization Program is hereby adopted and that the Town Supervisor is authorized to submit the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to the New York State Secretary ofState for approval, pursuant to the Waterfront Revitalization ofCoastal Areas and Inland Waterways Act. Vote on motion: Supervisor Thomas Aye Councilman Saucke Absent . Councilman Nesbitt Aye Councilman Carlevatti Aye Councilman Kujawa Aye Motion carried .4-0 Dated: September 4, 1997 *** State ofNew York: County ofMonroe SS Town ofWebster : This will certify that the above exhibit is an exact copy ofthe original which is filed in the Office ofthe Webster Town Clerk. udith A. Pilletteri, Town Clerk S E A L Dated: October 6, 1997 Webster, New York Town ofWebster 1000 Ridge Road, Webster, NY 14580-2917.716-872-1000.716-872-1352 (FAX) October 16, 1997 Honorable Alexander F. Treadwell Secretary ofState 41 State Street Albany, New York 12231-0001 Re: Town ofWebster Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Dear Secretary Treadwell: The Webster Town Board fonnallyadopted its Final Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) on September 4, 1997. This action was taken after having completed all environmental review procedures in accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and having addressed review comments received pursuant to Article 42 ofthe NYS Executive Law. On behalf of the Town of Webster, I am pleased to send the following LWRP documents for your review: I. A certified copy ofthe Town Board Resolution dated September 4, 1997 adopting the Town ofWebster Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and 2. A certified copy ofthe Resolution ofthe Webster Town Board To Enact Local Law #2 of 1997 - Waterfront Consistency Review Law [Chapter 222 Code ofthe Town ofWebster]. As Supervisor ofthe Town ofWebster, and on behalfofthe entire Town, I respectfully request your consideration and approval of the Town of Webster Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Article 42 ofthe NYS Executive Law. CCT:st Cathryn C. Thomas, Webster Town Supervisor 1000 Ridge Road, Webster, NY 14580-2917. 716-872-7068 • 716-872-7093 (FAX) E-mail: [email protected]. Web Site: http://www.ci.webster.ny.us Printed on recycled paper. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I WEBSTER WATERFRONT BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION 1-3 Section I MAP Town ofWebster Boundary Map 1 1-5 SECTION II INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS A. COMMUNITY OVERVIEW 11-3 B. GENERAL LAND USE AND OUTSTANDING NATURAL FEATURES 11-5 C. AREA HISTORY, HISTORIC SITES AND STRUCTURES 11-11 D. WATER RESOURCES 11-12 E. SCENIC RESOURCES AND VISUAL QUALITy 11-17 F. WATER DEPENDENT AND ENHANCED USES ............... .. 11-27 G. UNDERUTILIZED AND DETERIORATED SITES. ..................... .. 11-28 H. PUBLIC ACCESS AREAS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES 11-31 I. DEVELOPMENT CONSTRAINTS 11-32 INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS APPENDIX 11-43 Section II EXHIBITS AND MAPS Existing Land Use Map 2................................................... .. 11-9 EXHIBITII-I Irondequoit Bay Landforms ................................................ .. II-JO EXHIBITII-2 DENONVILLETRAIL I~I3 EXHIBITII-3 IRONDEQUOITBAY-A II-17 EXHIBITII-3 IRONDEQUOITBAY- B .................................................. .. II-I9 EXHIBITII-4 IRONDEQUOITBAY WATERSHED II-2I EXHIBIT11-5 IRONDEQUOITBAY WETLANDS. ......................................... .. II-3I EXHIBITII-6 FISH SPECIES AND AQUATICPLANTS ASSOCIATED WITH IRONDEQUOIT BA Y ............................................... .. II-35 EXHIBITII-7 BREEDING BIRDS OF THE IRONDEQUOITBAYAREA 11-37 Town ofWebster Habitat Map - a ... ...................................................... .. II-49 Town ofWebster Habitat Map - b II-51 SECTION III POLICIES SECTION IV PROPOSED LAND AND WATER USES AND PROPOSED PROJECTS A. PROPOSED LAND USE PLAN . .. ... .. .. ....................... .. ... .. IV-3 B. PROPOSED PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROJECTS IV-19 Section IV MAPS Proposed Land Use Map 3 IV-ll Webster Park Potential Land Acquisition. ................................... .. IV-17 SECTION V TECHNIQUES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE PROGRAM A LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE LWRP , V-7 B OTHER PUBLIC AND/OR PRIVATE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE LWRP V-12 C TOWN OF WEBSTER MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE. ................ .. V-l3 D LOCAL FINANCIAL RESOURCES V-17 E SUMMARY OF IMPLEMENTATION OF LWRP POLICIES THROUGH LEGISLATION AND OTHER ACTIONS V-19 Section V MAP and Exhibit Zoning Map 4 " V-5 MANAGEMENTSTRUCTURE , .. .. .. V-15 SECTION VI STATE AND FEDERAL ACTIONS AND PROGRAMS LIKELY TO AFFECT IMPLEMENTATION A. STATE AND FEDERAL ACTIONS AND PROGRAMS WHICH SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN IN A MANNER CONSISTENT WITH THE LWRP VI-3 B. STATE AND FEDERAL ACTIONS AND PROGRAMS NECESSARY TO FURTHER THE TOWN OF WEBSTER'S LWRP VI-26 SECTION I WATERFRONT RE ITALIZATION AREA BOUNDARY SECTION 1 WEBSTER WATERFRONT BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION The boundary ofthe Town ofWebster's waterfront revitalization area is as follows: Offshore Bmmdary The offshore boundary of the Town of Webster waterfront revitalization area coincides with the Town municipal boundary line along the midpoint oflrondequoit Bay to the west. The offshore boundary along Lake Ontario to the north coincides with the mean high landward line ­ 246.8 feet above sea level (International Great Lakes datum). Inland Boundary Beginning at the Town line to the south, the boundary proceeds along the east edge ofBay Road from the Town line north to Yolk Road, then westerly along the north edge ofVolk Road to Dewitt Road, then northerly along the east edge ofDewitt Road to Countryside Lane and then easterly to Bay Road, then northerly along Bay Road to Lake Road, then easterly along the south side ofLake Road and continuing to the south edge ofVosburg Road to Ship Builders Creek, then following the flood
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