r r I THE CLINTON REPUBLICAN, ST. JOHNS, MICH., JANUARY 14, 1904. MMUMU ummi ; u u u yjUU I Vtf ¥ M--MM V -S Dewitt. Wncoustn. Lebanon Farmer* ’ Club. Eureka. S. Dills now occupies his new The fine sleighing makes business Albert Smothers was quite ill last fib*' Lebanon Farmers’ Clnb met Thurs­ week. Michigan 5-Horse lively. day, January 7, at Wm. Pinkney ’s insist Moses is suffering from severe George Brace is preparing to build a home. The attendance was large, the Grant Cleveland lias moved into the LEADS THE WORLD «!•<'las in one of liis feet, new liay-barrack. new hotel Colonial. Quarantssd to exc«l any other fr&*olln<> fnrtna program excellent, and everyone present la power, convenience mid durablUtr. anu s Hale has gone to Geneva, N. Y.t The new plan for Sunday services in enjoyed the day. Mrs. S. J. Patterson was much worn* We have omitted all um lem and noisy partn ^ mother is quite ill at that place. the Congregational church—Sabbath A song by the clnb opened the fore­ last wock but is improving. and liave built from best dodge* obtainable anywhere. With tho aid 15 years satisfactory Simmons returned Tuesday to school at 10 a. m; preaching at 10:45. noon program. After prayer by Rev.- Mrs. Addie Cronk is visiting her work and tho taut facilities and tools in the tin, after spending a few days at his A lively harvest of excellent ice is in J. K. Foote, the retiring president, Jay sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Gower. country. Every farmer should have TH E u*. full progress. Sessions, introduced the uew president, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Green will move MICHIGAN FIVE-HORSE. It will pump F. H. Conley, whoiu a brief aud earn- water, saw wood, cut and grind feed, lore • ugl--. Lucy Sheldon from near Maple Q. L. Taylor lias begun jirejiarations into the Walker lionse this week. wells, and do many other kinds of work at an set speech, expressed his sense of respon ­ expense almost nothing. Illustrated booklet, ils, is caring for her father, Mr. for an addition to his house, which he sibility in assuming the office, and urged Dr. G. E. Frank, of Bannister, was mailed free, tells all a)x>ut It ami our other mod ­ arit* A. Sloan, who is quite feeble. expects to build the coming summer. iu Eureka professionally last week. els of Uasoilne Engines. Write lor it. Ask upon the members their duties of regu­ your dtwler about our Engines. ,Hf. H. Brink has made 90 feet down to- Ivah Waldron, who has had the only lar attendance, taking assigned parts on Mrs. J. R. Jefferys, who has been ill NATIONAL ENGINEERING CO.( IJ*nl a well. Frank Love, of Riley, is case of typhoid fever occarring this programs, joining in discussions, etc Big' Risks for several months, is slowly improving. Saerlr**w, W. S., Mich. tug it but as yet lias not succeeded winter in this vicinity, is now improv ­ Jay Sessions gave a recitation, entitled Lots of Time. Loss of Mono*. J. E. Kirby attended an Odd Fellow 9'V (ting a well. ing steadily. “Christmas Thoughts.” Lost of Place. Loss of Comfort, installation at Bannister Saturday eve­ >>•$ Viola Drake returned to Mt. Bert Andrus aud wife left Monday Mrs. Nettio Lowe reads tine paper on all follow In tha train of not usinf ning. “‘“‘mens, after visiting her parents, Mr. morning for Syracuse, New York, “Habits and Character.” Only a few Mr. aud Mrs. C. E. VauSickle, of St. Mrs. Orton Drake. Her brother, where they will speud some days with of its many good ideas can be mttitioned. Johns, spent Sunday with her sister, U/>e "rjvis, accompanied her and will visit a his sister, Mrs. Louis Streeter, and- Upon onr habits our •characters are Mrs. L A. Jefferys. bnilt. Onoe formed, habit becomes un ­ u‘Vt time in Montcalm county. family before he starts out for his year St Jacobs Oil Mr. and Mrs. Perry Grnhaugh, of c jws of commercial travel. conscious, aud controls even the strong­ OLD STAND J . was reoeived by Arthur Cater- Owosso, are visiting her }>arents, Mr. »1" that Omar Brown, a former resi­ Dr. Hiukson is still using cratches on est character. “As a man thinketh, so is he.” Self-respect is a powerful deter ­ For Rheumatism, and Mrs. T. S. Wagner. ON WALKER STREET WEST st of St. Johns and Dewitt, died a few account of the spraiued ankle he receiv­ Neuralgia, Lumbago, if,'- ago at the home of his sister, Mrs. ed as the result of his fall on Christmas rent on evil. Train mind and heart in Mr. Pattersou and wife, of Livingston Is Headquarters for — 'W, of Quincy. He is survived by eve, but is attendiug to business and truth, integrity and goodness, and with Sciatica, Sprains county, visited his uncle, 8. J. Patter­ I lions, Acil, of Coldwater, aad Floyd, steadily improving strong purpose and individuality a per­ son, aud wife last week. Disston and Atkins ’ Cross-Cut Saws, iorthville. fect character is built. Reading is the It has cured thousands. Will Mr. and Mrs H. N. Stearns and We would call attention again to the most powerful influence in formation of cure you. Price 25c. and 50c. daughter, Essie, of Ferris, are visitiug Axes, Handles, Feed Cookers, Tank Heaters donation p&rtv announced last week to character, and only helpful books should be held next Wednesday evening, Jan ­ their son, Owen Stearns and wife. ------------------- n be chosen, for the mind can grow in Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fritz and little son, aary 20th, in the Congregational church, quality ouly by good aud streugtheuiug ******* ****************** for the benefit of the paBtor. A chicken Gerald, of Elsie, were guests of his thoughts aud kuowlegde. uucle, J. R. Jefferys and family, Sunday. -wle home of Joseph Bard was a scene pie supper will be served from 5 o’clock Heating Stoves, Very Low Prices;; p. m. until all are served. A short pro­ In discussion, Rev. J. E. Foote said Miss Stella Harp, of Ashley, spent of a pleasant surprise on Monday even ­ we should have the pa]ier for further We still have a few heating stovesto close out at very low prices ing as about 125 neighbors marchedgram into will be given and a good social Hubbardston. the latter part of last week in the home time is anticipated. study. He endorsed nearly every idea of John Price, returning home Sanday. NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY ONE. his home and took possession. After presented, but thought reading had tod [he company was seated to an elegant The sermon to men last Sunday, by little attraction for evil minds to be of Mrs. Geo. Hayes visited in Bloomer A sleighload of young people went to Supper, M. T. Woodruff, in behalf of Rev. R. S. Bowman, was an earnest call nse in transforming character. S. M. Sanday. Du plain last Saturday night and spent We sell the “WHITE LILY WASHER ’ on trial |lio Indies Improvement society, pre to them to be alert in all their duties, Boyle said he conld warmlv endorse the P. H. Fabry is building an ice house the evening in the home of Mr. Bnrgess and under a strong guarantee. '^lim with a fine Morris chair, in public as well as private, great civic re­ paper which had evidently impressed back of his store. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith returned ' actuation of his earnest and liberal sponsibilities resting npon them in these every hearer. Jay Sessions agreed that Jas. Shields; of Grand Rapids, was from Breckenridge Saturday. Their i} See our fine lines of Cutlery, Reed Anti-Rust Tinware, Van Dyke < ► JpTort in their behalf; Mr. Bard respoud- days of crime and corruption in high the best reliance we all have is self-re­ home over Sunday. grandson, Floyd Wilson, returned with Enameled Ware, Enameled Sinks and Ball-bearing Olotbes Ti a few well chosen words of thanks, laces The sermon next Sunday will spect. Good reading and books gener­ them. Wringers. The beet is the cheapest--buy a fnd assured the ladies, and all, of his Ee to the women, but in order that they Oda Parmer, of Carson City, is at­ ally are sadly neglected for daily pa­ tending school here. Martin & Green, general merchants, MALLEABLE RAN OB. aud his wife’s earnest assisstanoe and co­ may be able to be present, the men pers. have dissolved partnership. Mr. Martin operation in the future. The evening mast come and bring them—the mothers, Frank Redfern thought that in many Born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sturgis will continue the business at the old ( was passed East with games be Wilt. and dancing, ana wives, sweethearts, aunts and coosins. homes where games are indulged in on Saturday, January 8, a son. stand. was enjoyed by all till the “wee sma Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daniells celebrat­ Sunday afternoons, the public library Mrs. T. S. Strickling visited her son, The R. N. of A. will hold a public in- 'hours.”Mr. and Mrs. Hulet and family, of ed January 8, the eighty-seventh birth­ might better be called upon for good T. 8., at Wood ’s corners last week. day anniversary of lus grandfather, Na­ stallatiop at M. W. of A. hall Friday J. H. Corbit. Holly, spent several days recently with reading. Earl Reed, of Buffalo, N. Y,. visit ­ evening, January 29, to which all are their daughter, Mrs. Daniel Heiler.... thaniel L. Daniells, who is a member of President Conley said we must allow ing his parents, Mr.
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