ex libris /-\ pile GUNK XII (Published: December 1, 2019) Gunk XII - Tarot #0044 Filed under: GUNK Available at: https://pile.sdbs.cz/item/44 read or share /Raise what Synchs/ what /Raise GUNK XII GUNK er.wordpress.com/sola-busca-waite-smith-tarot/ Solabuscatarot1998, https://solabuscatarot1998may Solabuscatarot1998, definition. or Waite-Smith Tarot, to use the current current the use to Tarot, Waite-Smith or Tarot, published by Rider (London, 1909), 1909), (London, Rider by published Tarot, make his own deck, then titled Rider-Waite Rider-Waite titled then deck, own his make - Zózomus - en Dawn) was the artist chosen by himself to to himself by chosen artist the was Dawn) en power. gration of the Hermetic Order of the Gold the of Order Hermetic the of gration is the well which comprehends comprehends which well the is Rite established by Waite after the disinte the after Waite by established Rite starts to be corrosive. Strength Strength corrosive. be to starts Pamela (who was part of the Independent Independent the of part was (who Pamela - former is precisely when power power when precisely is former have been able to draw them. As is known, known, is As them. draw to able been have nate to power, and a lack of the the of lack a and power, to nate the British Museum, because he wouldn’t wouldn’t he because Museum, British the others. Strength is superordi is Strength others. man Smith to see the Sola-Busca cards at at cards Sola-Busca the see to Smith man works elliptically, by way of of way by elliptically, works It is likely that Waite invited Pamela Col Pamela invited Waite that likely is It ifestation, while power always always power while ifestation, insofar as it is solar in its man its in solar is it as insofar - - Strength is more than power, power, than more is Strength - crete iteration of that strength. strength. that of iteration crete pentacles(10).rev = wisdom = pentacles(10).rev The function of king is the con the is king of function The - closing the mouth of the lion. lion. the of mouth the closing simultaneously opening and and opening simultaneously - - ey. Strength cuts both ways, ways, both cuts Strength ey. and wield the organon of mon of organon the wield and must also be strong to aaccept aaccept to strong be also must wands(5).rev = strife = wands(5).rev challenge comes around. One One around. comes challenge wands(7).rev = courage = wands(7).rev take the easy way out when the the when out way easy the take XI = Justice = XI - reject the lure of money, to to money, of lure the reject part. One must be strong to to strong be must One part. def cross(swords(page)): cross(swords(page)): def the same, and money plays a a plays money and same, the Power and strength are not not are strength and Power swords(6).rev = separation = swords(6).rev Waite is often cited as the designer of the Waite-Smith Tarot, but it would be more accurate to consider him as half of a design team, with responsibility for the major concepts, the structure of individual cards, and the overall symbolic system. Because Waite was not an artist himself, he commissioned Smith to create the actual deck.[9] It is likely that Smith worked from Waite’s written and verbal instructions rather than from sketches; that is, from detailed descriptions of the desired de- signs. [...] It appears that Waite pro- vided detailed instructions mainly or exclusively for the Major Arcana, and simple lists of meanings for the Minor Arcana or ‘pip’ cards. Thus the mem- orable scenes of the Minor Arcana owe largely to Smith’s own invention. The Minor Arcana are indeed one of the notable achievements of this deck, - as most earlier tarot decks (especial- ly those of the Marseilles type) have extremely simple pip cards. Smith’s innovative illustrations for the Minor Arcana, with their rich symbolism, made the Waite-Smith deck a widely imitated model for other tarot decks. “Seven is the number of perfection.” [Eden Gray] The knave stealing away with the spoils of the camp. Truth has been pil “Pamela Colman-Smith,” Wikipedia, from Kaplan, Stuart fered, and VII is a sophist suspect. The perfection of swords R. (2009). The Artwork & Times of Pamela Colman Smith. lies in their ability to evade detection while simultaneously walking away with the means of war. The edges of the suit hide camouflage and malintent. The knight, the king, the queen, and her lover. GUNK XII /Raise what Synchs/ GUNK ..RAISE WHAT SYNCHS XII ? www.diffractionscollective.org VISIT vladimir orloJ vladimir and WHO THE HELL IS HELL THE WHO and judgement Why is so unpalatable to him? to unpalatable so is Why to ‘Lust’. He also changed Arcana XX–Last Judgement for XX–Aeon. for Judgement XX–Last Arcana changed also He ‘Lust’. to In his Thoth deck, Aleister Crowley changed the eleventh Arcana Arcana eleventh the changed Crowley Aleister deck, Thoth his In Reversed Tarot cards. You either love them or hate them. Me – I love them. Pamela “Pixie” Colman Smith wrote and illustrated several books about Jamaican folk- Why? Because I’ve discovered a number of different ways lore, including Annancy Stories (1899) and Chim-Chim, Folk to read reversed Tarot cards without getting stuck in the Stories from Jamaica (1905). ‘doom and gloom’ that is so often associated with reversals. [...] She also continued her il- lustration work, taking on proj- But there’s one technique for reading reversals that I love ects for William Butler Yeats and his brother, the painter the most. It’s soulful, healing and deeply insightful. Yet Jack Yeats. She illustrated Bram Stoker’s last novel, The Lair of many Tarot readers aren’t even aware that this technique the White Worm in 1911, and Ellen Terry’s book on Diaghi- exists! lev’s Ballets Russes, The Russian […] Ballet in 1913. Smith supported the struggle for the right to vote, When I look at an upright Tarot card, I see it as ‘externally and through the Suffrage Ate- lier, a collective of profession- expressed energy’. That is, the energy of that Tarot card is al illustrators, she contributed artwork to further the cause of expressed outwardly into the world. women’s suffrage in Great Brit- ain. Additionally, Smith donat- ed her services for more post- Upright Tarot cards represent energy that is experienced in er designs and toys to the Red Cross during World War I.[3] your external environment and in your relationships with In 1903, Smith launched her people and situations. own magazine under the title The Green Sheaf, with contri- If upright cards represent externally expressed energy, then- butions by Yeats, Christopher St reversed Tarot cards are internally expressed energy. That John (Christabel Marshall), Ce- cil French, A. E. (George Wil- is, energy that is held within ourselves or that is more pri liam Russell), Gordon Craig (El- len Terry’s son), Dorothy Ward, vate or even secretive. John Todhunter, and others. The Green Sheaf survived for a little Bridget, “An Alternative Way to Reading Reversed Tarot Cards,” Biddy Tarot, <https:// over a year, a total of 13 issues. www.biddytarot.com/reversed-tarot-card-meanings/> - Kaplan, Stuart R. -2009-. !!!!! The Artwork - Times of FOOL’S COUNCIL PRAGUE 2020 Pamela Colman Smith. !!!!!!!Don’t forget to book your tickets to and -Pyne, Kathleen -2007-. Modernism and the feminine voice: O-Keeffe and the women of the Stieglitz circle..
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