Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS New Zealand National Bridge Congress 2016 September 24th to October 1st th Daily Bulletin 6 29 September Editorial Staff : Nick Jacob & Mark Hangartner Winners of the Congress pairs: Brad Moss and David Appleton The Daily Bulletin is extremely grateful to Babich Wines for their on-going sponsorship. Babich is a top quality New Zealand vintner. Babich Wines has been voted amongst the world’s top 50 most admired wine brands in a survey by Drinks International. r 26th to October 3rd P a g e | 1 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Congress Noticeboard Arranging a free airport shuttle for Sunday: please let the desk staff know by 3pm Saturday at the latest if you will need a shuttle. Ride sharing especially to Auckland. Please use the whiteboard by the desk to offer or ask for rides, All Teams : 10 AM 2:15 PM 7:30PM “Even Homer Nods Award” - the expert who manages to make the biggest prat of him or herself by a masterpiece of inanity at the table. The experts DO nod in the most amazing ways – please share their efforts with the world. The Del’Monte Award Originally presented by Simon (Curly) Del’Monte this is presented annually for the most sporting act to come to notice at Congress. When you are recipient of an act of sportsmanship, please tell us about it. Contact the Editors: Nick Jacob Mobile 0221969576, [email protected] Mark Hangartner Mobile 0277153987, [email protected] Facebook (as a last resort) https://www.facebook.com/mark.hangartner Thursday Lunch Menu - Price: $12 PER PERSON Beef stir fry OR Egg fried rice Salad Bar Sauces Sliced tomato Mayonnaise Asian slaw Tomato sauce Sliced red onion Sweet chilli sauce Grated carrot Soy sauce Sliced lettuce Salad dressing P a g e | 2 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Anyone for Standard signals? This gem comes from Neil Hawkins, who was playing the second session of the Back To The Future Teams. 4♦ by South Lead: ♣3 Neil was sitting South and found himself at the helm of a quiet 4♦ contract. Anne-Marie Russell, sitting West, found the devilish lead of the ♣3. Neil was unsuspecting of this lead and called for the ♣2. Now we swing over to Stephen Francks, sitting East… Stephen rather liked Anne-Marie's lead. He knew it wasn't a singleton because Anne-Marie had to have short diamonds. He wanted to signal that he liked the lead and he was playing Reverse signals, so he encouraged… with the ♣4! Winning the opening lead with the 5 is no small feat. But winning the opening lead with the singleton 5? That is something special. Come find the bulletin staff for a bottle of wine, Neil. Systems Yesterday we were discussing the number of complicated systems such as T-Rex , transfer openings etc and suction. "Yes, I was sucked too" one of us said. Cheers, Bill P a g e | 3 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS P a g e | 4 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Profile Gary Hanna For once the T-shirt says it all. Gary, one of our ever-presents, keeps NZ Bridge on its toes with sometimes intemperate postings on Kiwibridge. His graciousness and enthusiasm for bridge are however unquestioned. G’day Gary it is great to have you here. 2♥ + 2♥ = ? Queensland's Jimmy Wallis has seen it all. He bids and plays at the speed of light, so it is rare to find an auction that makes him pause for thought. ♠ 532 ♥ ♦ KQ106542 ♣ Q53 Jimmy's partner, Bill Nash, loves to bid 'em up, so Jimmy wasn't expecting a chance to play in diamonds at a comfortable level. Bill opened 2♥, which seemed to put paid to Jimmy's chances of playing in diamonds. But South decided her hand wasn't strong enough to P a g e | 5 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS overcall 2NT (looking at the hand below, who can blame her?) and decided a better description was an undercall of 1NT. Jimmy is a gentleman through and through, so he let the lady have her bid. He could now bid a very much non-forcing 2♦. But Bill didn't fly all the way from Australia to put down a nice 6-4 as dummy. So, after opening 2♥, he decided to rebid (in the literal sense of the word) 2♥. Jimmy observed, "That's 4♥ you're playing, Bill. 2♥ + 2♥ = 4♥." Regardless, he corrected to 3♦. Bill didn't try his luck with a third 2♥ bid and instead let Jimmy buy the contract. 3♦ failed by one trick. Jimmy quipped, "We've got a bid in the system for my hand. If I bid 3♦ over 1NT that's weak. But I knew Bill wouldn't be able to resist rebidding his suit, and I didn't want to have to rebid 4♦." Like I said, Jimmy's seen it all. Trust him to have system over his opponents' insufficient bids! The full hand and auction: 2♥ 1NT(!) 2♦(!) Pass 2♥(!) Pass 3♦ = P a g e | 6 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Profile Clair Miao and Leo Lin Clair Miao has only been in New Zealand for two years, but she is already a friend to everyone in the Auckland bridge scene. She describes partner-in-life and partner-in-bridge, Leo Lin, as her bridge tutor. It must be working – Leo and Clair finished 14th in the NZ Pairs Final and have just qualified for the NZ Teams Round of 16. Leo lives in Taiwan, and he is one of the two things Clair misses the most about Taiwan – as well as beef noodles. Clair and Leo kindly answered some questions about each other… To Clair: “What animal is Leo like?” Clair: “A dog, because he is smelly! Just kidding, it’s because he is loyal.” To Leo: “What animal is Clair like?” Leo: “A rabbit. Her action, her style, the way she talks, she’s always jumping around.” Final thought… Clair: “You guys are just like immigration with all your questions, it’s like applying for a visa!” P a g e | 7 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Bidding in a multiuniverse Reality DR CA Pass Pass 1♣ Pass 2♣ Pass 2♦ Pass 2♠ ? Ackerley multi universe DR CA Pass Pass Pass 1♣ 2♣ Pass 2♦ Pass 2♠ ? ? The observant will note that even what passes for reality when Douglas and Chris are at the table the usual norms of bidding have been academically discarded. In a conscious effort to deconstruct a bidding framework which disenfranchises the club suit our South has chosen to open a bidding dialogue with 1♣. In solidarity with this club preference North has also spurned the systemic hegemony of the majors for 2♣. Painting fuller pictures of their hands they bid naturally until we reach the point of decision for the East player who has until now been silent. In the real world few actual bridge players would feel constrained to offer any contribution to the bidding and North South could continue on possibly to the politically very desirable No Trump contract. However our hero the East player has been attentively following the auction in the Ackerley multiuniverse. For him his partner has opened a strength-based club suit, distracting opposing bids have occurred during which his helpful P a g e | 8 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS passes have revealed a 0-4 point hand. Knowing that some action is needed to alert Douglas to his maximum Chris bids 2NT. At this point South steps across the divide from reality to join Chris and gracefully renouncing the chance of a juicy penalty he bids a mild 3♣. Befuddled all now pass, the contract makes. “the Gods are having their laugh, whatever one does” Chris A. Barbara Campbell told me about a jocular exchange at a table with John Mitchell and Helen Barker from Nelson playing together against a pair who had been less than agreeable. John had been active in the bidding over several boards popping up with bids all the time. His opponent turned to him and asked him about his habit of getting these bids in “Do they call you Rabbit at your club?” John replied with a question “What do they call you at your club?” “Arsehole” was the reply. “At least we agree on one thing” said John. Simon would be (Curly) smiling Del’Monte There have been numerous cases of active ethics: taking no action with a clear bid after partner’s hesitation (Gary Hanna nominated by Grant Jarvis), allowing a miscalled card from dummy to be replaced (Sam Simpson nominated by Andrew Purves) P a g e | 9 Thursday, September 29, 2016 [NEW ZEALAND NATIONAL BRIDGE CONGRESS Going for a number - 2800 There are numerous euphemisms players use when required to share a particularly big penalty incurred. Some that come to mind are “speeding ticket”, “sticks and stones” (for -1100), “ah I thought that might be bad”. Some with sadness and some with glee will remember the 2000 club that emerged at last year’s congress. Some are Akarana players so my lips are sealed. I am not quite sure what you say when you have to bring back the -2800 incurred when 2♦ XX didn’t go well. I think it is safe to say this is the biggest plus score Judy McLeod and Lynn Geursen have ever scored, and quite likely to go unbeaten at Congress.
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